Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb@yahoo.com), beta-read by Redmarshin and Achillona
Part 10
At about four in the morning Trunks and Goten were back in Trunks' flat. They took a shower and it was decided that Goten, as a guest, would use the bed and Trunks would sleep on the sofa.
“Ahhhh…” Goten fell onto the bed. He snuggled between the cool sheets that felt wonderfully nice against his flushed body. “And why do you always have to cause trouble…?” He turned his head to Trunks who in the same manner fell onto the farther standing sofa. Trunks was wearing only his blue boxers.
Trunks opened one eye to look at him. “But it seems to me that you had fun this evening…”
Goten chuckled then turned his head to look at the ceiling. “Ah, I did. It was fun. I don't remember the last time I ran through half the city while evading the police…” I usually fly, he thought.
Trunks smiled at Goten's dark profile on the bed. “Yeah, you were pretty messed up…” he chuckled.
Goten smiled, too. “Well, this small run and the shower sobered me up… I… Sorry if in the club I was trying to…” he uncomfortably shifted.
“I was pretty pissed myself…” Trunks shook his head, dismissing the topic safely. “It was my idea to ask you to dance, after all…”
“And what about Arisa?” Goten wondered. “The poor girl will wonder where you went…”
“Don't worry about that,” Trunks chuckled. “Her friends will tell her everything. They will also say that we were dancing together,” he pointed quickly at himself and Goten, “so I doubt if she'd come near me ever again,” he smiled at Goten who simply shook his head and looked out through the window.
The night being very dark was one of the reasons why they eluded the police so easily. But despite that, there were several light cuts in the sky that clawed through the darkness. Dark blue, black and light blue mingled in the sky creating a wonderful and eerie painting.
“It's beautiful…” Goten murmured, pressing his cheek to the pillow.
Trunks' eyes followed Goten's out of the window. “Ah, yes…” Trunks nodded. “It really is,” he yawned.
They silently watched the dark sky then Goten turned to Trunks. “Trunks…? Why don't you live here too? It would be fun.” His face clouded. “I don't like empty houses…”
Trunks turned to Goten. “Hey, why the sad face?” He smiled. “You can always invite Ayame if you need company…”
Goten's face contorted and his fists gripped the sheets next to him. “You know damn well that I wouldn't invite Ayame to your flat…”
Trunks' eyes moved from Goten's face and concentrated back on the sky above the buildings. “Yeah, I'm sorry. I know. I simply wanted…”
Goten waited for Trunks to finish but Trunks didn't. Goten thought that he knew what Trunks had intended to say anyway. He laughed softly. “It's all fucked up so badly… But…somehow…it still has a nice feel to it…” he chuckled again, smiling too when Trunks turned to look at him with a smile on his face. Yes, they were both fucked up. But somehow it was nice to know that it was them both.
They gazed at each other then Trunks ruffled through his dark hair. “Let's go to sleep,” his blue eyes smiled at Goten.
“Ah, yeah…” Goten nodded.
“Goodnight,” Trunks said before turning to face the window.
After several minutes Trunks heard the bed shift, then feet tap softly across the carpet. After several seconds his sofa shifted and he felt Goten snuggle against his back. He heard a soft rustle - Goten had brought his own cover. He could feel Goten's heart thumping against his back.
Goten snuggled his face into the back of Trunks' neck. Trunks could feel warm breathing on his skin and hair. Not being sure what to do, he stared at the wall opposite him.
“I'm glad he didn't die…” Goten softly murmured in Trunks' neck.
Trunks' eyes widened, his whole body freezing and his thoughts jumping and whirling, reaching conclusions.
“I'm glad I got to know you…”
Trunks relaxed. Discarding his thoughts, he closed his eyes and snuggled into his pillow, hiding his smile. “Me too, Goten. Me too…”
Goten groaned, cradling his head. He carefully stood up but then quickly ran to the bathroom. Trunks grimaced at the sound of vomiting that followed. Trunks turned to his other side. He covered his head with the sheet, thinking that he would never let Goten drink so much again.
It was already light outside. It was seven o'clock; only two hours had passed since they went to sleep and Trunks was ready to sleep for at least five more.
“You okay there?” Trunks asked after several minutes. “Have some mineral water. It's in the fridge.” He heard Goten mutter something then the soft tapping of feet was heard.
