Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ A living hell part 1 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: Finally, after months I am back! I apologize for the major lack of updates I really am ashamed of myself. I know how bad it sucks when you're reading a story and have to wait months for the next update. I'm truly sorry and I promise I'll try my very best to keep this from happening. University is just asking so much of my time :( I hope you can understand. Anyways without further ado, here's chapter 9 to Where I Belong. Hope you enjoy :)
Chapter 9 - A living hell part 1.
With Kiara:
Cooler ran his cold hands slowly down Kiara's sides making her shiver at the coldness of his touch. `Damnit! No! This can't be happening!' she thought while frantically pulling on her restraints.
“You're a feisty one aren't you? Good! I like em that way! The more they fight the better!”
Cooler chuckled. “Go to hell you bastard!” Kiara screamed at him. Cooler moved so fast she didn't even know he'd hit her until she felt the stinging pain on her cheek. A large nasty bruise was already forming there.
“You son of a bitch!” she yelled trying with al her might to kick him, but to no avail. “That's it my pet! Fight me! You'll never win though! You're inferior, you always will be!” This really pissed Kiara off sending her ki-level sky rocketing again. The chains however still managed to hold her down.
Cooler watched his pet closely, surprise showing on his face. `Frieza was right to destroy them', he thought. `How could a mere female posses this amount of power? That's unheard of!'
“Perhaps I should take precautions with you little one. It would take away the fight in you, but I imagine you'll still be enjoyable enough” he smirked as he moved away from her.
Kiara watched closely as Cooler pressed the intercom button. “Bring me the device NOW!” he stated with authority. “Yes milord!” someone on the other side answered nervously.
Cooler smirked turning back to the Saiyan chained to his wall. He moved slowly toward her, trapping her slim body with his own large frame. He smirked at the fear that showed briefly in her eyes. “There's no need to be afraid little one, if you play along I promise the pain will be minimal”, he murmured in her ear before licking her cheek. “You taste divine little one” he whispered moving to her neck.
Kiara squirmed under him trying to get away from him, when she felt his claw sliding over her stomach. `Oh My God! He's slicing off my clothes!' realization immediately dawned on her, making her powerlevel surge once more. `I have to stop him!' she thought frantically.
Just then, someone knocked on the door. Cooler smirked ripping the top half of her bodysuit off as he made his way to the door. Again Kiara called forth her energy rattling the chains, but it still wasn't enough. She continued trying to desperately break free when suddenly Cooler stood before her again. She growled furiously at him trying to keep him away.
Cooler smirked as he showed her the device in his hands. “It's called a ki-drainer” he said maliciously. “Guess what it's for my pet”. Kiara's face instandly drained of all color, she knew that device! She'd heard Vegeta talk about it before! “That's right my pet” Cooler murmured as he forced the color around her neck. “It will drain you of your ki, leaving you weak and helpless”.
Kiara fought with all her might but it was to late. The collar was placed and she could already feel her ki being drained from her body. Cooler stood back watching her with sick fascination.
“Now that you're pretty much ki-less we can continue our little game” he whispered as he undid her chains. He smirked as the once proud and strong Saiyan fell limply in his arms. “Don't worry pet, as soon as the shock of your drainage is over, you'll be a little stronger”. Kiara tried fighting him as he forced her on the bed, but she was too weakened.
-------------------------------------------- WARNING RAPE SCENE --------------------------------------------
Cooler made quick work of her tattered bodysuit before climbing over her. He could feel her now much frailer form squirming underneath his massive and heavy form. This only served to turn him on more though.
He ran his hands over her body, noting how amazingly soft her skin was under his rough hands. `I will enjoy this' he thought as he roughly massaged her left breast, while taking the other in his mouth nipping it with his teeth. Kiara's painfilled groans drove him on in his pleasure.
When he had enough of her breasts he moved on licking and nipping his way down her perfect stomach. Kiara tried fighting him with all she had, but it was no use. There was no ki left in her. `How am I to fight him now?' she wondered as panic overtook her. “AGRRR!!!” she cried out.
Cooler had made his way down to her thighs and bit down harshly on her inner thigh drawing blood. He smirked at her scream of pain relishing in her blood. Slowly he moved up, spreading her thighs so he could have better access. He looked up at his pet as he roughly forced his fingers inside of her.
Kiara cried out at the painful and unexpected intrusion. Cooler trusted his fingers in and out of her mercilessly enjoying his pets pain filled screams. Kiara tried so hard to fight it, but her body betrayed her. No matter how painful it was, he managed to hit the right spot making her hips trust upwards on their own accord.
Cooler could feel her walls tighten around his fingers and knew she was close. He smirked leaning in flicking her pleasure bud with his tongue repeatedly, forcing her over the edge.
Kiara cried out her painful release as Cooler greedily licked up her juices. “Hmmm absolutely wonderful” he murmured pulling himself up along her body. “Would you like to find out for yourself?” he snickered as he crushed his lips to hers, forcing his tongue past her lips. This gave Kiara the chance she'd been looking for. Quickly she bit down on his tongue as hard as she could. The foul taste of his blood instantly filled her mouth making her gag.
The stunned Cooler quickly got his wits back and growled furiously “BITCH!” he spat as he struck her hard across the face several times before grabbing her hips pressing his claws down painfully. “I was going to go easy on you” he drawled positioning his cock, which appeared seemingly out of nowhere, at her entrance “but you can forget about that now!” he spat before forcing his cock deep inside of her.
Kiara cried out in pain. He was too big! Her insides where being torn apart! `Gods it hurts!' Kiara cried inwardly as Cooler trusted violently in and out of her. He smirked at the scent of her blood. “See what you did pet? If only you had obeyed me!” Kiara just groaned in pain. It was truly unbearable. Never before had she felt this much pain.
----------------------------------------------- END RAPE SCENE -----------------------------------------------
Finally he growled out his release. Kiara whimpered as he pulled out of her. `Good', he thought `I hope that was a lesson to her, if not well I wouldn't mind having to teach her again'. He looked at her bruised, bloody and broken form. “Get used to it pet, this will be your life from now on” he said before leaving the room.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
I hope you enjoyed it, the next chapter will be fully dedicated to our beloved Saiyan prince! The next chapter will be up within a week I promise!