Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect It ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT nor any of its characters or creations.

Pairings: Gohan/Akui (OC); Gohan/Mirai Trunks

Chapter Warnings: Relationship Abuse, Delusional Saiyans, Self-Mutilation, Hints at previous attempts of suicide, and of course, Yaoi.


When You Least Expect It

Chapter Two:

Heavy rain poured down, drowning out the sounds that usually echoed through the city. The sound of footsteps quickly pierced through its deafening noise as a young man approached, running down the cold, dark, and lonely street. His white t-shirt clung to his well formed chest, its wet material nearly transparent in the rain. His dark blue jeans clung to his hips, the usually loose denim weighed down by the water, pulling slowly from his hips, displaying a line of his black silk boxers. His dark spiky hair hung limply around his face, a few strands finding their way over his eyes, hiding his obsidian orbs from the world. Shadowing eyes that knew many worlds of pain, so full of hurt and sorrow . . . ebony reflecting a broken heart, a broken soul. He had no idea of where he was going, or even where he could go. All he wanted to do was escape. Just to get away from him.

Not paying attention to where he was going, he abruptly found himself barreling into a well muscled chest. Falling backwards, the young man braced himself for impact, expecting to find himself sprawling upon the wet pavement. Feeling strong arms wrap around him, pulling him to the warm body, he hesitantly looked up. Ebony met with cerulean, clashing before realization set in.

Pushing himself out of the man's arms, his gaze fell back to the wet ground. With his face shadowed by his hair, he allowed his eyes to stray to the man he had run into. The tall, well muscled man was dressed in a simple black suit, his long lavender hair pulled away from his face, tied back at the nape of his neck. A few rebellious strands loose, framing his handsome face. Bright blue eyes stared at the wet teen, curiosity and concern plainly written out upon his shocked face.

"Gohan?" the man asked quietly. Lifting his hand under the teen's chin, he tilted his head up, forcing the teen to look him in the eye.

"Hai, Trunks-kun. It's me." Shifting his eyes to the ground, he remained aware of the warm hands that still held his face upwards. The darker demi-Saiyan hissed in pain as a gentle thumb traced its way over a blue back bruise that mottled his face.

"Daijobu ka?" He asked, his concern plainly written upon his face. [1]

"Daijoubu." Gohan replied as he pulled away from his fellow Saiyan. "Gomen nasai for running into you Trunks-kun. It looks like I got you all wet." [2]

A small smile flitted upon the Prince's face. "Don't worry about it."

The two stood there, the rain pouring down upon and around them. Gohan's cheeks began to flush, embarrassment and shame surged through him. Here he was, soaking wet, standing before one of his old friends. Mirai no Trunks was dressed impeccably in his expensive suit. He was kept dry by his umbrella, a shield against the heavy precipitation. He hadn't seen his friend for close to two years. Obsidian eyes closed tightly at the memory, two years without seeing his family or friends . . .

He quickly cut off his thoughts, forcing a bright smile onto his face. "I should be going. It was great to see you again Trunks-kun. Soyoboro!" [3] Before Trunks could reply, Gohan pushed his way through the crowd, disappearing into the night, leaving Trunks alone in the rain.


Putting his briefcase down upon the table, Mirai no Trunks headed deeper into the housing compound of Capsule Corps. "Tadaima!" [4] He called out. Making his way back to the kitchen, he soon found his mother, bent over a pile of files at the dining room table. "Konbonwa Okaasan," he said as he kissed her cheek. [5]

"Konbonwa Mirai." The blue haired woman smiled as she gazed at her `oldest' son. "Your father is in the gravity chamber with Trunks and Goten. You just missed Goku, though. He just dropped Goten off."

Nodding, he headed to his room to change into a fighting gi. As he moved through the familiar halls of his home, his mind drifted back to earlier that evening. It had been two years since any of them had seen Gohan. After Gohan had moved in with his boyfriend, Akui, the dark haired demi-Saiyan had distanced himself, barely ever visiting home or anyone. Even Piccolo had lost contact with his student.

