Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.


AN: Alright people, sadness and angst can commence. And believe me when I say this, I don't take this lightly. I delve into emotions, expose thoughts, and try to do it in an effective way. You'll see what I mean soon enough. Thank you all for the great reviews because I truly love the feed back. I like to know just what you guys think. Enjoy this and Please Review!

Chapter 7

"What?!?" Bulma exclaimed loudly. Heads turned their way. Ignoring the crowd's look, Bulma turned to her friend and asked again, in a quieter voice. "What?"

"I'm pregnant! Can you believe it?"

"Wow Chi! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Goku. Talking about that Saiyan, where is he? I've got to give him my congratulations as well." With that the two girls headed back to the gathered Z fighters.

Chi-Chi easily slid up beside her husband, who wrapped an arm around her dainty waist in response. Leaning down to his wife's ear, he quietly asked. "Did you tell her?" Chi-Chi only nodded in response. Grinning, he looked up to the remainder of their friends.

Bulma marched up to him, looking rather angry. He was slightly taken aback with her reaction, only to see her grimace split into a large grin. Wrapping her pale arms around her best friend, Bulma pulled him into a tight embrace as she whispered her congratulations. After their exchange, the rest of the fighter's were staring at them curiously.

Letting go of his oldest friend, he wrapped his arms around his wife before he turned back to their friends. "Chi-Chi and I have an announcement we want to make." Noticing that he held all of their attention, he scanned the crowd. Most of them seemed apprehensive, as if he were about to tell them that Frieza was back. Only Vegeta stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, with a passive look on his face. Turning back to the rest of his friends, he tightened his embrace on his wife. "I'm going to be a father!" he exclaimed with a brilliant grin on his countenance.


The intruder holding Angel grinned evilly at the children as he moved closer to their mother. He slowly pressed his body to her's, enjoying the anger that burned in Erik's eyes. Glancing back at the spirited young boy, his feral grin widened. "So boy, what are you going to do? You were going to attack us, right?"

Gohan let loose a feral growl at the intruder, the sound reverberating throughout the room. Cassandra jumped at the sound, its ferocious and animalistic sound promised revenge.

The man began to run his hands down Angel's side and caress her silk covered body. All the while he looked at the boy, his eyes daring Gohan to do something. "What are you going to do boy?" he hissed. "Are you going to beat me up?" he asked mockingly. Squeezing one of Angel's breasts hard, he smirked at the other members of the family.

Erik, Gohan and Cass could see Angel wince in pain as she kept her mouth shut. She refused to give the intruder's pleasure with her pain and suffering. She merely glared at him. Erik was helpless to help her, he could only watch. Cass was shocked; the fact that there were people who would do this amazed her. She was scared stiff, unable to move.

The man continued his assault on Angel's body as he moved his hand lower… and lower. Winking at Gohan, he squeezed her ass hard. "Boy, whacha gonna do? Whacha gonna do when I fuck your mom? Then maybe I'll let my partner have your sister. Or maybe you. Whacha gonna do boy?"

Angel's eyes widened as she heard him. What he did to her was one thing, but what he did to her children was another. With all her might, she struggled to fight him off, hoping to save them all. He merely caught her hands and laughed at her attempts. Freeing one of her legs, she slammed her knee into the man's crotch. Angrily, he slapped Angel hard. Her head was slammed to the side. Tears slowly slid down her face as she tried to ignore what would happen. It was hopeless. There was nothing they could do. Her eyes locked with her son's, displaying those exact thoughts.

Gohan watched the display, rage burning his body. He had heard the man's attempts to frighten him. But the fear he felt was nothing compared to the utter rage that flowed through his veins. The fear wasn't even for himself, but for his family. As his obsidian eyes locked with his mother's midnight blue ones, he could see her loss of hope and the worry she had for them. It was as if she were calling to him to run, to save him and his sister. This was too much for him. The tidal waves of emotion he had been pushing back were too much. He couldn't control it any more.

Cassandra's eyes widened as a wind whipped through the room. Knowing the windows were closed, she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Slowly she looked towards his brother. His eyes were burning with rage. She quickly realized that somehow her brother was causing the winds. A bluish white aura had surrounded his body, whirling around the room at amazing speeds.