After several minutes Goten was back. He climbed back onto the sofa back to Trunks. He settled on the sofa, facing away from Trunks.
“How do you feel?” Trunks asked, turning to face Goten's back. As it was already warm in the room, Goten had the cover only to his waist. Trunks pressed his palm to Goten's back to simply have a contact with the other man's skin. He felt Goten shiver at his touch.
“Don't ask stupid questions,” Goten groaned, but leaned back into Trunks' palm nonetheless.
“Okay,” Trunks smiled, brushing with his palm up and down Goten's skin. “Is it very bad?”
“Worse…” Goten groaned again.
“Then it's not over yet,” Trunks' fingers immersed into Goten's spiky hair to massage Goten's scalp. “You'll be sick again…”
“Shit…” Goten moaned.
“You'd better go do that now; there's no need in torturing yourself and your body any longer,” Trunks continued massaging Goten's scalp.
Goten wordlessly got up and went to the bathroom. The sounds of vomiting shortly followed.
The next time Trunks woke up, it was twelve o'clock. Not waking Goten, he got up, took a quick shower and went to fix a quick breakfast.
Yesterday, after deciding to stay over here upon leaving the café, they went to buy some food. Trunks wasn't sure about what to do with most of the things they bought, but he knew how to make sandwiches and tea. So he poured some water into a kettle, turned it on, took a knife they had bought yesterday, sat down at the table and started making sandwiches.
“Hey,” Goten groaned, when he entered the kitchen an hour later. He blinked and shielded his eyes as the bright light hit them. Rubbing his bleary eyes, he sat down at the table. From across the table he looked at Trunks.
“You look horrible,” Trunks informed him. He took a sip of his hot tea; it was his second mug already. Sadly that wasn't the tea that the secretary had given to him - he had lost that one while fighting with Goten's father.
Goten just shrugged. “Was your fault anyway.”
“I wasn't the one to pour the drinks down your throat…” Trunks gave a sandwich to Goten but Goten whitened and shook his head. Instead, he reached for a bottle of mineral water that was standing on the table, next to Trunks.
“I'm not talking about the club,” Goten raised the bottle and took a good gulp of cool water. “You've been tossing about like mad,” he said.
“Eh?” Trunks blinked at him.
“You don't remember?” Goten was surprised. “You had a nightmare or something. I don't know, but you were tossing in your sleep and you were really upset about something. You hit me when I tried to wake you up.”
“What?” Trunks blinked once again. He searched his memories but they reached only the time he went to sleep. “I hit you?” he shook his head, denying that. “Impossible.” The bond was too strong to ignore it even in his sleep. If Goten was near him, he couldn't have used any force to inflict damage on Goten.
“Yeah, Gohan told me that you're having nightmares,” Goten nodded, gulping more water.
Trunks gazed at Goten for some time then turned to look through the window. He reached out to touch the cool glass. He slowly trailed his palm over the smooth barrier separating him from the outside. It was time. He closed his eyes and dove. Dove deep, dove where he had no wish to dive.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Goten jumped away from the table. Wide-eyed, he stared at Trunks who had somehow suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the kitchen, pressing himself to a wall.
Goten stared at Trunks, his hands shaking. He had never seen Trunks like this. That delirious look on Trunks' face and in his eyes…
“Trunks…?” he stammered.
Trunks' dark blue eyes snapped to concentrate on Goten. Goten jerked, feeling like a whip had just impacted his flesh. Trunks stared at him then his fierce eyes closed. When they opened again they held the usual clear blue gaze.
Trunks brushed over his forehead. Feeling wetness he looked at his palm. He was sweating. He stared at his palm until Goten called his name again. From his palm he raised his eyes to look at Goten.
“What,” Goten inhaled deeply to calm himself down, “the hell,” he inhaled once again, “was that?!”
Not flinching Trunks stared at Goten - until Goten thought he was going crazy - then Trunks brushed over his forehead again. “You really don't want to know,” he said in an emotionless voice before simply leaving the kitchen.
“Dress, drink, eat, whatever. I'm coming back,” the same emotionless tone wafted from the other room.
After a minute Goten heard the door to the outside open and then shut. Trunks had just left. Without him.
Goten's head rose at the sound of an opening door. Three hours had passed since Trunks left. He'd been going crazy while thinking about where that moron went. For some reason he didn't believe Trunks had just simply gone back to the hospital without saying goodbye to him. [Author ID1: at Tue Jul 17 22:49:00 2007 ]
Trunks silently closed the door behind him, cast a look at Goten who was looking at him from the kitchen then leaned on the closed door behind him.
