Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb@yahoo.com), beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 12
Trunks grunted, loudly exhaled then rolled over onto his stomach. He dragged the sheets over his head and slept further. His calm breathing sank softly in the cool room.
Trunks slept through the rest of the day then through the whole night and finally got up at nine o'clock in the morning. He would have slept further, but he was sure that in that case he'd wet the bed.
For some reason the silence unnerved him, his bursting bladder made him open his eyes, and after doing so, the memories of recently crashed on him. Gasping, he shot up in the bed. He was in his flat, in the one where Goten currently resided.
Trunks started, and his eyes turned wide after seeing Ayame jump away from him, making the chair he had been sitting on topple over. Ayame pressed himself to the opposite wall. The man seemed to be caught up between panic and hysterics.
“Ayame?!” Trunks rolled up from the bed. Suddenly, he realized that he was half naked and grabbed the sheet from the bed to cover his body.
Ayame stared at Trunks who had squeezed himself into a small space between the bed and a cabinet and was staring back at him with his blue wide eyes. Trunks seemed to be on the verge of panic himself.
Just in case he needed to run, Ayame eased his way carefully to the door. “Goten has an exam. He asked me to take care of you…” he said, cursing himself for agreeing to help Goten and for answering the phone in the first place.
Trunks' mouth hung open. “He what?!” he chocked out in disbelief. But he couldn't believe that Ayame had agreed…
“Goten said you were okay with this…” Ayame started fumbling with the doorknob.
Trunks blinked, confused. “Was I?” He combed his memory for anything similar and then found it: it was somewhere in the early morning when Goten woke him up, said that he'd have to go and asked if he minded Ayame watching over him. He remembered mumbling something, which sounded like “'kay”, and then Goten told him to be nice to Ayame.
“Oh…” Trunks brushed over his hair. He then drew his hand out and looked at it. It was sticky. He needed a shower. “I'm sorry,” he looked then at Ayame. “If I had REALLY been thinking, I wouldn't have agreed to this,” he shook his head, finally coming over the unexpectedness.
Ayame edged his way into the corridor. He heard Trunks' footsteps behind his back and fought the urge to run.
“I'll take a shower and then fix something to eat for us,” Trunks yawned, turning to the bathroom. “You go watch TV or read something; I saw Goten brought some books,” he closed the door behind him, leaving Ayame to stare at the door.
Ayame shifted from one foot to another then went into another room and switched the TV on to watch the news. He sat down onto the carpet against the TV and crossed his legs. It passed about fifteen minutes then his ear caught the sound of water being turned off. After several minutes more Trunks appeared in the room. He was wearing one of the bathrobes he had bought in the heat of his buying-mania.
“You know, I just thought here that I don't really remember much about food…” Trunks gave Ayame a sheepish look. “The only thing I can do is either to make sandwiches or fry eggs…”
Ayame stared up at him then finally nodded. “It's okay… It's only breakfast…” he muttered, his gray eyes lowering quickly to the floor at his feet.
“Ayame,” Trunks approached the other male who immediately tensed, his gray eyes locking onto Trunks. “Goten has probably told you that I don't really remember much…” Trunks chose a place next to Ayame and sat down onto the sofa, which was behind Ayame who was still sitting on the carpet with his legs crossed.
Ayame nodded. He shifted to the side to look at Trunks.
“But I know what he did and how he treated you,” Trunks said.
The gray eyes widened, Ayame leaning away from Trunks.
“He was a sick fucker, Ayame,” Trunks continued. “And if it's in my power, I won't ever let him come back to this world.”
Ayame stared at Trunks.
“Does Goten know?” Ayame asked finally after a minute of complete silence. He brushed over his long silver hair nervously, trying to prevent himself from starting to neurotically tremble. “How do you know?!” he then breathed out. “You remember?! But then…”
Trunks raised his hand to silence the hysterical man. He regretted his gesture because Ayame startled and shied away from his hand. Trunks shook his head in frustration.
