Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Proud Saiyans and their vows ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: I'm really starting to have some troubles with this story. It's coming along very slowly. I wrote most of this chapter at work so I could get it out sooner. I'm just really busy lately and I'm starting uni in august again so things will most likely be even worse then.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Chapter 8 - Proud Saiyans and their vows.
Kiara sat on the bed in her cell. Her knees bent up and her arms tightly wrapped around them.
She had woken up a few hours ago and had been trying to get into her mates mind, to talk to him. But he'd set up permanent barriers and there was no way she could get passed them.
She sighed heavily `why was he shutting her out like this? What had she done to deserve this? Had she hurt him somehow? Had she offended him?' She didn't know.
She rocked back and forth, as the tears slid down her face. She had lost her mate. The only one she truly loved and cared about.
Vegeta sat in his room. He had lost his mate. He stood and watched as that tyrant destroyed his entire race, his planet and his mate. He had lost her and he couldn't even cry. The tears just wouldn't come.
He had nothing left to live for but revenge. Revenge on his people, revenge on his planet and above all, revenge on his mate. The one who held his heart and soul.
One day he would destroy that damned tyrant. `Mark my words Frieza!' he thought, `I will have my revenge!' I will kill you! I promise you that!'
They soon reached planet Cold. Vegeta was sent straight to his room, while Kiara was taken to the throne room.
“Father,” Frieza greeted his father King Cold with a nod. “Ah, my son. I hear you've finally destroyed the Saiyan race and their planet”.
“All but two father. I have decided to keep the prince as my pet,” he chuckled. “And the other one?” Frieza's brother, Cooler, inquired. “She's yours my brother. A gift from me to you,” Frieza replied smugly.
Just then Zarbon came in forcing Kiara along with him.
Kiara stood before the three tyrants glaring menacingly at them. Frieza chuckled “I present to you, Princess Kiara, mate to Prince Vegeta”.
Both King Cold and Cooler looked somewhat shocked yet pleased at this knowledge.
Cooler stepped forward circling the princess, watching her intently.
“She sure is a beautiful little monkey”, he spoke running his fingers lightly down her cheek.
Suddenly she snapped nearly biting his finger. “Feisty too”, King Cold chuckled.
“Yes, she's perfect” Cooler mused. “I'll have fun breaking her”.
All three Ice-jins chuckled as Kiara just glared at them.
`You'll never break me', she thought, `mark my words you filthy tyrant! You will pay for what you did!'
“Take her to my quarters!” Cooler commanded his men.
Two bulky men, one with blue skin, red hair and black eyes, the other with yellow skin and black hair and eyes, came forward. They roughly grabbed Kiara and forced her to their masters quarters, where they chained her ankles and wrists to the bedroom wall.
Meanwhile Vegeta was throwing the biggest tantrum ever seen. He was trashing his room, breaking whatever was breakable, tearing apart whatever could be torn, all the while screaming obscenities.
“WHY DAMNIT?! WHY?” he screamed breaking the only chair in his room.
Finally he broke down into a heap on the floor. “Why?” he whispered softly. “I loved her! She was my heart and soul!”.
The prince was heartbroken. He had lost the only thing that truly mattered to him. The only thing he truly cared about… besides becoming the legendary of course…
“I'm sorry Kiara. I'm truly sorry! I will avenge you my mate! I promise you that!” He vowed softly.
Suddenly his door slid open. “What the hell?!” exclaimed a truly shocked Zarbon. “What the hell happened here?!”
Vegeta looked up from his position on the floor. He slowly stood up, his face was now an emotionless mask.
“WELL? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!” Zarbon yelled at him. His patience obviously running low.
“A prince does not have to explain his actions!” Vegeta replied arrogantly. “Especially not to a low life such as you!”
“WHY YOU!” Zarbon seethed with barely suppressed anger, balling his fists by his sides.
“What's the matter pretty boy? You look a little flushed”. The prince crossed his arms over his chest smirking arrogantly.
“THAT DOES IT MONKEYBOY!” Zarbon yelled attacking the prince.
Vegeta was no match for Frieza's right hand man. And so he soon lay bruised and broken on the floor.
“You'd do well to remember your place and learn to respect your superiors monkey!” Zarbon spat as he turned on his heel and walked away.
He stopped at the door and without looking back spoke menacingly to the fallen prince “and get this mess cleaned up!”
When Zarbon finally left Vegeta pulled himself to his feet groaning softly in pain. “That… bastard… will… pay… for… this” he grunted.
Cooler couldn't wait till all the formalities where over. He was delighted with his brothers present and couldn't wait to spend some `quality' time alone with her.
`She's so full of fire, such spirit! It will indeed be fun breaking her' he thought. `I wonder how long she will last?' he mused to himself.
“COOLER!” his fathers voice suddenly rose him from his musings. “Hmm? What?” he replied a little dazed.
“Where is that mind of yours son?! Pay attention!”
“Hump. Yes father”, he answered annoyed at his fathers interruption of his musings.
Frieza chuckled. “I believe his mind is currently preoccupied with a certain monkey princess”.
“But of course” King Cold replied knowingly. “But I doubt your new pet will be going anywhere. She can wait! We have more important matters at hand my son!”
“Yes father!” Cooler sighed deeply.
Frieza merely chuckled, swirling the red liquid around in his goblet.
Coolers thoughts however, quickly returned to the Saiyan female, chained up in his room and all the things he'd do to break her.
`Yes, she would definitely become his favorite pet'.
Kiara growled ferociously, still pulling roughly on her chains. She had been doing so for the past hour.
“Damnit!” she whispered angrily, a hint of desperation apparent in her voice. `I have to try harder! I Have to get out of here! I can't let them have me!' she thought while increasing her powerlevel as far as she could go. Again she pulled on her chains with all her might, but it still wasn't enough. “Damnit!” she screeched again. `I can't give up! I won't give up! There has to be a way out of this!'
Just then, the door opened revealing a very pleased looking Cooler. “My, my. Impressive” he chuckled.
“I believe you made the entire palace shake with that little outburst of yours!”
Kiara glared as Cooler slowly made his way towards her, stopping directly in front of her.
“Get. The. Hell. Away. From. Me!” she spoke softly, yet dangerously.
Cooler merely chuckled at that. He slowly reached his hand to the side of her face, stroking her cheek lightly. “Such fire” he spoke softly watching with amusement as his pet turned away from him. The fire in her eyes burning even brighter than before.
“It will be fun to extinguish that fire of yours!” he spoke calmly, a deadly, silent promise hidden within those words.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Here I wanted to thank my lovely reviewers for their support :) I also wanted to thank everyone who added me or this story to their favorites :)
Thanks all, you keep me going :)