Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Mystic ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: (pouts)

AN: Special thanks to Susan and Kalahan (~_^ J/K) Kahlan Nightwing. You guys know what for.

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"You idiot!"

Frieza slapped the offending subordinate to the ground. Zarbon lightly touched the back of his hand to his quickly swelling lip. After he examined the blood on his hand he looked up at his master from under lowered lids.

"Forgive me, my Lord."

Frieza grunted. "You know I'm not one for forgiveness, Zarbon. We practically gift wrapped that little princess and you could even dispose of her. I think you're losing your touch and if you are then you become expendable," he said in a cold voice.

Zarbon's eyes widened at the threat. "But Lord Frieza, I explain about her having more protection than we were aware of-"

He was cut short as Frieza's tail connected with his cheek.

"I DON"T WANT EXCUSES! All I require is results! I am I understood?!"

Zarbon nodded and lowered his head.

Frieza frowned as a chuckle floated from behind him.

"Find something amusing?" he asked the, until now, quiet observer.

Cell's face was a blank mask aside from the glimmer in his eye. As much as he had enjoyed watching the little torture session he knew they had more important matters to tend to. He walked over to the bruised man on the floor.

"Where is she now?"

"I do not know," Zarbon said helplessly.

"Then I suggest you think hard."

Zarbon almost shuddered at the icy tone. He quickly began trying to recall anything that might save his life. They had walked in the woods, he attacked her, and then someone had hit him from behind. That's when he remembered just before he'd blacked out he'd gotten a hazy glimpse of the man. He was a big man, which is all he could remember about his physical appearance, but his uniform... The black spandex with white armor trimmed in gold was standard but the crest on it wasn't. He quickly relayed this to Cell.

Cell frowned. "What did the crest look like?"

"It was a silver V with a lion with a golden mane and green eyes in the center, beside it was a small shield," Zarbon said pulling at the smallest bit of memory.

Cell's frown deepened. "Was he wearing anything else?"

"Anything else?" Zarbon's confusion was evident.

"Yes, like a belt. Was he wearing a belt?" Cell was now reaching the end of his patience.

"Well… Yes! Yes a brown one as a matter of fact," Zarbon said quickly.

Cell's face twisted in disgust as he whipped his tail across the man's face.

"Get out of my sight," he sneered.

Zarbon pushed himself off the ground and, leaving his pride and most of his blood on the floor of Frieza private quarters, left the room.

"What is it?" Frieza asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," Cell said leaving a gaping Frieza staring at his back as he left the room.

He considered this new information as he walked. So, the Saiyans had the princess. He had easily recognized the disgusting apes from the lackey's description. He knew the prince had not been the one to find her because the crest that the weakling had described was that of the royal guard of Vegetasei.

He entered his quarters and stepped over to the window. He stared at the stars as he rethought his position. True, the prince may not have found her but he would have her soon. Then the Saiyan would be unstoppable and Vegetasei would never be his.

"What do you think we should do about this, Gero?" he said turning to look at the decapitated head in a glass container that sat on his table. He kept it as a reminder of his greatest, his logic being that if he could destroy his own creator then he was invincible.

He walked over to the table and squatted in front of the head.

"Yes, we're going to have to separate the princess from her prince. And do it very painfully," he said with an evil smirk.

* * *

Bulma crossed her legs beneath her on the bed.

`Okay,' she thought taking a deep breath. `I need to figure out who these people are so that Kakarot can find me.'

She tucked her long blue hair behind her ears as she began to put things together. She knew she was traveling through space but she didn't know where she was going. She knew she had been kidnapped but she didn't know what for and by whom. She decided to tackle the `by whom' first.

Both the men that she had met with thus far had been rude, arrogant, and complete jerks. Especially the short one. All these attributes, though, didn't give her any hint to their race. It was then that she remembered the tail. To say she had been shocked by it was an understatement, but not for the reason you'd think. She had only seen a tail on one other person in her life, Kakarot. As children they had gone swimming in the river often and that was the only time he let his tail free. He had told her that both his mother and brother also had one but that Nazarene thought people would judge them if they saw them. So they hid them, she under her long flowing gowns and the boys by wrapping their tails around their waist (much like the prince had done) and covering them with their shirts.

So, could that mean that these men were from Vegetasei? But what would they want with her? Then again the little runt that had been here yesterday had seemed genuinely surprised to see her. Could it be possible that this was all a mistake? She doubted it but she wasn't going dismiss the idea.

She then thought about the runt. His arrogance had disgusted her and the fact that he had touched her was even worse. She wondered who he thought he was? You've caused us a lot of trouble. I'll have you know that the prince is in no way pleased with your little run away act. The prince, huh? Well if he was a prince she'd hate to meet the rest of his people. It didn't seem possible that her Kakarot (or Radditz for that matter) could come from the same people as this man.

Well…she had figured out a lot so far, now all she had to do was contact Kakarot.

* * *

"So what are you going to do with her?"

Vegeta frowned at the intruder. He had just finished training and was now mediating for a warm down.

"I doubt that's any of your concern," he said closing his eyes. His tone was a clear signal that Nappa was not welcome.

Nappa nodded solemnly. "Very well, your highness. Might I ask what your plans for the day are?"

Vegeta arched his eyebrow in agitation, never once opening his eyes.

"So that I may perform my duties, highness," Nappa quickly added.

Vegeta opened his eyes and grunted. He stood up and made his way over the towel rank. After cleaning the sweat from his face, he walked out the door. As he passed he threw over his shoulder, "I intend to see the witch."

Nappa frowned. The queen must have talked him into this because there was no one the prince hated more than the royal mystic.

* * *

Prince Vegeta entered the room his nose turned up in the air. It smelled awful in the room. He wanted to get this little interview over with so he could get back to his search for the whore.

"Witch, show yourself!" he demanded.

A small woman on a glass ball wearing a witch hat floated over to the prince. A rare smile played on her wrinkled lips.

"AH, Prince Vegeta. I've been expecting you."

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Okay guys, I know it's short but I'm on my way out of town (State Tournament!!!!) but I promise as soon as I get back to update this fic. Don't forget to review. Thanks for reading.