Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: Finally! An update! I've been so busy lately! And so much happened, and to top it off, I'd been struck with a writers block! But I did graduate my university!!!
Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter, I know some of you have been waiting for this. Please let me know what you think!
Chapter 7 - Darkness.
Nearly a week after the ceremony…
It was very early in the morning, no one else was up yet. Vegeta paced angrily trough his fathers room. “How could you!” he screamed furiously. “How could you do this father!”
“Calm yourself son! I didn't have a choice! Right now we're not strong enough! We have to play along until we're strong enough!”
Vegeta signed, he knew his father was right but damn it! He couldn't leave now. He had just mated and boned Kiara. It would tear them both apart!
“Vegeta?” the king inquired softly. Vegeta growled at his father and furiously stormed out of the room, back to his own.
The tension in the throne room was unbearable as the lizard tyrant walked in.
The king bowed before the tyrant as he sat in the Saiyan king's throne. “Is your son ready to join my army?” he asked glaring at the Saiyan king.
The king nodded, “yes lord Frieza, he's all yours”.
“Good”, Frieza chuckled. “Send him to my ship immediately!” he commanded as he got up and walked back towards his ship.
“Sire!” one of the kings advisors spoke urgently, “we can not let him have the prince!” The king looked at him and spoke, despair and sadness obvious in his voice, “we have no choice Toma, but soon we will overthrow him and take my son back. Until then we have to play along”.
Meanwhile Kiara woke up to find her mate pacing back and forth nervously. “Vegeta?” she inquired softly. He didn't seem to hear her, so she tried trough their bond. `Vegeta? What's wrong?' she thought to him. Vegeta tensed and stopped his pacing to look at his mate.
`How could he tell her what his father had told him this morning? How could he tell her he was about to leave her after mating her barely a week ago?' He watched her intently for a moment, before he softly spoke up. “I…”, he began. “I have to go with Frieza”. He spoke quickly and softly almost hoping she hadn't heard him. But she had.
She looked up at him and softly asked, “why?”.
Vegeta sighed as he walked over to the bed and took her in his arms. “I don't have a choice Kiara. If I don't go he'll kill everyone. I'll lose you for good”.
Kiara nodded, understanding what he meant and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in the crook of his neck, softly kissing the mark she had given him not even a week ago.
Vegeta let out a soft moan and pulled her even closer. He took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.
There was a knock on the door and Vegeta growled letting go of his mate to open the door.
Toma bowed before him. “It is time my prince”, he spoke softly, a sadness in his voice. Vegeta turned around and looked at his mate once more before following Toma to Frieza's ship.
The throne room was eerily quiet as Frieza walked in once more. His right hand man, Zarbon had found out and informed him that prince Vegeta had taken a mate.
He himself wasn't very interested in females, but she might make a nice present for his brother.
“The princess, bring her to me! I want to meet her!” he commanded.
“What!?!” King Vegeta exclaimed shocked. “But why lord Frieza?”
Frieza growled instantly killing one of the kings guards with his eye-lasers. “Do not question me monkey-king! Bring her to me!”
The king sighed heavily not knowing what else to do and motioned for one of his men to get the princess.
There was another knock on the door and Kiara slowly got up, wiping her tears away, and opened the door. The Saiyan bowed before her, “my princess, Lord Frieza wishes to see you”.
Kiara raised an eyebrow confused, “why?” she asked the kings second advisor.
“We don't know princess, but please follow me”.
Kiara signed but followed the Saiyan silently to the throne room.
Frieza smirked as he watched the princess enter the throne room. She was obviously a proud warrior like the prince. Beautiful too, he couldn't deny that. `Yes, she will make a fine gift for my brother', he thought.
The princess didn't bow before him, she would not bow to anyone but her prince and king.
Frieza looked at her expectantly, “bow before your lord child!” he commanded.
Kiara growled at the lizard tyrant “I bow for no one”.
Frieza smirked and raised his hand, bringing it down hard across her face. The force of his slap threw her to the ground. Kiara looked up at him cradling her cheek. A massive bruise was already forming.
Frieza chuckled `yes she will be perfect indeed'.
He turned back to the king and spoke menacingly “she will come with me, she'll be perfect for my brother”.
Everyone present in the throne room gasped in shock. The king signed, closing his eyes for a moment, there was nothing he could do at this point and he knew it. He looked at the princess, his son's mate and then back at Frieza and nodded.
Kiara screamed and kicked as Zarbon grabbed her, but was easily knocked out when he hit a pressure point in her neck. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms as he carried her to the ship.
“Keep her away from the prince”, Frieza spoke. “I don't want him knowing she's here too”.
Zarbon nodded, “yes lord Frieza” and took the princess to a room on the other side of the ship.
Not much later the ship had taken off into space. Vegeta was summoned to the bridge.
He growled low in his throat as he bowed before Frieza.
Frieza merely smirked at him as he got into his hovercar. “Watch closely my prince”, he said, “this will be a show you won't soon forget”. With that Frieza left the ship and started forming a massive energyball.
Vegeta looked from Frieza to his planet and back to Frieza. Panic overtook him as he tried desperately to reach Frieza to try and stop him, but Zarbon easily held him down forcing him to watch.
`NOOOOOOOOOOOO!' he screamed in his mind. `Kiara!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Tears threatened to spill, as he watched his planet being destroyed, but he managed to control himself. He would not cry in front of them, he would not give them that pleasure.
Meanwhile Kiara woke screaming “VEGETAAAAA!” She had felt his pain, it was an enormous emotional pain. She tried getting into his mind to find out what had caused it and to try and comfort him. But he had closed himself off. There was no way she could get passed his mental barriers.
Three men suddenly entered her room, two of them holding her down, the other injecting her with something.
“Vegeta…” she whispered softly as she fell into a drug induced sleep.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Not the longest chapter, but I hope you liked it. Please let me know what you think.