“Sometimes I dream…” Trunks drawled. “I don't remember anything in the morning what it was about, but I can come back to those dreams if I want. Once I saw you… But it's not really how it went,” Trunks shook his head again. “He used to tape everything, the sicko…” he saw Ayame's eyes widen in horror. “I'm sure you remember he did…”
“Oh, god,” Ayame whispered, wrapping his arms around himself. “Where's that tape?” his head snapped to Trunks.
“I'll delete it,” Trunks nodded, promising. “I found it on his laptop. I doubt he has the original. He'd be a fool to keep it around. He has already got enough of excitement by keeping something like this on his computer…”
Ayame rubbed his face with his hands frantically. “Please, don't say anything to Goten… He would freak out…”
“I am not going to,” Trunks shook his head. “But you should. You took too much of a burden on your shoulders…”
Ayame gazed at Trunks then lowered his gray eyes to the red carpet he was sitting on. “Aren't you afraid that he might…?”
“…Misunderstand? Hate me?” Trunks finished for him. “Yeah, it might happen.”
Ayame thought for a minute then switched the TV off, tossed the control remote onto a small table against him and stood up. “It's not necessary for Goten to know; it happened several years ago… Besides, you are carrying more of a burden than me…” he said before going to the kitchen.
Already dressed in the jeans and wearing a sleeveless T-shirt, Trunks entered the kitchen to find Ayame preparing breakfast.
From the cutting board he was torturing some vegetables on, Ayame raised his eyes to look at Trunks who went to switch the teakettle on.
“I think we should have brunch…” Ayame said. “And Goten will shortly come back …”
Trunks looked at a bowl of half-ready salad on the table then turned to look at a frying-pan filled with meat on the stove. After that he turned back to look at Ayame who was slicing a cucumber.
“Yeah,” Trunks nodded. It was clear that Ayame had no idea how much Saiyans really ate… “I'll just fry some eggs for me first,” he scratched his head sheepishly, hoping he didn't look like an ungrateful bastard. Mostly he didn't ever care about that, but for obvious reasons he didn't want Ayame to think that about him.
“I think there are some in the fridge,” Ayame nodded, his hand not ceasing to slice.
Trunks went to the fridge, found some eggs and went to the stove. He took another frying-pan, turned another heating element on and cracked the eggs on the side of the frying-pan.
While stirring the pan, he thought of why Gohan called his daughter Pan. He wasn't sure why but he knew there was a connection. Must have been.
Trunks blinked in surprise when a short-tempered woman and a frying-pan in her hand flashed through his memory. Ah. Confused, Trunks looked at his frying eggs again. He had noticed that Gohan was a masochist. Although, such a twisted one… To call his daughter…
“You'll burn them,” Ayame's voice wafted from behind Trunks.
“I like my food well done,” Trunks said, stirring his eggs once again.
Ayame looked slantways at the eggs in the frying-pan. He didn't comment but he hoped that Trunks would really eat them. Ayame poured the vegetables into the salad bowl and went to turn the meat onto the other side. He jumped back as his and Trunks' arms touched.
“It's fine,” Trunks said to Ayame whose eyes lowered guiltily to the frying-pan. Trunks switched his heating element off. “I didn't even expect you to believe me… It's a surprise you can stand being with me in one room…” He took the frying-pan and went to the table then retrieved a plate from the cupboard.
Ayame finished turning the meat over but took his time standing at the stove. While hot steam rose into the air and some of it went onto his face he wondered about the whole situation. He agreed that he took it pretty well. But on the other hand there was some part in him that hated Trunks, and hated with such a passion that made him want to launch that frying pan with boiling fat into Trunks' face.
But the other part was telling him that he had no right to accuse and search for guilt and penance in a person who wasn't even there when that shit happened. The person who stood against him now had nothing to do with that freak - they shared only the body.
Ayame went back to the table to finish the salad. He found mayonnaise and added it into the salad. They had no pepper so he decided that they'll have to do without it. He, unlike Goten, didn't like rich dishes, anyway.