Trunks had figured that Gohan, who had always led a more sheltered life, was living up life, free from the restraints his mother had placed upon him. Yet, there were so many things that didn't fit. Gohan had graduated top of his high school class, received a full scholarship to over a dozen top rated universities, been offered very high paid positions at a number of companies, yet, he had declined them all, shortly there after disappearing from the Z-senshi world.

Then, when he least expected it, he literally runs into Gohan. Mirai's mind drifted back to the sight of his long time friend. Worry ate at him as he reflected on the emaciated look Gohan had carried. Trunks mind was filled with memories of a tall and well proportioned young man whose eyes had always held some measure of joy and hope despite his haunting youth. He had always had an aura of certain vitality. A certain statement Vegeta had once made, when he had believed no one to be listening, came to Trunk's mind. "That brat has an uncanny ability to survive anything, no matter how slim the odds. He's a fucking lucky bastard."

And it had been very true. In his own time, Mirai no Gohan had lived through the attack by the Saiyans, the battles with Frieza, the attack of the androids for a number of years. He had lived long enough to train him. Even his death had been for a purpose, bringing about Trunks's own transformation to Super Saiyan. In this timeline, Gohan had survived the Saiyans, Frieza, and the androids just like Mirai no Gohan. But at the age of eleven, the Gohan of this time had eradicated what they had believed to be the strongest of their foes, Cell. Then, just a few years ago, he had fought and survived Buu, gaining a whole new power that was stronger than the Super Saiyan levels.

Yet, the Gohan he had met up with just a little while ago was nothing like that. His body had been thinner, his skin paler. He had lost that vitality, his looks seeming so bleak. His lips tinted blue by the cold water that fell around him. His clothes had clung to his form, once so well muscled, now seeming so small. He had looked so frail, the bruise upon his face showing an obvious lack of strength. After all, a Saiyan did not bruise easily, even if they were just half. And his eyes . . . those eyes that had once sparkled with knowledge and curiosity, pride and strength . . . they were broken, full of pain and sorrow.

Trunks shuddered at the memory of meeting him eye to eye. It was so disturbing to see his old friend like that. However, Trunks was at a loss to what could have made him that way. Just what had he been up to for the past two years?


Turning into an alley, Gohan's long legs crumbled beneath him, his breath escaping his lips in heavy pants. Falling to the cold and wet ground, he curled up into a ball, his shoulders shaking as sobs wracked his body. The pain in his heart was far more noticeable than the ache from his lungs and legs. Memories flashed through his mind, each one bringing more distress to his fallen form.

ooO. Flashback .Ooo

Making his way through the silent halls of the apartment, Gohan had figured that Akui was out. Though he had seen no note, he knew it was not uncommon for Akui to go out without letting him know. Setting his keys upon the kitchen cabinet, Gohan soon found himself in front of the refrigerator, searching for something to eat. Grabbing one of the many bottles of beer, he opened the lid, taking a long sip of the cold liquid.

Opening one of the cabinet doors, he grabbed a bag of rice before moving to the stove. As he reached for one of the pots, a low moan traveled through the empty apartment. Dark eyes glanced up curiously, not knowing just where the sound had come from. Hearing nothing but silence, Gohan returned to his thoughts of food.

Once again, his attention was taken by yet another deep moan as he reached for the pot. As the sound reached his ears, Gohan felt a shiver travel down his spine, a cold ache setting deep within him. That deep groan was so familiar to his ears, just as it should have been after hearing it almost every night for the past two years.

Swallowing hard, Gohan stood up and made his way down the halls, towards the master bedroom he shared with his lover. The throaty moans and voices had gotten louder as he approached the partially closed door. With trembling hands, he slowly pushed the door open, only to be greeted with a sight that would be forever etched in his memory, along with so many others.

