Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb@yahoo.com), beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 16
Goten held his bursting head. He was sitting on the bed, between the rumpled sheets, naked. He turned his head to the window. It was about midday already. He turned to look at the other side of the bed where Trunks was sprawled all over.
Trunks was still asleep, his breath even, his features relaxed and unguarded. Trunks' friable and tousled hair looked like a black aura on the white pillow. He still couldn't quite get used to the sight of Trunks having black hair. Usually, the first thought he had when he'd see Trunks was “Huh?” Why was that he didn't know. People did change their haircut, hair color, even their faces. Why was Trunks' black hair bugging him?
Trunks' hair still smelled of barber's. Perfume and sprays. He didn't like how it shaded Trunks' natural scent. Trunks washed too much, rubbing his scent off him and leaving that of soap or shower gel. He liked feeling Trunks' natural scent, he liked when after touching Trunks he could feel the scent texture on his own skin much later.
Silently, Goten climbed over Trunks and padded to the kitchen. He filled a glass of water, drank it in several gulps then put the glass next to the sink and splashed his face with cold water. Then filled the glass again and sat down at the table to drink.
He couldn't comprehend how Trunks could have suggested drinking yesterday. The fucker knew he had an exam tomorrow! How was he going to learn now?! His head felt like it was filled with sand that threatened to bust it at any moment.
But on the other hand… He had been in such a condition that he wouldn't have been able to learn anyway. The conversation with Ayame messed him up completely. The shock he had been in after… Everything went out of the window. And for what? Fuck him if he knew. Trunks said he loved him. He doubted it very much. There was that problem of the weird parent bond they shared. He had no idea what would happen after the bond dissolved after several years. Several years…
Goten snorted at himself. As if he and Trunks were going to last several years together! Several weeks or days the most were closer to the truth. He did love and did like Trunks but he had never been able to tell what was going on in that pretty head of his. Trunks was full of shit. Right now Trunks was like a teen who had just gotten a candy called sex. He could understand Trunks, but hell, he went through that when he was thirteen and he didn't know what would happen after Trunks had had his fill.
But…he wasn't even sure why he was thinking about that. The time that they had now together was great and the future... Later could wait…
“Your face is dripping on my floor,” Trunks notified Goten as soon as he entered the kitchen. “I might slip and kill myself.”
“Fuck you, too,” Goten snapped, irritated and quite angry. “Quit talking about death all the time, OK?”
“Aren't we a bit moody today…?” Trunks walked over to the fridge and started ransacking it.
Goten watched Trunks' back while he was searching for something in the fridge. “Don't you have a hangover or something?” he finished his glass and went to refill it again.
“A hangover?” With a piece of salami between his teeth Trunks turned around to look at him. He thought a moment. “Nope,” he shook his head finally, tearing at the meat with his teeth. He turned back to the fridge.
“Why? Why do you never have a hangover?” Goten sat back onto the chair. He glared at Trunks back. “You are wearing my boxers, dammit!”
“Dunno…” Trunks shrugged. “And you are wearing mine, so we are even,” he said into the fridge.
Goten looked at his crotch. Really, somehow he had grabbed those with a devil and angel. He frowned. “You eat a lot,” he said then only for the sake of saying something.
“Quit bugging me,” Trunks plopped down at the table before Goten and began to munch a sandwich he had hastily built. “I'm a growing child.”
Goten snickered. His thought exactly, but he still had to open his mouth: “Didn't look like one while…” he hushed. He raised his glass to have some more water, but it was already too late.
“…While you were screaming my name?” Trunks immediately latched onto it, grinning.
Goten glared, glared hard. “I don't remember doing that,” he said only to say something again.
Trunks just raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, I'll just eat and leave you in peace to learn. I still have to go to the university and then to Gohan, so you'll be alone to learn, throw things, scream and curse me.” He got up and went to the living-room where he sat down against the TV then turned it on to watch cartoons.
