Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb@yahoo.com), beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 13
Trunks ate his steak silently. Goten was sipping his tea from time to time, his eyes locked on Trunks. The air felt oppressive and leaden around them. Goten was really trying not to worsen the situation but he was still angry.
Goten rolled his head onto the backrest to look at the sky. It was going to rain again. He cursed mentally. Trunks had better eat faster so that they could go to the barber's before it started raining.
“Goddamit!” Goten startled as a there was a flash of lighting. He cursed once again after spilling his tea on his shirt. Drying himself with a napkin, he thought that they wouldn't be in time to escape the rain.
“What is Ayame doing?” Trunks asked while munching on his salad. “I mean for a living,” he added quickly after Goten's eyes darkened. “Ehh… Don't mind me…” he ducked his head back to his plate. He agreed that Goten had a right to be angry with him.
“He's an aerobics instructor,” Goten sipped what was left of his tea, his heart melting a bit at Trunks' obvious distress.
“Eh? Really?” Trunks' mouth faltered then continued its chewing. He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. “Aerobics instructor…” he chuckled. “You know, I like him…” he said then.
Goten's suddenly flashing eyes snapped to Trunks. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?! That you don't mind me fucking him?! Do I have your blessing now?!”
Trunks blinked then ruffled through his hair. “Have they put something in that tea…?” He looked at Goten's mug. But then, giving into the anger, Trunks tossed his fork loudly back onto the table. “You yourself scent-marked him! I just said that I liked him! Was I supposed to say that I hate him and beg you to leave him, and be with me forever?!” he snarled.
Goten's eyes flashed turquoise for a moment. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” he hissed. Goten hushed his voice as people in the café started turning to look at the two of them, “Don't fucking be so full of yourself!”
Trunks rolled his eyes. He leaned back in his chair. “I'm tired of this game, Goten,” he spat, disgusted. “You are insulting my intelligence by thinking I am such a fool as not to know what's on that mind of yours…”
“Congratulations!” Goten growled. “Then it means you are a psychic! Because I have not a fucking clue what is on my mind, you….grrr!” He grabbed his mug with intent to launch it at Trunks.
“You behave like a fucking woman,” Trunks pointed at the mug. “Breaking dishes while arguing…so stereotypical…” He rolled his eyes.
Slowly, Goten lowered the mug back to the table. He was panting loudly, fury contorting his face. If there was ever a moment when he hated Trunks, it was now and it didn't help any that he was furious with himself too.
“You know what…” Suddenly, Goten jumped from his seat. He started fumbling with his jeans pocket. “I'm so fucking sorry that I'm such a stereotype!” He hurled a bundle of money onto the table next to Trunks' plate. “I'm so fucking sorry I'm gay!” he mocked. “Fuck you!” he spat, grabbing his jacket from the backrest. “Yeah, look for someone not so stereotypical and stupid to worry and fuss about you! I had had enough of you and your attitude!”
“Goten, stop!” Trunks reached out to catch Goten by his arm but missed. “Goten, wait! Fuck!” Trunks cursed as Goten quickly made his way to the door. Trunks grabbed the bundle from the table, tossed one banknote onto the table and ran after Goten.
“Goten!” Trunks shouted. “Will you fucking stop?!” He looked at the sky as it flashed. “Shit…”
“Go to hell!” Goten yelled, quickening his pace. “Leave me in peace! Just leave me in peace for good and all!”
Trunks caught up with Goten. Goten shoved Trunks' hand to the side after that had tried to hold him in place.
“Don't touch me! Don't come near me! Here!” He fished the keys out from his pocket and threw them at Trunks' face.
Trunks caught the keys before they hit his face. “Goten, stop this hysterics! Goten!” He cursed again as Goten ignored him simply. “It's raining! Let's go back!” Trunks shouted.
“Oh goddamit, how I hate you!” Suddenly, Goten stopped walking and turned around to scream at Trunks' face. “Toying with me all the time! You what?! - Think that I have no feelings whatsoever?! Goddamit, how I have had enough of this! I don't want to see your fucking face anymore!” He threw his hands in annoyance. “Enough, Trunks. Simply enough…” He shook his head, continuing to walk quickly.