From the corner of his eye Trunks watched the other man fussing about. Goten really had a great taste - Ayame not only had great looks, he was also smart and good in the kitchen, and if Goten was with him for so long - Ayame must also be good in bed.
Besides warning him not to touch Ayame, Goten had taken other measures - he had scent-marked Ayame. The scent was frail and quite old but it was here, telling Trunks that Ayame belonged to Goten and by harming Ayame, he'd have to suffer the consequences.
Ayame was older than Goten and him. Trunks guessed that Ayame was something from 24 to 26 years old, which meant he was about 6-8 years older than Goten. It wasn't very surprising - Goten acted more mature than his contemporaries. Trunks thought that much of influence on this had Goten's unrequited and later shunned love to Trunks.
Ayame's older age was probably why the previous Trunks found him guilty of seducing Goten and pushing him over to homosexuality. It wasn't clear when Ayame and Goten met, but after seeing them together or hearing some rumors, the other Trunks might have thought it was Ayame's fault that his best friend became gay.
Actually Trunks himself thought that it was stupid to try to look for guilty ones in such case. He was of opinion that Goten fell in love with Trunks sooner than he realized that he was gay. He still didn't know details, but probably Goten had waited several years until he admitted to Trunks that he loved him then the whole thing must have started, or finished - depended how one looked at it.
Trunks got pissed. He probably didn't like homosexual people or had some other issues with them or whatever. So, instead of answering Goten's love, he pushed the other man away, and likely it hadn't been a nice parting.
Trunks wasn't sure of how exactly the other man's brain worked, but if it was really so similar to his own, it was easy to tell how it went further: Goten had been his best friend for a long time, and there must have been some regret and pain and musings why all that happened. Despite this, Trunks wasn't going to accept Goten anymore.
And then, at some time, came Ayame, and Trunks immediately had a target to transfer his anger, displeasure and hate to. And he had enjoyed it greatly. Goten had been his friend once, so, in some weird way, it had managed to make sense in the other Trunks' head, and Goten still was untouchable, at least in a physical sense, but Ayame… Trunks took all his frustration out on the other man. He would probably have simply killed Ayame, but he realized it would make greater pleasure to know that Ayame was living in constant fear. He had been thrilling in the feeling of control he had, knowing he knew something Goten didn't know and knowing Ayame couldn't tell…
Trunks finished eating his scrambled eggs, pushed his plate away, leaned his elbows on the table and watched Ayame place the already done meat onto a big plate. Ayame's silver hair was tied up into a knot at the end with some tape he had had probably found somewhere in the flat.
He had noticed earlier that Ayame wasn't picky about his clothes. Though, probably Ayame looked good in anything he wore. Ayame wasn't tall but wasn't too short either; his good figure and short height only made him more attractive. Ayame was slim but it seemed he took some exercises, for one could see that there was something more than bones and skin underneath the clothes he wore.
Ayame had regular face features. His lips were quite thin, nose small and pointy. But the most memorable thing were probably Ayame's hair and eyes. Big gray eyes framed by long black eyelashes, which - Trunks suspected - were retouched, and obviously natural long silver hair.
What Trunks liked the most was the man's straightforwardness and that that he wasn't making those annoying gestures like many other gay men did. True, Ayame looked completely gay, but as long as Ayame didn't start waving his hands about needlessly or didn't start talking in that funny voice, he didn't care about what Ayame looked like.
Trunks presumed that he himself looked pretty gay right now: he suspected that his black hair with purple roots must look quite weird. Not that he cared, anyway. Now he had enough around him and in his head going on that he would be worrying about looks.
He liked Ayame. It was not Ayame's fault that he was coming in between him and Goten. Besides, Ayame had already paid dearly for his relationship with Goten. So he liked Ayame. But that was it.
“Umm?” Ayame blinked, surprised, when his and Trunks' eyes met. “Did I spill something on me?” Ayame looked at his shirt then jeans.
