Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb@yahoo.com), beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 17
“Is Armageddon really to come?” Trunks asked as soon as Goten set his foot into the flat.
Goten groaned. He took his shoes off and found his slippers. “I said not to buy anything religious…” he shuffled into the kitchen, dragging his feet. He knew he was not ready to deal with any of the questions Trunks had.
Goten looked around. Trunks was trying to cook something, but variety of sweet and sour food simply didn't fit. Trunks had potatoes, eggs and tomatoes out. Goten wondered if Trunks knew that potatoes had to be boiled or roasted first. But at least Trunks was pealing them. Though, doing it very messily and clumsy, the bits and pieces shattered all over the table and floor. Ah well, it was Trunks' flat, not his, anyway.
“I didn't. I just read a bit in the bookshop,” Trunks raised his head from his potato. “Can you help me? I have not a slightest idea what I'm trying to do…” he gave Goten a helpless look of a lost puppy.
“Smartass,” Goten snickered. He looked around for a knife and joined Trunks at the table. He took a potato and started peeling it. “Of course Armageddon is to come - people will fry each other out with the A-bombs they have,” he said.
“Are you sure the concept of the Armageddon is like this?” Trunks wondered, reaching for another potato.
“You know, go fuck yourself with your philosophy,” Goten sighed. He looked from his potato at Trunks. “I don't give a damn about such things. You see, it's not practical to worry about them - it doesn't matter how much you think about them - nothing will change.”
“Umm…” Trunks thought for a moment. “Actually does God exist? They have a bible. But I can write one of my own… I have a pretty good imagination too…”
Goten felt a little happier - this was a territory he knew some things. “I don't know about the bible and that particular God, but Gods do exist, I've seen several.”
Trunks looked up at him, incredulous. “Really? When? Where? What did they say? What did they look like? And isn't there supposed to be only one God?”
“Really. It was a long time ago, I was just a kid. And I'm not sure where - there are several worlds and planets I have seen them on. Actually they didn't say much - they either wanted to kill us or save them from being killed. They are quite weak creatures. The God of the Earth, Dende, lives just above our heads, I visit him sometimes.”
Trunks had forgotten what he had been doing and was staring at Goten's mouth. “It's called a blasphemy, I think,” Trunks said finally. “But hell if I care. I wanna see that Dende. I wanna ask why he fucked up things so much with me.”
Goten decided that they had enough of potatoes and went to wash them. He sighed. “It's not like this. He doesn't have influence on things that happen. Do we want them roasted or boiled?” he asked.
“So how the hell can he call himself a God?” Trunks blinked at Goten's back while he was washing potatoes. “What's the difference?”
“Then roasted it will be,” Goten decided for them both. He turned around and, carrying a bowl with potatoes, sat down at the table. He looked at Trunks. “And what IS a God, Trunks? Isn't it something people thought out to shift the blame on? Isn't it something that people think to have unlimited power to do things that they can't explain happening otherwise? Isn't it something that people like thinking exists only to feel safer and think that life has a meaning?
“Why people think out so many big words like “God”, “Destiny”, “Fate”? - They just want to feel safer, want to feel important. It's quite hard to think that you are nothing, only dust that came and went and will never exist again. All people are self-centered - it's their nature. People like thinking that what they do have a meaning… Nothingness is scary, Trunks. You should know it better than anyone else…” he said, starting to slice the potatoes into the same bowl.
“As for not giving a damn about this, you have given some thought to this…” Trunks muttered. He shifted closer to Goten and started mimicking what Goten was doing.
Goten sighed. “I know you know most of what I said, you are only playing your games again. You probably wanted to hear another opinion…”
Trunks planted a quick kiss on Goten's cheek. Goten smiled. “And you know me quite well,” Trunks chuckled, coming back to slicing. “So how was your exam?” he asked finally.
Goten stood up to look for a frying pan. He shrugged. “Dunno, probably I passed,” Goten came back to the table with the pan in his hand. He stuck his finger into the salad Trunks had already prepared before he came. He yelped when Trunks slapped his hand none too gently. Goten rubbed his hand. Ah, yeah, he forgot again. Trunks was obsessed with germs and cleanliness around food. That was the only thing Trunks didn't have his temper under control; he was glad Trunks didn't use that knife he had in his hand to butcher him instead of only slapping him. Trunks loved his food done well, almost burnt and always washed his hands before eating.
