Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ will you be my new Daddy? ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

I figured I'd extend this out one more chapter. I'm sorry for not updating. I've had some nasty computer problems that made me reformat my computer twice!

When Love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Trunks fought nightmare after nightmare through out the night. Reliving the nightmares that had plagued him since the night of the party. Some how being with Goten didn't make them stop. Sleep was a commodity he wasn't going to get easily. Trunks was startled awake just before nine soaked in a thick sheen of sweat with the sheets tangled around his body. Sighing to himself wishing Goten were sleeping beside him, he proceeded to drag himself out of bed for a quick shower before taking the trip out to the mountain home where Goten was staying.

The day would be perfect. The sky was clear, the sun shining brightly down on his shoulders as he flew. He couldn't wait to see Goten. There was eight years of lost time to make up and he intended to make sure that he made up for his bad behavior properly. He also had a little girl to apologize to as well for hurting her father in front of her in the meadow a week ago. Leilani. He didn't know the child very well, but she was very beautiful. She had to get her good looks from Goten. He would be proud to have the little girl call him daddy also. What more could life offer him?

Something didn't feel right in the pit of his stomach just before he landed outside the small home. He swallowed roughly before knocking on the door. Waiting silently, Trunks rocked back on his heels waiting for the door to open, his heart beating rapidly with anticipation of seeing his lover. What would the 'morning after' be like?

"What are you doing here?" Trunks nearly fell backwards when his father answered the door with a half a shout. He composed himself quickly trying to hide the emotions on his face from his father.

"Good morning to you too Dad. I wanted to see Goten." Trunks fidgeted slightly as Vegeta eyed his son for a minute before Leilani came to the door half dressed, her hair in a wild mess. She looked up between Vegeta and Trunks before turning to Vegeta.

"I want Daddy to do my hair!" She announced loudly before her bottom lip started to quiver slightly.

"You are impossible! What did your father tell you?"

"To be a good girl." She sniffled out before looking up at Trunks.

"Where's your Daddy? I'm sure we can get him to do your hair." Trunks asked bending down to be eye level with the three year old, ruffling her thick mop of black hair.

"He's not here. He left for the airport an hour ago. His plane leaves in an hour." Vegeta huffed out quickly crossing his arms with Leilani's hairbrush still in his grip.

"Nani? What the hell is going on?" Trunks blurted out as he stood up quickly, his heart skipped a few beats with the news. His stomach churned, his face drained of color. What if Goten was really leaving him alone after all? He got all that he ever wanted from the lavender haired prince last night and was sneaking off to live his life again with out him.

"You heard me. He left this morning for the airport. He's going back to America with some onna that came looking for him."

Not waiting to hear what else his father had to say to him, Trunks took off hoping to catch Goten before he boarded the plane. Maybe he could convince Goten to never leave again. Maybe with his sharp persuasion skills he used as president of Capsule Corp. could deter Goten from leaving the country ever again.

Goten nervously checked in at the counter along with Leigh so they could leave and head back to one place Goten didn't want to be at the moment. He was determined that he could pull off his plan and come back, no strings attached to be with Trunks and his daughter. His thoughts went back to the night before with a small blush creeping its' way across his cheeks. Praying against everything that Trunks would find it in his heart to forgive him for leaving on short notice. But he had no choice really. It was now or never and with the will of the Son family backing him, he couldn't back down now.

"Don't worry Goten. I'll make sure Leilani stays out of trouble. I'm sure she's going to have lots of fun staying with me and Geta." Goku chuckled as he walked with Goten and Leigh to their boarding gate.

"I'm sure she'll be good as an angel Dad. Make sure she goes to bed at eight and that Vegeta doesn't teach her too many things."

"That might disappoint Vegeta but I'll make sure she has her crayons and coloring books to keep her busy."

"Thanks Dad." Goten smiled brightly before hugging his dad tightly.

"Passenger boarding for international flight 805 to Honolulu Hawaii-San Francisco California is now open at gate twenty five. First class boarding for…" A female's voice droned on as Trunks entered the terminal in a sprint. He had to make it to the gate to stop his koi from leaving at all costs.

"Hurry up!" Trunks growled out as he waited in line at the security check in line being held up by an old man with too many coins in his pockets that kept setting off the metal detector. The announcement for flights boarding started again only making Trunks more antsy about getting out of the line somehow and finding Goten before that flight left. Raking his trembling fingers through his silk like hair, Trunks finally made it towards the front of the line.

"We are starting pre-flight boarding for first class passengers, families with small children and anyone needing assistance in boarding. Flight 805 will be landing in Honolulu before reaching its destination in San Francisco California."

"Guess that's us." Goten said biting his bottom lip as he picked up his small carry on bag that he conveniently packed with food capsules.

"Yep it is. I'll meet you on board Goten." Leigh gave him a small squeeze on the shoulder before walking down the long hall to the plane.

"I'll see you soon Dad. Take care of my little angel." Goten said over the loud roar of a jumbo jet taking off in the background.

"Don't worry Goten. Everything will be fine. I promise." Goku said with a smile to his son.

"Thanks for everything Dad." Goten engulfed his Dad in a huge hug before releasing a shuttering breath.

"I'll be back." Goten cracked a halfhearted smile before turning to take the long walk towards the plane.

"Shit! Where is that gate?" Trunks growled to himself as he jogged in between people down the crowded corridors of the airport. Time was running out for him to actually catch the dark haired demi-saiyan. Catching his attention almost immediately, Trunks ran towards the chaotic dark hair of Goku that no one could ever miss.

"Goku-san!" Trunks shouted as he approached waving his arm to get Goku's attention. Goku was surprised when he saw his mate's oldest child running towards him full tilt.


