Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of a Banshee ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5


A barely audible breeze shifted through black, flame-like hair as blacker eyes searched the white blankness around him.


The eyes narrowed, trying to pinpoint the voice but seeing nothing beyond the white space. He turned then, in a direction he assumed was facing away from the voice, folding his arms across his chest and ignoring the voice.


Finally he spun around, snarling at the void around him. '…What…' His own voice was hollow, a mere projection of what his mind was going to say and not actual words. His mouth snapped shut at that realization, a feeling of déjà vu hitting him strongly.

'…she dies…' The voice sounded as though it spoke in the middle of a sentence, fading at beginning and end.

He knew who the voice meant, but turned his back again, snorting at the nonsensical words. His mate would never die.

'…Vegeta…she dies…'

Again ignoring it. If he ignored it, it would go away.

'…she dies…Vegeta…Vegeta…she dies…'

He whirled around again, snarling and hissing his denial. It came out in one word. '…no…'

The voice did not stop its attack, rather changed directions. '…stop it…Vegeta…keep alive…'

His eyebrows rose. He mulled the words over in his head, rolling them around and around until they made sense. '…immortality…'

'…no…still old…make young…'

His eyes narrowed again and the pause was much bigger this time, one of hesitation and not thought.

'…Vegeta…she dies…'

He shook his head, all his denials again condensing to one word. '…no…' Pause. '…how…'


Vegeta's mind jumped then to scenes in his life, disastrous scenes of pain and destruction. All caused by that one word. '…no…'

'…she dies…'














And nothing answered him. It was just he and the blank white, just he and the empty void. And it stayed that way till dawn….

* * *

Bulma wheezed as she took a breather halfway down the steps, glaring at the remaining ones before continuing on. She let out a shrill shriek as she felt herself hefted into two arms and cradled as she was carried the rest of the way down the stairs by an annoyed-looking Vegeta. "That's it, woman. No more up and down the stairs. We're moving our room downstairs."

"Vegeta!" she hit his chest with one fist to emphasize her words, "I am not a child! Put me down right now!"

He sneered at her. "Really? With the way your acting, I couldn't tell." He rolled his eyes melodramatically and set her back on her feet, facing the kitchen. He spoke before she could begin whatever rant she planned on shouting. "Let's get some breakfast, woman. It's too early to argue and I'd like to eat my meal in relative quiet before everyone else wakes up."

She huffed, tilting her nose in the air to let him know she was hardly pleased with him. It only irked her all the more when he just chuckled and followed her to the kitchen. And that was another thing that would be irking her. He would be staring at her all through breakfast, waiting for her to falter in the slightest so that he would have an excuse to order out.

She grinned back at him as she entered the kitchen, making his step falter slightly as his eyebrows rose. She was going to disappoint him. He would just have to eat her food, whether he liked it or not.

As if on cue, Rose and Trunks both entered the room; Rose looking like a ray of sunshine while Trunks grumbled and tried to pry his arm from her grip. "Come on, Rose! The kids get to sleep in!"

Vegeta chuckled at the scene and received a dark glare from Trunks as he was forcibly plopped down in a chair.

Rose beamed at Bulma, who looked a little put-off at the expression. "I'll get that, Bulma! I love making breakfast!"

Bulma nodded dumbly and sat down next to her glum son, watching the other woman bustle about the room with a shocked expression that slowly changed to disgust. She glanced at her son. "Is she always this-chipper in the morning?"

Trunks groaned, his head falling into his arms, looking as if he'd not only gotten up on the wrong side of bed, but slept on the wrong side of the bed. "Yes. She does it to torture me. I just know it!" He closed his eyes and vainly tried to shut his wife out as she hummed some giddy and happy tune.

Even Vegeta couldn't keep an amused grin on his face as Rose bubbled around the room, looking as if little hearts and fairies would soon be floating around her head. "Disgusting." He muttered it low enough that just the two seated before him heard, but he still cast a nervous glance at Rose as if she would hear him. "Your mother has found a body to possess, woman. Kami, help us all!"

Bulma chuckled and glanced at Trunks. "Stay up late, Trunks?"

Trunks colored. "Mom!"

Vegeta decided to join in. "If I didn't know I'd given you that black eye, I'd ask too."