And the same was with rimming. When he wanted to do that to Trunks, Trunks simply freaked out. There were no other words to describe Trunks' reaction. Trunks had panicky yelled for him to cut it out and just shoved him off. So it meant he wasn't going to get it either. Pity.
Oral sex didn't cause as much trouble but Trunks demanded cleanliness, too. He didn't really understand Trunks. It wasn't as if he was walking around unwashed for weeks… Actually it was the utter turn on for him to feel Trunks' scent and taste him instead of some soap.
At least kissing didn't give any trouble to Trunks…
As the first one had been obsessed with tidiness, now the other was obsessed with cleanliness. And if before he wouldn't have seen or realized the difference between the two terms, now he was perfectly able to - this Trunks didn't give a damn that he had turned the kitchen into a complete mess, but was ready to butcher him because he stuck his finger into the salad.
Goten watched how Trunks silently but angrily scooped the place around he had stuck his finger in and threw the salad into the bin. Goten got up and went to wash his hands.
They finished preparing meal, then ate and left the flat. Goten found himself a bit confused when Trunks went to a parking place that was behind the house. But not saying a word, he followed Trunks. Silently, he watched Trunks get the keys out from his pocket and open the door of a black Lamborghini. Still not saying a word, he climbed into the car. But when Trunks started the car, Goten's mouth moved of its own.
“I know that the other had a driver's license, but what about you?”
“I won't drive fast, if it's what you are worried about,” Trunks said, maneuvering out of the parking-lot. “I just learned it yesterday and I'd be an idiot if I started running around like mad. Besides, you can be calm - yesterday I read the whole elementary thing.”
Goten just sighed and fastened his belt. “So you bought it yesterday?”
“Nah, it's one of his. After I realized I liked driving I went to Vegeta to ask if the other had a driver license. It appeared that he had and he also had several of these. Though Vegeta was pissed that I woke him up way past midnight,” Trunks grinned. “I learned new curse words.”
“And how did you realize you liked driving?” Goten wondered.
“Accidentally, and I won't call it fate. One guy let me drive his car and taught me the basics.”
“Aww… That's nice. Is it one of those who knew Trunks?”
“Yeah, I think so. Actually we aren't coming back to the flat for several days,” Trunks said, changing the subject before he could have started lying.
Goten looked at him, surprised. “Why is that?”
“I rented a house in Hakama, near the beach. I wanna relax a bit, and I also haven't seen the sea yet. And you too need rest after those exams and stuff with Ayame. I feel quite guilty for fucking the things up that much for you…”
Goten was silent for some time. “It was my own choice. You pushed me, you really pushed me hard, but if I hadn't wanted it… So just forget it.” Then he changed the subject: “But we didn't take anything from clothes or food…”
“Don't worry `bout that. We can buy everything we need on the spot. Besides, I prefer you naked. And there are a lot of things I can feed to you…”
“Goddamn,” Goten muttered, blushing, “you can sure dirty-talk…”
“And goddamn you love it,” Trunks grinned.
Goten blushed fiercer and adverted his eyes to the road. “Just behave at my brother's please, can you promise me that?”
Trunks chuckled. “How strange that your brother asked me the same…” Then his eyes from the road turned to Goten, the intent blue gaze pining Goten on the spot. “I want to fuck you. I want it so badly that I'm thinking about stopping the car and fucking your brains out…” his hand left the gearbox and quickly trailed up Goten's thigh to give a firm squeeze between his legs. The gasp that escaped Goten's lips after the contact sent the shivers down Trunks' spine.
Goten realized he was panting. He quickly closed his mouth and lowered his eyes from Trunks face. “G-Gohan,” he steadied himself, “will smell it all over us. Later,” he squirmed as Trunks didn't let go. “Trunks, not now,” he pushed Trunks' hand away from his crotch.
Trunks growled softly at the back of his throat. Though, he wasn't as frustrated as he pretended to be. He knew perfectly that now Goten would only think about what's to come in the evening. Anticipation was a good thing. And the thought about Goten waiting for that was even more exciting.
