Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ Cause I'm cute! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

Thank you Thank you all for your wonderful reviews! I didn't think anyone would like my first yaoi fic at all. It's a challenge really. Hope to have some romance coming soon for all of you!

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Vegeta was left speechless in the middle of the gravity room after Trunks made a quick and hasty exit to get away from his father and the questions. He didn't want to remember anything that happened to him that night but it forced its way out after Goten's heart felt confession of love to him. His heart raced wildly in his chest as he made his way to his small room that he was living out of since destroying his apartment. Every night that he slept he had the same nightmare, the night replaying over and over with no way to stop what was going on. Ten years with out telling his deepest darkest secret, keeping it bottled up deep inside all for it to be confessed to someone he didn't think would believe him. He waited for his father to call him a weakling for letting it happen, but it never came. Trunks didn't leave his father time to say much of anything before he bolted from the gravity room.

"I can't believe I just said all of that!" Trunks growled out as he paced the bedroom floor, raking his fingers through fine lavender locks. He felt like crying, he felt like smashing something, he felt the need just to scream out his anger and frustration to the world. His father was right, Goten would never hurt a soul including him, but he in turn caused so much hurt and pain to the one that cared so much for him. He could only imagine what Goten was thinking at the moment. He didn't say one word to instigate the sucker punch that Trunks threw in his face and he didn't deserve to have his little girl bare witness to the sight at all. Something in him snapped when he saw the little girl, the tears falling down chubby baby cheeks with the look of unfathomable fear in her blue eyes as she stared at her father on the ground. How could he do that in front of such an innocent soul? He was becoming more and more like his father with each passing day. But his father changed for the better didn't he? Maybe he could change for the better, make things right. Make things like they should be in the first place.
"Damn it Goten, please forgive me…" Trunks whispered out to the reflection of himself in the mirror before punching it, sending millions of shards of glass to fall like rain all around him.

Goten sat at the kitchen table with confusion written in his dark chocolate eyes. He hadn't expected Trunks to just show up out of the blue and start something after all the years that had gone by. It took him almost an hour to reassure the three year old that he was all right and the 'purple monster' wouldn't hurt her or him again for that matter. Gohan volunteered to take Leilani with him for a while so she could see her cousin Pan and meet Piccolo. It seemed that Gohan and Leilani hit it off quite well. She was all smiles and giggles when she left hand in hand with her uncle, waving a good bye to her daddy and grandpa. He prayed to Dende himself hoping the small girl wouldn't think that Piccolo wasn't a 'big green monster'.

"Want to talk about it?" His father asked sitting down across from him with the most serious expression on his face. Goten looked down at his fumbling fingers before looking back up with a small smile.
"I'm fine. I just didn't think something like this was going to happen again."
"Either did we. Right after Vegeta and I made our relationship public, Trunks got pretty violent with us as well. Vegeta and Trunks haven't spoken more then three words to each other in over four years."
"He took it that hard huh?"
"We tried to figure him out, it's just well…we don't know what made him so mad at us or even you for that matter." Goku sighed as he ran his finger of the lip of the glass sitting in front of him.
"Don't worry about it Dad. I plan on talking to him soon. When I get enough courage that is. I need to know a few things only he can answer."
"Take a few senzu beans with you just in case."
"I won't need them. I'll fight back this time. I won't hold anything back." Goten answered before getting up to grab something to drink as well. The door of the modest home open with a small creak reveling Vegeta at the doorway with a frown on his lips. The door closed almost silently behind him as he came into the kitchen.

"You didn't kill him did you?" Goku asked the question first knowing it was one of the main questions Goten wouldn't ask. Vegeta just shook his head before taking a seat next to Goku, his demeanor almost as if he was debating what to say to the Sons.
"No, just words. A lot of words."
"Let me guess, he said a bunch of really bad things about me? Wishing I was dead?" Goten asked taking his seat back at the table folding his fidgeting hands in front of him on the worn wood.
"No. Actually the exact opposite." Both of the Sons raised an eyebrow towards the prince questioningly not sure if they heard the words right.
"What did he say then? You have to tell me." Goten asked rising from his chair slightly to lean towards Vegeta for the answers.
"What he said is something I feel I shouldn't talk about. If he wants to talk to you about it he will." Goten just stared at the prince for a minute before sitting back and rubbing his eyes with his fists.

This whole mess was getting more complicated. Was he lost in a helpless and hopeless cause? Was he making a fool of himself pining over his childhood friend like some lovesick puppy? Goten mumbled an 'excuse me' under his breath, retreating from the looks of Vegeta and his father. He needed time to think by himself. Walking into his old bedroom he looked around for the first time taking notice that things looked almost the same as he had left it minus the dirty clothes on the floor. He opened the closet door half smiling when he found his orange gi still hanging exactly where he hung it so many years ago. With half a grin, he took the old gi out shaking the dust off.
"Maybe I could find someone to spar with."

