Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect It ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I have seen a number of abusive relationships, helping put my friends back together after they were broken by the ones who claimed to love them. I've seen their hearts torn apart, their soul shattered, and their spirit broken. But what disturbs me the most is that I've seen them return to that every day. I have lost friends due to their loyalty to a man who treats them like trash. For this reason, I write this story, exploring the darker side of relationships. I know that not everyone escapes, nor do they all find the love they claim to have, but I write this for Hope, may it always stay with us.

Summary: When Gohan's lover leaves him, the dark haired demi Saiyan convinces his best friend, Mirai Trunks, to help him win back his man by pretending to be a couple. But when Trunks discovers the truth of Gohan's `perfect' relationship, he is caught in a web of indecision. To let his friend return to that situation or to try and save someone who doesn't want to be saved. And to add to the complications, Trunks soon finds himself falling for the dark haired demi. Just what is a man to do?


Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT nor its characters.

Pairings: Gohan/Akui (OC); Gohan/Mirai Trunks

Chapter Warnings: Yaoi/Shounen ai.Relationship Abuse, Self-Mutilations, Hints at previous attempts of suicide.


When You Least Expect It

Chapter One:

Deep obsidian eyes gazed out the window, waiting, never flickering from the dusty road that led to the mountain home of his childhood. The sun's rays beat down on the fresh grass that covered their land; the flowers were bright in blossom. Birds sang and creatures of all kind romped. The picture, all together, was euphoric, and for Gohan, only one thing could make it better . . .

Most of his life had been spent holed up behind the walls of this house, in front of massive piles of text, constantly studying to fulfill his mother's dreams of being a scholar. As a child, it seemed that the only times he was out was during the battles that had haunted his early life. Being a Saiyan had its perks, but for this peaceful teen, the life or death battles were not one of them.

Battle roughened hands unconsciously pulled on the sleeves of his shirt as Gohan pushed the darker thoughts of his childhood away from his mind. Today was not the day to dwell on things from the past, but a day of celebration. Gently laying his head upon the cool smooth pane of glass, Gohan allowed a deep sigh to escape his lips.

A large hand fell upon his shoulder, causing the young Saiyan to look up, startled. "Quit worrying son, he'll be here soon." The caring ebony eyes of his father shone with amusement at his son's dramatics.

Son Goku had just recently returned from the dead, though his rebirth's circumstances weren't quite what any had expected. The memory of Buu still lay heavy on the young boy's heart. For Gohan, the seven years without his father had been perhaps the roughest times of his life. Without warning, the younger Saiyan wrapped his arms around his father.

Unsure of how to react to his son's embrace, Goku merely returned the gesture with a soft chuckle. "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure your mom and I will love him, after all, you do."

Pulling away from his father, a gentle smile lit up Gohan's face, his dark eyes alive, dancing with pure happiness. "Yes, I do."

"So, will you at least give me a hint to this mystery man you've been seeing?" Goku asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, otousan, you have to wait to find out with the rest of them." He said waving to the back yard where the Z-senshi were gathered. "You better get out there before mom comes to get you."

Laughing at the expression on his father's face as he disappeared outdoors, Gohan turned to await his koibito's arrival. Closing his eyes, he fell into thoughts about the man his family would meet so very soon.

Strong arms wrapped around Gohan's slim torso as a warm body pressed against the demi Saiyan's backside. Sighing with content, Gohan's head fell back, resting against the shoulder of his boyfriend. Breathing in the spicy scent that surrounded him, Gohan relaxed into the arms that held him close.

"Good afternoon, Gohan." A deep voice whispered huskily into his ear, the warm air dancing upon the sensitive flesh of the demi's neck. Turning around, Gohan's lips were met in a bruising kiss.

A soft cough startled the two men, separating them as Gohan immediately jumped back. Turning, wide ebony eyes met with amused cerulean. "Everyone's been waiting for you Gohan. I think it's about time you introduce him to us, ne?"

Chuckling, Gohan looked at his best friend. "I suppose so Mirai." Looking at his boyfriend, the two intertwined hands. "But first, I want you to meet him. Akui, this is my best friend, Mirai. Mirai, Akui." [1]

"Nice to meet you Akui." Trunks said with a nod. "Gohan, you might want to take him to the back, your mom is getting a bit restless." A knowing look played upon the lavender haired bishounen's face.

When Chi-Chi had first discovered that her son was dating another male, all hell had broken loose. She had practically written her eldest son off to be married to Videl Satan, but when the relationship had broken off for reasons unknown to her, this was one of the last things she had expected. After the news had been delivered to the dark haired Princess, everyone had stayed out of her way, allowing her to cool off and eventually understand. Thus, Gohan had thought it best not to bring his boyfriend home to meet the parents just yet. Even now, six months later, the demi Saiyan was quite unnerved at the meeting that would happen in just a few minutes.

The trio made their way out the back door, to the waiting group. As soon as the three arrived, silence reined over the previously loud party. A number of looks flinted across the crowds face as they took in the sight of Gohan's boyfriend, slowly appraising the couple.

Gohan silently squeezed Akui's hand reassuringly, hoping not to upset his hot headed boyfriend. Together, the two made a striking couple, their dark looks creating a dangerous combination. Akui was slightly taller than Gohan, his muscles more bulky than the ones the demi Saiyan possessed. The pair's hair were similar, both possessing a thick ebony down, spiked upward, though Akui's was a product of gel and Gohan's was his natural Saiyan heritage. However, Akui's hair took on an almost blue hue, complimenting his midnight blue eyes that swirled with emotion.