When they arrived it was already six o'clock.
“Hello sweetheart,” Trunks grinned at Pan who had jogged to the door as soon as they entered. He leaned down and held an ice-cream box out to her. “This is for ya. And this, too,” he showed a huge plush bear that Goten was carrying. “I hope you'll like it. I gave the shop assistants a hard time about it,” he chuckled. He needn't have worried - Pan squealed happily and all but wrapped herself around the bear.
Trunks straightened. “And this is for your lovely mom who looks fabulous,” he pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and held them out, winking at Videl who had been watching them from the corridor with Gohan at her side.
Videl gave a bit confused glance to her husband then approached Trunks who presented the flowers and kissed her on her cheek, her cheeks painting reddish. Trunks pulled away, smiling.
After that Goten and Gohan were ushered into the dining-room.
“Oh, dad…” Goten felt a bit lost after he entered the room. He didn't really believe that Goku would show up.
Goku stood up and greeted them both then sat down back onto the sofa he was sitting on, shifting to the side to leave some more room. Goten stumbled when Trunks nudged him to sit at Goku's side. Goten gave Trunks a discontent look to which Trunks only smiled.
“I don't think he bites, love,” he chuckled, seating himself down at Goten's side.
Goten felt himself flush red. He wasn't angry, just flustered and quite glad that Trunks had called him that, which in a way made sort of an official announcement. He didn't dare meet his father's eyes even despite he was curious how his father had reacted to that. Instead he turned to look at Trunks who was already immersed into discussion with Pan about what to call her new toy. Somehow it all felt so nice…
“Are you hungry? We have just finished eating dinner, and if you…” Videl suggested.
Trunks looked up at Goten then shook his head. “Nah, we had just eaten before coming.”
“Okay, I'll just prepare the ice-cream then,” Videl nodded.
Gohan stood up and went after Videl to get the drinks. Goten finally turned to look at his father. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say, but he felt that it was good enough that Goku had come. It was good enough - it was a start of reviving something that had ended quite ago.
Goku shifted uncomfortably; he wasn't used to such moments and didn't know what to do. He offered a tentative smile to Goten, and his youngest smiled back. He had seen Goten's eyes. Even though it felt unbelievably awkward, he was glad he came.
Gohan with Videl came back, and Videl distributed the ice-cream while Gohan opened the bottle of white wine and poured it into the glasses his wife had prepared. Trunks filled Pan's glass with bubbling lemonade.
Videl watched Trunks from the corner of her eye. She knew what happened to Trunks and that he was a different person now. But she didn't really imagine that he could be THAT different. The way he talked and behaved…that relaxed attitude the other had never showed. And the way he looked at Goten and smiled at him… This was a complete opposite of the man whom she knew earlier.
And Goten… Oh, she did notice how an embarrassed flush spread over Goten's face when Trunks called him “love”. It was an embarrassed flush, but there was content and pride, too. Goten had liked that.
“Well,” Trunks took his wineglass after Gohan filled them all. “I think we should drink this first for the ones who managed to overcome their pride,” he looked at Gohan. “And for the ones who had finally found resolve to try and save what is dear to them,” he looked at Goku. “And for the ones who are worth to love no matter what,” he said, his gaze shifting enclosing them all. Then he looked at Goten, clinking his glass with Goten's.
“I'm glad you arranged this thing,” Goten lay down next to Trunks and moved closer to spoon behind him. “We all needed it. Thanks.”
“I'm glad it worked out,” Trunks yawned. “I wasn't so sure if it wouldn't turn out into a screeching and shouting session… And your brother's wife behaved…”
“Yeah,” Goten yawned, too. “Actually she never said anything about the whole matter, just left us all to deal on our own…”
Neither Goten nor Trunks had been planning on staying that long, but as their small “party” dragged into very late, they accepted Gohan and Videl's offer to sleep over. It was better than to drive many miles in the pitch-dark night, not even being sure if they would find the house or if it would be open. Goku, though ITed back home.
