Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ Don't leave me Go-chan ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

My extreme apologize to my readers. I've had a nasty case of writers block...so on with the show

This chapter has a lemon...my first yaoi lemon actually *blushes with embarrassment* I hope its' ok.

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Goten's heart thumped loudly in his chest as he waited for an answer from Trunks. The blue-eyed demi-saiyan said nothing, his eyes still locked with Goten's seemingly searching for something within the dark depths.
"Leaving?" The last few words finally sinking in to Trunks' cluttered thoughts. His Goten was leaving him again.
"Hai. I have to get back before the record company sends a posse out looking for me." Goten breathed out, his lips inching closer and closer to their destination on trembling knees.
"Leaving me again." Trunks voice wavered slightly.
"Never." Goten's reply was nothing but a breathy whisper as his lips brushed across Trunks'.

Blue eyes drifting shut, Goten glided his fingers around Trunks' neck, up through lavender silk bringing their lips closer, as he felt the older demi saiyan relax into his kiss. This is what Goten had been waiting for as long as he could even remember. The soft touch of his lips against his best friends invitingly warm mouth. Growing bolder, Goten traced the outside of Trunks' lower lip, tasting him, asking for unspoken entrance to deepen the kiss more. Lips parted slowly, almost shyly in a way before both tongues touched one another, tasting and gliding against one another. Trunks moaned lightly, his hands finding their way into the thick mop of hair at the nape of Goten's neck, fingers tangling gently.

Goten's mind was reeling. This was such an unbelievable event in his life that he never thought would happen. He drew back from the kiss, his breathing coming in shallow pants. He brought one of his hands to cup Trunks' cheek as he watched cerulean eyes open to look at him.

"Thank you. You made one of my dreams come true." Trunks finally smiled, the piquant scent of desire was wafting heavily in the air around him that rolled off of Goten.
"Just one?" Trunks asked breathlessly, his own desire boiling deep within himself. He never thought in his wildest dreams he would be feeling like this at this moment in time.
"Kami Trunks." Goten closed the gap with a searing kiss.
"I love you…" Another kiss.
"I want you so damn much it hurts…hurts so bad Trunks."

Deft fingers trailed down the young prince's chest sending tantalizing shivers through his body. Trunks' breath caught in his throat as Goten slowly unbutton his dress shirt with careful ease, bare flesh being set afire as his fingers brushed softly lower to the next fastener. Finally with the last button being undone, Goten slowly pushed the shirt over his soon to be lover's shoulders to fall down muscular arms to the couch in a rumpled mess. Sitting back on his feet, Goten took a moment to savor the beauty in front of him. Years of being separated sure changed the young prince's over all physical appearance.

"Go-chan." Trunks panted out, his body on fire as he watched every slight movement in front of him. His stomach knotted as he felt fingers unbuckling his belt and the slight tug of the zipper on his dress pants. Goten caught the slight tensing of Trunks muscles. With his sable eyes he looked up to see Trunks biting his lower lip.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you." Goten whispered reassurance as he leaned in for another kiss before moving down Trunks' jaw line and neck with fluttery light kisses. Blue eyes watched Goten moving lower, his touch sensual in every way, feather soft kisses being spread generously across his chest before a tongue snaked out to tease a pert nipple. A breathy moan tumbled from Trunks' throat before he lifted his hands to tangle into the dark haphazard mop of hair that brushed against his bare skin.

Goten smiled to himself as he felt Trunks relax under his touch. He was trying to take it slow, make this moment stretch for eternity if he could. Slowly shrugging off his shirt, Goten tossed it aside before working on relieving some of the strained tightness in his own pants. His fingers caught the top edge of Trunks' pants, gently tugging them down over his hips with a little help from his lavender haired tenshi.

Trunks' erection strained against the white boxers that were still gracing his narrow hips. He thanked Dende that Goten was taking this slow, but he was still pretty scared. Goten's hands were gentle, kisses placed everywhere on his upper torso where before his clothing was ripped from his body and punches and kicks were placed none to gently. With staggered breath, the young demi saiyan tried to will the horrible experience away from his mind concentrating on just the touch of his best friend that was kneeling between his parted thighs at the moment.

"Tru-chan, if you want me to stop I will. I don't want to pressure you into this." Goten's voice was soft, his eyes shining brightly up at Trunks for his answer. With a shake of his head, his voice failing him at the moment, Trunks gave the go ahead to him to continue. Watching from his vantage point, Goten dipped his hand past the elastic waistband of the boxers, through soft lavender curls grazing calloused fingers down the underside of Trunks' length.