“Sorry for that,” he said. “I didn't want to worry you.”
“What was that?” Goten leaned forward in his chair. “What the hell was that?” he repeated sternly after Trunks only lowered his eyes to the carpet. “Trunks! Fucking answer me!” he hissed when Trunks didn't show any reaction.
“Why is Ayame afraid of me, Goten?” Trunks raised his head to stare at the other man.
The suddenness of the question threw Goten off. Actually he was sure that Ayame had never seen Trunks at all and vice versa.
Trunks straightened, he pushed himself off the wall and walked over into the kitchen. He sat down opposite Goten and reached out for his unfinished tea.
“Why the fuck did Ayame almost faint after seeing me?” He gave a look full of malaise to the mug.
Goten's whole body tensed. “You went to see him?! What did you tell him?!”
Trunks' smiled at Goten unpleasantly. “Ah, my dearest Goten, have some faith in me…” He leaned back to sip his cold tea. “Do you think I'd go to your so called “boyfriend” and tell him that currently you wish nothing more than to fuck your unrequited love?” He chuckled and wiped his face as infuriated Goten sloshed a glass of mineral water on him.
Trunks' eyes flashed dangerously at Goten who was leaning over the table and panting in anger. “Don't push me, Goten. As said - have some faith in me. The bond won't last longer than two years; it's the longest. You don't want me to have bad memories about you, do you?”
The glass broke into small pieces in Goten's palm. Goten's rising ki didn't let them cut through his flesh. “Is that a threat?” Goten hissed, tossing the shattered pieces at Trunks.
Trunks raised his palm, pointing it outwards, instantly creating a ki shield. “No,” Trunks shook his head after the small pieces of glass fell jingling to the floor. “It's just a piece of information that you'll find valuable when the day comes.”
Goten stared at the glass at Trunks' feet. “You…you…how…?”
Trunks stood up. He stepped over the glass, crossed his arms over his chest and turned to look through the window. It was the evening and the shadows were drawing long.
“There are many things you aren't aware of…” he said softly. He raised his palm where a blue ki-ball appeared instantly. He turned to look at Goten. “Each day I learn something new, each day I wake up knowing more and more, each day drives me tighter into a corner.” He let his ki flare, forming a spirit bomb that, if released, could destroy the whole city. As suddenly as he created it, he extinguished it.
“Don't misunderstand me - I don't wish any harm to any of you. I just want to remind you that you are not the one who can compete with me; don't stand in my way or try to stop me when things are out of control. If something happens, go to your brother or my father; they will know what to do.”
“Trunks,” Goten lowered his head, his dark eyes reflecting the last faint rays of the sun. “What the hell is this all about?”
Trunks shook his head. “Don't be so stubborn. I'm going back to the hospital. I'll see if I can reason with your brother; he and I… I believe we have many things to discuss…”
Trunks turned around and went into another room for his laptop. He then came back, carrying it in his left hand. He looked at Goten who was simply sitting at the table, watching him. Trunks squatted down next to Goten's chair. “Damn it, Goten,” he looked at the other's face. “I need to address some serious issues and I want to keep you out of it. Don't behave like I'm brushing you off. I'd never do that.”
“I don't think I understand anything anymore…” Goten sighed shakily, pressing his forehead to Trunks'.
“Don't worry,” Trunks pressed his lips to Goten's then drew back quickly. “I'll figure it all out. I promise,” he smiled before standing up and putting his two fingers to his forehead.
He vanished, leaving a stunned Goten to stare at the place Trunks had been standing just seconds ago.
Gohan was pacing in the middle of an exclusive room in Capsule Corp. He'd walk to the table that Vegeta was sitting at then turn around and walk back to the sofa at the other end of the room.
“Calm down,” Vegeta gestured with his hand for Gohan to sit down. After Gohan did, Vegeta observed the younger man who was nervously fidgeting with his glasses that he had in his hands.
