Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

Chapter 3

Shocked, Angel turned to her husband. Erik sat next to his wife and looked at the young boy with heavy regard. He could tell the boy was scared. Turning to his wife, he noticed that she seemed to be deep in thought.

"He hit is head . . ." she whispered. Looking up at her husband, they met eye to eye. "When he hit his head, he must have hit it too hard . . . he has amnesia." Glancing at the boy, she saw his eyes widen once more.

"Y-you mean I-I forgot everything?"

Angel's eyes widened even more. The boy was obviously intelligent. Her daughter couldn't have told you what amnesia meant. Pulling the boy into her arms, Angel began to rock the sobbing child. "Its alright." she whispered in a soothing voice. "Everything will be just fine."

Soon the child's tear lessened as he looked up at the woman who held him close. "Are you my mommy?" he asked his voice full of curiosity and innocence.

Looking at the boy, Angel felt her heart swell with emotions. Holding him closer, she murmured her response. "No, I'm not. But I wish I was."


After talking with the child, Angel quickly realized that the child's intelligence had not been affected by the crash. He was bright as could be and very in tune with others. He quickly realized her feelings and acted towards them. He was everything Angel had ever hoped for in a child. She had always wanted a son. His bright inquisitive eyes displayed his childlike curiosity at the family around him; however, Angel could easily see the shadows that lurked in the corners.

He had no memory of his family, his life, or even his name. He didn't know what the machine was, why he was in it, how he had crashed. Nothing. He didn't even know he had a tail until she had pointed it out. And at that, he didn't know why.

Angel and Erik sat down at the table to talk. Both of the children had fallen asleep again. Unpacking was forgotten, their minds were consumed with the child upstairs. They both wanted him to stay, to be their son. But there were a number of matters at hand.

"If we turn him over to social services, what's going to happen when they find out he has a tail? A tail Erik. Normal people don't have tails."

"I know Angel. I know. But what about his family? He has to have one out there. We can't just take the child in and not even look for his past. Think about it. What if Cass was to go missing? Would you want someone to just take her and not even look to see if we existed?"

"No, Erik, I wouldn't. I would want my daughter back. But he has no memory of his life. There is nothing to tell us who he is or where he came from. Only a set of dog tags with a name. His name, I'm guessing." Lowering her voice, she turned to her husband with pleading eyes. "If we turn him to the authorities, he'll go to a foster home. Or a testing center. He'll always be seen as a freak. We can't let that happen to him."

Sighing, Erik knew that they were both right. "Look, we will keep him here for a little while and see if his memory comes back. If not, we will take him to Social Services and legally adopt him. We can hide his tail and if they decide to do tests, then we will be with him and make sure no one sees it."

Joy lit her face as she hugged her husband tightly. "Thank you Erik. Thank you."


A week later, the young child known as Gohan was legally adopted by the Daemons. They had found that Social Services were swamped with children, so with the prospect that the child could be adopted, they had jumped at the chance. After a doctor diagnosed Gohan with amnesia, Social Services had provided them with all the legal work necessary, with the understanding that should he get his memory back, they would have to act accordingly. However, the doctor was sure that the child's memories were lost forever.


(About One Year Later)

"Come on Gohan. Attack me!"

Grinning at his father, Gohan began a series of punches and kicks. Six months after he had been adopted, Erik had begun lessons in the martial arts for him and his sister. Much to his parent's amazement, his attacks were not `child's play.' He possessed extraordinary power, surpassing any other child Erik had seen.

Gohan's first year with them had been relatively normal. After the adoption, Angel had nearly bought out the little boys' section of most of the children's clothing stores at the mall. They had fixed up the room where he had initially been taken when they first found him. Without knowing his favorite cartoon or any other normal decoration for a child's room, Erik had set about to decorate his room with martial arts symbols and even weapons.

Just because he had been adopted didn't exclude him from being trained in the martial arts like all of the Daemons before him. Everyday Gohan went to his father's dojo, spending time with other students and helping his father. He was a natural at fighting, his skill improved daily.

Now, in November, Gohan was also going to school. At first, Angel and Erik had been hesitant to put him in kindergarten with their daughter. So far they had succeeded in hiding Gohan's tail from the world. Other than this physical abnormality, Angel had discovered Gohan's intelligence to be far superior to any other child his age. After they settled their son in his new home, Angel remembered the boy's keen understanding and the obvious intelligence reflected in the boy's vocabulary. She had taken him for academic testing, finding that at age four, the boy was near, if not at, genius level. Without knowing his history, Angel was not sure if it was natural ability or whether he had been academically trained. She figured it was natural intelligence, for who would make a four year old study?

After endless discussions, they decided to go ahead and send him. Everyday he was told to keep his tail hidden. Gohan knew that it wasn't normal to have one. His parents didn't have them, or his sister, or anyone else he had met. He knew that he was adopted, but without a past to reflect on, he accepted his new life with ease.

After a long day of school and training for the youngest male Daemon, he and his father headed home. When they arrived, Erik could tell something serious had happened. Angel's face was ashen and horror struck. Taking him into another room, she told her husband of the mysterious attack and the battle to save Earth. Erik calmly reassured her, believed that everything would be fine. Little did he know the truth of what had shaken his wife.

Angel had kept silent about a few details. She figured it was better left unknown. The two attackers, one short with flame like black hair and a tall bald man, had arrived in strange metal pods. Another upsetting factor was that they seemed to possess tails . . . just like Gohan.


(Days later with the Z-senshi)

The battle had been hard, the end results had been worse. Krillin and Goku were the only survivors. Vegeta had escaped. But worst of all for this group of saviors, there were no dragonballs.

Goku had been wished back, however, the time it took to get down Snake Way had been forgotten, thus resulting in a late entrance. He had arrived in time to see Piccolo's demise. Nappa was quickly disposed of and with the help of Krillin and, surprisingly, Yajarobie, Goku had defeated Vegeta.

Now, days later, Goku watched as Bulma and Krillin left the hospital to head off into space. They were headed to the Planet Namek, home to the dragonballs. This way, they could wish Piccolo back and then the rest of their friends. The dragonballs on earth would reappear and they could also make a wish from here. It was a perfect plan.

In light of the upcoming revivals, Goku's heart was heavy. With the training on King Kai's planet and the fight with the Saiyans, he had never truly been able to accept and morn the death of his only son. Now, more than a year later, he allowed his tears to fall. Together, Chi-Chi and Goku cried for the son they had for such a short time, whose smile could make any of their pain and sadness disappear, whom they would both miss so very much.