Goten sat at the table for some time then followed Trunks. Goten sat down next to him and leaned his head onto Trunks' shoulder. He nuzzled his nose at Trunks' neck and inhaled the salty scent of sweat, their rash lovemaking and something that was only Trunks' entirely. It felt very comforting.
Trunks shrugged, shaking Goten's head together with his shoulder. He stuffed the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. “You have a right to be angry with me,” he said after chewing and swallowing what he had in his mouth. Not really paying attention to Goten, he continued watching the cartoons.
“Not really,” Goten murmured into Trunks' shoulder. “You knew I wouldn't be able to learn anyway. And if not you and your Vodka I'd have had my head hurting from crying anyway…”
“Yeah,” Trunks nodded. “You cry too much.”
Goten chuckled. “Probably.” He nuzzled Trunks' neck once again. “It's that my head hurts like a bitch, my boyfriend left me and I feel like shit and I have an exam tomorrow…”
“You don't need to make excuses to me…” Trunks sighed. “I don't deserve that…”
Goten turned to Trunks and wrapped his arms around Trunks' waist. “Yeah, you don't,” he sighed and pressed his head to Trunks' chest. “You are selfish to no end but you are reasonable,” he chuckled.
Trunks smiled. He stroked Goten's hair lazily. “Probably.”
“I feel weird again,” Goten said after some time sitting like that. He was purring while Trunks was stroking his hair.
“Me too,” Trunks nodded. “It's probably that bond again.”
The things at the university were calm. Though, he had accidentally overheard a gossip about one student who came in the early morning and tried to hand his dissertations in. He had been said to have been furious and cursing Trunks Brief's name the entire time.
It wasn't that Trunks was very proud of what he did, but it didn't mean he didn't gloat in the malevolence. Oh he did, and HOW he did. He wasn't afraid of Kiore - he was sure that Kiore had nothing against him and wouldn't risk by exposing himself, too. So there was the only thing he could do - to gloat.
After he left the university, he took a train to the hospital. He could have ITed there, but he didn't know what to do with the free time he had on his hands. So he just observed everything around him and learned and learned.
Gohan was at his usual place, but after seeing Trunks the man stood up, and they went to Trunks' ward. Gohan sat down at the window, leaving Trunks' favorite place free.
Trunks plopped down onto the bed. His gaze fell onto Gohan. Gohan seemed worried; the man looked tired, his usually black sparkling eyes glazed over. Trunks guessed that Gohan didn't sleep last night. He could understand the man.
The silence stretched and started getting on Trunks' nerves. “So what did you decide?” he asked.
Gohan raised his bleary eyes to look at Trunks. “I'll do it,” he said, his voice defeated and tired. He took his glasses off to rub the bridge of his nose. Then he sighed and raised his head again. “Is it really as dangerous as you say? Can't you…?”
Trunks shook his head in denial. “He's too strong for me.” Yes, day by day he could feel the other grazing at his defenses. As time passed the annoying grazing turned into pounds that were shaking his inner world. They didn't interact. He knew that as soon as he let the other approach, he'd be done, erased to nothingness. The other was strong, master of manipulation. Had he lived as long as the other, he wouldn't be sure as to who would win, but now… He had no chance and he didn't want to endanger the others. He was done. It would be foolish to drag the others after him.
Trunks' face had turned serious once again. Gohan couldn't get over it how different the man looked when he got serious. Not threatening, not mocking, not teasing, simply serious. Trunks was a beauty to behold, Gohan had to admit that, even if he didn't want to use the term. That beauty was the most visible when Trunks wasn't scowling, smirking, giving that fake smile or mocking. It was the best seen when Trunks was himself.
“There's one thing more I want to ask,” Gohan said, putting his glasses on. He proceed with that as Trunks nodded. “Why is Bulma's wrist broken? She said she had slipped. But I have the feel…” Trunks didn't let him finish.
“Goten got a bit…frustrated when she tried to sedate me,” Trunks muttered. He didn't want to talk about it. “He gets dangerous when… That morning, after I watched those…vids, she came into my ward. She tried to inject me with something. I don't know what she'd have done to me…probably would have tried to hypnotize or use some other tricks to bring her dearest son back… I don't…”
“Goten broke it?!”