Trunks grinned and shook his head in denial. He was glad that instead of feeling intimidated because of him observing Ayame, Ayame simply thought he got dirty.
“Nah,” Trunks chuckled. “I was simply wondering if you're good in bed. Whoops,” Trunks grinned wider after the mug Ayame had been holding in his hand slipped and crashed onto the kitchen floor. “Don't sweat it,” Trunks looked at the smithereens swimming in the tea on the floor. “I didn't really like it, anyway - it looked better on the Net than in reality…” he stood up, picking up his plate. He went to the sink to wash it.
Ayame stared at Trunks' back while he was washing his plate. “Ehh…uhh…glad to know…” he muttered finally and went to look for a cloth to clean the mess Trunks had helped him to make.
Trunks was already drinking his tea when Ayame came back. Trunks' gaze was fixed somewhere outside the window. Trunks looked at something that only he was able to see and sipped his tea from time to time.
Trunks looked at Ayame who had finished picking up the smithereens and was cleaning the liquid from the floor now. Ayame's tied up hair was hanging over his shoulder, the tip of it almost reaching the floor.
“Why did you agree?”
Ayame raised his head to look at him. “You mean to watch over you?” He continued to wipe the floor after Trunks nodded. “Goten really needs to pass that exam, and I knew he wouldn't go otherwise.”
Trunks watched Ayame's bobbing back of the head then sipped his tea again. “That's nice,” he grinned, imagining that head doing something else. “But if it were him who woke up this morning, you'd be dead now. Or even worse...”
Ayame's movements ceased altogether. He raised his head to Trunks. Wide-eyed, he stared at Trunks who was trying to fish something out from his tea.
“Don't get me wrong,” Trunks observed some grass blade he had found in his tea. “I don't have anything against you, but the fucker might simply kill you…” he flicked the grass onto the table. “So it'd be better that you'd stay away from me.”
“You mean…?” Ayame stuttered.
“Well… It hasn't happened yet,” Trunks said. “And I'd be damned if I let him, but the bitch wants out,” ignoring Ayame's wide eyes, Trunks sipped his tea again. “And I can't guarantee I am able to stop him…”
Ayame lowered his eyes back to the rag between his hands. He didn't know what to say. He was afraid; if it had been in his power, he'd have wanted to never ever see Trunks again. Now the fear had only increased. He didn't want to see either of them.
“I'll tell you the same I have said to Goten: if there's something that you or Goten can't deal with - go to Vegeta or Goten's brother immediately,” Trunks said. He finished his tea and stood up. He passed a hunching Ayame and went to the sink.
Ayame only nodded. He didn't know any Vegeta. He had seen Gohan only once, and he could tell that Gohan didn't like him.
Trunks washed his dishes and went back to sit down at the table. Ayame joined him after a minute. The older male piled up his plate and started eating.
“Why don't you have a cookie or something for dessert?” Ayame said finally after five minutes of Trunks watching him eating. It simply felt weird while he was eating, and Trunks was only sitting at the table.
Trunks grinned widely. “Is that an innuendo…?” he purred, his blue eyes washing over Ayame.
Ayame choked on his meat. He grabbed a glass that had stood near his hand. “One similar thing more, and I'll launch it into your loud mouth!” he threatened.
Trunks pouted, “You are no fun…” He sighed, threading his fingers through his already dry hair. “Hey, I need to get to a hairdresser. Want to go together?” he grinned again. He was only teasing - Goten's scent that was wafting from Ayame was a clear warning he didn't want to breach. “I bet we could think of some extraordinary thing with that lot of hair,” he gestured to Ayame's braid.
Ayame put the glass back onto the table. His hand, the one he had a knife in, faltered. “Thanks, but no. I'm completely content with my hair,” he hissed.
Trunks pouted further. “Do you even understand anecdotes…?” he accused.
“Shut up, and let me calmly eat!”
“I'm horny as hell,” Trunks declared suddenly. “I suppose sleeping several days non-stop does that to one,” he scratched his chin, thinking.
