Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

AN: Greetings Minna-san! This is my newest fic and the first featuring my favorite character Gohan. I hope you enjoy this fic and please, lemme know what you think!

Chapter 1

Clutching the metal dog tags tightly in his small fist, Gohan settled into the corner of a quiet space pod. How a reunion could turn out as badly as theirs had, no one knew. The day had started off just as the normal days went. Getting lost and his father rescuing him were normal. But on that particular day, his father and he would be visiting his father's friends. It would be his first time meeting them and his father's first time seeing them in a year, five years if you didn't count when Gohan had been kidnapped by Garlic Jr.

Gohan had found them all to be nice, especially the blue haired woman, Bulma. It was her first time meeting the boy, but had brought him a small present. The dog tags he held were just that. It was a bit too big for him at the moment, but would serve him well in the future. Bulma had made them so that they hid his ki, a sort of a protective cover. After his kidnapping, Bulma had figured that if the evil could not locate his ki, then he would be protected. The dragonball was a bit of a different problem, but the tags could help in the future when his power level was distinguishably high.

After Bulma had put it on him for the first time, Goku had tried to sense his young son, only to find that his power level was gone even though the boy stood directly in front of him. Other than hiding his ki, the dog tags easily identified him, seeing as one was inscribed with his name, "Gohan," and the other was blank. Bulma had figured that Gohan could decide what went on the other tag later.

Now, hours later, Gohan was curled up on the lonely floor of his uncle's space pod. The tags may have been able to hide his power level, but they couldn't hide his tail or him. Thus resulting his being kidnapped by his father's brother. Trapped in the small pod, Gohan listened as his father and Piccolo arrived and fought. He heard the painful cries of his father as he and his uncle dueled. As Goku's screams of pain penetrated the thick ship, Gohan grew angry.

Deciding he had to help, Gohan began to pound on the walls and control panels of the space pod. Just as he prepared to launch himself at the top of the pod, Gohan hit a large red button. Terror rose in Gohan's heart as he heard the engines kick in and the space pod slowly started to takeoff.

Outside, Goku was slowly being crushed by his brother. The pressure on his ribs was excruciating. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed from the deep canon where Gohan and the space pod where. Radditz, Goku, and Piccolo watched as the pod rose into the air and jets started, sending the ship rocketing though the air. Radditz immediately released his little brother as he turned his attention to the escaping pod.

As the pod rushed out of site, Goku could only stare in shock as his only son was sent high into the air and far into the distance. Almost as soon as it was out of sight, the pod exploded into flames and was sent careening farther out and finally into the Earth below. The upstart of flames was the last signal that the pod had ever existed. The shock waves of the explosion could barely be felt through the wind as it blew by the three fighters.

Tears slowly escaped the Earth-raised Saiyan's eyes as he watched his only son die in a burst of flames. Anger quickly replaced his sorrow as he turned his eyes to his brother. With a war-like cry, Goku charged at Radditz, holding him tightly. "Piccolo, can you manage that attack again?" he asked his former enemy.

Nodding at the man, Piccolo slowly charged up his spiraling ki blast. After a few minutes of charging, Piccolo unleashed the powerful blast at the two Saiyans and watched as it pierced Radditz's armor and continued until it went through both Saiyans.

Although in death, Radditz gloated of his victory, only to be shocked as he heard the explanation of the dragonballs. Chuckling, Radditz revealed that the other Saiyans would come for the mystical orbs in a year before passing on into the Next Dimension.

Piccolo watched as Bulma, Krillin, and Roshi arrived and mourned over Goku's death as his body disappeared. After informing the group about the Saiyans that would arrive as well as Gohan's death, Piccolo departed.

The next day, Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Choutzu, Chi-Chi, the Ox King and a few others gathered together and held a memorial service for the youngest Son. They had all agreed that in an explosion, there would be no remains. Still, they had a small stone tombstone placed under a massive apple tree, where they had almost lost him two years before. The stone was simply inscribed with the boys name and dates, marking his birth and death. On top of the stone sat his small hat, toped with the four star dragonball. This hat had fallen off her son's head near the pod's crater.

Only a few of the attendants had actually met the boy, however the rest attended out of respect for Goku and his family. They were sure that any son of Goku would have been worth knowing. Bulma, who had become quite attached to the shy child in the short time she knew him, softly sniffed as she reflected on what his life could have been.

Krillin reflected on his time with Goku and briefly thought on the boy's power. He had been there in the battle against Garlic Jr. and watched as the child defeated him and destroyed the Dead Zone. `Well, he was the son of Goku.' the monk mused. Tears clustered in his eyes as he thought upon his best friend and the child he had only known for a short time.

Tears could easily be seen in Chi-Chi's eyes as she dealt with the death of both her husband and child. Although one would return, her only child, the light of her life, was gone, never to return.