“It's a pity I didn't fulfill my promise to fuck your brains out,” Trunks yawned again. “But I'm quite tired. It appears that small children can suck all energy out of you without any special abilities…”
Goten chuckled. He pressed his lips softly to Trunks' nape. “Don't even think about that. I don't want my brother kicking me out on my bare ass in the middle of the night…. Besides, we'll have all the time tomorrow.”
“Hmpf,” Trunks shifted to get more comfortable.
Trunks was first to wake up. It was quite late, half past eleven. Trunks jogged down the stairs to look for a bathroom. He was met by Videl who quickly arranged the washing utilities. Trunks took a shower then joined the family at the breakfast table. He chuckled, amused when he saw the bear at Pan's side. Videl was plodding away at the stove.
“Morning,” Gohan nodded at him. “Slept well?”
“Yeah, perfectly,” Trunks grinned, plopping down at Gohan's side. He thanked Videl who put a pile of piping hot pancakes against him.
“Is Goten still sleeping?” Videl asked, sitting down at Pan's side.
“Uh-huh,” Trunks nodded. “Recently he had many things pressing him, so I suppose he'll kinda try to get his bearings back.”
“And how are your dissertations doing?”
“Everything is cool,” Trunks said around the pancake. “Yesterday was the last time I needed to go to the university. They were successfully accepted and I got the best notes,” he grinned. “Though, I knew it would be like this. Kinda boring,” he scrunched his nose. “I'll get the diplomas after a week. They are organizing a ceremony or something. I didn't really ask. I don't think I'll be attending it anyway,” he shrugged.
“Why?” Videl wondered. She got up to turn the pancake over.
“Busy,” Trunks winked at her. “Goddamn, you make brilliant pancakes! Now I see why Goten's brother is always in a hurry to get home.”
“Always a charmer,” Gohan chuckled, noticing his wife give a pleased smile. Trunks was unbelievably good at steering the conversation where he wanted.
Their heads turned at the sound of bare feet tapping on the floor. Soon Goten's disheveled head stuck through the door into the kitchen.
“Morning everyone,” Goten yawned. “Umm…pancakes. Yummy!” his eyes all but glued to Trunks' plate.
“Hurry up, get washed and I'll let ya eat off my plate or mabbe even feed ya,” Trunks winked at him.
Silence settled in the kitchen. Gohan cleared his throat. Videl turned the pancake over.
“What?” Trunks looked around. “It's not like I suggested fu-”
“Trunks!” Goten yelled aghast to cut Trunks off.
“Get washed,” Gohan chuckled, motioning with his head for Goten to the door. “Videl has set a towel for you. And you,” he turned to Trunks. “If you ever want to visit my house again, keep your mouth shut near my daughter. No curse words. I'm serious.”
Trunks pouted. “Fine. But I still get to feed him from my plate, don't I?” he grinned. “Kidding,” he threw his arms in defeat after Gohan glared at him.
“We have enough plates,” Videl smiled, putting a pancake on a plate and increasing the tower. “I'll make enough for you to take home and then you can feed him as many as you like,” she chuckled.
Incredulous, Gohan turned to look at his wife.
“Uhhh…” Goten scurried away to the bathroom. The weirdest situation in his life.
“Great idea!” Trunks exclaimed. “I knew that there is yet another reason besides your beauty why Goten's brother had married you!”
Gohan choke on his tea. “Jesus f-” coughing, he looked at his five-year-old daughter who was obliviously feeding her new bear-toy with an empty plastic spoon. He closed his mouth.
“Can you teach me how to make them? I am very lousy in the kitchen and I'm afraid Goten might get pissed and dump me one day,” Trunks was already standing behind Videl's back and looking at the dough.
“If he dumps you, it's because of other reasons… He has many to choose from…” Gohan muttered, sipping his tea again. He thought about telling Trunks that “pissed” wasn't a nice word either, but realized that by repeating it he'd probably do more damage.
“It's pretty easy,” Videl smiled. “You just mix the flour, milk, eggs, water. Ah, before you have to add some soda and sour cream. You mix the soda and the cream and pour it into the mass. Then you add sugar and salt according to your taste. And…”
Gohan listened to his wife's quick prattle and wondered. He wondered if Trunks at least liked the pancakes he had tasted. Trunks was so good at getting people to like him or…hate him. He wondered if Trunks hated his wife. He wondered if Trunks really stayed with Goten because of those reasons he said. Trunks was anything but simple.