Trunks turned to his father. "Black eye?" He sounded frantic as he awakened completely and dashed off to the bathroom to see if his father was serious about such a mar to his face, his chair clattering to the floor behind him.

Vegeta shook his head and laughed with his wife, laughing all the more when Rose turned with a spatula in her hand and stared at her departing husband. "What's wrong with him?"

* * *

As the smell of food wafted through the corridors of the house, one child sat upright in bed, eyes blinking as he tried to focus on where he was and why he wasn't in his own bed. The smell of omelets drafted under his nose and he grinned from ear to ear eagerly, forgetting the questions as his Saiyan appetite took over.

He hopped out of bed and ran out the door and through the house, skidding to a halt to blink at the people who stared at his entrance. He shifted shyly from one foot to another, eyes latching onto the man with 'cool hair'.

Vegeta stared back, growling slightly as the boy continued to gaze at him. "What's your prob-"

"Vegeta! He's seven!"

Boxer blinked and followed Vegeta's eyes to the blue-haired woman. She smiled at him and held out her hands. "Can I have a hug?"

Boxer looked confusedly at his grandmother; then glanced at Vegeta, who was glaring at him and trying not to bring that fact to Bulma's attention. He walked solemnly over to Vegeta, whose glare darkened, and wrapped his arms around his legs; all that he could reach at the moment; laying his head on his lap with a serious expression on his face. "You need a hug!" He proclaimed it as if Vegeta had a very serious ailment.

Vegeta stared down at the boy clinging lightly to him with an expression that made the women watching the scene make ooh-ing and ah-ing noises that had him glaring at the both of them.

Rose snickered lightly, making sure to not look at Vegeta. His intimidating stare was a little too-intimidating for her. Bulma shared in her laughter, but met Vegeta's eyes evenly. "Come on, Rose. Let's leave Boxer with his grandfather."

Before Vegeta could huff out that he was not a grandfather, the two women left the room, chatting lightly among themselves as if Vegeta had not just been glaring death at them.

Silence reigned over the two as Vegeta uncomfortably shifted in his seat, mindful of the two women in the other room who would immediately attack him if the boy so much as squeaked. He, the Prince of the Saiyans, was being dictated to by women and held down by children. What was the universe coming to?

"Gran'pa Veegee?"

His eyes narrowed at the black-haired boy. "I'm not your grandpa and my name's Vegeta. You will address me as Prince Vegeta."

The boy blinked up at him, wide-eyed; as if his words were the most awe-inspiring he had ever heard. Vegeta groaned inwardly.

"Pince Veegee?"

He sighed as he realized the boy seriously had problems pronouncing his name. Well, there was supposed to be an exception to every rule. Look at Kakarott. "What, brat?"

"What are you Pince of?"

Vegeta huffed indignantly. "And why don't you know that, boy? Didn't your father tell you anything? I am Prince of all Saiyans. You are a Saiyan. I am your Prince."

Boxer latched onto the one concept he understood. "You're Pince of me?" He seemed vastly shocked by the whole idea. "What's a Pince?"

"The word is 'Prince', brat, with an 'r'. He's a ruler. Or he will be as soon as his father the king 'kicks the bucket', so to speak." He smirked at his own phrase. These humans did have interesting clichés.

Boxer tilted his head to one side, sticking his tongue out one side of his mouth in an expression he'd obviously gotten from his Aunt Bra. He finally nodded and took a seat beside Vegeta, yawning hugely as he again blinked at his 'Pince'. "I'm hungry, Pince Veegee."

Vegeta smirked. "Easily taken care of. Observe. This is how a Prince gets his breakfast." As Boxer watched dutifully, Vegeta stood and walked toward the door leading to the living room. "WOMAN! FOOD! NOW!"

He turned and walked back to his seat, his smirk widening in self-congratulation. Boxer looking at him as if he'd just done some incredible feat helped the expression. All Boxer knew was that if he'd done that at home, he'd have a red bottom by now.

Therefore, it wasn't shocking when Bulma stalked into the room like a hellcat, swatting Vegeta on his rear end. "Young man! You screech like that again and I'll withhold certain activities for the rest of the time that company is here!"