"Goku, where's Goten? I need to see him!" Trunks blurted out the best he could as he panted.

"He's boarding right now. It might be too late…"

"Goten! Son Goten!" Trunks shouted leaving Goku in the dust to get to the entrance of the gate.

"Sir you can't go in there with out a ticket!" A male flight attendant said blocking Trunks' path.

"But you don't understand! I need to talk to one of the passengers that's on that flight!"

"I'm sorry sir but I can't allow you down there. Don't make me call airport security."

"Son Goten! Go-chan!" Trunks called more frantically.

"Trunks, he'll be back." Goku reassured him as he placed a warm hand on the demi-saiyan's shoulder feeling him tremble with emotion.

"I didn't get to say good bye Goku-san. I don't want him to leave like he did last time thinking that I didn't love him." Trunks shuddered out with a shaky breath.

"I think he knows Trunks." Goku replied to the question before Trunks turned around tangling his fingers in the front of the full-blooded saiyan's orange gi. He smiled down on him finding it hard to believe that it was him comforting Trunks instead of Goten this time around.

Goten had heard his name being called as he entered the plane. Taking another shaky breath, Goten headed for his seat up in first class while his heart was breaking. Leaving would have been a lot easier if he hadn't seen Trunks while he was home. But on a different note, his heart would ache from not seeing Trunks just once even if he had to spy.

"Goten are you alright?" Leigh asked as she watched Goten drop his carry on in the seat beside her. He chewed on his bottom lip clearly deep in thought.

"I'll be back." He announced quickly before making a quick exit out of first class. Leigh furrowed her brow wondering what was going on with Goten.

"Why don't you come home with me? I'll get you some breakfast."

"I don't want to impose Goku-san. I think it would be better if I just went back home." Trunks mumbled out as he slowly made his way from the gate. His poor heart breaking more in two with each step he took into the crowded corridor.

"Tru-chan!" His name was called but didn't hear the voice behind it as he kept walking until he was spun around quickly finding himself looking into chocolate colored eyes.


"I couldn't leave with out saying good bye properly Tru-chan." Goten whispered out as his lips inched towards Trunks'. Arms wound around their bodies as they pulled one another into the kiss as both heart soared with the longing of the other. The world continued on around them as they broke apart from the kiss both staring in each other's eyes.

"Don't go."

"I'll be back in a few weeks koi, I promise."

"Why are you leaving?"

"Going to close up my apartment. Get my things. I'm quitting the music business for you."

"Goten are you sure? I thought music meant so much to you."

"It's not at important as you and Leilani. I'd give up everything for the both of you. Even my life." Trunks smiled while shaking his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Go on before you miss your flight." Trunks whispered as he brushed the back of his fingers down the side of Goten's cheek.

"I'll be back." Goten's lips brushed across Trunks' quickly before he ran back towards the gate.

Two weeks went by as both demi saiyans waited to be reunited. Trunks hired a construction crew to build a home for Goten, Leilani and himself in the wildflower meadow that they grew up playing in. There were so many good memories there along with a few bad.

"So what do you think? Think your Daddy will like it?" Trunks asked looking at the almost finished home. Bright blue eyes looked up at him with a smile.

"Uh huh. I get my own room?"

"Yes. You get one huge room all to yourself."

"Mister Fuzzy says he likes it." Leilani said thrusting the brown teddy bear towards Trunks.

"I'm glad that he does. Come on lets go back to your grandpa's house. It's getting close to dinner."

"Trunks, will you be my new Daddy?" She asked as she latched onto his hand.

"I guess if you want me as your Daddy. You'll have me and your Dad if all goes to plan."

"I like that." She chirped out as she ran ahead of him to get back to her grandfathers' home.

"I can't wait for you to get back Goten." Trunks whispered into the light breeze.

Goten had the majority of his things packed the first week he was back. His heart ached from being so far away from his daughter and his new koi. Giving his apartment one last glance, Goten placed his capsules into his backpack and closed the door to his life as 'Ryan' of the Redjacks.

Goten walked the route he had always taken back to the recording studio. He had to say his last good byes before disappearing from the world.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yeah, you know love will do some crazy things to you." Goten laughed.

"Okay. You take care of yourself and take good care of my niece. I know where to find you." Leigh whispered before giving him a huge hug.

"Thanks Leigh. I owe you one."

"Don't even think of it. Just remember to invite me to the wedding you hear me?"

"You got it. I got to hurry or I'm going to miss my flight."

"Go! Take care Son Goten."

Dinner was quiet except for a few giggles from Leilani laughing at her Grandpa Goku's eating habits. Dishes were cleared and Leilani thrown in the bathtub to get ready for bed. The lavender haired prince reclined back on the couch kicking his feet up on the coffee table in front of him as he started to flip channels on the television.

"Tonight on Entertainment Daily, the world mourns the loss of a great singer."

The television drone on as Trunks' attention was pulled to Leilani streaking naked from the bathroom with his father yelling at her to get clothes on. He laughed to himself as she raced by with Goku right behind her as she giggled more.

"It's bed time young lady!" Goku announced scooping up the dark hair girl and taking her to her bedroom she was using.

"But I'm not sleepy!"

"Good night Leilani." Trunks called out before returning his attention back to the television.

"Late last night flight 308 departed California LAX terminal for Japan carrying one hundred and eighty four passengers. First class passenger Ryan Shaw of the Redjacks was on board the plane when it went down four hundred miles west of the island of Kawaii. Search and rescue are still on the scene recovering wreckage, personal belongings and bodies. A friend of the singer…" Trunks heart stopped the moment the woman announced Goten's stage name.

"Oh Dende…No!"

*note* Trunks, Goku and Vegeta had no clue about the 'plan'. Before anyone starts to ask...