Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ Wait for me Tru-chan ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

Thank you everyone for your wonderful reviews!! I have one more chapter to go before this comes to an end. I might be persuaded to continue on a sequel.

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Leilani sat at the kitchen table coloring on crisp white sheets of paper as she waited for her Daddy to return from where ever he was. Vegeta and Goku had told the young one that Goten had something to do and would be back as soon as he could. Goku sat across the table from her watching Vegeta making dinner as well as watching his granddaughter's happy expression as she scribbled vibrant colors together to make a picture to hang on Goku's favorite place…the refrigerator.

"What's that a picture of?" Goku asked leaning over the table looking at a huge lilac and black blob in the middle of the paper. Bright blue eyes looked up at her grandfather with a smile that would melt a million hearts.
"That's my daddy." She said pointing to the black blob that was supposed to be Goten's hair in a tangled mess.
"And what's that?" Goku's finger pointed to the other.
"Tru-chan!" Leilani announced loudly. Goku looked up in surprise as well as Vegeta who was standing at the stove, the clatter of the dropped spoon still echoing in the air.
"Yeah, Daddy says that name a lot when he's sleepy. He cries too." Leilani answered as she continued her masterpiece with crayons.

The silence continued on in the kitchen, the only sounds were of the lazy scribbles and some clattering of dishes, until someone started knocking on the door. Goku continued to watch Leilani coloring totally oblivious to the annoying rapping noise.
"Kakarott, get that damn door." Vegeta growled out as someone continued to knock on the front door of their small house. Goku got up from the table with Leilani tagging alone right behind him to see whom it was. Cracking open the door, Goku was greeted with a young woman about the same age as Goten standing to the side looking over the scenery.

"Can I help you?" Goku asked startling the young woman at first.
"Umm I'm looking for Son Goten, is he here?" She asked with a faint blush starting to creep up into her cheeks.
"Aunt Leigh! Aunt Leigh!" Leilani shouted out running when she recognized the woman's voice.
"Hey sweetie! Where's your Daddy?" Leigh asked being tackled into a bone crushing leg hug.
"He's out right now, would you like to come in seeing Leilani knows you?"
"Thanks that would be nice. I'm Lani's real Aunt by the way. I've come to bring Goten and her back to the United States." Leigh answered as she walked past the tall saiyan at the door following Leilani back to the kitchen table. Vegeta frowned looking at the woman that just entered that was chatting away with their granddaughter. He threw a questioning glance to Goku only receiving the same glance back.

Goten leaned back still clasping Trunks' face in his hands, his heart breaking at the tone of his koi's voice. His heart sank more as Trunks' opened his eyes to look at him, the glaze of tears on the brink of falling over his lower lashes.

"Don't leave me Go-chan please? I'm beyond begging Goten. Don't break my heart again…" Trunks' voice was quiet but raw with emotion that even made Goten misty eyed.
"What am I suppose to do koibito? I've made my life, and you made yours. I'm supposed to be in California right now recording with my band for my next album."
"Quit. You don't need to live so far away anymore. You don't need the money." Trunks said trying to be very convincing. He knew that Goten didn't need any of that to be happy. He could be happy here where he belonged in the first place and find a spot in the lavender haired prince's heart and bed.
"But I made a name for myself in the world. You're known as the president of Capsule Corp. And I'm known as just Ryan from the Redjacks. I need to keep appearance and keep food on the table for myself and my daughter." Goten answered quickly as he sat up to meet Trunks' glassy gaze.

"Goten can't you see? I need you here. I'll take care of you and Leilani forever. Just quit. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you Goten. I wish I could take it all back and start over from scratch the day you came to me so many years back. I wished all the time that you'd come back and everything would be just the way it was you know? I'm tired of putting up the front I had before. I never wanted anyone in my whole life except for you. You and me together. God I'd give anything to keep you here with me." Trunks let his emotions speak for him. His hands clenched from time to time as he spoke, the memories of everything that had happened before and after Goten confessed his love to him.

Goten sat back listening to the older demi-saiyan. The voice was barely even, strangle of fear twisted in with the words. Goten said nothing as he watched Trunks' lower his head, his heart shattering into a million pieces at the sight. He had everything he ever wanted now. He had his daughter that he loved with his heart and soul, he had a career he busted his ass off to reach, and now he had his biggest dream realized just moments ago. What was he going to do now? His heart was torn between everything and it was rather confusing to the young demi-saiyan. He never thought before he arrived back on Japanese soil that this day would happen. He was just coming home to relieve some stress from recording, to visit with family and friends, to spend time with his daughter that he got every other weekend but now would be staying with him indefinitely.

Both men silently dressed themselves while deep in thoughts, neither of them regretting what they had just done. Hesitating slightly, Goten retrieved his last shoe, tying it slowly before looking up at Trunks. He closed his eyes and sighed before walking over to him, cupping his cheek gently.

