Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ It's time to go home ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights of DBZ so please refrain from suing me, thanks!

*Glomps her reviewers* Thank you soooo much!!!!! I'm glad you are enjoying this story!

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Trunks watched as his father and Goku landed gracefully in the back yard of Capsule Corp from his office window. Getting up from the mound of paper work strewn through out the desk, Trunks gaze out the window at the two most powerful warriors in the universe. He hadn't talked with his father in a very long time, ever since he had told his son and daughter that he was now living with Kakarott and was intimate with the gentle giant of a saiyan. After the announcement, Trunks cold cocked his father and also took some pop shots at Goku before leaving, declaring that the whole Son family were freaks. Cracking his knuckles and growling to himself, Trunks went back to work trying to find the top of his desk through the mess.

Bra had seen her father land in the back yard and raced out of the house to tackle him in a hug. She was excited every time Vegeta had taken time out to come and visit, even if it was just her he came to see.

"Hey Daddy!" She yelled as she jumped up and latched on around his neck.
"Down girl! Where's your mother at?"
"Umm I think she's out of town on business this week. She should be home in a few days."
"And who is watching you?" Goku asked looking around the beautiful flower gardens.
"I'm old enough to be by myself now Daddy, but Grandma and Poppy are around someplace. Trunks is too busy playing business man to actually notice I'm around you know." The spitting image of Bulma spat out as she glanced towards Trunks' office windows.
"Of course, tell your brother that I wish to speak to him when he has the time to spare. Come on Kakarott, let's go pick a fight with the Namek and your eldest." Watching her father and Goku leave, Bra followed his orders in telling her older brother that he was to see his father when time permitted.

"Trunks can I come in?" Bra knocked on the door with her head peeking around the corner. Trunks tossed down his pencil before looking up to see his baby sister standing at the door.
"Why not, you're already in here."
"Daddy wants to talk with you when you have time." She said biting her lip knowing what his answer would be before he spoke.
"I don't have time to talk with him." He spat out turning his attention back to his computer and typing figures in. Bra sighed, she did what Daddy asked her to do whether Trunks wanted to hear it or not.
"Alright. I'll see you later." Bra said with a sad tone, not wanting to argue about their father, she left quietly.

The flight to Japan was a long and tiring process with a three year old in tow. Goten had to smile as he carried a sleeping Leilani through the terminal gates on his way to customs. Praying it wouldn't take very long, Goten started to get nervous. He hadn't been home since he was almost eighteen. Now he was almost twenty-six with a daughter that no one even knows about. The last time he saw his father was just five years ago when Goku took it upon himself to check on the youngster. Stepping out in the darkened city, Goten carried all the bags plus his daughter for a few blocks before calling on an old friend to pick them up.

"Nimbus!" He gave the call hoping he wouldn't wake the sleeping babe on his shoulder. Smiling brightly, Goten saw the small gold cloud zipping in out of the eastern skies that he use to ride when he was a small child.
"Nice to see you old friend. It's time to go home." He whispered as he climbed on the puffy cloud for the long ride back to his old stomping grounds. It was going to be nice to see family again. As the cloud climbed higher and higher, the young demi saiyan looked over the edge as the landscape danced by him. Things he'd never thought he'd see again. His heart clenched slightly as he started to recognize the ki levels around, one unparticular he knew to be Trunks. Pushing his ki very low, Goten continued his way home making sure no one noticed his return home.

Miles away Trunks woke in a cold sweat from his bed. Glancing at the clock he grew frustrated that he had only been asleep a few hours before being woken up at four in the morning. His date was a bust like every other one he'd been on since he graduated high school. All the girls seemed either to air headed or were just plain not interesting to keep his attention for more then a few minutes. He climbed out of the silken sheets for the bathroom to wash his face of the sweat that had collected on his furrowing brow.

"What the hell is that? It can't be!" Trunks' stomach knotted for a moment as he felt a familiar ki but for it to flicker out quickly as he felt it.
"Damn I must be imagining things again. Goten would never show back up here after what I did to him." He grumbled out as he snapped off the lights and headed back to bed.
"I'll just check it out for myself tomorrow."

Slipping off the small golden cloud, Goten bid it farewell as he walked nervously towards the old domed house that he use to call home many years ago. He knocked loudly on the door before looking around the area at the scenery that didn't seem to change.
"Maybe I should have gotten a hotel room or something." Goten whispered as he shifted the bags in his hand while balancing his sleeping daughter with the other.