"Why do they always do this to me on my day off?" Gohan half shouted after he hung up the phone. He was just called in to teach a class because there was no one left in the substitute teacher pool to pull a last minute replacement for an ill teacher that afternoon.
"Come on Leilani, I have to take you back to your Daddy." Gohan said trying to get the girls attention away from the big yellow bird on the television.
"Awww, but I was havin fun here!" Leilani's bottom lip stuck out with a cute little pouty face.
"Man not the pouty face." Gohan cringed inwardly knowing full well he couldn't say no whenever his own daughter did the same at that age.
"I'll watch her Dad. I can take her back to Grandpa Goku's after we're done watching this." Pan piped in braiding the small girls black tress.
"Are you sure Panny? I can probably get Piccolo to help you."
"Dad I've babysat before so this is going to be a piece of cake. Besides, Piccolo doesn't have the patience to be around small children."
"You're right, I'll see you in a few hours ok? Make sure she doesn't get into anything. I don't need your Uncle Goten mad at me." Pan smiled before waving her had at Gohan.
"Just go Daddy, we'll be fine! Now shoo!"

After finally getting Gohan to leave, Pan grabbed her car keys and purse trying to get her small cousin to leave the television long enough to tell her where they were going.
"Are we going bye bye?" Pan nodded as she buckled Leilani in to the back seat quickly.
"Oh, well I need to go see my friend Bra for a few minutes and after that we can get ice cream before going back to see grandpa Goku and Vegeta."
"Grandpa Vegeta." The small girl chimed out from the backseat.
"Grandpa huh? He won't let me call him that. Wonder why?"
"Cause I'm cute!"

Goten landed outside his brother's house half hour after everyone left looking for his daughter. He wanted to take the youngster out flying over the mountains and valleys in the area after he spent some time to himself practicing some ki tricks, working the rust off.
"Well shit, I wonder if they went back to Dad's already." He mused to himself for a moment.
"Gohan had to go into work." Goten grinned hearing the deep voice behind him.
"Piccolo." Goten turned and gave the Namek a small nod of his head.
"Nice to see you again Goten."
"Same here. I've been away too long. Have you met my daughter yet?"
"No, but Gohan told me of her. He told me to come check on her and Pan while he was gone."
"No one is here. So I guess they went back to my Dad's. Care to come?" Piccolo shook his head.
"Naaa kid, I'm going to go up to Dende's for a bit."
"Oh, alright. Tell him I said hi."
"You got it."

Pan had managed to sit Leilani in front of the big screen television after coming into Capsule Corp, telling the child not to leave the couch until she came back. With a nod of her head, Leilani agreed with cousin Pan and reclined back to watch some blue dog on the television. This all but kept her attention for a matter of a few minutes before the snoop in her came out. She wandered through the living room, finally finding the kitchen with many goodies sitting on the counter.

After shoving cookies into the front pocket of her little spring dress, she wandered away down a long hallway where a lot of noise was coming from. Anything with a lot of noise made even the most curious three old want to investigate. She found a few doors at the end of the hall and chose one at random. She walked into a darkened office with a huge window on one wall looking into the lab Bulma and her father shared with inventing. Leilani pushed the desk chair to the window peering in to see an old man and younger man with the same colored hair. They both seemed to be fiddling with something on a large workbench. Finding it not really all that exciting she plopped down in the chair and started eating her cookies getting crumbs and chocolate smeared on her rosie lips and cheeks.

"Yummy these are good…" She mumbled out in between bites getting more crumbs on herself. She was about to get up when a loud explosion just on the other side of the glass went off. She covered her ears whimpering in pain with the sensitive hearing she had inherited from her saiyan genes.

From the house, Bra and Pan looked up wondering what the loud bang was. Both not real sure they took off to investigate the situation, neither remembering the child that was left in Pan's care. On the back lawn Trunks stood with his grandfather at his side, both covered in black soot, coughing up smoke that was coming out thickly from the lab outside doors.

"What happened? Grandpa are you alright?" Bra asked running up to check over her grandfather quickly.
"I'm fine, just a dumb machine. I wonder if I put too much of…" Dr. Briefs started to ramble on about what could have went wrong for his invention to blow sky high.
"Bra where is Leilani?" Pan asked frantically coming out the side door of the house.
"Who's Leilani?" Trunks asked giving both his sister and friend a questioning look. Pan started to flail her arms in panic. She was told to keep an eye on the girl and now she couldn't find her and the accident in the lab.
"Oh my gods what happens if she was in there? Oh damn I got to find her!" Pan started to rush towards the lab that still billowed out choking black smoke.
"Panny! Who is it?" Trunks forcefully asked before it dawning on him that he heard that name this morning.
"Goten's daughter." Pan screamed out trying to wrestle herself away from the lavender hair prince.
"Shit! I thought I knew that name. Where was she at when you last saw her?"
"She was watching some stupid show on the television. I left her for a few minutes."
"Go call the fire department, I'm going in there to double check." Trunks shielded his face with his lab coat, disappearing into the blackness.

Miles away, Goten was returning home only to find that Leilani and Pan never made it there. Trying to calm himself as a tightness started to claim his chest, Goten tried to locate the little girls ki before worrying about involving his father and Vegeta into the matter. He was sure he was getting upset over nothing. His niece wouldn't do anything stupid to put his daughters life in danger. Finally finding it, he smiled. It was low meaning she was probably taking a nap where ever she was and not causing too much trouble for Panny. With relief flooding over him, Goten decided to take a nap as well.