"Wait for me Tru-chan. I love you always and forever." His words were soft before he bent down brushing his lips across his koi's. Trunks opened his mouth to say something but was greeted with the quiet closing of the front door and an empty room. Letting out a shaky sigh, Trunks climbed to his feet trembling to go to his own room. He made it half way up the stairs before breaking down sobbing. This was his time to hurt, his time to feel the longing Goten must of felt over the years for him. The pain of knowing you love someone so much it hurts was earth shattering.

Goten had made up his mind before he even left Capsule Corp. He decided that he would go back to America for a short time, fake his own death and return back to Trunks. It was an easy cop out; too easy it seemed in his mind. His career was great, but what was he going to do when the music finally died? He thought it would be better to go out with a bang. 'I rather spend the rest of my life with someone I love then spend my time around people that pretend to love me.'

Landing swiftly in the front yard of the small childhood home, Goten let himself in determined to take a quick shower before talking with his family, but the thought was quickly dashed when he heard his daughter talking and a woman laughing. That woman he knew quite well in fact. Muttering a few choice curse words under his breath, Goten peeked around the corner to see his family including his drummer and Leilani's aunt Leigh sitting at the table eating dinner.

It didn't take long before a certain saiyan prince to catch the scent of Goten inside the house, his eyes widened when he caught the extra scent of his own son and sex blended in. Raising an eyebrow, Vegeta got up from the table searching Kakarott's youngest whelp out. Goten was almost to his room when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He jumped in surprise, before turning around to see Vegeta standing there with emotionless mask in place.

"Vegeta-sama you scared me."
"If you were paying attention you would of known I was there way before I touched you."
"I'm sorry, I was thinking actually."
"Thinking? I don't think that runs in your family." Vegeta snorted out getting a frown from Goten.
"Seriously. Can I ask you a favor?"
"Depends on what it is whelp."
"I'm leaving in the morning."
"Having sex with my son and then running off?" This made the young demi-saiyan blush crimson and tuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"Not exactly that way."
"Then what way are you talking about? You're just as confusing as your baka father."
"I need you and Dad to watch Leilani for me. And I'd like for you to make sure Trunks is ok until I get back."
"Why can't you take the brat with you?"
"I have some things to take care of. I'll be back. I need to tie up some loose ends before I settle down with Tru-chan." Goten immediately bit his bottom lip after he let the affectionate name out in front of Vegeta.
"Hn, as long as you're not gallivanting all over the earth again I will agree."
"Thank you Vegeta-sama. I know Trunks was upset when I left him earlier. Can you make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"
"If he does anything stupid I'll just sick your brat on him. She's a fast learner you know?"
"Meaning?" Goten asked cocking his head to the side, his brow furrowed slightly.
"She mastered ki blasts this afternoon after you left." Vegeta grinned, quiet proud of himself.
"Oh you didn't did you? Oh man!"
"I'm sure I'll have her sparring by the time you get back on your excursion."

The night went by pretty fast for Goten. He packed what he had brought with him before sitting down with Leilani and telling her what he was doing. She seemed pretty excited about staying with her grandfathers and was willing to behave until he got back. He gave his father extra money to take care of her and to buy her some extra clothes. His father said he'd have Pan and Bra take care of that kind of shopping.

"So you're finally going to do it?"
"Yeah." Goten finally answered looking up from an old photo album to face his friend Leigh.
"It's about time. I kind of envy you Goten. You have things I'm still trying to grasp. Just make sure my niece isn't a stranger to me."
"If Makina cleans herself up, she might fight for custody."
"Goten, I know my sister more then you do. She'll never get Leilani back. I'm surprised she's not dead by now."
"I can't believe I let my baby live that long with her."
"But look at her future Goten. She has you; your father is a wonderful man. Vegeta seems all right also even though he's grumpy. And I really think after hearing you talk for years about Trunks, he'll make a special Daddy to her also." Goten smiled as Leigh gave him a hug.
"I'll see you in the morning. Remember that flight is going to leave at ten weather we are there or not."
"Then we shouldn't miss that flight then. I want to hurry and get back here as soon as I can."

"Trunks are you alright?" Bra's voice asked after she knocked lightly on his open bedroom door. Closing his eyes briefly, Trunks turned from the window to the dark silhouette of his sister in the doorway.
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine to be Trunks. What's going on? You and Goten get into another fight?"
"No, no fight at all. Goten said something earlier that really confused me is all."
"What did he say?"
"Wait for him."
"Don't make sense. I'll call daddy in the morning and ask him what's going on over there."
"No need to Bra. I'm going over there in the morning. I'll find out on my own."
"If you're sure. I'm going to bed. Night."
"Night Bra." He replied watching his sleepy sister step out of his room shutting the door on her way out.
"Night Go-chan. I love you." He whispered out looking out into the starry night sky

"Goodnight Tru-chan. I love you. Please don't be too mad when you find out I'm gone again." Goten whispered into the crisp night air before returning back inside to catch some sleep before leaving in the morning.