“I don't think that they would help you out at the barber's!” Ayame snorted. “And don't look at me! I said not to look at me in that way, you pervert!”
Trunks rolled his eyes. “I'm a pervert? I haven't even…”
“Goddamit, Trunks, shut up! Can't you behave for a second?!”
Ayame jerked in his seat, his eyes snapping to Goten who had smacked Trunks over his head. He couldn't ever get used to how silently Goten was moving around.
“Hello, sweetheart, I'm also glad to see you…” Trunks rubbed his hurting back of the head. “How did you do?” he asked Goten who nodded at Ayame.
Goten circled Trunks, pulled out a stool from under the table and sat down in between Trunks and Ayame. “Well, in my opinion, I have passed,” he said. “The results will be on Monday.”
Trunks bent down to get a plate from the cupboard. While putting it against Goten he patted Goten on his head. “Good boy. I'll buy you some ice-cream today.”
Goten smacked his hand. “As hell you will buy, and as hell you'll explain what the fuck it was all about earlier!”
Trunks pursed his lips in distaste. “And why was I sure that you'd say that? You…”
“Trunks…” Goten lost his patience. He understood why Trunks was talking non-stop. He had noticed that Trunks did that while feeling anxious, but he couldn't stomach that babble any longer.
Trunks closed his mouth, not finishing the sentence. “I'm sorry,” he muttered, standing up. “I suppose you two have something to talk about. I'll be watching TV,” he said, before leaving the kitchen.
“Fine,” Goten nodded. “We'll go to a hairdresser's later; you really need to do something with that your hair.”
Surprised, Ayame gazed at Trunks' retreating back. He had just felt an authority exchange here, and it wasn't Trunks who got the last word. Curious, he watched Goten pilling up his plate. He nodded, accepting Goten's thanks for the meal.
“Did he cause any trouble?” Goten asked between the bites on his juicy meat.
Ayame shook his head in denial. “Not really. He behaved, only talked shit.”
“It means he was feeling uncomfortable,” Goten explained. “He always does that. Hell knows why, for it only worsens the situation… He probably thinks it helps to break the tension…”
Ayame shrugged. “Maybe…” He watched Goten eat for some time then asked: “Will you explain me what is happening?”
Goten racked trough the salad in his plate then sighed. “I don't think I can… He got attacked yesterday, and I had nowhere else to bring him… It's his flat, anyway…”
Ayame exhaled loudly, annoyed. “You perfectly know I wasn't talking about this…”
Goten didn't say anything to that. “I don't know what to say,” he finally said. “I can't figure it out myself…” He felt guilty for saying that to Ayame but first he needed to deal with the whole situation.
They sat silently in the kitchen. After finishing his plate, Goten's gaze shifted back to the frying pan. “Did Trunks eat anything?” he asked.
Ayame yawned then nodded. “Yeah, he fried some eggs for himself. Probably thinks I want to poison him…”
Goten frowned. He stood up and went to wash his dishes then went to look for Trunks. He found him curled up on the sofa and watching some cartoons. Goten's brow rose but he didn't comment.
“C'mon,” he tossed a jacket onto Trunks; Trunks caught it before it could hit his head. “Let's go outside,” Goten motioned with his head to the door. “I'll treat you to normal dinner. You need to eat meat to restore your power level.”
Trunks shrugged passively. He tossed the jacket to the end of his feet on the sofa. “It's not that I'm going to fight anyone soon.”
“You'll have to fight me, if you don't get up now!” Goten snarled, grabbing Trunks by his arm and hauling from the sofa.
“Let go!” Trunks growled.
“Goddamit, you imbecile!” Goten hissed, hauling Trunks into the corridor. “Instead of growling at me, you should be grateful I saved your sorry ass!” he pushed stumbling Trunks to a wardrobe. “Now get fucking dressed!”