Akui, the only man he had truly loved, his first and only lover, was naked, his tan sculpted body covered in sweat as he pumped in and out of none other than Videl Satan, Gohan's ex-girlfriend from years before. In shock, he continued to watch as the two had sex upon the bed Gohan had shared with Akui for so long. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched the two bodies arch in unison, the two reaching their climax before him.

The glass bottled beverage he had carried with him fell to the plush carpet of the floor, the soft thud resonating through his Saiyan ears. A harsh sob escaped his tightly constricted throat as Akui collapsed on top of the young woman. The sound seemed to echo throughout the room, breaking the heavy breathing of the two lovers. Akui's head snapped up, his dark eyes widening at seeing his boyfriend in the doorway. Those wide eyes soon narrowed as he stood up, one of the blankets around his waist, and made his way to Gohan.

Roughly pushing him up against the wall, he pressed himself against Gohan, their lips meeting into a dominating kiss. Gohan merely closed his eyes, wishing it was all a dream, that he had never walked in on his lover with another. He wished for the blissful ignorance he had lived in. As Akui backed away, his hand drifted to caress the demi-Saiyan's cheek.

"What are you doing home so early Gohan?" He asked, something akin to concern reflecting in his deep voice.

Looking up, tear filled obsidian orbs met with midnight blue. Unable to voice himself, shaken by the casual air that Akui carried, he adverted his gaze, choosing to study the carpet instead. Pain lanced through his heart as the tears began to fall, streaming down his cheeks.

A harsh fist met with the demi-Saiyan's face as Akui's eyes burned with rage. "Answer me Gohan!"

Reaching up, cradling his cheek with his hand, Gohan looked back at his lover. Choking on his words, he questioned the man that stood before him. "W-Why?" Distress poured out as he spoke, his voice pained.

"What? I can't have another lover? Please Gohan, its just sex." He said, scoffing at Gohan's attitude.

Looking up at the man that he had loved for so long, the man that was now such a stranger to him, his eyes beseechingly pleaded. "But . . . I love you . . ."

Akui's dark eyes hardened. "Don't whine Gohan. You're being weak." Sauntering back to the bed, he gestured to the other male. "You're welcome to join us you know."

Unable to handle it any longer, Gohan pushed against the wall, stumbling into the hall, making an exit. Akui's voice following him as he exited. "You'll be back Gohan. You have no where to go. No one wants you."

Ignoring his call, he continued his exit. His sight was clouded by his tears as he grabbed his keys and made his way out of the house, the final worlds of the one man he loved echoing in his ears.

" No one can love you the way I do . . . You are mine . . . Never forget that . . .You are mine . . ."

ooO. End Flashback .Ooo

Sobs continued to wrack his form, remembering the dangerous tone to his voice. He had heard those things for so long . . . and they were true. He had no where to go, no one wanted him except for Akui. His heart chilled knowing everything Akui had said was true. No place to go, no one to go to, he was alone. Without Akui, he was alone.

Deep within him, buried under years of self deprecation, something stirred. A pair of cerulean eyes flashed through his mind. A trace of a smile played upon his face as he remembered who he had run into. Mirai no Trunks.

His mind slowly began to formulate a plan. He had to prove to Akui that he wasn't worthless, that he was worth the time and the love that he had. He had to show him that others did want him, others could enjoy his company. He had to show Akui just what he had lost. It was a chance for him to prove to Akui that he was lovable and worthy of love. He would show Akui . . . and he would get back the man he had known in the beginning. The kind and caring Akui that he had fallen in love with.

Slowly uncurling from his former position, Gohan slowly stood. Ignoring the pain that traveled through his body and the cold that chilled him, he lowly made his way out of the alley. Heading down the street, he slowly made the unfamiliar trek to a place he had not seen for the past two years.

Capsule Corporation.


Japanese/English Translations:

[1] Daijobu ka?: "Are you alright?"

[2] Daijoubu: "I'm alright" or "It's alright"; Gomen nasai: very sorry.

[3] Soyoboro: Farewell.

[4] Tadaima: I'm home.

[5] Konbonwa: Good evening; Okaasan: Mother.