“No. It was me who broke it. But he ordered to.”
Trunks gave a pained smile. “I was fucked up that morning, and badly. And you shouldn't underestimate the bond that is between us. He just told me to, and I did without thinking. I think I slapped him after that, but I don't really remember…
“You know, Goten was pretty serious when he told you that this bond is stronger than your blood relation…” Trunks looked at Gohan. “You should carefully consider how you're gonna explain my sudden death or Goten might kill you…” He rubbed the end of his nose, smiling lightly, his azure eyes amused.
Gohan gazed at him for some time then started at the unexpected thought. “By choosing me you want us to become enemies! You want Goten to hate me!”
Trunks' blue eyes widened in mock surprise. “Really?”
“Do you hate me that much? Why?!” Gohan hissed out.
Trunks thought for a moment. “Yes. I don't know why. Must be the influence of the other…I suppose he hated being killed,” he smiled. “But…” he raised a finger dramatically in the air, his body moving forward. Then he lowered his hand and fell unceremoniously back into the chair. “This is ridiculous,” he burst out laughing. “I can be a bitch to deal with, true, but if I really hated you, I'd have already killed you or said to Goten that you had attacked me, and I'd have watched you die by his hand or would have set up the two of you against each other long ago - with this bond it's so easy to do after all... or…oh, there are so many options…” he couldn't stop laughing. “Though, yes I'm quite interested in how you're gonna deal with Goten after I'm dead,” he tapped his fingers on his chin, grinning.
“You are a devil,” Gohan snorted.
“Nah, I'm only curious,” Trunks chuckled. “I don't hate you, Goten's brother,” he shook his head, smiling. “Actually I like you. But you are so easy to tease…”
Gohan only sighed. “You are like a small child…” He saw Trunks smile at that and suddenly he realized that it was exactly like that - Trunks WAS a small child. All experiences were new to Trunks, he was playing, watching reactions, learning. Like any other normal child. Only his swings were much broader.
“Umm?” Trunks' brow rose at the studying look that Gohan gave him. Then he sighed dramatically, “I do look hot, I know, but I can't let you fuck me - I'm already engaged,” his intense blue eyes washed over Gohan leaving the man speechless and numb.
Silence was broken by Gohan snorting, “You should know that the thought of sleeping with you, as with any other male, disgusts me.”
Trunks laughed. “Yeah, I know. You are the type who doesn't really understand the appeal of a man sleeping with a man. Even though, I find it interesting that you aren't prejudiced against it…” Then Trunks smiled softly. “But you don't really get what you want, do you? Videl looks such a tame housewife… You do like women who dominate you, don't you? The ones who take control over your body, pin you to the bed, to the wall and tell you when to moan and when to come, ne?” he grinned.
Gohan stared at him, his face hot. “Goddamit, can you shut that mouth of yours?” he stuttered finally.
Trunks shrugged. So similar to your brother, he thought. “I'd like to see your daughter one of these days,” he said absentmindedly.
Gohan just shook his head. He still couldn't comprehend how Trunks' thought could switch so fast. “Okay, just come over when you wish… But behave.”
Trunks only grinned. “Does she like ice-cream? I'd bring some with me.”
“Yeah, she does,” Gohan nodded.
“Then tomorrow after Goten finishes his exams. It will be such a good occasion for that!”
Gohan was a bit surprised to see Trunks so enthusiastic. “Okay, as you wish,” he nodded.
Trunks slowly measured the sidewalk with his steps. He counted thirty-three by the time when he felt the gun pressed to his back.
“Umm?” Trunks raised his brow, not turning around. “A kidnapping? Are you sure you want to kidnap me?”
“Shut up!” the low voice hissed. “Walk over to that car at the end of the pavement. Make any noise and I'll splash your brains!”
Trunks started walking in the direction he was shoved to.
