Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ The Saiyan Bond ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
Chapter 6 - The Saiyan Bond.
Now that Vegeta and Kiara had completed the mating ritual, the bond between them would grow.
Both Vegeta and Kiara where asleep, Vegeta's strong arms protectively wrapped around her. For neither of them it was a pleasant sleep.
Slowly all of Kiara's memories flooded into Vegeta's mind. He could see the hell that was her life. Her entire world, before she showed up in the Saiyan Palace was completely different. And indeed she had not been a Saiyan before.
He saw her memories of the tv-program in which he apparently appeared and felt the joy she had felt when watching it. Then he saw her memories of her father, how he would beat up her mother and then her. And he felt the fear, anger, humiliation and confusion she had felt every time it had happened.
Finally he saw her final memory before she appeared in the Saiyan Palace, he saw how she had held something that looked like him and how she had asked him to protect her. And silently he vowed to do so.
Meanwhile Kiara saw similar things in Vegeta's memories. She saw how his father, the king, had beaten and humiliated him. She felt his pride getting bruised over and over and she could feel the fear his father made him feel whenever he was looking at him.
Before the night was over, they had shared each others memories and past emotions as if in a dream.
That morning, when Kiara woke up she looked at Vegeta laying beside her. He was awake and watching her intently.
“I've had the weirdest dream Vegeta”, she whispered. “Those weren't dreams woman”, he spoke softly. “Those were my memories, I've received yours too”.
“W-what? What do you mean Vegeta?” Her wide-eyed expression told him she really had no clue.
“It's the Saiyan bond woman”, he answered softly. “Soon we'll be able to feel each others emotions and hear each others thoughts”.
Kiara looked at him shocked, “you mean you'll know whatever I think?” she asked. “Everything,” Vegeta replied truthfully.
“Anything else I need to know about this bond?”
“It's permanent. Both souls are entwined, therefore you can't survive without the other. If one dies, it's only a matter of time before the other follows”, Vegeta explained.
Kiara just looked at him as it all sank in.
“Now let's take a shower and have some breakfast princess”, Vegeta offered.
At that Kiara smiled and got up followed by Vegeta.
`Thisbond-thing kinda freaks me out', Kiara thought as she washed Vegeta's back.`What privacy do I have if he knows my every thought?'
`You'll know all of mine too woman', she suddenly heard his voice in her mind, startling her.
`Don't be afraid woman', he thought to her. `You'll get used to it'.
Kiara sighed knowing she didn't have a choice but to get used to it.
Suddenly Vegeta turned around and kissed her with more passion she ever thought he'd be able to give. And then she felt it. His infinite love for her, pouring into her very being, into her soul.
Now she understood. `This bond must be the Saiyan standard for love. Their pride would never let them utter those three simple words `I love you', but they share it through their bond. That's way more intense then any relationship we have in my own world'. She thought.
Vegeta smiled an actual smile. `Yes woman. This bond is so strong it can not be broken, not even by death itself'.
Kiara smiled back then kissed him again, this time it was her love that poured into him.
By the end of the day their bond had been completed. The floodgates to their minds had been opened and their every emotion would be shared. Now they could fully communicate telepathically.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
A very short chapter I know, I'm sorry. I thought I could have my personal life sorted out but more stuff is happening and I'm extremely busy at university. I will try my best and update soon, but I can't promise anything. It might again take a while. I am truly sorry for this.