Trunks followed Goten; he hoped the rain wouldn't get worse. The accusations Goten made were at least partly right. He knew he had been torturing Goten and he had been doing that consciously. He had been pushing Goten. But that didn't mean Goten didn't know about that and hadn't been answering to him. Though, likely Goten didn't really understand what it was all about…
“You think I was the one to toy with you?” Trunks spat at Goten's back. “Even now I can't understand whom you are in love with, with him or me!”
Goten stopped in his tracks. Not turning around, he buried his face in his hands after a second. “Gods, what does it matter?” he muttered. “What does it matter to you?” He leaned on the wall, rubbing his face.
“And now you say “what does it matter”?” Trunks shook his head in disbelief. “It matters a whole lot to me! You know what I think? -It's about time we finished these games, Goten…”
“Then finish, dammit! I'm not the one playing!” Goten yelled. “I don't fucking understand what you are doing! I'm not a fucking genius like you!” He hid his face in his hands again. “Trunks… I'm tired…” he muttered. “I'm so tired of it all… It's tearing me apart… And what you have been trying to do there, on that field? I don't understand, Trunks. I don't think that I have enough strength to care anymore…” He looked at Trunks.
“Hell, Goten, don't cry, damn…” Trunks leaned to the younger male who had buried his face in his hands again. “Goten… I'm sorry…”
“I'm fine! It's the rain!” Goten snapped, pushing him away. “Go away!”
“Goten, stop…” Trunks caught Goten's hands easily and lowered them. “Stop that… I'm sorry… Please, stop that… Or I'll cry, too…” he whispered. “Goten…” Trunks pressed his cheek to Goten's. “Please, let's go back. We can figure everything out.”
Goten stopped trying to push Trunks away. “You fucking idiot…” Goten rubbed his teary eyes, muttering. “You could have just run away…” He lowered his head to Trunks' again.
Trunks laughed softly, his voice thick. “I don't have where to run to, Goten. The only place I'd run is where you are…”
“And you accused me of being womanly…” Goten shook his head, sniffling. He looked at the sky. “Godamn, the rain seems to be increasing…”
“If it were one of those romantic movies, we'd be kissing right now…”
“Trunks…” Goten shook his head, disapproving and angered again.
“I'm sorry,” Trunks said quickly. He added rapidly: “I'm not fond of rain, so let's get our asses moving so as not to catch a cold.”
Goten sighed. “Yeah…”
Trunks had never imagined one could have such a feeling of relief like he felt now. He was almost faint with relief. The words “don't leave me” had been bordering on the tip of his tongue all the time while Goten was trying to push him away and it took almost all of his sanity not to start begging. It was not as if he was too proud to pronounce those words, it was that he was afraid to find out that this last resort wouldn't work. He didn't know what he'd have done then. Goten had pulled him out. If Goten rejected him now… Then what had been the point in that Goten's act? What did he have besides Goten to keep him here…?
Trunks peeled his wet shirt and tossed it directly into the washing-machine. He turned to Goten. “Give yours.”
Goten threw his shirt to Trunks then started peeling his soaked jeans off.
“I'll take a shower,” Goten said after putting his dripping jeans into the sink.
“Ah, okay.” Trunks nodded, switching the washing-machine on. After that he left the bathroom for Goten, found some dry clothes for himself and went to the kitchen.
Before going back to the flat they had bought a big pack of caramel ice-cream as they used to do when he was still in the hospital. Trunks was the one to suggest that - he was hoping that it would raise their mood. It was also a form of apology and demonstration that he wanted things to go back to how they were earlier.
Goten had bought a half of kilo of strawberries with the ice-cream and said that he'd make a sundae.
Trunks remembered what a sundae looked like, but he didn't remember what one tasted like. He didn't remember what strawberries tasted like either.
“Trunks?! Oh my God, Trunks, are you okay?”
From the floor, Trunks looked at Goten. Confused, he looked around. “What happened?” he asked.
Goten pulled Trunks up into the sitting position. “I entered the kitchen and saw you fall…” Goten looked at Trunks' confused face. As far as he could see Trunks didn't hurt himself anywhere while falling. “You don't remember?” he asked. “Do you feel faint or ill?”
“I…” Trunks faltered. He shook his head in denial. “No… I remember washing the strawberries… Then I took them to the table… I think I tried to remember what they tasted like…” Suddenly, Trunks eyes widened in realization. “It's fine, I'm okay.” He stood up quickly and regretted that immediately.