“Calm down?” Gohan snorted. “My brother is with that freak hell knows where and doing hell knows what, and you're telling me to calm down?” he shook his head, rubbing his forehead fervently. “Gods, if something happens to him…”
Vegeta shrugged. “You are too paranoid…”
“It's me who's paranoid?” Gohan glared at Vegeta. “I wonder what you would say if…”
Vegeta raised his hand to indicate for Gohan to shut up. “You have no need to be afraid of this one. This one is more like my son than the one who was before. Just don't piss him off and you'll be fine. I told you that it's useless trying to sever the connection between him and Goten. Neither of them will agree, so you should simply give up... Besides, after a year or so it will disappear on its own.”
Gohan closed his eyes, shaking his head. “I don't mind this Trunks having a relationship with Goten, it's not really my business whom Goten is sleeping with…but…Gods… What if… What if he comes back? How can we tell if it's this one or maybe he's already the real thing?!”
Vegeta looked at him sideways. “Believe me, if he comes back, you'll know that the very second of his return - the real thing will have you by your throat in ten seconds after coming round… This one is only a child, he's only playing… Only gathering information for later use… We'll simply follow his movements and watch to see what he does with it.”
Vegeta leaned his elbows on the table. “And stop panicking stupidly. You just piss me off with your constant blabbering! What will we do, what will we do…” he mocked. “You know damn well what we'll do. Exactly the same as we did before!” he growled
Gohan shook his head in disbelief. “I can't believe you are talking so calmly about your son… It's your son for fuck's sake!”
Vegeta nodded. “Exactly. And I am responsible for what he does.”
Shaking his head in disbelief, Gohan rubbed his face with his hands. He just froze with his head down when through the grating of his fingers he saw Trunks appear against him.
Trunks looked around. “What the fuck?” He blinked at the expensive tapestry, carpets and sofa Gohan was sitting on. “The hospital has surely improved while I was absent…” Then he noticed Vegeta who was sitting behind him at a writing table, which by the way, looked even more expensive than all those pictures, tapestry and sofa put together.
“Hello, daddy.” Trunks waved with his hand in greeting. “I didn't know you were in a meeting,” Trunks turned back to Gohan who by this time had his hands removed from his face and was simply staring at him. “Mixed up the buildings it seems… I'll just wait for you in the hospital. Tomorrow,” Trunks added, putting two fingers to his forehead. He realized then that he had no familiar ki to concentrate on. “Damn,” he let out a discontent sound and went to the nearest door he saw. “Sorry for that, I'll just let myself out,” he opened it and strolled out.
The silence in the room stretched to a minute then for several seconds more. It snapped when Vegeta pushed his chair away and stood up. He crossed his arms over his chest and sat down on the corner of the table. He looked at Gohan.
“The brat wants to speak with you…” Vegeta drawled. “Any idea why?”
Gohan continued to stare at the door Trunks' back had disappeared into. After he registered Vegeta's question his head slowly turned to look at the prince. “He learned IT…” Gohan's voice was just above a whisper and held a hysterical edge to it. He couldn't believe that - after years and years of trying to master it and failing, Trunks learned it in mere weeks…
Vegeta tapped his fingers on the smooth dark surface of the desk he was sitting on. “Yeah, it's a bit unsettling. I don't really think we can track if he remembered how to IT or if it was your idiot father who showed him IT when he attempted to take Trunks back to the hospital… Trunks can copy such things in no time…”
Then a surprised expression appeared on Gohan's face. “Are you saying that the former Trunks knew how to IT?”
Vegeta nodded. “Yeah, he learned it long ago. He simply never showed it to anyone. This, by the way, implies that this one had to have learned it from Goku. If he knew he had a secret weapon, he wouldn't have used it immediately and given himself away.”
Gohan glared at Vegeta who only shrugged, “I knew you'd get flustered the moment you learned of this…”
So the two were having a tea break…
Trunks huffed and tossed his laptop on the bed. He walked over to the sink that was in the corner of the ward. He turned the tap on and splashed some cold water onto his face. After that he leaned on the wall next to the sink.
This was getting complicated. Although, he perfectly knew this was bound to happen. He just didn't know when the things would reach such acceleration that there would be no way of stopping.
So the two were having a tea break…
Trunks' gaze fixed on the spot between his feet. Who the fuck was Trunks? Who the fuck had that bastard been?! The dream… What the fuck was it?! Was it a nightmare or remembrance? Whatever it was it scared the shit out of him. After what he had seen…
Somehow, somehow he knew it wasn't only a dream. Deep inside he knew it wasn't. He knew because the walls he had built around himself were starting to shake due to the other's pounding fists on them.