A scream of rage echoed throughout the house, the sound would haunt their dreams for years to come. Full of sorrow, suffering, rage, and anger, the voice was inhuman. However, all could see that it came from the young boy.

Gohan's black hair slowly flickered between its normal dark coloring and a gold color, his eyes doing the same between black and green. His fists were tightly clinched at his sides, as if he were fighting himself, fighting against what was occurring. With a final scream, a flash of light blinded everyone in the room. When the light faded, a golden warrior of vengeance stood where an innocent young boy once stood.


The entire Z-senshi broke out into smiles as they congratulated the pair. Krillin quickly embraced his friend in a tight, brotherly hug, patting Goku on the back and giving him his congratulations. Yamcha and Tien did the same. Master Roshi's "You dog you" comment was quietly said to the Saiyan. Goku and Chi-Chi beamed with pride, happiness shown through their dark eyes.

Krillin regarded the couple seriously. The death of their first son hit the pair hard. Usual mourning time was prohibited by preparations for the Saiyans, the fight on Namek, and Goku's trip on Yardrat. Then, with the upcoming battle against the androids, the Z fighter's had been training harder than before. All this time, Krillin knew they never got a chance to mourn and accept their son's death. None of the fighter's would speak the boy's name in their presence, nor would they refer to him. The way that Goku announced Chi-Chi's pregnancy slightly disturbed him. "I'm going to be a father" is what he said. But the man had already been a father. Shaking his head, Krillin attempted to clear his mind of those thoughts. It was his best friend, and he was determined to be happy for him no matter what.

After the congratulations died down, the group seated themselves at the table. Toasting with various drinks, the fighters toasted to happiness, success in the battle for the androids, and the newest addition to the Son family. Smiles decorated everyone's face (with the exception of Vegeta through most of this) as they toasted to this. After their toast, the men's talk turned to the upcoming battle where as the girl's began discussing the child.

As midnight hit, the loud clock rang out the arrival of Christmas day. The room turned silent as the bells rang twelve times. As it ended, Chi-Chi silently raised her glass. Shadows threatened to overtake her eyes as she stared at the shimmering liquid in her glass. "A toast to my son, wherever he may be."

Surprise lit the Z-fighter's face as she did that. Goku's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. All lifted their glass to match Chi-Chi's. With a loud cry "To Gohan," the Z-senshi drank to the child they lost. Their first permanent loss. The acknowledgement that everyone is mortal, even with the Dragonballs on Namek and Earth.


Cassandra moved away from her brother in shock until her back was up against a wall. Falling to her feet, she could only stare at the golden child in front of her. His spiky black hair was now golden blonde and spikier than usual. His usual obsidian eyes were now a swirling sea green, void of any positive emotion. His muscles bulged with the newfound power and a thick gold aura surrounded him, swirling and heating the air that was around them.

Erik and Angel stared at their son with a horrid fascination. Their innocent child now looked like a killer, madness swirled in his unfamiliar eyes. The intruders gasped at the boy's transformation. In a shaky voice, Angel's oppressor attempted to cover up his fear. "W-Whacha-a g-g-gonna do b-boy?"

Gohan merely sneered at the man. He could feel an unimaginable power flow through his veins. Rage and anger made this power flow faster. Rage and anger at the men who dared to harm his family. Baring his teeth, he let loose a low growl.

In a blink of an eye, he had grabbed the man above his mother and held him up against the wall by this throat. His eyes pierced those of the intruder, anger radiating from him. "What did you say?" he asked punctuating every word. "I believe you threatened me and my family." he growled.

The trapped man's accomplice shook out of his stupor as he realized that a mere boy was holding his partner up against the wall, choking him. He watched as the boy slammed his partner's head against the wall. Carefully, he raised his gun, aimed at the boy's head, and fired. The sound echoed through the room.

Everyone looked at where Gohan stood, expecting to see some sort of reaction or else his death. Instead they merely saw him, still holding the man by the throat with one hand, and the other was outstretched. He was miraculously unharmed.

Grinning, a glowing light appeared in his hand. Gohan marveled at the feel of the power he had only accessed by incident. By some instinct, he knew exactly what he was doing. Gathering the power in his hand, he released a beam of light and energy at the other intruder. Everyone watched in horror as the man was enveloped in the light, incinerated by the blast.