“Shit,” Goten grabbed Trunks who swayed. He helped Trunks to sit down carefully onto a chair. “Hell, if it's what it takes you to remember, then it's easier to taste them…” Goten laughed nervously.
“Yeah… I think it's true…” Trunks nodded, taking a deep breath to get more air into his spinning head.
“Maybe you should see Gohan about this?” Goten looked at Trunks' face.
Trunks looked back at him. “I'll see him, later,” he assured.
Goten wanted to object but then nodded simply. He walked over to the fridge for the ice-cream. Then he took two deep dishes that had already changed their place several times: he had moved them from the flat he had been renting to Ayame and his sister's and then to here.
Trunks watched Goten moving about in the kitchen. Goten was wearing one of the bathrobes he had bought on the Net. Goten looked so cozy and homey with that on while plodding away. Trunks thought that he could get used to that sight. Trunks also wondered if Goten wore anything else under that bathrobe.
Goten filled the dishes up halfway with the caramel ice-cream. After that he chopped up the strawberries and poured them into the two dishes. Then found two teaspoons.
“Will we eat them now?”
“Eh?” Trunks nodded after Goten's words reached their destination “Oh, yeah.” Trunks reached for his dish.
“You really okay? You seem kinda distracted…” Goten sat down at the table too, opposite Trunks.
“Your wardrobe distracts me… I can't stop thinking if you're wearing something underneath it… When is your next exam?” Trunks took his dish with ice-cream.
With a teaspoon in his mouth Goten stared at Trunks. He turned the spoon in his mouth several times. “After three days. I'll just pretend that I didn't hear that,” he added. “And yes, I'm wearing your underwear.”
“Then you have to study instead of running around the city with me. Are those with small devils and angels?” Trunks scooped a good spoonful of ice-cream and started licking at it.
“C'mon, I have just come back from one exam, give me a break. Yeah, one horny angel on the crotch and a smirking devil on the bottom.”
“Those are my favorite… Yeah, I suppose you can have this day off… It's really good.” Trunks stuck another spoonful into his mouth. With his eyes closed he enjoyed the taste.
“Yeah,” Goten agreed, leaning in his chair blissfully.
“Let's hit the bars, eh?” Trunks suggested suddenly. “Let's hit the bars, get sloshed and then let's fuck all night!”
Goten opened his eyes. “What the hell?” he blinked. He watched Trunks' face for some time. “I don't get it,” he finally said. “Are you flirting with me?”
“It depends if you want me or him…” Trunks' gaze was unwavering.
“Ah…” Finally, Goten realized that this was what Trunks had promised: they were solving everything out. At least trying to. Only Trunks' way of approaching the subject was…
Goten put the dish with his ice-cream back onto the table; the ice-cream had suddenly lost all taste to it. “I was thinking about that, too. You know what I said to Gohan once when he told me that you were not him? -That I hadn't been sure which of you I liked more… That was only several days after you woke up.” Goten sighed and leaned in his chair. He avoided meeting Trunks' eyes; he knew Trunks was watching him.
“I used to compare you two all the time. I know how you hate it. But you also understand that it's only natural… And I compared and compared… Until in the end I realized that I started comparing not you to him, but him to you and think what a bastard he was…” Goten rubbed his forehead. He raised his head. “So yeah, I suppose this answers your question…”
“Partly…” Trunks nodded. “But you only said that you like me more than him. But…”
“Oh goddamit, Trunks!” Goten groaned. “Should I make a tattoo on my forehead with that stupid heart and the arrow for you to understand?! Don't make this more embarrassing than it already is…”
Trunks brushed over his hair. “And Ayame…?”
Goten closed his eyes rubbed his face with his hands. “What about him?” he sighed.
“If we start fucking, he might not agree with such a relationship…”
Goten froze. He removed his hands from his face. “I said don't joke like this! It's not funny! Think before talking, or I'll start regretting that I forgave you and will leave you for Gohan and Goku to tear apart.”
Trunks put his ice-cream aside too. “I'm not gay, Goten, but… Hell, I was trying to figure out where is that line when one is gay… And I am not quite finished yet… And I doubt there can be a line…” frustrated, Trunks sighed.