“And what exactly are you planning to do with me?” Trunks wondered. “So Kiore got a little pissed because of that dissertation? Does he want to beat me a bit or is this his plan to get some money from my mother?”
“Shut the fuck up, you idiot!”
The hard metal was pressed against Trunks' back firmer. Trunks saw he was being pushed to the black car that was standing next to the hospital gates. There was another man in the car, next to the wheel.
Trunks was pushed into the car, his attacker climbing after him. The car started moving.
Trunks watched the scenery through the window for some time then got bored. “Where are you taking me?” He glared when the man who had brought him to the car pressed the gun to his neck firmer. Trunks turned his head around. “Listen, I don't mind that gun, just fucking stop breathing into my neck!”
Trunks jerked his head away before the handle of the gun could have hit his face. “Hey!” he yelled, angered. “Don't dare touch my face!” He grabbed the gun from the man's hand, smashed the window with it and threw it out. “So where the fuck are we going?” he asked again, checking his sleeve that was torn now. He felt he was getting pissed.
The man was staring at Trunks, trying to think of something quickly. The driver was following the events at the back through the back mirror.
Trunks couldn't believe the man tried to hit him in the face for the second time.
“Whoops,” Trunks blinked after hearing a loud crunch when his own fist connected with the man's jaw. “I think I broke something.”
The driver hit the brakes and turned to the side. Trunks tried to push the unconscious body that had fallen on him, away.
“Oi, oi, dammit, get off!” Trunks tried to shake the body off his back.
“Don't fucking move!” the driver hissed pressing the gun to Trunks' head.
“Umm…” Trunks finally showed the body off himself. “You got me,” he blinked at the gun against his nose.
“We'll switch places. You'll drive.”
“Eh?” Trunks paled. “I can't! I don't know how to!”
“Godfucking dammit! Get into the seat now!” the man growled, pushing Trunks with the gun's barrel out of the car then climbing out himself. Then he successfully guided Trunks to the wheel. He had perfectly seen the successor to Capsule Corporation drive a car once.
Trunks looked at the wheel wide-eyed. “So…” he blinked. “I just turn it to the side I want to go, ne?”
“Go, you fucking imbecile!”
“Umm…” Trunks observed the wheel and the pedals under his feet again. He looked at the gearbox. The next second his head hit the wheel. “Oh god,” Trunks groaned, rubbing his forehead. “It's more difficult than it seems…”
“Start the car again!” the man hissed from behind him. He was getting suspicious that Trunks didn't know how to drive after all. “Turn the key dammit! And keep your foot on the clutch while putting in the first speed!”
“Where is the clutch?”
The kidnapper groaned.
“Okay,” Trunks nodded after he was done. “What now?”
“Release the clutch slowly.”
“Oh, oh, I'm driving!” Trunks squealed, delighted. “How to make it move faster?” he squirmed.
“Put in the second speed. It's back and a bit to the right.”
“Ah, I see it,” Trunks fumbled with the gearbox. “Goddamit!” He rubbed his forehead again as he hit the wheel again. “You forgot to tell me something again!” he glared at the man behind him.
“Keep your foot on the damn clutch when changing the gears, you imbecile!” the man roared and rubbed his jaw that he had hit onto the first seat.
“Wonderful… And you say that only now,” Trunks rolled his eyes. He started the car again, put in the first speed, then put in the second. “Uhh…” he blinked. “There are three cars in front of us in the crossing… What do I do?”
The man mumbled under his breath. “I can't believe this is happening,” he shook his pal, but that was still out. “Let the one on your right pass and then go further.”
“I need to stop?!” Trunks' hair rose. His eyes fixed on the crossing in front of him. “How do I do that?!” he panicked.
“Hit the brakes! Omygod, we are going to crash!” the man screamed. The beeping horns from all sides followed.
“Ouch,” Trunks rubbed his forehead again. “I suppose I need to keep my foot on the clutch too when I wanna stop…”
“Yes, you do! Now start the car again!”
