Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Great Escape ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: …

AN: I'm sooooo glad you guys like this fic. Special thanks to my regular reviewers. You guys don't know how much your comments mean to me. I want to ask you guys to be patience with me on these updates. I have three stories (this one, Vegeta and the Great Dating Adventure, and The Show) that really have my attention all going at the same time. So, sorry in advance. Also this whole fic will be update for spelling errors but I have to tell you about one BIG error that I came across while I'm thinking about it. In the brief history of Kakarot I put the Lady and her `son' left Vegetasei. Well that should have been the Lady and her `sons'. Sorry. Anyway on to the tale.

* * *

The smell of grease and oil assaulted her nostrils. Lady Marron lifted her skirt a little higher as she step over a grease spot on the floor. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. She hated filth. But even more she hated Prince Vegeta. That's why she had come here.

She looked around the garage. There were many half put together vehicles lying around. Most of their parts were sitting on tables next to them. The room was empty except for a lone figure bent over a space pod. `Just who I was looking for,' she thought with a smile. She walked closer to the man then cleared her throat.

Narnack growled at the sound. His Saiyan temper flaring at being interrupted while working. He spun around ready to give the person the beating of his life, but when he saw whom it was his irritation melted away. A smile came to his lips as he gave her a once over.

"Lady Marron," he said as he picked up a towel and wiped his hands off. He was surprised to see her. He had already seen her once this week and the lady made a habit of not being seen with the same man more than once a week. It didn't fool anyone but she seemed to think it did, so her many lovers played along. What surprised him even more was that she had met him here in the garage, something she never did. `She must be in great need … of something,' he thought with a leered smile.

"Narnack," Lady Marron said with a slight nod her head. She smiled sweetly. She could tell by the way that his tail was swinging behind him that she had his full attention. She walked closer to him, swaying her hips seductively as she went.

"It's good to see you again," she said sweetly then peered behind him. "What are you working on? It looks very complicated," she said.

Narnack threw a look over his shoulder then turned back to her with a smile. "No it's no big deal, just a simple space ship. It's only big enough for one person as a matter of fact. Even a child could control it," he smiled as he wrapped his tail around her waist and pulled her to him.

Marron smiled shyly as she began drawing small circles on his chest. "Well…that's good because I want you to teach me how to use it," she said.

"No problem," he mumbled as he began nibbling on her ear.

"I mean today," she rasped out as he began using his tongue to trace the lines of her ear.

"Of course," he said then pulled back slightly and smiled suggestively at her. "But we have to discuss payment first. My lessons aren't free you know?"

"I'm sure we can work something out," Marron responded coyly.

Narnack took her hand and lead her towards the back office.

Two hours later Marron found herself in the pilot's seat with Narnack pointing out the instruments to her. After their little interlude, she had explained that she wouldn't be back after he showed her how to pilot the ship. He had seemed a little sad about losing his bed companion, but he understood her position. He had to admit that the prince even scared him, so he could only imagine what he did to a little woman like Lady Marron. So he had agreed to help her in her escape attempt. He gave her some supplies and gave her a detailed map that listed of all the neutral break stations in the galaxy where she could stop for more supplies.

It only took him 30 minutes to show her how to pilot the craft.

"Well, I think you're all set," Narnack said looking up at her where she sat in the cockpit.

Marron smiled softly and reached down to gently stroke his cheek. "Thank you so much, Narnack. I'll never forget this," she said honestly. It was common knowledge on the planet that Marron was to one day be the prince's mate. If anyone ever found out that Narnack had helped her escape, he would be charged with high treason and put to death for his deed. He was in fact risking his life for her.

Narnack smiled then walked over to the control panel where he opened the shuttle hatch in the ceiling. Marron tentatively started the craft and following Narnack's instructions to the tee she lift the craft slowly from the ground. She waved goodbye to her friend then put the craft in forward and took off. As she past over the palace, she smirked. `So long, your highness,' she thought, then increased her speed until she broke through the atmosphere and into space.

* * *

Vegeta sighed then knocked on the door. This was the last place he wanted to be, but both his father and the writings commanded it so what else could he do.

The door swung open revealing a very flustered Lady Indigo.

"Your majesty," she said falling to one knee. "To what do we owe this great honor?"

Vegeta looked back at Nappa, who rolled his eyes. "I think you know why I'm here," the prince said matter-of-factly, "I've come to call on the girl."

"Well," Lady Indigo said with a smile as she stood, "that should make Marron very happy. Come, I'm sure we'll find her in the pallor."

Vegeta and Nappa followed the excited woman into the family pallor. They found only a young blond girl there reading.

Lady Indigo smiled at the girl. "Leana say hello," she instructed.

"Hello," the girl said not looking up from her book.

Lady Indigo frowned and snapped her fingers at her daughter. "Young lady! You will show more respect to royalty.

Leana's head snapped and she went pale as she gazed upon the prince. `Does he know already?' she wondered.

She stood from her chair and curtsied before her prince. "Your majesty," she said softly.

Vegeta nodded his head slightly then looked at the lady of the house.

"Where is your daughter?" he asked impatiently, "My time is very valuable and I refuse to waste it waiting on her."

Lady Indigo held up a hand to calm the prince. "Worry not your highness. I'm sure she just went up to her room for a moment. I shall go and fetch her for you."

Leana chewed on her bottom lip. She would have to tell them now. `Please forgive me Marron,' she silently prayed.

"Mother wait."

Lady Indigo stopped at the foot of the stairs her irrattaion obvious. "What is it girl?"

"Marron's not up there."

"Oh, no. Is she in the sitting room then?"

"No, she's gone."

Lady Indigo's eyes widened in surprise as she walked back over to her child. "Gone? Gone where?"

"Well, sh-she," Leana stuttered.

"Stop your muttering girl!" her mother demanded.

"Quiet!" Vegeta order the older lady then turn to the girl. "Speak girl."

"She said she had a friend that could get her a ship and that she was leaving." Leana lowered her eyes before she said the next part. "She said she would rather die than be bonded to your majesty."

Vegeta took a moment to collect all this then turned to Nappa. "We need to report this to my father."

Nappa nodded in agreement then stepped aside so that his prince could precede him out the room.

When they reached the palace and told the king of their news he had the expected reaction.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" he bellowed scaring all the servants out of the room.

"I mean she gone," Vegeta said in a bored tone. He personally saw no problem with the woman being gone.

"Well," his father said even more angered that his son seemed not to care that his destiny was somewhere floating in the galaxy, "I hope you didn't have any plans because they're all canceled until Lady Marron is back on Vegetasei."

Vegeta's eyes widened and he stood from the chair he had been sitting in. "Father, you don't honestly expect me to chase the woman down like some love-sick primate do you?!"

"That's exactly what I except. I suggest you and your crew leave soon. The lady I getting further and further away."

"But father," Vegeta started.

The king held up his hand in silence. "I will argue with you no longer, Vegeta. I want daily reports of your progress. You have your orders. You are dismissed."

Vegeta considered telling his father no. He could easily stand his ground on this and have no opposition but he was his father. Vegeta had no choice but to obey. So instead he stormed out the room. His ki flaring.

As he passed his guard he said, "Training room. Five minutes." At least he would be able to work out some of his aggravation before he left.

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I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry updates are taking so long. I have a question for those of you who are currently reading all three of my latest stories (and yes you have to be reading all three). Which story should I update next? The Show, Vegeta and the Great Dating Adventure, or When You Least Expect. Just add it to your reviews. As for the rest of you, please don't forget to review. You guys telling what you think is the only way I'll ever get better. Anyway thanks for reading.