Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Training ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
Chapter 3 - Training.
Kiara put on a creamy colored training suit and made her way towards the training facilities. Vegeta leaned against a wall with his arms crossed, waiting for her, “about time!” he hissed.
Kiara just ignored him and followed him in one of the rooms. The walls where white and the floor was a royal blue color. She looked around in awe.
“Train!” Vegeta grunted as he started punching the air. Kiara looked at his muscles flexing with every move he made. Suddenly he stopped and turned to her, “I said train woman!” he grunted again, annoyance obvious in his voice. “Uhm… I uhh… I don't know how Vegeta,” Kiara stuttered.
Vegeta grunted and made his way towards her. He took her hands and formed then into fists. He then bend trough his knees so he could place her feet in the proper position. He got back up and stood behind her taking her wrists in his hands and motioned them to show her what to do, without saying a word. “There got it?” he grunted when he finished. Kiara nodded, “yes.”
“Good, now train!” with that said they both started their training session.
Vegeta watched her out of the corner of his eyes and smirked at her fast improvement. He was actually impressed.
Kiara was focused on nothing but her training. She trained so hard she was covered in sweat and her muscles ached, but she didn't care. She wanted to impress Vegeta and so she kept on training as hard as she could. Every now and then she glanced at Vegeta. He was doing pushups on one finger. `How can he keep his weight up like that?' she wondered.
Suddenly he stopped and jumped back to his feet. He looked at her, his ebony eyes boring trough her. Kiara quickly looked away blushing slightly. She hadn't realized she'd been staring.
Vegeta grinned and stalked towards her, “why where you staring at me woman?” he asked calmly.
Kiara looked at him trying not to show her fear. “I wasn't staring!” she suddenly yelled “I wouldn't stare at the likes of you!”.
Vegeta could see the mixture of fear and fury in her eyes as she looked up at him. He grinned and continued stalking towards her.
Kiara slowly backed away until she felt her back touch the cold wall, `shit,' she thought as she quickly glanced at Vegeta who was only a few feet away and still closing in on her. She knew she shouldn't have snapped at him. But she couldn't help it, every time she didn't know what to say and when she's embarrassed she snapped, just like she had now. Only now she was in trouble and she had nowhere to go.
Before she could make another move Vegeta had closed the little space that was left between them. He grabbed her wrists and held them above her head, bringing his face closer to hers in the process. He grinned as he pressed his body against hers so she couldn't move.
Kiara looked at him, fear evident in her eyes. She could feel a stinging pain rush trough her head and then she realized what he was doing… She closed her eyes and tried to block him out of her mind, but it was no use, he was to strong and just forced his way into her mind, picking up her every thought.
`He's so arrogant,' `so hot,' `so strong,' `scary,' `dangerous,' `gorgeous,' the thoughts ran freely trough her mind and Vegeta picked them all up.
He grinned as an idea just came to his mind. He took her wrists in one hand, then slowly slid his free hand down between her breasts and further down over her stomach. `o God!' `This is to much!' `I want him so bad' Vegeta grinned at her every thought, and then released her.
“We'll continue tomorrow,” he said calmly and then he took off.
Kiara stood there panting slightly, `what in Kami's name just happened?' she thought to herself. She knew Vegeta had been reading her mind and picking up her every thought. But why had he touched her like that? Just to see her reaction? She wasn't sure, but she knew she'd better avoid any similar situation.
“You have to look inside yourself and search for your ki! Search for the very core of yourself,” Vegeta said slightly annoyed. They'd been at it for over three hours now, but Kiara still didn't manage to tap into her ki.
“I'M TRYING!” she yelled frustrated.
“YOU OUGHTA LEARN TO SHOW SOME RESPECT GIRL!” Vegeta replied roughly as he stalked towards her clenching his fists. `This girl… she confuses me, why?' he thought. `How can a mere girl confuse me? The prince of all saiyans!'
Kiara slowly backed away as Vegeta stalked towards her. `SHIT! I did it again,' she thought, `I crossed the line again, why do I always have to do that and piss him off?!' she asked herself as she continued to back away until her back hit the wall of the training room.
She looked at Vegeta stalking towards her, fear evident in her eyes. Suddenly he disappeared and reappeared in front of her and before she realized it she was trapped between his body and the wall.
`Oh shit!' she thought.
She closed her eyes waiting for the pain he'd bring her, but it never came… instead she felt his warm soft lips on hers, his tongue trying to force it's way into her mouth. Her heart skipped a beat but her instincts quickly took over and she parted her lips slightly. Vegeta's tongue immediately slid past her lips, passionately exploring her mouth.
Kiara felt her heart race as their tongues battled for what seemed like hours and suddenly she felt something warm surge trough her. Vegeta had felt it too and broke the kiss to look at her.
A blue aura flared around her, making her seem very mysterious.
Vegeta smirked, “about time you did it!” he mocked.
Kiara just smiled proudly. `I did it! I finally did it!' she thought as she looked at Vegeta.
Her aura disappeared and she wrapped her arms around Vegeta tightly, hugging him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” she said happily.
Vegeta just stood there in shock, not quite sure how to react to her strange outburst.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Whoohoo! Their very first kiss :p Maybe I'll add some lemon to the next chapter ;)
Please Review and let me know what you think :) !