“Do you have a book or something about those crossings and stuff?” Trunks inquired after moving the car from the dead spot. “I think I kinda like driving.”
The man hit Trunks over his head with the barrel, trying to knock him out. He had had enough of this. It didn't matter that he was told to bring the guy untouched. This was ridiculous!
“Hey!” Trunks glared, rubbing the back of his head. “It hurts, you know!”
“Jesus fucking Christ, unbelievable!” the man hissed and tried to knock Trunks out once again. He blinked at Trunks' hand which caught the gun before it landed on Trunks' head.
“Quit it,” Trunks said seriously. “I'm kinda having fun. I don't think you wanna know what I can be like when I am not having fun…” He let go of the gun and looked around. “Now, there is another very, very big crossing with traffic lights… We need to go across it, right? We have a red light. So I slow down, stop behind that red car and wait for the green to light up, ne?”
“Yeah…” the man just slumped behind Trunks.
“This is fun!” Trunks grinned after they crossed the crossing. “I wanna get a license!”
The kidnapper didn't say a word.
Suddenly, Trunks' eyes lit up. “Oh, oh, I have an idea!” He began slowing down.
“What the hell are you doing?!” the kidnapper pressed his gun to Trunks' head again.
Trunks grabbed the gun and, almost tearing the kidnaper's hand off, snatched it. Then he climbed out of the car, opened the door to the back seats, dragged the man out of the car, tossed him several meters away then did the same with the unconscious one. He then came back to the drivers seat, closed the door and drove away, leaving the man staring at the car's rear.
When he came back to the flat Goten was already sleeping. So he quickly had a snack, took a shower and carefully climbed into bed. He spooned behind Goten, threw his arm over Goten's waist and was out.
When Goku ITed to Goten's ki he wished he hadn't. As the night had been hot, the both men had rolled to the opposite sides of the bed to keep themselves farther from each others' warmth, but the sight of his son sleeping with another man in his bed was disturbing.
“Wanted something?” the soft voice asked.
Goku's head snapped to Trunks.
“Not really,” Goku shook his head. He had just come to see Goten. He had been avoiding Goten long enough.
“In the evening we are visiting Goten's bother's family. You could come with us,” Trunks said.
Goku was a bit surprised but thought about this. “When are you going exactly?” he asked.
“I don't think it really matters…” Trunks shifted, turning onto his back. He looked Goku into the eyes. “I think you have many things to discuss with your oldest, too…”
Goku gazed at Trunks' face for some time then nodded and ITed away. Trunks turned to his right side, intending to sleep further.
“Do you think he'll really come?”
“Why are you asking me? He's your father, not mine…” Trunks muttered, drawing the sheet onto his head and dozing off.
Goten raised his head from the book he had been reading. Trunks leaned on the cupboard while drying his hair.
“When did you come back yesterday?” Goten asked.
Oh great, Trunks thought, gonna get scolded now. “At four.”
Goten sighed and lowered his eyes back to the book. “You should have called at least. I was worried that something might have happened to you.”
Trunks tossed the towel onto the chair that stood opposite Goten. The wet towel clung to the chair with a loud splash. Goten was acting like they were married or something. That child-parent bond was pissing him off. And he knew that had it Goten been in his place, he'd have not scolded Goten, no - he would have found Goten much earlier and simply dragged him back by his hair… So there, this was the difference between him and Goten…
Wordlessly, he went to the fridge. Yesterday he had brought some food. As he wasn't very sure how what was prepared and eaten, he bought many things but by little. Mostly it was pre-packed and dry meal.
“When did you decide you wanted to visit my brother?” Goten asked while watching Trunks messing around with fried chicken. “You don't need to do anything to that. Just stick the whole thing into the microwave for seven minutes. You can make salad if you fancy eating meat with it.”
Trunks did as he was told then got some vegetables. “I had been talking with your brother and it suddenly occurred to me that I wanted to see his daughter and then I thought that today is your last exam and I decided that it would be nice if you two finally stopped fucking around with each other,” he said while slicing the vegetables. “And if you idiot father finally stops being an asshole it will be even better.”