Carelessly chattering away, smiling. But his eyes. Always so serious, calculating, deadly. Despite himself encouraging Trunks, he wondered if Trunks was capable of love. Though, Goten was happy, and Trunks was too selfish to give his attention to more people than one, so it would probably work out somehow… He just hoped that Trunks wouldn't leave a bigger hole in Goten's heart than the previous one left. Not in the way the other Trunks left.
“Watcha thinking so hard…?”
Trunks' soft purr at his ear made Gohan spill his tea. He cursed loudly. Trunks chuckled and threw a towel at him.
“Did you know that you smell almost the same as Goten?” Trunks said, sitting down at his side.
Gohan's brow quirked up. Trunks wasn't making any advances here, in front of his wife, was he? The bastard just liked seeing him flustered.
“No, I didn't, but now I do. Thank you very much for this precious piece of information,” Gohan scowled while wiping his chest. “It will stain,” he muttered. His wife sighed and turned back to the stove.
Trunks pursed his lips while watching Gohan wipe his shirt. Suddenly, he leaned to Gohan's ear again, his lips almost touching the skin, making Gohan's hand make a dead stop and squeeze the towel. “I do love Goten, you asshole,” Trunks breathed.
Stunned, Gohan moved away and raised his head to meet two dark blue eyes.
“Oi, let me help you!” Trunks suddenly jumped from his seat and ran to Videl who protested. “Really, I'll wash the dishes. I already took enough of advantage by staying here,” he grinned, simply wrenching the bowl and the dishes from Videl's hands and putting them into the sink. “Let me do at least something useful.”
Goten entered the kitchen to find Trunks washing the dishes and Videl drying them, and Gohan feeding the plush bear while his daughter was supervising the process. Goten sat down at the table and was quickly presented with a plate of piping pancakes. Trunks put a jar of bilberries marmalade onto the table, next to Goten's plate.
“Videl taught me how to make pancakes,” Trunks boasted.
“You should have seen what he had turned the kitchen into last time he cooked…” Goten chuckled before digging into the pancakes. “It looked like after a war…”
Trunks humpfed and turned back to the sink. He finished washing the dishes, wiped his hands into the towel and sat down next to Goten to finish drinking his tea.
“Ah,” Goten stretched his arms high into the air, “I want to go swimming as soon as we arrive!” He settled back into the seat, and his eyes continued to follow the quickly passing by scenery. “It's so damn good to have a rich boyfriend!”
Trunks chuckled. He was glad that Goten was so excited about the whole idea. Goten was in a perfect mood. The small “family-bonding-thing” went according to the plan. Having heard about Goten's mother more than enough, he decided not to bother with the woman, because he presumed he'd only sharpen the situation.
And Goten's brother thought that he didn't love Goten! Goten's brother himself explained him that he loved Goten. Actually tried to push him into believing that he loved Goten. Ah, the things Goten's brother did only to protect his brother! - Even tried to talk the enemy into loving his bother! Ah, it had been so fun to watch how Goten's brother thought he was that stupid to follow his words. Goten's brother was as a manipulative bastard as he was. The older man lacked skill yet. That had been so funny, those attempts!
But, hell, why would he bother, then? Why would he bother if he didn't love Goten? There were plenty of other things he could do to occupy himself instead of playing a counselor. Although, he had to admit that this whole situation was fun, too. Especially, after the idiot presumed there for a moment that he could read his mind. Pft, like anyone needed the ability to know what Goten's brother was thinking. It was always the same. From the very first time he woke up, Goten's brother's thoughts were on the same thing the entire time: his brother. But Goten was already corrupted enough as it was.
Although, he couldn't say that he wasn't able to understand that. He wasn't sure, but he suspected that the feeling was quite familiar to that of the bond he usually felt: Goten was younger brother, so it made sense and made it easier for him to understand Goten's brother.