Forgetting his fighting or school clothes, Gohan was dressed in a pair of baggy kakis that hung low on his hips. His long sleeved black shirt was slightly open, displaying some of his defined pectoral muscles as well as a silver chain that glinted in the sunlight. Akui wore a pair of loose dark blue jeans that hung low on his hip with a white wife beater that displayed his own defined chest. A midnight blue silk shirt hung open, loose on his frame, the short sleeves displaying his muscular arms.

As alike they may have been in looks, their personalities were much different. Gohan was a quiet and shy, where as Akui was brash, constantly speaking and acting before thinking things through. Akui's temper often got the better of him, pushing him to act. He prided himself on his quick tongue, his words often coated with a layer of sarcasm. In some ways, Akui often reminded Gohan of Vegeta, only taller.

Slowly, Gohan introduced Akui to everyone at the gathering, watching as his koibito charmed his family and friends. As hot headed as Akui was, he knew how to play to a crowd. His family's situation, if you call being filthy rich a situation, had taught the teen how to act in public, easily winning their affections. Even Chi-Chi was charmed by Akui's good looks, intelligence, and humor, his monetary assets winning her over even more.

Their gathering lasted into the night, the group enjoying their time of peace together. Stories of battles were exchanged over the fire, entertaining everyone. Goten and Trunks spent their time playing tricks on the group members. Of course, the troublesome duo discovered that water and shaving cream filled balloons were not something to use on two demi Saiyans and a hot headed human. Learning their lesson by being dunked in the lake and hung upside down in a tree, the two found that Akui could be a great source of information for future practical jokes.

As the group slowly departed, the crowd thinning out, Gohan found himself seated upon the lap of his boyfriend, the two staring into the roaring flames together. All in all, the night had gone off without many problems. Snuggling deeper into Akui's embrace, Gohan savored their peace, only for it to be interrupted as the Briefs departed.

Sighing, the two stood, making their way into the Son home. Earning an okay to stay with Akui for the night, the pair bid their goodnights and goodbyes before heading to Akui's penthouse apartment in Satan City. Entering the high-rise, Akui's arms snaked around Gohan, pulling him close. Two pairs of lips met, almost hesitantly, softly caressing each other.

Slowly, like a building fire, their twin passions rose. Tracing Gohan's lips with his tongue, Akui received entrance to his lover's warm cavern, exploring it, savoring it. Without separating, the two slowly made their way to the bedroom, pieces of clothing dropping to the floor as they moved. Once inside, Gohan fell upon the unmade bed, allowing Akui to explore his body with his expert hands that molded and shaped his flesh.

Bringing Gohan's hand to his mouth, he gently kissed the warm palm, his eyes holding fast to the obsidian orbs. Yet, something distracted him, stealing his attention. In a flash, Akui stood away from his lover, his midnight blue orbs on fire. Unsure of what to say or do, Gohan stood, attempting to move to his boyfriend. Gohan's head snapped to the side as Akui released a blow to the demi Saiyans face. Fury was deeply etched into the human's face as he regarded his boyfriend.

Slowly, Gohan backed away, stumbling over the corner of the bed and falling to the floor. Still, he moved back, until the unmovable wall pressed into him. His dark eyes were wide with shock, traced with fear. Self-consciously, one hand gently rubbed the impact site on his face, crystalline tears welling up in his eyes. Yet, he couldn't look away from his irate lover.

Instead, Gohan watched as Akui closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself before turning to his boyfriend once more. Slowly, Akui moved to Gohan, who tried to move away, the wall prohibiting this. Kneeling down, Akui softly caressed Gohan's face, ignoring as the demi Saiyan flinched at his touch. Reaching out, the human exposed the soft underside flesh of Gohan's forearm, revealing a thick hatch of scars.

Thin silvery flesh traced long smooth lines in a complex pattern. Some of the scars were ages old, some new, the traces of blood still remaining on the pale flesh. With the barest of touches, Akui's fingers followed the thin trails that marred his lover's skin, knowing that the other arm was the same. As his slim digits glided over the most prominent of scars, the complex slashes over the wrists, his midnight blue eyes rose to meet obsidian orbs.

Once the eye contact was made, Gohan fell into his lover's arms, tears pouring down his face, murmuring apologies to the man that held him. Akui merely cradled the demi Saiyan to his chest, slowly moving the two of them to the bed. Once lying down upon the silken sheets, Gohan's head lay upon his lover's chest, Akui's fingers slowly trailing their way up and down his back, comforting him.

As his tears stopped, Gohan looked up at his lover, unsure of so many things. A single finger fell upon the tormented boy's lips, silencing him before he could speak. Instead, in a quiet whisper, Akui addressed him. "I'm sorry, koi. I just hate it when you do this to yourself." He said as he gestured to the boy's marred arms.

Sighing, Gohan moved to curl beside Akui, who, in return, wrapped his arms around the Saiyan. Spooned against his lover, Gohan's mind drifted, wondering just what he had done for the world to deserve the man that loved and cared about him so much. As his eyes closed, Gohan buried his face into the sheets, snuggling closer to the man behind him. Ignoring the traces of an unfamiliar scent, mixed with the scent of his lover, upon the silken sheets, he sighed happily, believing he was loved.


[1] The Japanese translation of the word/name Akui is as follows: ill will; malice; spite; evil intention; badfaith.