“Are you trying to arrange my life?” Goten closed his book and got up from his seat.
“Yes,” Trunks nodded. “First I got rid of Ayame - don't get me wrong - I like him, but he just stood in my way, and now I wanna show your family what idiots they were to cause this mess you call your life.”
Goten stood farther from Trunks and watched the sliced cucumber falling into the bowl. Trunks was good at cutting things. “Do you even make a move before planning and considering all consequences?” he muttered, rubbing his forehead. No matter how he tried, he could never reach the level Trunks was at, and it both pissed off and hurt him.
“Not really…” Trunks thought. “Sometimes,” he shrugged. “Your brother said I shouldn't worry about it because it's just how it is… He said that almost everyone would want to be like I am… I'm not sure what he meant, though…” he wondered. He finished cucumbers then turned around to look at Goten who was silently listening behind his back. “Will you eat before going?”
Goten shook his head, refusing. “Nah, I prefer empty stomach when I'm nervous.”
“I don't think it's healthy, but as you wish,” Trunks shrugged, turning back to the bowl. He took a potato and cut it in half then started cutting into smaller pieces.
“You worry that you are different than others?” Goten asked softly. “I didn't know…”
Trunks was silent for some time then shrugged. “I wouldn't call it worrying. It's just… I don't understand so many things… Like that…guy who liked Trunks very much. I don't really understand why I felt bad after I met with him. And I still can't get how you can be in love with the other… And…” Trunks closed his mouth. He wanted to mention that he didn't understand his feelings to Goten either but then decided it would be not wise to tell. “And my mother… I try to connect the dots but all I get is just some freakin' crisscross.”
Goten sighed. He walked over to Trunks to look how his salad was doing. “My brother probably meant that you shouldn't worry about such things like this. You measure everything by logic and outcome but you are not a computer either. You should leave it at it. Feelings have never been a logical thing.”
Trunks cocked his head to the side, thinking. “It scares me,” he said suddenly. “It means that whatever I do basing on the logic on events, can be screwed up if feelings are involved?”
Goten was taken aback when Trunks looked at him. Trunks was looking at him with big eyes, fear written all over his face. Suddenly, Goten didn't know to laugh or to freak out. He hadn't ever thought that the situation was possible…
“Trunks,” Goten shook his head to get rid of that weird feeling he fell into, “there's always a possibility that something might not work out as one wants. Don't make such a fuss out of it. People know that and people live with that. And you had it happen to you several time, too. I think you just didn't want to think anything of it. For example take the weather - let's say you want to go for a swim after work but then it starts raining and you can't go…” Goten almost groaned. He couldn't believe he was talking about such basic things to Trunks. “With feelings is the same - there are so many examples when a person thinks that the guy or a girl is ugly and not worth of attention and still wants that person…”
Trunks stared at Goten. “So this was how it was with you and Trunks?”
Goten blinked. He just hated that Trunks was able to connect the dots so fast. “Uhh…” he scratched his head. “Ehh…well, if you have in mind that I perfectly knew he was straight and still…yeah.”
Trunks turned back to the bowl. “Thanks. It's all clear now,” he nodded.
“Umm…ok. I'll go start dressing then…” Goten said, a bit confused.
“Do you think destiny does exist?” Trunks suddenly asked. “Maybe that's why some things don't work out as one originally plans? Maybe it's to steer the person onto the road he's supposed to go?”
Goten felt his head starting to hurt. “Trunks, these things… You are the only one for whom the most things work out as you plan and it's because you can see more possibilities how to reach your goal than any other normal being. Everyone else…” he just threw his hands in defeat. “Trunks, we'll talk about this later. No, go bug my brother about this. He's smarter than me and he would just love to discuss such useless things with you,” he shook his head, leaving the kitchen. “Buy some scientific or philosophical book or something. Just don't buy anything religious,” he added just in case. “They will fuck up your head completely.”
“OK,” Trunks nodded. “Nothing religious,” he repeated.