“I wasn't really playing with you… I was trying to understand your and my feelings. I'm sorry for my behavior in the club…” Trunks waved his hands apologetically. “I was using that girl to see your reaction and then dragged you to the dance floor and…” he shook his head, “doesn't matter, I did plenty of similar things…” he said, shrugging at Goten's angry face.
“That thing we have between us…that weird parent-child bond…it throws me out. It throws us both out. I'd be lying if I said that it had been hindering to understand what I feel for you, but it does disturb me.
“Well, the point of this speech was to say that I think that I am in love with you…” Trunks ruffled through his hair. “Silly, ne? It's that most of the time instead of sexual attraction I feel that weird parent-child affection and it just drives me crazy…”
Goten shook his head in disbelief. “Love me? You..? Most of the time? And what do you feel the other time?”
Trunks pursed his lips. “The other time I think of what sounds you'd make if I bit on your ear or what does your skin feels and tastes like or, like now, how fast I can get that wardrobe off you…”
Goten couldn't hold that blue-eyed gaze that sent shivers down his spine. He lowered his eyes quickly to his ice-cream and tried to sort his thoughts out. He was painfully hard and almost panting. “Trunks… I… Are you making fun of me again?” he groaned. He knew perfectly that Trunks was able to scent him. And then he realized he could scent Trunks', too…
Goten's eyes shot to Trunks who stood up.
“No,” Trunks shook his head, “I am not.” He approached Goten.
“W-what are you d-?!” Goten jumped out of his seat, pushing Trunks away. “Goddamit, do you think everything's so easy!?” He pushed past Trunks and went into the corridor. After Trunks followed him, he went into the living-room, as Trunks still followed him, he turned around and went back into the corridor then into the bathroom and locked the door.
Trunks blinked at the door that had just shut against his nose. “Ehh… What are you doing?” This was ridiculous.
“I don't know!” Goten growled from the other side of the door. “But I can ask you the same! - What the hell do you think you are doing?!”
“I said I was tired of these games, as I know the other one isn't in the way…”
Goten cursed. “It's so easy, ne?!” He plopped onto the edge of the bathtub.
“Ehh… Yeah..?” Trunks scratched his head.
“I have a boyfriend, Trunks! And I am very content with him!”
Trunks frowned. “Ah… Ayame… You think he would mind? Yeah, probably… I do like him and I'm kinda sorry, but you don't love him anyway, right? And I'm not the one to step down…”
“How the fuck do you know?! He loves me!” Goten felt like banging his head on the wall. “Your logic is killing me…” Then he shrieked and almost fell into the bathtub when suddenly Trunks ITed against him.
“Well, but it's only logical…” Trunks pulled Goten up by the lapels of the bathrobe from the bathtub. “I'm sure he'll understand. After all he was only a substitute for that another you couldn't get…”
Goten's eyes flared. He smacked Trunks' hand away and stood up. “Ayame isn't a substitute for anyone! I like being with him and-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Trunks sighed. “I know all about that… You feel guilty. But you'll feel even worse if you miss the chance now…”
“What fucking chance, Trunks?! To fuck with you?! And what then?! Go to hell with this your chance!” Goten yelled.
“Why are you shouting at me all the time?” Trunks wondered. “Do you think it will give more weight to your words? Actually it doesn't work on me…”
“I'm shouting because your attitude pisses me off! Go to hell! Go to fucking hell!” Goten screamed, plopping back onto the edge of the bathtub. “Go to hell…” he groaned in defeat. He hid his face in his hands.
“For fuck's sake… Don't start crying again…” Trunks groaned, too. As far as he had noticed, the worst thing about Goten's tears was that they disarmed him completely.
“I am not crying, you idiot!” Goten glared at him. “I just… I just can't understand why you suddenly… Why now..?”
“Because I don't think we can waste time like this anymore…” I don't think there's much of it left to me, Trunks thought. “Why can't we two be happy at least for a little while?”
“Trunks, don't… Simply don't…” Goten shook his head.
“Is it because of Ayame?”
“Because of everything… I…”
“Hell, wasn't it you who said he'd not tolerate anyone in between us?” Trunks snarled.
Goten buried his fingers in his hair. He closed his eyes in distress. “Trunks…” His eyes snapped open in shock as he felt Trunks' lips ghost against his. He leaned away. Trunks followed until Goten was trying to level his weight and was almost falling off the edge of the bathtub.
