Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ A Weakness ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Jadedbest: *looks at Chibi Gohan* Do I own you?

Gohan: Um…you'd have to ask my mom.

Jadedbest: *fear in eyes* Uh…never mind.

AN: My special thanks to all those who review. I love you guys!!!

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Vegeta stared at the ceiling in pure fury. How could he have let this happen? What was happening to him?

Bulma snuggled closer to him, her head on his shoulder and her hand splashed across his chest. Now that she was once again comfortable she returned to her peaceful sleep.

Vegeta scowled down at her blue head. If he had ever doubt it, he now knew for sure that she was a witch. The spell she had cast over him was clouding his senses. Just look at him! Cuddling after sex! It was a disgrace!

And though he knew this, he couldn't seem to let her go. He didn't know why, but he had been genuinely surprised to find that she was still chaste. He was hesitant at first because he didn't really like virgins. Aside from their inexperience, they easily grew attached to their first lovers. It was a hassle he preferred to sir clear of. And yet with her, the hassle didn't seem as foreboding. The fact that she had so eagerly given her virginity to him had…well for the lack of a better word…touched him. She was a weakness. And weakness could not be tolerated. That was his sign to get away from her.

He gently removed his arm from beneath her and sat up. Tossing the covers aside, he slipped his legs over the edge of the bed and began searching for his clothes.

His sudden movement caused Bulma to stir and her eyes fluttered open a content smile on her lips. She stretched leisurely then stopped as her newly used -and overworked- muscles complained. Bulma smiled. She would have to be more careful. Realizing that she was alone in bed, Bulma sat up slowly, a sheet wrapped around her and stared curiously at Vegeta's back. He was sitting on the end of the bed pulling on his boots.

"Go back to sleep woman," he said without spearing her a glance.

"Where are you going?" Bulma asked.

"To my room," Vegeta said as he stood.

"Oh," Bulma said disappointed.

Vegeta turned and frowned at her. "What? Did you expect me to stay the night? Maybe hold you until the morning?" he asked in a hateful mocking voice.

Bulma was taken aback by his cruel tone. What had brought this on? "No…of course not," she stuttered.

"Well I should hope you were more intelligent than to think you were anything more than a body that I used to relieve some stress," Vegeta said turning his face from her.

Bulma felt her eyes water but she fought the tears. "How could you say that?" she said in a broken whisper.

"Because it's true," Vegeta said looking at her, his face expressionless.

Bulma swallowed around the lump in her throat. "I want you to leave," she finally managed to get out.

Vegeta frowned. For the first time in his life he truly experienced regret. It almost made him physically ill. Picking up his shredded shirt, Vegeta left the room.

As soon as the door slid close behind him, Bulma let the tears fall. She tried to dab them away but they continued to spill from her eyes. How had she been so wrong about him? After they had made love that first time she had felt the completeness that she had been searching for all her life. It was that `something else' that she had talked to Kakarot about on the balcony the night of their engagement ceremony. And when he had reached for her a second time, she had felt like she was right where she was meant to be.

As she thought about the way she had let him touch her she felt nausea overcome her and she stumbled out of the bed to the restroom just as the bile rose in her throat.

* * *

"How far is the ship?" Frieza demanded.

"No more than an hour and a half, sir," the officer stuttered.

"Fine. Alert seventeen and tell him to have his patrol ready."

"Do you want us to wait for your command to start firing?" the officer asked.

"No. Fire the moment the ship comes into range," Frieza ordered.

The officer bowed and quickly hurried away to spread the message.

* * *

Vegeta scowled at the console as the young lieutenant nervously tried to explain the problem to him.

"Stop your sputtering boy and spit it out!"

Lieutenant Zarcha tried to calm his nerves. The prince was in a dangerous mood today and had all ready disposed of three incompetent underlings. Zarcha did not want to be the fourth.

"Well…you see sir. We're caught in the planet's gravitational pull."

"Well just use full power and get us the hell out of here," Vegeta scowled.

"Well sir we can't. You see the atmosphere here is a lot stronger than on most planets. On top of that we've used most of the fuel from Isles. There isn't enough to break us from the pull."

Vegeta growled low in his throat. Could anything else go wrong? "What is the name of this planet?"