"Ahhh!" Trunks panted out as Goten's talented fingers curled around him, stroking him slowly. He tightened his grip on the black locks in front of him before his head lolled back against the couch in complete ecstasy.

"Go-chan, don't tease me damn it. Ohhh god." Trunks growled out before he shuddered as warm wet heat enveloped him. The slow snail pace was driving him insane, his body begging for release. Trunks had women go down on him before in the past, but none was as talented as Goten was. The dark haired demi saiyan knew each sensitive spot to lick and tease bringing him closer to his perpetual bliss.

Goten watched as Trunks' eyes rolled back into his head, his whole body starting to glisten with small beads of musky sweat. Swirling his tongue around the tip, collecting bittersweet pre-cum, Goten slipped his hand back around the length, pumping at the same rhythm his bobbing head had set. Shifting his hand that had gripped Trunks' hip to keep him steady, Goten reached down, snagging his own boxers off, kicking them somewhere behind him as he continued to work on his koi. Stroking himself to relieve some of the pent up pressure, Goten's other hand came down Trunks' thigh before positioning his fingers just outside of his own opening. He was going to play uke this time, not wanting any unwanted flashbacks to torture the young prince.

Stretching taunt muscles with his own saliva, Goten was hovering towards his breaking point. He needed relief as much as Trunks did. Taking one last tasty lap of salty skin, Goten looked up to see Trunks mumbling in protest, the pleasure being so intense for it to stop. Tugging on his koi's hands, Goten finally lead Trunks to the floor with him, both sharing a heated kiss before breaking apart.

Trunks looked nervously into Goten's murky dark eyes knowing what was to happen next. Closing his eyes, the flashes of pain and insult fluttered across his subconscious. The harsh words being spilt from his rapists' mouths as they tortured him with on going pain. He flinched when Goten's hands pushed him over onto his back.

"Tru-chan? Are you alright?" Goten asked in a whisper, his lips against Trunks' ear.
"Don't hurt me, please…" Trunks choked out, his eyes squeezed closed as he felt the weight of Goten on his stomach. The dark haired demi-saiyan frowned. This was what he was trying to avoid at all costs and it backfired. Cupping Trunks' cheek with his palm, Goten gave him a chaste kiss before speaking.

"Trunks look at me. You know and I know that I would never ever do something you don't want or hurt you in any way." Blue eyes opened slightly, peering up at Goten's serious face.
"Go ahead Goten, I'm ready." Trunks squeaked out before shutting his eyes again. Goten sighed lightly as he lifted his weight from his koi's stomach to position himself over Trunks still throbbing length. Inching down slowly, Trunks gasped as he felt tight heat surrounding the tip of his erection. Cerulean eyes shot open to see Goten lowering himself down over his harden member, his face twisted in pain as he hissed out.

"Oh Kami in heaven…" Trunks arched his back, his head rolling to the side against plush carpet as he was fully incased inside of Goten's very tight cavity. Goten moaned as the tip of Trunks' member brushed up against his sensitive spot, his hands grasping to hold on to Trunks' chest as he finally sheathed himself all the way.

He never expected Goten to give himself completely, so willingly to subside his fears. Moving at a slow rhythm at first, Goten started to move and moan on top of him, bringing a new entire meaning to pure and utter bliss. Tears started to form at the corners of his closed eyes. Not tears of sadness or of hurt, but of complete happiness he almost passed up.

"Unnnnghhh Trunks…touch me…. touch me please…" Goten rasped out begging, his voice almost completely gone as he rocked himself on top of the young prince. Grabbing a hold of Goten's arms, Trunks managed to flip themselves over so he was on top and in control. Reaching down between them, Trunks curled his fingers around Goten, stroking him in time with his own trusts that had become erratic and hurried. He seeked relief as his vision started to haze with colorful specks of light. Frantically, Goten pushed back with his hips trying to take more of the pleasure. His body was close to sensory overload with nimble fingers caressing him closer and closer to the edge.

"Ohhhh, Trunks…. Trunks!!" Goten shouted out, his length pulsing as his seed erupted, coating his stomach and chest as his muscles clenched tightly as his body trembled and shook with the overwhelming orgasm. The friction increased as Trunks thrusted a few more times, screaming Goten's name to the heavens' above as his orgasm hit.

With chests heaving for breath, both demi saiyans laid in a tangle heap of limbs in post orgasmic bliss. Goten feverantly kissed Trunks' face, not able to get enough of his lavender haired koibito.
"I love you Tru-chan, gods I love you." Goten whispered out in between kisses.
"Don't leave me Go-chan, please don't leave me…"