“I love hearing you say my name,” Trunks murmured against Goten's lips. “Even if it's his name, too…” his hand dove into Goten's hair to entangle at his nape.
“T-tttrunks…” Goten stuttered.
“Yes, I love it…” Trunks pulled Goten by his bathrobe to him to press their lips together.
Goten hissed as Trunks' knee pressed deep in between his legs. Clenching his teeth he turned his face away from Trunks. His hands gave in and he almost collapsed into the bathtub as Trunks attacked the side of his throat he had accidentally offered.
Trunks pulled Goten up, his one hand still buried in Goten's hair another firmly on Goten's hip, guiding him against his leg and making him ride it. Goten's mouth opened to pant. His palms pressed against Trunks' chest not managing to decide if they wanted to push the man away or keep him in place to be sure Trunks wouldn't disappear. The lust that flared suddenly through Goten threatened to rob him off his mind.
Trunks tugged at Goten's hair to make the younger man face him again. Goten was flushed, his pupils dilated, the look on his face the one telling that he was having trouble believing in what was happening.
“Fuck…” Trunks groaned before smashing their lips together, this time making sure Goten wouldn't pull away.
Trunks needn't have worried. Goten, still a little dazed and disbelieving, didn't put any resistance, instead, after a moment, his tongue joined Trunks'. Goten didn't even have enough strength to be angry with Trunks after noticing that Trunks was grinning against his mouth in victory. He wanted the same as Trunks after all…
Goten moaned into Trunks' mouth as Trunks' palm cupped and squeezed his right buttock boldly.
“T-tt…” Goten stuttered while Trunks was rocking him on his jeans-clad leg. He pulled away from the kiss to pant loudly. Goten yelped when he was quickly seated back onto the bathtub. He grabbed onto Trunks' arms and shoulders not to fall into it.
Trunks wedged himself in between Goten's open legs, his hands parting the bathrobe the other male was wearing and sliding up Goten's thighs then his one hand entangling back into Goten's hair at his nape, the other diving into Goten's underwear, cupping his sex.
Trunks tugged Goten's head up. Goten's mouth was open, his plump lips glistening with saliva and eyes squeezed shut. Trunks stuck his tongue into that open and panting mouth.
He probably wouldn't have been this bold with Goten but his objective was to overwhelm the more experienced man and leave no road to return. He was a bit afraid the rush might scare Goten away, but he was also sure that hesitation would have really done that.
Goten's legs spread wider when Trunks started massaging him. Trunks felt himself shaking at the muffled sounds Goten was making in his mouth. Leaving Goten to hold onto his neck by himself, Trunks undid Goten's bathrobe completely and pushed it down Goten's shoulders to leave it pooling at his buttocks. His palm guided over Goten's shoulder and down warm skin to greedily cup one of Goten's buttocks again.
Goten did know how to kiss. Goten's answering kisses soon turned into something that took Trunks' breath away. The sudden picture in his mind of Goten and Ayame together in bed only fueled Trunks' lust more. And Goten currently outdoing him in kissing wasn't a problem - he was a quick learner.
“…s off,” Goten panted out, tugging at Trunks' shirt. With hungry eyes he watched Trunks pull his T-shirt over his head then attacked Trunks' mouth again. Goten's bathrobe was left to hang over the edge of the bathtub then slid down slowly to the floor.
Trunks' back hit the wall behind him, and Goten's knee dug between his legs and started rubbing. Trunks closed his eyes, feeling all blood rush to his nether regions. Trunks shortly wondered who was trying to overwhelm whose senses here.
The tension and shyness disappeared completely while they tried to overwhelm each other. Both panting, with dazed wild eyes they kissed greedily and drank in the scents surrounding them.
Goten started working on Trunks' jeans. His fingers unzipped Trunks' jeans and, together with the underwear, pulled them down Trunks' hips. When Goten pushed him towards the door, Trunks, entangled in his jeans, stumbled and knocked the shutter out. Falling, Trunks grabbed a hold of Goten and the both men tumbled down onto the floor in the corridor.
Trunks shivered and his eyes fluttered shut as Goten's thigh brushed against his naked and overly sensitive groin.
