Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

And I don't own the conversation between Goku and Mirai Trunks. I stole it from the Dub, only altered it and shortened it a bit. But most of their dialogue came from the show! Credit to them.

AN: Thanks so much for all the great reviews! I love them! Please keep on reviewing! Anyway, this is kind of a short chapter . . . it's just a filler chapter. And please note, the Mirai Trunks in this timeline is from the one we see in the anime. The future would not exist without Gohan and I didn't feel like fixing it all up with a way to work it out. Sure, I could have changed it, made it this way, and did an alternate Trunks Special, but then this fic wouldn't turn out right, because either Mirai would not have known Gohan or else he would have told the Z-fighters where he was. That wouldn't be good for my story now would it? So, Mirai Trunks is from the original timeline we see on the Trunks Special. Got it? Hope so! Enjoy!

Chapter 5

On a high cliff side, the remaining Z-senshi (minus Goku and Gohan of course) watched as a mysterious lavender-haired youth destroy two of the strongest and most intimidating tyrants in existence. This mysterious boy destroyed both King Cold and Frieza in a matter of moments, and apparently no difficulty.

In a hesitant alliance, the group awaited Goku's arrival. The boy seemed to have been puzzled as he looked over the crowd, searching for a missing face. Hours later a small ship headed towards earth, landing a few miles from the waiting group.

Immediately upon Goku's exit, the young many asked for a few minutes alone with him. Together, the pair flew off into the distance to have their discussion privately. He quickly challenged Goku to go Super Saiyan. Evenly matched, the two fighters showed off their individual moves. After their display, the boy felt that he could trust the full blooded Saiyan. After swearing him to secrecy, he began his story.

"My name is Trunks, this is going to sound really strange but I'm not from this time. I traveled here in a time machine twenty years from the future."

"From the future? That's incredible."

"Yes, Vegeta was right, only the two of you have Saiyan blood, and I got mine from him. He's my father."

Shock was evident on Goku's face as he took in this news. "What? You're kidding! Wow! You're absolutely sure that Vegeta's your father?"

"Yes, I'm half Saiyan, half Earthling."

"Your serious. Vegeta's son… my gosh." Looking back and forth from father to son, Goku continued. "Yes, Yes, I can see the resemblance. Wow!"

"I will be born two years from now."

"No kidding! Vegeta's going to be a daddy! That's incredible. Man, who would have ever thought…" Goku said laughing loudly.

Interrupting him, Trunks took charge of the discussion. "Goku, I didn't come here to tell you that. I have to talk to you about something.

"In three years, on the morning of May 12th at ten am, a horribly destructive duo will show up on an island nine miles southwest of South City. They have dreadful power, even by our standards. They're monsters Goku. That's the best way I know to describe them. They're monsters. Once this pair surfaces, the Earth and everything you know will be gone for good."

"What's the deal? Are they aliens?"

Slowly the boy continued. The destructive duo was androids created by one of Goku's former opponents, Dr. Gero. Trunks continued to explain how Gero lived on after the fight with the Red Ribbon Army and created them for an unknown purpose. He also spoke more of the two's power and their delight in killing. Explaining the current situation his world was in, Trunks told Goku of how they turned on their creator, how they delighted in destruction, and how they forced the population into hiding.

"Oh man. Gosh, You defeated Frieza in a flash, and yet, from what you're saying, these androids are even stronger than you."

"They are, for sure. Hunting me down is one of their favorite hobbies, but its two against one, there's not much I can do against them except run."

"What?! What about all the others? I mean, aren't they helping you?"

"They can't. They're dead. Three years from now the Earth's Special Forces will be gone. I'm all that's left; I'm doing the best I can. They're all gone. Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chouzu, even Piccolo … they're all going to loose their lives against the androids in a horrible battle. There will only be one survivor, that is my master and best friend Gohan. But thirteen years later they get him. That was three years ago, my time." Trunks fell silent as he pushed away the thoughts of his best friend. Looking up, he noticed Goku looking at the ground, where a few tears had fallen. Immediately the boy was concerned. "What is it Goku?"

"Trunks… the G-Gohan of our time i-is dead…"

Trunks merely stared at him as if he had grown a few extra heads. "Dead? He can't be dead…" Slowly, Trunks began to break down. "I couldn't save him in my time… I-I thought that I could save him here…"

Goku put a comforting arm around the demi-Saiyan. He knew how much he missed his own son and for a boy who had been through hell, the loss of his best friend twice must tear him up inside. Slowly, Trunk's sobs subsided. Quickly, Trunks brushed the tears away. Knowing that the subject of Gohan wasn't the best thought for either of them, Goku asked one of the questions that were bugging him.