He wanted to see that God Goten was talking about a day ago. He was curious. He presumed that the ki, which he had been using for reference to move around with IT, belonged to that God. But he could also remember that Goten's brother mentioned some Piccolo who obviously wasn't that God Dende. He had never ITed to the ki he felt because he was almost sure he'd cause trouble.
When they arrived it was almost four. Trunks parked the car at the house and went to the neighboring house to get the key as it had been arranged. He came back after several minutes with a bundle of keys and unlocked the door.
“Are you sure they don't have any problems with us being here?”
“With us as a couple?” Trunks translated. “They had. Until I offered to pay the double price,” he thrust the door open. “People…” he snickered. “You can buy them and their morals. It's just a matter of price. They would watch us making out if I suggested enough,” he added, following Goten into the house.
Goten shook his head. “This world is rotten and we happily rot together; for several hundreds I'd watch us, too. But I hope you aren't serious about that neighbors watching part, because I'm not that kinky…”
Trunks rolled his eyes. “I believe you are deluding yourself…”
“Trunks…?” Goten stopped in the kitchen and turned around to look at Trunks.
Trunks rolled his eyes again. “No, I didn't pay them to watch us.” He put the pancakes into the fridge then turned it on. He turned to Goten. “Well?” he asked.
They decided to go shopping first and then swimming. The sea was several kilometers away from the house, so Trunks drove there.
It was already evening and the sun wasn't hot, but it was still warm enough not to lose the wish to wade into the water. There weren't many people, which Trunks found comforting because it appeared that Trunks didn't know how to swim. But after several very extensive sessions and almost drowning, he learned.
After they both had enough fun and almost froze to death, they came back to the shore and lay down onto the deck that they had bought while shopping. The setting sun felt nice on his body and soon Trunks began to doze.
Goten turned around onto his stomach. He leaned his face onto his hands and watched the dozing Trunks. The smile on Goten's face slowly faded, his face acquiring serious features. He still couldn't believe this was happening. How was it possible that Trunks was lying beside him? How was it possible that one could be so happy and so afraid at the same time…?
When the sun started setting, they left the beach and headed for the house. At one of the stands, near the sea, they bough some fresh kipper.
“Can we visit that Dende tomorrow?” Trunks asked while arranging dishes and food for their late dinner.
“I suppose…” Goten shrugged. He looked at the table Trunks had set. Goten wasn't that sure that eating kipper before sleep was a very wise thing. Though, he was sure that Trunks had no such superstitions. Trunks rarely had them, because he didn't even know those superstitions. Super was only super to Trunks after all…
The house was quite big: two rooms on the ground floor and three on the first one, plus an attic. The kitchen and the bathroom were on the first floor. Goten and Trunks made their bedroom on the first floor. Goten was enthralled to see a tall four poster bed. He was truly hoping that Trunks would keep his promise.
After dinner, Trunks did keep his promise. Goten didn't even have strength or wish to complain about the kipper they had eaten earlier. All he could say was: “ah”, “yes”, “uh”, “gah”, “Trunks” and “more”, which really was far from complaining.
Goten shifted in his sleep. He shifted again and the noise repeated. He opened his eyes and looked around the dark room. He yawned loudly.
“You…fucking bitch!” the voice, shaking with fury said.
Goten's jaw locked. “T-Trunks?” he gasped then turned around. “Gh!” he yelped as his throat was seized in a powerful grip. “Let go!” he yelled, clawing at Trunks' hands. “Trunks! Let go! What are you doing?! Trunks!”
Goten finally managed to free his throat from that iron grip and push Trunks away. There was a loud yelp as the body hit the floor.
Breath was leaving Goten's throat in rash short puffs, his chest shaking, heart beating wildly in his chest. Quickly scurrying from the bed and taking a position where he had more chances to defend himself, he rubbed his sore throat. His heart pounding loudly in his ears, he listened to the noises that came from the floor.
“Can't believe you kicked me out,” Trunks muttered, yawning and climbing back onto the bed. “And someone was complaining about ME having nightmares,” he settled back under the cover and turned his back to Goten who was still panting and rubbing his throat.
Goten waited until his breath became normal and his heart stopped beating like mad, and then he climbed back into the bed. The rest of the night was sleepless.