Goten raised himself up on his palms from Trunks' body. Goten pressed his knee further. He looked at Trunks whose eyes were closed and face flushed. Trunks was butt-naked, entangled in his jeans and underwear, with his back flattened to the floor and underneath him. It was like Goten's wet dream came true.
“Ugh…” Trunks grunted as Goten quickly straddled his hips and attacked his throat furiously, biting and nibbling. He loved the feel of Goten's hot skin against his. Loved so much that ached to feel it all on him.
Goten quickly worked the rest of Trunks' clothes off Trunks' body completely and tossed them somewhere aside. In return, Trunks started pulling Goten's underwear down, Goten raising his hips and helping him. The front of the underwear held several darker droplets of eagerness and Trunks licked his lips subconsciously after having revealed a red swollen erection to match his own.
Goten's mouth released a startled grunt as Trunks didn't waste time and grabbed him, at the same time sucking and biting at Goten's lips. Goten's hand slid over Trunks' chest and stomach. Goten could feel muscles flexing and moving under his palm. Then Goten's palm cupped Trunks to return the favor.
Trunks' mind drifted away when Goten started smearing Trunks' pre-cum over his length.
Trunks was loudly panting, and Goten could feel desperation and need in those gasps. Too much of it. If that went further, Trunks was simply going to spill before they even did anything. He let go of Trunks who let out a displeasured sound.
“Shhh… Slower, slower…” Goten panted out while holding Trunks' fervent hands down. He realized that much of that displeasure was due to Trunks' fear that he'd change his mind. “You…” he moaned, and his forehead fell to Trunks' chest as Trunks' hand slipped away and stroked Goten roughly. “Trunks, hell…” he moaned while being not able to stop himself and biting on Trunks' nipple against his nose. He shuddered at the sound that left Trunks' mouth. He thought that Trunks must be mad thinking he could let him go now…
Goten forced himself to let go of the nipple. “You don't…” he pushed Trunks' hand away that had somehow encircled his cock again. “You don't want that it would be finished too soon, do you?” He licked at the nub again. He figured he was drunk on Trunks' scent.
“Are you planning to leave soon? I don't mind repeating…” Trunks grinned before attacking that complaining mouth.
Goten had no idea how Trunks expected him to answer while Trunks' tongue was down his throat and he wasn't really coherent enough to answer. Probably that was the whole idea, anyway…
Goten had finally gathered enough of will to pull from Trunks away and to stop humping Trunks shamelessly. Wordlessly, he pulled Trunks up with him and dragged the other man into the bedroom. Pushing Trunks onto the bed, he fell on top of the man. He couldn't stop himself from moaning contently when their bodies came flush.
Goten started nipping and kissing his way from Trunks' chest to his stomach and then to his navel. He dipped the tip of his tongue into it and teased the sensitive dimple. He raised his head to outwatch Trunks' reactions while he was dunking his tongue in and out. This earned him a scarlet flush all over Trunks' face, several grunts and more pre-come that oozed from Trunks' shaft and onto his stomach. Goten couldn't stop himself from reaching his tongue out and licking at the musky liquid. He held Trunks' hips down as he tried to push at his lips.
While circling the head of Trunks' penis with his tongue, Goten spread Trunks' legs and, bending one of them at the knee, shortly wondered where the hell he had put his lube. Then he decided not to bother and opened his mouth.
With drunken eyes Trunks watched Goten's head bob up and down. Goten could feel Trunks' fingers gripping at his hair, fingers reaching the scalp, but there was no pressure. Goten raised his eyes to look at Trunks, he was amused when Trunks flushed even more and shut his eyes. He hadn't expected Trunks to be shy in bed. Though, not that Trunks was. He suspected that it had more to do with Trunks' inexperience in bed.
Goten rubbed his fingers over his own swollen cock to smear them with his pre-come. After that, he lowered his hand. As expected, Trunks' blue eyes opened wide to look at what he was doing at his nether regions. They widened even more as, without a warning, Goten slipped his index finger inside him. Trunks tensed, and Goten could feel Trunks' walls gripping at his finger tightly, but after a moment he felt Trunks relax, Trunks' eyes left his and closed again.
Not ceasing to suck Trunks off, Goten slid his finger backwards and forwards. Trunks' body gripped at his finger involuntary but then let go. Not wasting time he added the second finger.
