Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Impossible! ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: I present to you chapter 11 of Where I Belong. I'm not completely satisfied with it, but I didn't know how to fix things so I kept it as it is. Hope you enjoy :)
Chapter 11 - Impossible!
A vicious wind whipped his wild mane about as he destroyed meteor after meteor. What had begone as a simple training to achieve his goal in becoming the legendary Super Saiyan had turned into a race for survival.
Since that horrible day, eight years ago when Frieza had first raped him it had become nearly impossible for the proud prince to escape for some extra training. But he was lucky now.
A few weeks ago an uprising had started. Many warrior races had gathered in an attempt to overthrow the Ice-jins. Vegeta knew they would not succeed, but the uprising did bring chaos. A chaos which allowed him to slip away on occasion to get some special training done.
And so here he was, blasting meteors for all he was worth. Why wasn't he a Super Saiyan yet? He had trained so hard for so long. Surely he was strong enough by now. So why hadn't he transformed like the legends told him he should?
Could it be that the legends where just that… legends? Made up to further glorify their race or scare of potential enemies?
Or maybe he wasn't worthy? No that was ridiculous! He was the prince of the mighty Saiyan race! Though they had fallen he was still their prince. He was definitely worthy. He just had to push himself harder. That was all.
And so with renewed resolve he continued blasting the oncoming meteorites.
Cooler sat comfortably in his chair at the center table. His father sat at the head of the table, his brother on his fathers right, across from him. They where discussing the uprising. Something had to be done, quickly.
Kiara sat on her knees by her masters side. A chain attached to the collar on her neck. Ever since she was taken she had been treated as a pet and a sextoy. Nothing more. That was all she was now. Instead of placing her in the army, he had kept her with him as his pet and bedwarmer. This was ridiculous! She was a Saiyan warrior! Not a lowly pet!
The only thing Cooler granted her was her training. The collar would keep her ki in check anyway, so she couldn't do much damage. Kiara was glad she at least had that, it gave her a ways of getting rid of her pent up frustrations.
She had retreated to the deep recesses of her mind. That was the only way she could live this kind of life. She couldn't fight him, not with the collar placed snugly around her neck. She couldn't live her life like this, but she couldn't die either, Cooler would not allow it. And so she had forced her mind, her soul to retreat and stay hidden. It was the only way to survive and hang on to that last bit of sanity she had left.
“We have to do something, fast! This uprising is getting way out of hand!” she heard King Cold say in that feminine voice of his. “I have my entire army working on it father”, his youngest son Frieza replied. Cooler scoffed “obviously they're incompetent if the uprising is causing so much chaos!”
“Are you saying you're warriors can do better brother?” Frieza asked, sarcasm obvious in his voice. “Of course I can! My warriors are all highly trained. They will take care of this uprising in no time!” the elder brother answered arrogantly.
“Then what are you waiting for my son? Why are your warriors not there taking care of this stupid uprising?” Cooler turned his glare to his father and answered arrogantly “Fine I will send my warriors to deal with the uprising”. At that he stood up yanking the chain of Kiara's collar forcing her to follow him quickly.
“KOJI!” Cooler bellowed to his commander. “Y-yes milord?” said commander questioned nervously as he bowed before his lord. “Prepare the army to take care of the uprising. I want everyone ready to leave in the morning!” he commanded. “Yes milord! I will take care of it milord!” the commander answered before quickly taking off to do as he was ordered.
“Lord Cooler?” Kiara asked looking at the agitated Ice-jin. “WHAT?” he bellowed spinning around to look at her. “I would like to aid your army in fighting these rebels”. Cooler looked at her curiously “why?”
“I've been locked up in your palace for so long milord, with only my training sessions to allow me to get rid of pent up frustrations. I am a warrior, I need to fight. I need more than just training. Please milord, allow me to go with the army and fight these rebels. Allow me this challenge”, Kiara asked.