Vegeta turned and frowned at the doorway. "Why are you not with your companion girl?"

Eighteen glided into the room giving the prince a look that could kill. "The princess has taken ill. I've come to see if you will be requiring my services today." Her offer sounded anything but cordial.

Vegeta chose to ignore her tone. It was obvious that she had spoken with the princess about last night's happenings. "What do you know of this planet?"

"Nothing, highness. All I know is its name, told to me by the princess."

"What does she know of this planet?" They were light-years from Isles. How would she know anything about this planet?

"From what I can tell, she is friends with the ruler there."

Vegeta cursed beneath his breath. Great! After the way he had spoken to her last night she'd never help him.

Vegeta sighed. "Send the princess to my quarters within the hour."

"As I said highness, she is ill," Eighteen started.

"Within the hour," Vegeta repeated.

Eighteen grudgedly bowed her head and left the room.

Vegeta scowled at the door. Now exactly was he supposed to pull this off?

* * *

Bulma walked down the hall towards Vegeta's royal quarters. When she reached them she raised her hand to knock only to have the door slide open before she could. Straightening her back and taking a deep breath, Bulma entered the room like a woman meeting her executioner.

As she stepped into the room, she felt the thick navy carpeting sink beneath her feet. Her eyes briefly gazed over the white furniture and the fireplace that was burning bright. She quickly scanned the room until her eyes landed on him. He was standing at the bar pouring himself a drink. Dressed in a basic navy training spandex uniform, he seemed perfectly at ease with his surroundings.

Bulma took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.

"You summoned, highness?" she asked coldly.

"I want to know what you know about Mongo," Vegeta said as he took a drink.

"Do you intend to attack them?" Bulma asked sarcastically.

"I don't have time for your games, woman," Vegeta stated plainly.

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Well if you don't intend to attack they then I must assumed that through your brilliant captaining skills you've once again emptied the ship of it's reserves and need another friendly plant to steal from. Well worry not your majesty, the ruler of Mongo is a kind man and is willing to help those that can not help themselves."

Vegeta stared at her blankly for a moment. He would have been insulted if he hadn't been so amused at the moment. He sat down his glass and slowly advance on her. He stopped mere inches from her and stared down into her flashing azure eyes.

"You have a very smart mouth princess," he said.

"My mouth is no worse than yours," she countered.

Vegeta slowly lifted his hand and began lightly stroking her lush full lips. Something told him it wasn't the alcohol that was causing the burning desire inside him. "Your mouth," he muttered as his eyes became transfixed on her lips.

"I want you to stop touching me," Bulma said through clenched teeth.

"You don't mean that," Vegeta said as his thumb played with her bottom lip.

"Spoken like a true rapist," Bulma said coldly. "Then again, I'm sure your barbaric culture probably shines upon rape, which it will surely be if you ever lay your hands on me again."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at her. He knew he should be angry with her and obliterate her for insulting the Saiyan race in such a way, but for some reason that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was making her cry out his name again. Whether it was the drink, those damn writings, or his raging libido, Vegeta didn't care as he lowered his mouth to hers.

He gently moved his lips over her unmoving ones. He nipped at them, trying to coax her into joining his play. She didn't. Vegeta decided to change tactics and slowly ran is tongue along the seam of her lips. She still didn't respond. Vegeta worked his way down her chin to her beautiful throat and on to her shoulder. He sucked at the soft skin there, the desire to bite down so strong that he could almost taste the blood flowing from the intended wound.

It was her involuntary shudder that told him he had broken down her defenses. He pulled back slightly and looked down at her passion filled face. Her lips were parted slightly as she struggled to breathe. Almost smirking at his victory, he leaned in to capture her lips.

However before he could claim his prize, the ship began to shake violently. Bulma fell against his chest in surprise. When the ship shook again, more violently still, she clung to him tightly. Vegeta looked around in bewilderment. `What in the world-'

"Vegeta what's happening?" Bulma cried as the ship continued to shake.

"I don't know," Vegeta muttered before another violent tremor hit the ship and Bulma clung to him more tightly.

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Updated at last!!! Hope you enjoyed it! And if you haven't heard the new slogan: You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.