He himself groaned around Trunks' cock when the other man jerked and grunted in surprise after he had found his prostate. After Trunks started rocking back onto his fingers it became obvious that Trunks loved it. Trunks' pants turned into gasps and his pulsing arousal in Goten's mouth showed that Trunks wasn't going to last any longer.
Goten sucked harder, his fingers now rubbing over Trunks' prostate constantly. Trunks' breath shuddered, his hips jerking onto Goten's fingers then into his mouth. He strengthened his grip on Goten's hair and tried to push Goten away, indicating that he was almost done. Goten only hollowed his cheeks, and Trunks' mouth opened into a soundless cry when he came, arching.
Trunks slumped back onto his back into a heap of panting and sweaty limbs. “Holly shit,” he gasped out. “Can we repeat that in several minutes?” He looked at Goten's crotch. “I suppose several minutes are too much to ask…” Trunks got confused as Goten left the bed suddenly. “Eh?” he blinked at Goten's back.
Goten fumbled about in his bag feverishly. His fingers finally located a small tube, and he went back to the bedroom where Trunks was sprawled on the bed. His hungry eyes drank Goten's body in.
“I thought I displeased you somehow…”
With a feral look on his face, Goten climbed onto the bed. He crawled in between Trunks' legs again. “You didn't have the chance yet…” he muttered before attacking Trunks' mouth ravenously. “So far so good…” he said after letting go of Trunks' lips.
Trunks' eyes set on the tube in Goten's hand. He watched Goten unscrew the cap and, with shaking in impatience hands, squeeze some lube onto his fingers. By the time those fingers pressed against his anus, Trunks was hard again.
Trunks bit his lip when his and Goten's eyes crossed. Trunks' back arched as those fingers slid further to rub against his prostate. Not letting his eyes fall of Goten's, Trunks spread his legs further. The intimacy of the double contact made him quake inside. He rocked back onto Goten's fingers, feeling that same fire build up in the pit of his stomach.
Not having the patience to wait any longer, Goten pulled his fingers out, wiped them onto the sheets. He quickly squeezed some lube more, coated himself and positioned between Trunks' legs.
Trunks gritted his teeth as the head popped inside him. His breath stuck in his throat when Goten pushed further. Goten had prepared him well, but the feeling of stretching and fullness was incredible for his senses. He exhaled loudly when Goten was fully sheathed inside him.
He knew he should give some time for Trunks to adjust but he had no strength to stop himself. This was something he had dreamed of since he hit the puberty. Trunks' hot skin against his, his half-lidded blue eyes gazing at him, his breathing coming out in short puffs. So he moved, hypnotized by that blue gaze. He groaned and buried his face in Trunks' neck when Trunks wrapped his legs around his waist allowing him to push even deeper.
Trunks stared at the ceiling then, not managing to keep his eyes open, closed them and concentrated on the length pushing in and out of him. He could vaguely hear Goten's short breaths and groans against his shoulder crook. With each thrust Goten was hitting that spot inside him and opened him further until he felt like burning with need. His mouth opened to catch so missing air.
Finally he got Trunks moaning. Goten chuckled into Trunks' shoulder crook while moving in and out from the other man. Until now all he could get were several gasps and panting. Finally Trunks' control wavered.
Goten raised his head to see Trunks' face. He bit his lip at the sight: Trunks' eyes were closed, his face turned away, to the pillow, trying to muffle at least some sounds. Goten leaned to Trunks' mouth.
Trunks answered the sloppy kiss eagerly. He let out a sultry moan when the thrusts increased in strength and speed. And then he completely lost the plot. Everything he could feel and think was concentrated between his legs and inside his ass.
By how Trunks started to frantically strain against him, his moans taking a high pitch, Goten could tell that he was almost there. It was the perfect timing - he couldn't last any longer either.
Trunks' nails dug into Goten's arms, and he arched off the bed. For several moments the ultimate pleasure raided his body then he fell back into the bedding, relaxing gradually. He could feel Goten softening inside him.
Trunks stared at the ceiling while catching his breath. Goten's harsh pants against his neck were burning his skin. He didn't really want to deal with the reality yet and he knew that at the moment Goten also preferred to leave things as they were at the moment. So they slept.