Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Freedom is knocking on our door! ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: Wow! Can I say that I'm actually a little proud of myself? I've been updating regularly for the past few chapters like a good little authoress should :P So anyways, here's chapter 12! Enjoy!
Chapter 12 - Freedom is knocking on our door!
Recap from last time:
A particular blast suddenly caught Kiara's attention and her eyes widened. `It can't be! Can it?' she thought shocked. Not noticing the warrior that snuck up behind her, preparing an attack.
Vegeta's head snapped around at the sound of a feminine scream not to far away. The voice sounded familiar. He extended his senses trying to find out who it was. His eyes widened in shock `NO WAY! Impossible!', he thought. `She died! She was on the planet when it was destroyed! How can she be here?'
He had to know, he had to make sure and so he quickly rushed off toward where he had heard the scream. What he saw made his eyes widen once more and his heart skip a beat.
This time(Vegeta's POV):
There falling quickly from the sky was his mate! He would recognize her anywhere! Even after ten years! `But how is this possible? She was on the planet when it blew apart!' he thought confused.
`Unless!' his eyes widened at the thought forming in his head. `Frieza secretly took her! He must have given her to Cooler! Yes it makes sense now! She's wearing his colors. OH GOD NO!' he could just imagine the abuse she must have undergone under Coolers reign.
A blast snapped him back into reality and his eyes widened once again. Someone had dared attack his mate! Twice! He growled furiously, blasting the offending warrior to oblivion before rushing after his mates falling form.
(Kiara's POV)
Pain, lots of pain, excruciating pain. That was all she felt. Her entire body hurt. She knew she was falling, pummeling to the ground fast. She knew she should stop her fall but she couldn't, she didn't have the energy to stop it.
Right now she didn't care either. Her mate was there! He was alive! `Kami he's handsome!' she thought as she watched him blast her attacker into oblivion. `Hnn suits him fine for attacking me like that!' she thought as she closed her eyes preparing for the impact of her fall.
(General POV)
Vegeta shot forth as fast as he could. He had to get to her in time! `She could die from that fall! I have to catch her! I have to!' he thought frantically as he pushed himself to his limits and beyond.
A golden flash of light stopped al warriors. Time itself seemed to freeze as they all stopped fighting and turned to the source of light. The only movement was that of Vegeta catching his mate bridal style and jaws falling open in amazement.
“Such power! It's amazing!” Zarbon muttered softly, his jaw hanging slack in shock.
“Dear Kami! Such immense power!” Dodoria muttered as he hung in the air, shocked by the sudden force of power.
“Impossible!” Frieza breathed as he looked out of the window of his ship to the rebel-planet. `Where did that power come from?' he wondered. `I've never felt anything like it!' The tyrant nervously clenched and unclenched his fists. He didn't like this change. He didn't like it at all.
Vegeta cradled his precious cargo in his arms as he landed safely on the ground. He had made it. He had saved his mate. He looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, relieve flowing through him. `It's her! It's really her! My mate!' he thought happily. `She's pretty badly injured but she'll make it'.
He was pulled out of his thoughts as the girl stirred slightly.
Kiara slowly opened her eyes and smiled at the beautiful sight. Slowly she lifted a hand and placed it lightly against his cheek rubbing it softly. “You're so beautiful my mate”, she whispered, her voice strained with pain.
Vegeta smiled at his mate, a genuine smile, which made him all the more beautiful.
“You've done it, my mate. You've finally done it!” she continued to whisper in her strained voice.
“Done what?” the prince asked her confused. He received a weak smile in return.
“The legendary” Kiara whispered weakly, her strength failing her. “You've become a Super Saiyan”. Carefully she reached into her armor pulling out a small mirror. “See for yourself” she said holding the mirror out to him.
Vegeta looked into the small mirror and gasped at the sight. His once black mane had turned blonde while his once coal black eyes where now teal-colored.
Now that he actually paid attention he could feel the new power flowing through his veins. It felt great, it felt wonderful. Such immense power, it was unbelievable.
`Wow!' he thought. `I actually did it!' he started chuckling, happiness overflowing him. Soon the chuckle became a maniacal laugh. “I DID IT!” he cried out happily, hugging his mate tightly.
“Frieza and Cooler will pay for what they did my mate”, he promised as he launched himself into the air toward his pod. First his mate had to heal.
The rebels started cheering. A Super Saiyan had risen. There was no doubt in their minds that he would take care of the Ice-jins. All they had to do now was insure their own safety.
All the rebels started following after the Super Saiyan. He would free the universe. He would destroy the tyrants that destroyed his race and planet.
The other warriors where clearly doubting on their course of action. Only a handful was loyal to the Ice-jins, the others had to make a choice. Stay with the Ice-jins or follow the Saiyan prince.
Slowly some warriors started following after the prince and the rebels. More warriors followed in their trail as their courage grew.
Vegeta carefully placed his mate in the ship setting up the rejuvenation system. It would take some time but she would heal.
He could feel the presence of many warriors behind him so he turned around slowly. The rebels and many of the Ice-jin soldiers bowed down before him.
“Prince Vegeta”, the strongest one and leader of the rebels spoke. “We pledge our loyalty to you and your mate”. Vegeta nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“Your loyalty is greatly appreciated”, he said sounding like a true prince. “It won't be long until Frieza lands, when he does I will fight him. You will stay behind and protect my mate from harm. Fail and your lives will be forfeit!” he ordered calmly.
“As you wish your highness. We will not fail”, the leader said.
Vegeta turned and looked at his mate. `Be strong my mate. Just a little longer and we'll be free' he thought, hoping that she'd picked up his message.
Frieza growled furiously “PREPARE THE SHIP! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THE PEST MYSELF!” he bellowed.
“Yes milord” the soldier who had just informed the tyrant of what had happened quickly scrambled off to do his lords bidding.
`How could this have happened?' Frieza thought. `Well… no matter. It'll soon be taken care off' the evil tyrant laughed like a maniac as he drank his wine. “Soon my prince…” he said in a soft, menacing voice.
There you go :) Hope you liked this chapter. The next one will be the final battle! Will our beloved prince and his mate finally find their freedom? Will the tyrants finally meet their end?
I will try my best to update within the week to answer all your questions!
-*- Golden Tigress -*-