"What the hell do you want?! Do you know what time it is…" Vegeta growled out as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, as Goku wasn't to far behind him.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you Vegeta-sama." Goten mumbled out at the grumpy prince that stood in front of him.
"Goten?" Goku asked, his eyes wide in disbelief. He wasn't sure if he was actually awake or it was just a dream that he was still in. There standing in the doorway was his youngest son looking none for worse of wear.
"Hi Dad." The demi saiyan smiled widely at them with the Son grin.
"Daddy who are they?" A small sleepy voice asked. Goten looked over to see Leilani rubbing her small blue eyes with the back of her hand, her little pigtails falling down lopsided on the side of her head.
"Daddy?" The two full-blooded saiyans asked loudly in unison. Goten cringed before a small blush crept its way across the bridge of his nose. Leilani clamped her tiny hands over her ears whimpering with the volume of the voices on her sensitive saiyan hearing. Goten looked down at her with a smile before looking back up to his father and his father figure as a child.

"It's ok sweetheart. Leilani I want you to meet your grandfather and Vegeta." Goten pointed towards the taller man that had an arm hanging loosely around the prince's shoulders as her grandfather.
"Dad, Vegeta this is Leilani my daughter. I'll tell you everything soon I promise." Goten said as he got the 'you better start talking' look from Vegeta.
"Leilani huh? Not a Saiyan name." Vegeta grunted out as he looked at the child who just blinked at him not sure what to make of the whole situation.
"No, her name is Hawaiian for heavenly flower. So, are you going to let me in or do I need to go find some place else to stay?" Goten asked as he shifted his daughter to his hip.
"No, come in. You can put her to bed in your old room if you like. You have a lot of explaining to do before I let you off the hook to get some sleep."
"Fine, I'll be happy to explain." Goten answered as Goku took the bags from his son's hands and sidestepping to let Goten and his new granddaughter into the small capsule home.

"So who exactly was the girl?" Goku asked taking a sip of his tea, watching his son closely as his shoulders got tense with the question.
"Well it's kind of hard to explain really." Goten replied scratching the nap of his neck nervously.
"Get on with it whelp. You heard your father that you're not going to bed until you explain that daughter to us." Vegeta said as he came back in from the kitchen with his pre-dawn snack. Goten sunk back in the over sized chair and sighed. He wasn't prepared to explain everything just yet, but saw no other way around it.

"It was almost four years ago, I got plastered one night after a small gig at a local club. It was a bad night for me, Trunks was on my mind and all I could think of was drowning out my sorrow. The drummer in the band Leigh decided to introduce me to her sister. We talked some, drank more and in the morning we were in bed together. Great way to lose your virginity huh? Don't even remember it happening."
"Still with the onna?"
"No, never was. It was just one night but I don't regret it at all. I have one beautiful and intelligent daughter that I love more then my life." Goten smiled looking towards the room his daughter slept.

"Are you going to talk with Trunks?" Goku inquired after a short bout of silence between them all. Goten looked back up with a sad expression on his face.
"No. I don't think that I can. It was hard to face him eight years ago, now it's just pointless." With bottom lip trembling slightly, Goten got up and went to his old bedroom where Leilani slept like a small angel. Tucking the blankets around her chin and placing a small kiss to her forehead, Goten reclined against the headboard closing his dark eyes, looking for sleep that might never come.

"He's hurting. You can just see it in his eyes." Goku whispered as he snuggled closer to the warm body of his koi. Vegeta only nodded in response, his mind on other things.
"What are you thinking?" Goku raised his head to meet the dark eyes staring down on him.
"None of your business Kakarott."
"Has to be important if you won't discuss it with me."
"It is, and if you knew about it you would just ruin the whole thing. Now be quiet and let me think."
"I think you're going to have to shut me up." Goku replied with a sly smile crossing his lips. The prince quirked an eyebrow at the younger saiyan that had his head in his lap.
"Good idea." Vegeta purred back, lust dancing within the ebon orbs. With a hentai grin on his face, Vegeta pushed him off before straddling the bigger saiyan on the couch. Pinning arms about Goku's head, Vegeta started to nibble down the younger saiyan's neck paying special attention to the sensitive spot right behind the ear that drove Goku nearly insane. Silk hands roamed over bare chests, body heat starting to rise quickly.

"Ahh, ahh Geta, we…we shouldn't do this here…argh…" Goku panted out trying to think clearly as gentle soft fingers laced through chaotic soft hair.
"So what Kakarott, so the whelp gets a free show. I want you right now."
"Naaa…Geta, the grandbaby…ahhh…" Goku choked out as a velvety wet tongue swirled around one of his nipples. With a deep sigh, Vegeta stopped his assault and sat up, his ass grinding into the larger saiyan's hardening length.
"Hn, you're right."
"Continue this in our room koi?" Before the last word was out of Goku's mouth, Vegeta had slung the younger one over his shoulder retreating to the bedroom for some morning calisthenics.

Next chapter…Goten and Trunks come face to face with each other after eight long years…