Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Villian ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: ; )

AN: Sorry it took so long but acuna-matata (it means no worries). Sorry I'm watching The Lion King right now.

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He stared out into the stars, hands behind his back, in deep thought. Soon all this would be his, it was only a matter of time.

Frieza walked up and stood next to his new partner. He had to admit this Cell, as he liked to call himself, intrigued him. He could tell that the man had great power and yet he had come to him with the proposition of a partnership. He could tell he was up to something, he just couldn't tell what. Yet.

"Lord Frieza," said a foot solider.

"What is it?" Frieza asked.

"The package has been dropped at Isles," reported the soldier.

"Very well," Frieza said with a wave of his hand. He turned to his partner. "Looks like everything is going according to our plan."

Cell shot him a look out the corner of his eye, then returned his attention to space. He absolutely despised the lizard-like creature but like so many things he was a means to an end. Like Frieza, Cell spent his life conquering worlds. No people had ever been strong enough to defeat either of them and each went about his side of the galaxy destroying one people after the other. Strategy is where their difference came to light. Frieza preferred charging in and blowing everything up. Cell preferred to study his prey first. Find the best way to completely obliterate his victims without their ever knowing it. It was this difference that had brought them together.

In his travels Cell had never met anyone that could compare to him and the people of Vegetasei were no exception. True they were strong but nothing he couldn't handle. The only thing that stood out among the people was their prince. The Saiyan held a great power that even amazed him and yet it was blocked. He decided he may be able to find a use for the prince. He had studied their `writings' as they called them and knew of the `key'. Unlike the Saiyans, he had seen much of the galaxy and knew of the blue-hared princess of Isles. He decided that if he ever wanted to put the prince under his control he had to make sure he never unlocked the power inside him. So the best way to do that was to destroy the key.

He saw no reason to concern himself with the murder of some little defenseless princess and had enlisted Frieza to take care of the job. The disgusting creature had an army that was unrivaled. Though Cell could easily protect himself, he thought that such a following might come in use sometime. The lizard had already shown he's worth by placing a spy/assassin in the royal court of Isles. Yes, he would keep him until he no longer had a use for him then he would be disposed of. Until that time came, he would let Frieza think that `their' plans were coming along nicely.

"How long do you think it will be before your man can take care of her?" Cell asked in a bored tone.

"The man I've sent is very crafty. It shouldn't take more three days for him to wrangle himself a presentation at court," Frieza said with certainty.

"Good," Cell said as he turned to leave. "Let me know when the wench is dead. I'll be in my quarters."

Frieza watched Cell go through narrowed eyes. Yes, he was definitely up to something.

* * *

The breeze blew gently and the soft fragrance of flowers floated in the air. It was a bright day and the Princess of Isles and the Lady of Gales were strolling thorough the royal gardens. Their skirts swayed gently as they walked along in silence.

"It's very lovely out here," the princess remarked.

"Yes it is," said the lady softly.

They walked in silence, until the lady spoke.

"May I speak freely your highness?" she asked.

Bulma smiled. It was strange how their conversations always started out so formal. "Of course, ChiChi."

"We have been friends a very long time and with everything that's happened of late I doubt that you called me here to discuss the weather."

Bulma's smile gentled. The lady knew her too well. "You probably won't like what I called you here for."

ChiChi sighed. She had had a feeling about what the princess wanted to discuss with her.

"If you've come to speak on Kakarot's behalf, I wish that you wouldn't," she said staring straight ahead.

"ChiChi," Bulma said gently, "I wish you'd reconsider your marriage to Baron Hercule. You don't love him," she said.

"That means nothing," ChiChi said on a wary sigh.

"But ChiChi what about Kakarot? You do love him," Bulma said.

ChiChi closed her eyes as if the last part was hard to think about. "Like I said that means nothing," she responded with great difficulty.

"ChiChi, you can't just let a love like the one you two share go," Bulma said reasonably.

"What do you know of this?" ChiChi snapped. "You have no idea what I'm going through!"

"I would if you'd just talk to me!" Bulma said wanting desperately to understand.

ChiChi sighed in defeat. She was tired of having no one to talk to. Tired of keeping her secret from the world.

"My father's holdings have fallen through. All our money is gone and the Baron has threatened to take our lands if I don't marry him. I have no choice. Without our land we have nowhere else to go," she said softly.

"Oh ChiChi," Bulma breathe.

"My father told me not to. That we'd find another way, but that land means everything to him. I won't let him lose it if I can help."

"But ChiChi if you were to marry Kakarot, he could buy the land from the Baron and give it to your father," Bulma said logically.

ChiChi her shook head in amazement. "Have you forgotten it's your fiancée that you speak of? I doubt that the royal court would shine on my marring the future king. The last thing my family needs right now a scandal."

"But I could easily break my betrothal. There are many others I could marry. Prince Yamucha of Latees or Lord Krillin of Mongo, it doesn't have to be Kakarot," Bulma said quickly.

ChiChi shook her head to blocking out the words as she began walking faster. "No it's not that easy."

"Yes it is-" Bulma started.

ChiChi stopped abruptly and turned to her friend. "I no longer wish to speak of this," she said returning to her formal tone, "If you have nothing else to speak with me about, I wish to take my leave."

Bulma sighed. There would be no talking to her now. "Yes of course."

ChiChi curtsied then hurried away.

Bulma watched her sadly then turned to the trail leading back to the palace.

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Okay kiddies. Review Time! I hope you liked this chapter and be looking for an update soon. The second author's note below is for those of that wonder where Cell came from in this fic. So if you don't care, skip it. Thanks for reading.

2nd AN: The Cell of this fic was created by Dr. Gero who traveled the universe searching for the greatest fighters it had to offer. He took cells from the Nameks and the people of Vegetasei, though neither Vegeta nor Kakarot were born at the time. So if you have any questions just ask in your review.