Gohan turned back to the other man, the man who had threatened his mother and sister. His threat echoed in his head. His anger rose at the man whose life was literally in his hand. Savagely, Gohan threw a punch at the man's stomach, his hand pushing past the organs and continued out the back of his body. Pulling back, the man fell to the floor as blood poured out of the wound, forming a puddle on the hard wood floor, soaking the oriental rugs. Gohan stepped back a bit and gazed at the man coldly. The intruder crawled onto his knees and began to cough up blood. Blood ran from his nose and mouth as his eyes pleaded with the golden child.

With a growl, he launched `lighter' attacks at the man, savoring the feel of the merciless beating. Then, fast as light, he tore into him savagely. Gohan's mind merely repeated the intruder's threats, the knowledge of what would happen to his family if he didn't do something. These thoughts blocked out the cries of pain that the man screamed out.

Finally, Gohan was shaken from his stupor as he heard his own mother scream out for him to stop. Looking down, Gohan was shocked to see the intruder, barely recognizable as a man. Blood soaked the floor, the body, and Gohan. Part of him cried out that it was justice, while another part screamed at him for what he had done. He fired a last blast, incinerating the man's bloody remains, leaving no trace of him.

Suddenly, as the truth of what occurred hit him hard, his golden aura was sucked out of him. Sinking to the floor, Gohan stared at his blood-covered hands. Looking up at his parents, shock riddled his face. Shock at what he had done. Shock at what had happened. Once more he looked at his hands, tears collected in his eyes. Gohan slowly raised his head, his wide tearful eyes asking so many questions. Only one escaped the boy's mouth as he broke down. "W-what am I?"

Erik, who had been freed from his bonds, gathered his son into his arms, unable to fully comprehend what had happened. Hugging him tightly, Erik offered all of the support and love he had to his little boy. But his heart tightened, knowing that nothing he could do would erase these moments from his son's consciousness. Angel and Cassandra shook off their fear and joined them in their embrace.

Hearing the small boy's question, Erik held him tighter knowing deep down inside that they may never have an answer for that heartbreaking question. Then again, he couldn't help but think, after the night's events, that ignorance might be for the best.


::cries:: Oh well, its not like I don't do worse things to him around Chapter 15. ::grinz:: Alright, before I even get the flames, I'm going to explain a few things. Going Super Saiyan is a matter of need, not desire, all fueled with negative emotions. When the person does transform, they are consumed in a battle for their own mind, their own sanity. Now, for those who would say that Gohan would never do this, that he was overly brutal . . . I ask them to look at the Frieza Saga for Goku's actions after transformation. Then, look at Gohan's against Cell after SSJ2. Plain and simple, it is brutal. In truth, this scene should and would have been far more brutal, but I had to keep in mind that it was a human that Gohan was beating, making it much harder because of the power. I started watching DBZ around the Cell saga, so I'm used to SSJ2 power, not SSJ. I also gave you guys warnings of angst, so those types of responses will be ignored.


MAILING LIST: Do I have to keep repeating this? Leave you email address in the review stating you want to join the mailing list or email me and tell me the story title, your email address, and that you want to join. Simple! Those on it . . . hope you got it, if not, email me and let me know. Wanna get off? Email me and let me know. No problem.


SNEAK PEAK: (Time moves to right before the Cell Games)

"Goku quickly shook these thoughts from his head. Gohan was gone. There was nothing that could be done about it now. There was no Gohan, there were no maybes. There was only a tombstone and no remains. There was only the Z-fighters and himself. They would have to save Earth… again."

"Cassandra merely stood a bit away from her younger brother. She had never been able to sneak up on him, he had always been so aware. But now he was just an empty shell. Tears collected in her midnight blue eyes as she watched him. No one blamed him, they only thanked him. He had saved them. A haunted hero… a guilty guardian."


I thank you all for reading and reviewing. The reviews are such a great help. I love them, and please continue to do so. I update about once a week or every five days, all depends, and reviews do have a say in when it happens. Remember, I'm far ahead of the story, so if I get a lot of reviews, I'm always tempted to give you the next chapter sooner!

Ice Angel.