Trunks glared daggers at him but obeyed. Goten crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on the wall while Trunks was looking for his socks and shoes. Goten turned his head to the kitchen where Ayame stood in the doorway, watching them. “We'll be out for several hours, Ayame. You can stay here if you want.”
Ayame shook his head, refusing. “I'll have to go to the dojo soon.”
Goten nodded. “OK, then simply slam the door shut.” He turned away from Trunks who was tying his shoelaces.
Ayame nodded. “Okay.” He quickly blinked as Goten grabbed Trunks' hand. He felt the urge to rub his eyes - everything happened so fast - in his eyes it seemed only a blur.
“Don't even think!” Goten hissed down at Trunks. He squeezed Trunks' hand painfully before thrusting it away from his jeans-pocket. “Don't even fucking think about running away again! I won't give you a fucking cent until you explain what the hell that was in that field!”
“Leave me fucking in peace!” Trunks growled back at him. “I didn't ask you anything! Why the fuck did you interfere at all?!”
Goten punched Trunks hard. He heard Ayame gasp behind him but didn't pay attention to this. “Stop whining and get a grip finally!” he hissed at Trunks who was getting up from the floor, his palm pressed to his cheek. “What did you plan to do there?! To kill yourself, you idiot?!” He clenched his fists in anger. He was itching to beat the hell out of Trunks. He could forgive Trunks if that had had a spat with Gohan or Goku, but not Trunks' wish to kill himself. “What the fuck did you want to do there?!” Furious, he grabbed Trunks by his hair and hauled the other man to the door and then through it.
Trunks grabbed Goten's hand, trying to pry it out off his hair.
“Don't fuck with me, Trunks!” Goten hissed, shoving the other male to the elevator. He pushed Trunks into it after it had arrived. After the door had closed he let go of Trunks' hair. “Now, what the hell happened on that field?!” he looked at Trunks.
The only thing Trunks wanted was to be somewhere else, but he didn't have that luxury. “I attacked Gohan,” he muttered softly. He had never seen Goten so angry before.
Goten's eyes narrowed. “Why?” He gritted his teeth as Trunks didn't say anything. “Trunks…” his nostrils flared, “are you trying to annoy me?!”
“There was no reason…” Trunks muttered.
Goten cursed loudly. He considered bitch-slapping Trunks, but then decided that it wouldn't help. “Whatever you say, honey.” He glared at Trunks. “But if you attack my brother “without that reason” again, I'll simply skin you alive, got that?”
“I won't,” Trunks shook his head.
“Good,” Goten snorted. He was more interested in Trunks' suicidal phenomenon. Besides, he hoped that he'd manage to corner Gohan. With Gohan it was always easier than with Trunks. “Now about that your… What the hell have you been thinking?! Do you even realize that with that amount of power you posses you would have exploded the Earth to tiny pieces?! You would have killed everyone!”
Trunks gave Goten an incredulous look. Goten felt the urge to strangle him. “Goddamit! You are bordering on Super Saiyan three level, and Vegeta was annihilating planets even without ascending to Super Saiyan!”
“He was doing what?” Trunks blinked.
Goten's open mouth locked. “Doesn't matter…” He shook his head then. He hauled the other man out of the elevator after the door had opened.
“Stop toting me around!” Trunks tried to shake Goten's hand off.
“If you behave like a mad dog, I'll get you a leash,” Goten said calmly, pushing Trunks through the door and outside.
“Goten, I won't run. I promise. And I won't attack anyone…” Trunks heaved out after having almost falling over when his foot had caught on a splintered concrete.
Goten jerked Trunks to him to look at his face. Then he let go of Trunks. “You'd better keep THIS promise!”
“I'm sorry,” Trunks muttered, rubbing his wrist where red fingerprints were seen. “I didn't want… I just snapped…” He waited for Goten to shout at him again, but the other man simply stood silently next to him.
“C'mon, let's get something for you to eat,” Goten finally sighed. He had no wish to argue with Trunks, he simply wanted them to get along. He didn't want to be paranoid anymore. He wanted for everything to simply solve itself out.