"What about me? Do I die too?"

Slowly, Trunks continued about his time and gave Goku the medicine for his heart virus. He also divulged the truth of his origin, watching as Goku fell over laughing upon hearing his mother was none other than Bulma Briefs. As Goku calmed down, he promised to return in three years, their time. For him, a small adjustment to his machine and he would be there. Bidding them goodbye and good luck, Trunks hopped into his time machine.

From high in the sky, Trunks took a last look at the fighters he never knew, at the father he never knew, and the life that would not exist for him. Slowly, he spoke words only his own heart and ears could hear to his parents. And with a final glistening tear, he bid his mentor and best friend a final farewell. After going through space and time in hope to see his friend, he had found that death had claimed Gohan much sooner than he had thought. With a final wave, the time traveler disappeared into the sky.


The Daemons were relaxing by the lake on their property, enjoying the August heat. The summer was about to end and Gohan and Cassandra would be returning to school soon. Cass had just celebrated her seventh birthday and Gohan's would be in less than two months. Erik and Angel were relaxing by the water's edge, enjoying the peace and quiet. This was quickly ended as Cass pushed Gohan, who had been doing katas, into the water.

Gohan shot out of the water and into the air before stopping. Floating mid-air, he surveyed the land. In one fell swoop, he had picked up his sister and dumped her into the middle of the lake. Laughing, he landed near his parents to await her arrival. Everyone had grown used to his strange ability. While he waited for his sister to swim ashore, he shook his tail dry, spraying his parents with water. Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, he grinned at them. Their attention was taken as Cassandra made her entrance.

"That's no fair Gohan Daemon! Your not allowed to fly cause I can't!" Pouting, she dropped herself onto Erik's lap. Gohan merely stuck his tongue out at his sister before racing back into the cool water. With a loud shout, Cass raced after her brother, seeking retribution.

Chuckling, Erik and Angel headed into the water as well. The past year had been interesting. After Gohan's discovery on flying, the Daemons had yet another problem. Gohan had to train to control his ability so that he didn't spontaneously take flight in the middle of crowds. However, Erik wasn't used to teaching someone to fly. Their sessions together had often ended with Gohan falling on his face, over a cliff, into a tree or some other obstacle. After a little bit of practice, the bright boy had realized that he was using an inner power, and that if he focused it right, he could maneuver through the air easily. Gohan had tried to explain this to his parents, but they were still at a loss for what to say. Most of his abilities had been like that.

During one session in particular, Gohan had shot some sort of light beam at Erik, who barely dodged him. The boy had merely stared at his hands for an hour. Everyone had definitely been shocked about that and it had left another thing to be controlled. However, Gohan wasn't fond of the blast, he tried not to use it and didn't have great control of it either.

Other than that, they had to make sure no one else saw what he could do. Angel's mind ached with the remembrance of the two brutes that had tried to take over Earth almost two years ago. The similarities between her son and those monsters were startling. Tails, metal pods, super strength, and now the ability to fly and blast. But none of this changed the fact that she loved her son completely.

Both her and Erik had spent a number of nights thinking about their son. They were constantly haunted by the thought of his memory returning. It wasn't that they didn't want him to remember, but that they couldn't bear to let him go. They both loved Gohan has if he were their own flesh and blood. They loved him and nothing could ever prohibit that. Erik swore that if anyone ever tried to take their son away, there would be hell to pay.


Alright, so this chapter was short and didn't really advance much, but it was a filler chapter. I had to bring Mirai to Earth (that is a major event) and have his reaction to Gohan's death. Then, a light moment in the Daemon family and some coping. However, I'm going ahead and doing this, a MAJOR WARNING!!!! The upcoming chapters become dark, angsty ones. So if you can't stand it, and you read this angst fic anyway, you have a warning.

MAILING LIST: Still going on! Leave your email address in your review and tell me you wanna join, or email me, and tell me the name of the story and you can be added.

Next time: Christmas has arrived and the character's situations couldn't be more different. At the CC's Annual Christmas Ball, a big announcement is made! Then, over in Greenfield, the Daemon children are tucked in bed with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads… but not for long. On this fateful night, darkness comes in more ways then one, destroying their happy lives in an instant.

SNEAK PEAK: "His anger rose as he took in the surroundings, especially how one of the men held his mother. The intruder was pressing Angel's small frame into the mattress while he towered above her form. Her silk nightgown disarray, showing a bit more than it should have. Seeing red, Gohan prepared to attack because no one messed with anyone he loved, especially his parents . . ."