So the two were having a tea break…
The only thing they could have been discussing there was he. Or maybe he was again having that megalomania Goten told him about…
Trunks sighed. He was guilty of many things but naivety wasn't one of them.
Of course he knew the two were a team, a well playing team. He just didn't know the goal the two were aiming for.
He couldn't fight the two of them. Even if he knew that right now he held enough power and skills to fight and prevail in a battle one on one, he perfectly knew he stood no chance against two teamed up Saiyans. And that moronic Goten's father … That one must be taken into consideration also. The man had found him when the others failed to, and the man's foolish probing search in his mind brought him to hysterics and almost caused him to blow himself up with his ki.
That happening proved that the man didn't boast of huge brains but he was quick to find the resolution, which in some cases was even worse. The freaking Goten's father knew from the beginning that there was something wrong with him. Was he the one causing this commotion?
Trunks turned the tap off. The drain hungrily swallowed the water then loudly belched. Trunks' eyes concentrated on the window. It was almost dark outside.
He could take them out one by one. All three of them. But for that he needed to be the one who made his move first.
Trunks' gaze softened and he lowered his head to look at his feet again. He knew he wasn't going to be the one to take the offensive without a need. He wouldn't be the first to make his move without really knowing that the two of them were a threat to him.
Besides Goten would beat the crap out of him later…
Trunks rolled his eyes at the thought. But it brought a smile to his lips. Goten would really kill him if he was the first to attack his brother or his father. The other case would be if Vegeta and Goten's brother were the ones to make their move first. Goten would stand at his side. He had no doubts about that. He could count on Goten to be at his side when needed. The silly thing was in love with him.
The other silly thing was that he probably was in love with Goten, too.
Those feelings he had for Goten were tethering on something among of love to a parent and affection and lust. For some reason he didn't experience all of them at once. It was either one or another or the last one. He always grew uneasy when he felt waves of lust pouring from Goten, meanwhile when he himself only sought for parental affection. It felt just wrong and freaked him out to no end. And sometimes it was the opposite - he could only think about kissing that mouth, biting on those plump lips, feeling that pale skin under his fingers, grinding his hips into those of Goten's, and Goten would simply pat his head, smiling.
Trunks humpfed.
Not that he was gay, anyway.
Huffing, Trunks went to the bed. He sat down and took the laptop into his hands. He turned it on, waited for the computer to start up. He was wondering about those video files that the former Trunks left for him.
The laptop was a real fortress. The computer did start off but all the information was hidden, renamed hell knows how, locked up with passwords and hell knows what more. For some reason it was easier to access Trunks' accounts than the other files. Though, he suspected he knew why.
The damned guy seemed to get a thrill from the thought that someone might catch him. It was a usual case. Part of it was the adrenaline rushing through one's veins while taking what wasn't his, the other part was the thrill of escaping without casualties. Trunks seemingly belonged to the ones who loved the feel of risk.
Trunks snorted. Not that he despised that feeling, he loved it too - they were not so different with the former Trunks after all. But stealing wasn't something he approved; especially from the woman who gave you life and raised you with care. He might not like Bulma - and he didn't feel any connection with her - but she was the former Trunks' mother, and even he wouldn't do such thing like stealing from her.
Trunks opened the first video file and comfortably leaned on the headboard. He was almost sure that he was going to see some hot stuff with the former Trunks and some big-boobed chicks.
Trunks chuckled as it really appeared to be a home made video. But when he saw Ayame on the screen who was walking along some street, he got confused. After watching the video for several seconds longer, his confusion only grew. He leaned closer to the screen. The video wasn't of good quality - the sound was breaking; besides it was filmed in the late evening.
Someone was following Ayame and filming him. Whoever was filming Ayame followed him to the turning to the left. What happened next… Trunks simply couldn't believe that. He stared at the screen, his eyes so wide that they threatened to pop out of his skull, one of fists white from gripping the sheets, and another covering his mouth in shock.
When the scrollbar came to an end and stopped, leaving the black screen, he still couldn't stop shaking. Actually it was getting worse: the shock was retreating, leaving the overwhelming feeling of disgust and horror.
His body convulsing, Trunks chucked the laptop off him and ran to the sink. He retched, getting rid of his sparse lunch.
Long after his body stopped convulsing, Trunks silently stared at the bed, at the laptop on it like it would be the most hideous thing in the whole world.