Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Sparrows Fall ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Sparrows Fall
Chapter 3
A/N: Hey guys, what is up? Anyway, just to let you know every Friday I will be updating all my stories by one chapter! Isn't that great? Lol, anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Warning: This chapter is very graphic. Implications of rape, little bit of violence, and a good bit of foul language. Consider yourself warned.
Now, on to the story!
Kakkarrot left the others and headed down a slowly winding hallway. Once he was certain no one could see him, he stepped into a small closet-like area and shut the door. There, he started meditating.
Sitting down on the linoleum floor cross-legged, Kakkarrot tried to focus on where exactly Vegeta resided. His ki was low, dangerously low, of that Kakkarrot was sure. By all accounts, he should have been able to sense him as soon as they reached the ship, but that proved impossible.
However, Vegeta was definitely alive. A small royal saiyan ki appeared in Kakkarrot's scope, telling him exactly where Vegeta was.
Kakkarrot literally flew out the door and to an elevator-like contraption that would take him to the bowels of the ship. He had never been so scared in his life. His sensei's ki was so low, time was a definite issue. There would be no small talk in saving his life, no matter how many questions he had.
Kakkarrot found him in the deepest, darkest cell in the ward. Strolling toward it quickly, he could not help but notice the deadly smells around him: blood, excretion, and semen. Kakkarrot quickened his pace.
Finally, he reached the cell. Tearing the barred door right off its hinges, he quickly reached where Vegeta was lying. Kakkarrot could not believe his eyes.
There was his sensei, arms and legs bound in heavy shackles that were chained to the wall. He was lying facedown on the concrete floor, lying in a pool of blood and human excrement. He was naked, his body displaying many deep cuts and gashes underneath the filth and grime that covered his body.
Kakkarrot spoke quietly to him. “Vegeta, it's me, Kakkarrot. I am going to get you out of here right now.” His breathing was slow, ragged. Kakkarrot went to turn him over so he could pick him up, but he flinched away from him.
“Get the hell away from me!” Vegeta growled, pain and suffering clearly evident in his voice. Kakkarrot went to touch him again, but then saw something else, something that made his whole body shake with bidden rage. There were purple semen stains all around Vegeta's backside and on his upper thighs. Kakkarrot knew he had to take control of himself; he could deal with this rage later. He needed to get Vegeta back to the ship.
“It's ok, Vegeta. I am going to get you out of here,” he said soothingly as he gently turned him over so he could speak with him face-to-face. “Come on, Vegeta, trust me on this one. I know it has been a long time, but I need you to let me take care of you, brother.”
Vegeta seemed to understand, and gave him a short nod. He then allowed Kakkarrot to transport him quickly back to the ship, and dump him in what he assumed was Kakkarrot's personal chambers.
“Do not worry Vegeta. Only I will be taking care of your wounds. You're pride is safe from harm, your majesty.” Vegeta flinched at the term, but raised his hand in agreement.
“Kakkarrot,” Vegeta whispered as Kakkarrot made to leave the room. “Yes, your highness,” Kakkarrot turned back from the door, and bowed low. “Make me proud,” he choked out, before a coughing fit got the best of him.
“Yes sir, sensei.”
With that, Kakkarrot searched for Frieza's ki, and headed for what he could only assume was the throne room.
The room was solid white, and the temperature was much lower than that of the other parts of the ship, Kakkarrot noticed as he boldly strolled into the room.
`But then again, most of the others have already set fire to the rest of the ship,' Kakkarrot laughed in his mind. These people were totally evil. Sure, the saiyans had done their fair share of violence in the history of their planet, but nothing as horrifying as what he had experienced on his way to the throne room. Fornication of all kinds abounded, and men always wore sick little smirks as they tortured the poor souls they had found pleasure in for the night.
As far as Kakkarrot was concerned, the whole ship could rot in hell. But, not before he got his hands on that ugly lizard, who was now sitting on his throne, glaring at the other saiyans around him.
`Everyone has survived, thus far. This is going much better than planned!' Kakkarrot thought as he made his presence known to Frieza.
“Frieza, you should have known we would come to retrieve our prince. You broke your word, and now you and your whole ship will pay,” Bardock said in a low, gruff voice. Kakkarrot had never seen him so angry.
“Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Frieza laughed, sarcasm clearly evident on his face. “Do you really think you can beat me, you crazy monkeys? Vegeta has tried for years and I can assure you, he has not come anywhere near my power. He is the strongest saiyan on your planet, is he not? So what good do you think you are doing here, other than allowing me the pleasure of annihilating you?” Bardock glowered at the very sick creature before him.
“Oh, wait,” Frieza said. “Maybe I shall allow your oldest son to do the honors. He is more than capable of finishing you off!” Frieza sneered.
Radditz stepped out from the shadows, “With pleasure, my Lord.” And with that, Radditz lunged at the saiyans.
The nearest one to him, Ainsu, was the first to go down. Radditz thrust his hand deep into his chest and pulled out his still beating heart, and proceeded to rip it from its attachments, bringing his lungs out with it. Then, he let the organs and body fall down like a sack of potatoes, and moved on to the next unfortunate soul.
`I guess I thought too soon,' Kakkarrot thought angrily as he moved to get between Radditz and his good friend Kuujo. “No, big brother, listen to your heart! It beats as a saiyan, fight with us! Saiyan blood runs through your veins, do not bother to fight for this ice-jin! Fight for us!!!! Fight with us!!! Let go of your loyalty to him!”
Radditz seemed to undergo a transformation of sorts. His face slowly change from its snarl to a more solemn expression. Years of memories flashed through his mind, as he tried to remember who this person was who was speaking to him. Then, it seemed as though everything came together, all loose ends tied, and he knew all he needed to know. He remembered his life before Frieza, and knew what needed to be done to make amends.
Radditz's face shifted slightly for a moment as he turned to Frieza, hate clear in his eyes. “That's right, `Lord' Frieza, I have nearly forgotten. You stole us from planet Vegeta; you have no control over me!”
Radditz then lunged at Frieza, years of slow torture all over his face as he tried desperately to hurt the lizard that had hurt him for so many years. Punch after punch, Radditz let out all the anger he had kept locked up inside him for so long. Unfortunately, Frieza was just toying with him.
Suddenly Frieza caught his fists at his side. “Stupid monkey, you still have not learned your lesson. Well, let me show your family here how I tolerate betrayal!”
Frieza threw Radditz to the ground, “Now, you mother-fucking ape, you will die!” Frieza pointed his finger and threw a small ki blast right at Radditz; however, it did not make contact. Bardock had stepped in front of it, and it went straight through his heart.
“Father, no!” Kakkarrot and Radditz yelled simultaneously as they both rushed to his side.
“Take care of him, Kakkarrot,” and with that, Bardock drew his last breath.
The words had so many meanings. To take care of Radditz, his broken brother who would need so much help when they got back home. To take care of his prince, a prince with so many wounds that could never possibly heal fully. And now, he knew what he had to do. He would take care of Frieza first, and ensure that no other person would ever endure the things his kinsmen had endured.
Rage swelled inside Kakkarrot, until a blinding light of pain and yet calmness engulfed him. All he could think about was his father, his brother and his prince, just a few of many casualties Frieza and his soldiers could lay claim to.
“No MORE!!!!!”
And Kakkarrot became the legendary super saiyan.
All the saiyans bowed down in awe around in shock.
Frieza never stood a chance. Unwilling to chance escape, Kakkarrot sent a massive ki blast at Frieza, decimating him completely.
Now they had to get off the ship, before it imploded on them all.
A/N: How was that? Good? Bad? Ugly? I will never know unless you tell me, so please review!