Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Joined ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: This chapter contains lemon! If you are easily offended please stop reading where it says LEMON WARNING! And continue reading where it says END OF LEMON!
Chapter 5 - Joined.
Kiara's eyes snapped open and she looked straight into Vegeta's dark orbs. “Y-you're.. m-m-mate?... The-the queen?” she stuttered.
She was completely stunned by this question, sure they just made love, but she never saw this coming! It wasn't that she didn't want to, oh no. By the Gods how she wanted to be with him forever!
`But how could I?' she thought, `what about my home world, my family? I don't belong here, I'm not even really a Saiyan'.
Vegeta looked at her expectantly, silently reading her mind, picking up her every thought once again.
“You are a Saiyan woman,” he spoke softly as he looked into her emerald eyes filled with shock. “Maybe you weren't born a Saiyan, but you are one now. And as for your home world”, he paused for a few seconds looking for the right words. “This is your home world now. The scientists couldn't find a way to send you back, so you have no choice but to stay here in this world. This is where you belong now.”
Kiara nodded knowing he was right, but she couldn't help the single tear that ran down her cheek.
Vegeta ran his thumb over her cheek, wiping the tear away and spoke softly as he looked into her emerald eyes, “so, will you be my mate?” He was growing a little impatient and angry at her rejection of him. `No one rejects me! The prince of all Saiyans! No one!' he told himself.
Kiara smiled looking back into his dark orbs and lifted her head to kiss him softly.
“I would love to be your mate” she finally replied after they broke the kiss.
Vegeta purred, his tail swaying behind him in excitement as he brushed his lips over hers taking her once more that night.
The next morning Kiara woke up with two strong arms wrapped protectively around her and something furry wrapped around her thigh. `Who would have ever thought the arrogant prince would be so gentle and caring in bed?' she thought to herself. She smiled and turned to look at him. `He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Even the ever present scowl is gone,' she thought as she softly kissed his forehead.
Vegeta opened his eyes and looked at her, his princess. He was glad she had agreed to becoming his mate. He would tell his father today so the ceremony could be prepared. He didn't want to wait any longer.
Three days later…
Kiara looked herself over in the mirror and smiled. She had to admit, she looked gorgeous. She was wearing the most beautiful royal blue dress she had ever seen. Her hair was tied up in a bun and her make up was just perfect.
“Are you ready milady?” she suddenly heard a soft voice ask. Kiara turned to the voice and smiled at the servant. Karena had become her best friend over the past weeks.
“Yes I am,” she smiled and followed Karena to the throne room, where the ceremony would take place.
There he stood in all his glory, wearing a beautiful armor with silver linings. He looked absolutely gorgeous, she thought as she made her way to his side.
He smiled at her, not a smirk or a grin, but an actual smile. `She's so gorgeous,' he thought, `absolutely stunning. Yes she would make a fine queen'. He took her hand in his as they walked into the throne room. Kiara looked around in wonder at all the noble Saiyans that had gathered there.
They all bowed down to their prince and soon to be princess.
They stopped before a priest and faced each other holding hands. Kiara smiled nervously as the priest began his speech in Saiya-go, ancient Saiya-go mind you, so Kiara couldn't understand a word he was saying. So she was very surprised when Vegeta pulled her closer and bit the crook of her neck drawing blood. She wanted to scream in pain, but just then he kissed the bite wound and sucked it passionately, drinking her blood, making the pain go away instantly.
When he stopped, she looked at him dazed. Vegeta licked his lips and placed his hand on the back of her head, pulling it into the crook of his neck as he softly whispered, “your turn my mate”.
Still a little unsure and dazed Kiara bit down only just managing to draw blood, but thankfully she managed. And she did as he had done, she kissed and sucked the wound drinking his blood.
Vegeta looked at her proudly as he took her hand in his and turned to face the Saiyans that had gathered there. “Bow down before your princess and future queen,” he said. And all the Saiyans bowed before them.
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That night…
Kiara moaned writhing with pleasure as Vegeta worked his magic on her body. His soft wet lips kissing every inch of her skin, his hands softly massaging her breasts. Then suddenly she cried out in pain as he buried his fangs in crook of her neck, opening the wound he made previously that day. But the pain soon subsided as he passionately sucked the wound. Kiara wrapped her arms around him, moaning with pleasure at the sensation he made her feel.
Vegeta pressed his knee up between her legs, pushing them apart and positioning himself in between them. He lapped passionately at the open wound in her neck as he pushed inside of her. He groaned as he pushed in and out of her slowly, gently.
Kiara ran her hands slowly down his back tills he reached the base of his tail. She stroked the fur softly earning a loud moan from the prince. She kept on stroking his tail bucking her hips against his as he quickened his pace until finally they moaned in unison as they both came.
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Vegeta watched his mate sleeping peacefully in his strong arms. Her back pressed tightly to his torso. `She is so beautiful', he thought as he softly rubbed her stomach. For a while he lay there watching his princess sleep, until sleep finally overcame him too. But it was not a peaceful slumber…
For in his dreams Vegeta watched her get beaten badly by some man, which he assumed was her father. It hurt him to see his mate get hurt like that. Her whole past flew by in his dreams, but he saw not one happy moment. Day in day out she got beat up by this man.
Kiara too was dreaming of her mate. She saw the destruction he caused, the hard hand of his father that raised him, it was a nightmare for her. She woke up shivering, panting for air. Carefully she turned around in her mate's arms and watched him sleep. From the twitch in his brow she could tell his dreams weren't pleasant either. `What are you dreaming Vegeta,' she thought as she closed her eyes, slowly falling back to sleep.
The bond was slowly connecting the two Saiyans. It wouldn't be long before they could hear each others thoughts, feel each others emotions and communicate telepathically.
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I'm so sorry for taking so long with this chapter! So much came up, my boyfriend had an accident and ended up in the hospital, them my exams came up and then my practical training! I've been so immensely busy! I hope to have the next chapter out a lot sooner!
Anyways I hope you liked this chapter :)