Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Writings ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: If wishes came true...

AN: Thanks so much to those who reviewed.

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Prince Vegeta slammed his foot into the side of his father's face causing the much larger man to stumble back. Vegeta landed and stood in his fighting stance until his father signaled that he was done for the day. Vegeta stood up and leaned against the wall of the royal combat chamber. He exhuasted. He started the day by easily defeating 12 of Vegetasei's best warriors within 30 minutes time. He had followed that by using his personnal guard, Nappa, as a punch bag for an hour and half. When Nappa could take no more, Vegeta had trained alone until his father had come for their daily sparing match. That had been four hours ago and they hadn't taken a single break since. His body felt wary from 8 hours straight of training. He could only imagine what his father was feeling. Vegeta let himself slide to the floor as he let his head hang. All he wanted to do was return to his chamber and sleep. He didn't even have the desire to eat.

King Vegeta took a deep breath when he thought his son wasn't looking. He would never admit this to the boy, but he was getting much to old for this. Everyday that they sparred, the boy became stronger and he was quickly becoming no match for him. If there had ever been any doubt in his mind about his son being the Ledgendary, it was wiped away by these daily sessions. His son was standing at the door of greatness, he only needed the key. But that would shortly be his too.

Although their matches were always quite intense, the king had noticed that the prince had seemed more aggressive today.

"You seem very tense today, boy," he commented as he began taking off his training gloves. "Maybe you should pay a visit to the royal brothel later," he suggested.

The prince didn't even look up. "I have no interest in whores, father," he said in a bored tone.

The king arched his eyebrow. "Speaking of whores," he said causally, "when was the last time you called on Lady Marron?"

Vegeta sighed heavily. He was really too tired to have this dicussion with his father. "I haven't," he said knowing fully well what was coming.

His father's already ever present frown deepened. "Why are you fighting your destiny, boy?"

"I am not fighting it, father," Vegeta said in his own defense. "The woman is a complete idiot. I see no reason why I should been forced to talk to her let alone bond with her. On top of evrything else, she's loose. It's disgusting that I would be expect to take as my mate a woman that every member of court has tried," Vegeta ranted.

"And yet," his father interupted, "she is the key. Have you forgotten the writings?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes as he stood. He walked over to a small table that held a pitcher of water, then pour himself a glass. Of cousre hadn't forgotten the writings. The Writings of Vegetasei were as ledgendary as he himself was. They told of the future of the people of the planet. Those that kept the writings and did as they bid were often awarded greatly, those who didn't always regretted it.

The writings had had a lot to say about the current prince of the planet. It had claimed him as the One long before his grandfather had been born. It told of his great strength and limitless power. He would be the greatest there ever was. But like all great things he had to find key to this wonderess power. Luckily the writings had left a clue to the key. It was a woman. One of amazing beauty with hair bluer than the sky and eyes like the ocean. This was the part that Vegeta hated. It made no sense to him why a woman would be the key. It was as if fate was play a cruel joke, one which he would never see the humor in.

This is why the prince needed the hand of the strange alien woman that now called Vegetasei home. Since she was the only blue hared woman that any of the people of Vegetasei had ever seen, Vegeta had no choice but to make her his mate in order to achieve the goal he had been born to claim.

"No I haven't fogotten," Vegeta answered, his back to the king as he drank from his glass.

"Well, then I suggest you clean yourself up and call on the lady," his father said as he left the training facility.

The prince hung his head. Would this day never end?

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"I refuse!"

Lady Indigo looked angrily at her daughter. "You will do no such thing," she commanded.

"But I don't like the prince, mother," Lady Marron wailed. "He is rude to me and treats me as though I was old garbage."

"He is the prince of this planet and can treat you as he pleases. No matter how rude he is to you, if he still comes to call you will continue to accept him," her mother commanded.

"But mother, he snides at me as if I were dirty and makes sly comment about the status of my virginity. I will not be courted by a man who thinks me unchaste," Marron declared.

"Maybe if you weren't always in the company of men, he wouldn't think such things," a voice said innocently

Marron threw her sister a narrowed glance. "Quiet, Leana, you no not of what you speak."

Leana returned to her book. She had honestly been trying to help her sister.

"Listen to me girl," Lady Indigo said. "As long as his highness continues to seek your hand you will happily welcome his calls. Do you understand?"

With her nose in the air Marron stiffly nodded.

"Good," her mother said curtly then waltzed out the room.

Marron sighed heavily. She didn't care what her mother said, she was not going to mate with the prince. It was rare that she took a stand on anything but this was one she was taking a stand on. She walked over to the window seat and sat down. There had to be a way out of this.

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review and let me know what you think so far.