Cooler watched the fire burning in her eyes. The woman had been docile for a long time now. It seemed as though her soul left her body. He missed the fiery, spirited woman he first took ten years ago. And now, finally after many years he saw a hint of that woman again in the fire that burned so brightly in her eyes.
`Perhaps, if I allow her to fight the rebels, she'll be that fiery woman again?' he thought. It was worth a shot. Besides he could control the collar from wherever he was, so if she tried anything he would just activate the collar.
Kiara looked at Cooler anxiously, waiting for his answer. She was afraid he would say no. She really didn't want to be here anymore. She couldn't stay here any longer. She'd rather die in battle, which was exactly what she planned to do in this uprising. She knew she couldn't escape alive, not with this collar around her neck. The only way to escape was death.
“You are allowed to go”, Cooler answered her finally as he moved to unlink the chain from her collar. “Go and prepare yourself. You will leave in the morning”.
Kiara looked up slightly shocked that he allowed her to go! “Yes milord!” she answered quickly running off to prepare for battle.
Cooler watched her run off before he turned and continued on his way to his chambers.
BANG!!! The last of the meteorites was destroyed with another of Vegeta's blasts. The Saiyan prince took several deep rasping breaths. The meteorites had really given him one hell of a workout. His body was bruised and broken and he had trouble dragging in air.
It wasn't long before his legs gave out on him and he was forced to crawl back to his ship. He slowly climbed into the ship seating himself before carefully placing the rejuvenation mask over his face and turning the machine on. He would be healed by the time he arrived at the rebel-planet.
Two weeks later:
Vegeta growled as he blasted away at the rebels who caused the uprising. He had arrived 12 days earlier and fought nearly non-stop since. Two days after his own arrival Cooler's army arrived as well.
Vegeta couldn't stand many of his warriors. They where disrespectful and provocative. He had already been challenged by many of Cooler's warriors and it pissed him off to no end. He wanted to get this rebellion over with so he could go and train more.
He growled again as he blasted one of Cooler's warriors who dared attack him from behind. Why did he send his warriors anyway? They only made things more difficult and chaotic. Many of Cooler's warriors sought Frieza's warriors out to mock them and fight them. So now they weren't only fighting the rebels, but Cooler's army as well.
The entire planet had fallen into complete chaos. It was hard to tell who was ally or enemy and so everyone just attacked whoever came their way.
Kiara rammed her fist trough some rebel's stomach relishing in the blood that now flowed freely from the wound. She was enjoying this rebellion, it gave her some feeling of freedom and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She turned around and quickly blasted an approaching member of Frieza's army to oblivion.
She floated silently in the air looking at the chaos around her. Warriors of Cooler's army, Frieza's army and the rebels where all fighting each other. Cooler and Frieza's army should have fought together, but instead they where taunting and mocking each other and attacking anything and everything in their way.
Kiara shook her head. It didn't matter, as long as there was chaos, she was somewhat free and she would enjoy it while it lasted.
When she first came here she had planned on getting killed, but as soon as she engaged in battle that thought fled her mind. Her soul had returned from the recesses of her mind. She was once again enjoying her life and found new hope in that.
A particular blast suddenly caught her attention and her eyes widened. `It can't be! Can it?' she thought shocked. Not noticing the warrior that snuck up behind her, preparing an attack.
“BIG BANG ATTACK!” Vegeta screamed as he blasted several of the rebels. He was getting tired of those incompetent fools. It was mostly their numbers that cost the entire chaos. Not their strength or intelligence, they definitely lacked both.
His head snapped around at the sound of a feminine scream not to far away. The voice sounded familiar. He extended his senses trying to find out who it was. His eyes widened in shock `NO WAY! Impossible!', he thought. `She died! She was on the planet when it was destroyed! How can she be here?'
He had to know, he had to make sure and so he quickly rushed off toward where he had heard the scream. What he saw made his eyes widen once more and his heart skip a beat.
And so they meet again… but is Kiara alive after being attacked from behind? I honestly don't know *looks all innocent* you will have to wait and see ;)
I hope to have the next chapter out within the week :)
~ Golden Tigress ~