Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ A living hell part 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: As promised, within the week, chapter 10 to Where I Belong. Hope you enjoy :)
Chapter 10 - A living hell part 2.
With Vegeta:
The young Saiyan prince walked into the throne room. He looked as regal as ever wearing a royal blue spandex bodysuit and white armor and boots trimmed in gold. He held his head up high and his shoulders straight, his tail wrapped tightly around his waist.
He looked as proud and strong as ever, but underneath he was hurting. His mate was lost to him forever. His entire race and planet where destroyed. There was nothing left. He couldn't give up though. He was a Saiyan, the strongest of all, and one day he would destroy Frieza. He would destroy him and take over his empire. He would rule the universe. `Yes Frieza will pay for what he did', he thought as he sucked up his pride and knelt down before his enemy turned master.
“Milord” he said, disgust evident in his voice. “It has been done, planet Lanos has been purged. All life forms have been destroyed, the planet is ready to be sold”.
Frieza swirled the liquid in his goblet languidly, looking at Vegeta with a bored expression. It had been two years since he captured the prince. Watching his planet be destroyed and believing his mate died in the blast had broken the boy somewhat, but he was still defiant. Not that Frieza minded. No, he loved it. He loved beating the boy senseless for defying him. Though lately it seemed the beatings where no longer enough.
Frieza knew his pet had taken longer than needed to purge planet Lanos. He also knew that if he asked why it took so long the boy would simply tell him he ran into unexpected trouble or something along those lines. Frieze knew better though. The boy was up to something.
`No, best to teach the boy a good lesson. One he won't forget', Frieza thought. `We can't have the brat stepping out of line can we', he snickered to himself.
“About time my pet monkey. I was wondering if I should send a backup crew to rescue you!”
“Hmmp I don't need rescuing!” Vegeta spat, causing Frieza to laugh. “Is that so monkeyboy?” Vegeta glared at the tyrant, he wanted nothing more than to tear him apart!
Frieza got up slowly making his way to Vegeta who was still kneeling on the floor. “You're taking to long on your missions for my liking. They should be completed much faster”. He was now circling Vegeta trying to gauge a reaction, but the Saiyan prince showed nothing.
“What is it you do while on your missions little prince?” he drawled. “I purge the planet and rid it of all life forms”, Vegeta answered in all seriousness. “BULLSHIT!” Frieza spat kicking him hard in the ribs. He delighted in the sound of cracking ribs.
Vegeta managed to keep his cool. This was nothing new. For the past two years he'd been beaten nearly continuously. His time between beatings was just enough to heal and complete another mission. Besides the beatings, though they hurt a lot, weren't really punishment. They made him stronger. Every time he was beaten to within an inch of his life, his power grew exponentially. With that in mind he could bare the beatings. `How ironic', he thought. `Frieza's own actions will be the end of him'. He allowed a small smirk to grace his lips at that thought.
The smirk, however small and brief had not gone unnoticed. “Something amuse you monkeyboy?” Frieza inquired as he landed another kick to the Saiyan's ribs.
Vegeta coughed up blood but refused to answer. Frieza growled furiously. “Your disobedience bores me little prince. Perhaps it is time to teach you a proper lesson”.
Vegeta gasped as Frieza's tail slid around his neck. “It seems the beatings no longer keep you in check so I thought of a better punishment for you monkeyboy”.
Vegeta's eyes widened with worry `What is he up to?' his question was answered soon though as Frieza forced him down on his hands and knees, ripping his armor apart. His bodysuit was next to be ripped off.
Panic immediately overcame the young prince. `NO WAY! HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS!' he thought while fighting the tyrant for all he was worth. Frieza laughed “that's it little prince! Fight me! It'll make it so much more enjoyable!”
Vegeta growled furiously `THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!' I'M A SAIYAN PRINCE!' The beatings he could handle, but this? No way. No proud prince could handle this, no one could.
----------------------------------- WARNING SMALL YAOI RAPE SCENE -----------------------------------
He screamed his pain to all who could hear as Frieza slammed himself inside him. `Gods he's tight! I'll enjoy this. I should have done this sooner', Frieza thought with sick pleasure as his pet groaned in pain.
A blinding pain coursed throughout his entire body as the tyrant abused him. He couldn't help it, he cried out in pain.
When Frieza finally released his seed and pulled out Vegeta fell broken to the floor. His pride was torn to shreds, just like his insides.
------------------------------------- END OF SMALL YAOI RAPE SCENE -------------------------------------
Frieza chuckled as he called for Zarbon, who came in immediately. “Yes milord?” he questioned looking over at Vegeta's naked and broken form, instantly understanding what had happened.
“Clean this up! He can heal on his own, just take him to his room”. Frieze ordered. “Yes milord”, Zarbon answered obediently as he picked up Vegeta dragging him to his room.
“Get used to it monkey. This is your life now”, he said emotionlessly as he dumped the fallen prince on the cot, leaving the room silently.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
There you have it! A whole chapter dedicated to Vegeta's hell. The story is slowly coming to an end now. I figure about 2, maybe 3 chapters left. So hang in there a little longer ;) I hope to have the next chapter out within the week as well :) ~ Golden Tigress ~