Vegeta turned, face bright red only to have his lips sealed shut by Bulma's. A throat cleared made both break off, Bulma's flushed face joining Vegeta's in blinking owlishly at Rose, who stood covering her child's eyes to the sight.

"Do you guys mind not corrupting my children?"

Vegeta smirked, cutting off Bulma as she started to apologetically speak. "What? You and Trunks don't-"

"Veegee! Please! I had that when I was his age and look at me now!"

Vegeta turned with displeasure toward the door, looking at the framed Trunks as he leaned on the doorsill. A corner of his mouth turned up in amusement. It was obvious that he had tried to cover up his bruised eye with makeup. "You're right. Wouldn't want another turning out like you."

Trunks opened his mouth to argue, straightening with the full intentions of chewing his own father out, only to be pushed aside as the younger Vegeta barreled in. "You make a good door, dad," he commented offhandedly as he scanned the room's occupants. He fixed black eyes on his mother. "Food?"

Rose rolled her eyes and removed her hands from the squirming Boxer, allowing him to blink. "I swear you all have one-track minds! If it's not sparring it's eating!" She looked at each man in turn and they looked back at her as if they didn't understand the problem. Finally she shared an amused glance with Bulma and ushered everyone to their seats. "Sit then!" She pointed to Trunks as he moved to sit down. "Not you! Go get Slip."

Trunks groaned and turned on his heel, mumbling something about being whipped that Rose luckily did not hear.

As Vegeta sat down, chuckling about his 'whipped' son, the doorbell from the front of the house sounded with a cheery chime. As Bulma started to rise, Vegeta rose first. "Sit. I'll get it."

Bulma looked about to protest, then stopped and just smiled. "Okay!"

Vegeta cocked a brow at the cheerily spoken word in suspicion, but moved to the door anyways. He'd find out what the woman was cooking up in the brain of hers after he answered the doorbell, which again rang.

He opened the door with his customary frown plastered on his face. "What do you wa-Bra?"

His blue-haired daughter blinked at him, stunned by the abrupt and rude greeting. Obviously, she'd been gone for a while. She shifted the two suitcases to one hand and raised the now empty one, smiling nervously. "Hey. You wanted me to come right? If there's not enough room I could get a hotel or som-"

"Get in here. My own daughter will not be staying in a hotel." His frown increased somewhat at her apparent anxiety. She was babbling and fidgeting and doing everything short of biting her nails.

As she brought a hand up to her mouth, Vegeta tapped it with his own hand in warning. "Everyone's in the kitchen. You're in time for breakfast."

Vegeta took both suitcases from her and turned to put them in a guestroom, but not before giving her a look that said he knew something was wrong and he would find out what it was.

Bra gave a sigh, running her fingers through straight, blue hair she had cropped even shorter since she had left home. She was not looking forward to this. She had not slept well for the last two nights, after she had found out. She hadn't even been able to eat, though she should-now.

With one last sigh and eyes that definitely held a tightness to them not normally on the cheery face, Bra made her way to the kitchen.

As soon as she entered, there was complete silence. She felt herself freeze up, not really seeing all the people staring at her. She heard a chair scrape backwards slowly, felt hands come down on her shoulders, and focused on the concerned gaze of her mother.

"Bra? Are you okay?"

Silently, blue eyes welling with unshed tears; Bra shook her head. She brought her arms around her mother and Bulma's own arms tightly embraced her right back, worry making the lines on her face that much more evident.

Behind them, Vegeta stood in the doorway, staring at the scene with his own kind of worry, which was to stand there, hoping the answer would reveal itself. Bulma met his eyes questioningly and he gave a tiny shrug in answer.

Deciding that he couldn't take the tense state of the air and all the questions everyone wasn't asking, he asked his own. "Bra…what's wrong?"

The woman in Bulma's arms jerked a bit at the quiet tone of his voice and she slowly turned, facing her father. She stared for a while into dark eyes that patiently waited for her to reply.

Finally, she did so, in a quiet voice that trembled just on the edge of fear as tears slipped silently from her blue eyes. "I-I'm pregnant."

A/N: I am truly evil…. Well, what lies ahead now? And why is Bra being pregnant such a bad thing? All will be revealed in later chapters. For now, sit and wonder. And review. Reviews are good!