Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Who She's Been Waiting For ❯ Take off... ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ok, a Bulma/ Vegeta fic. My fave :D Vegeta hasn't been living at Capsule Corp. that long and Bulma is deathly afraid of him. I know she's really not and stands up to him all the time and they get into tons of fights, but this time, she doesn't. She's scared out of her mind and barely speaks to him. But when she and Vegeta get stuck on a ship for a whole year together, will Bulma be able to hold out and not raise her voice to him!? Or will something else happen?...This is where you read my fic and find out :P


"Blah, blah, blah..."<---Talking
*Blah, blah blah...*<---Thinking

****************************************** ****************************

Bulma stepped shyly out into the hall, checking both directions before she ran out of her room and to the bathroom. She didn't know why, but ever since Vegeta had moved in, she'd been watching her back. She could hardly recall why she'd invited that barbarian into her home in the first place, putting herself and her parents in danger like that. But she did know all too well why she'd offered a friendly invitation to the small Saiyan. He was all alone, like she had been so many painful times with Yamcha.

"Yamcha," she whispered a loud, as she pulled off her shirt and turned on the hot water for her shower. She couldn't help but let him cross her mind, yet again that morning. Last night she'd finally gotten up enough courage to break it off with him, for good. He of course had called numerous times afterwards, thinking it was one of her "episodes", as he called them. That always irked her emensely, the way he never took anything she said or did seriously. Like she was someone, well more like something, here for his amusement. And she had had the last straw, called him up and told him exactly how she felt. "I've had it with your shit Yamcha. Everything. You're childish, irresponsible, immature, disloyal...and, and a jerk! I can't stand being in the same room as you anymore!" she'd said out of the blue on a whim. Well maybe not completely out of the blue, but she sure as hell did surprise Yamcha with the phone call.

A small smile creeped across her features, the first since their final break up. She could still hear the astonishment in his voice when she said it was over. *Wish I could have seen his face* she thought cruelly, as she lathered up and began to wash herself. Truthfully she'd wanted to end it with him years ago, just could never bring herself to it. He somehow always seemed to hang in there. She'd known for far too long about his cheating. He'd even gone as far as to sleep with women who worked at Capsule Corp. Rumors, as she had first thought, began floating around the compound about a year after Yamcha moved to the city. She ignored them at first, but then finally, couldn't take it any longer and confronted him about it. He denied it 'til he was blue in the face, and she had been stupid enough to believe him. *Well not anymore.*

After her long hot shower, Bulma headed downstairs for some breakfast, that of which she could smell a mile away. "Mmm," she hummed, as she turned the corner into the kitchen, only to slam into something. Or someone rather.

"Watch it woman!" Vegeta snapped, shoving her aside and exiting the room. She cowered away helplessly and watched as he ascended the staircase on his way to his bedroom. She didn't know why she feared him so, he'd never physically abused her, or even tried. Sure there were the all too famous empty threats he was so fond of, but lay a hand on her? Never.

"Good morning dear," Mrs. Briefs cheered when she noticed Bulma take her usual seat at the breakfast table. "I'd stay clear of Vegeta this morning. The gravity machine malfunctioned and he's in one of his moods."

"I always stay clear of that ungrateful man, mother," she nearly huffed, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of sizzling bacon and sausage.

"Oh he's not that bad dear. You just have to let him get used to it here. He'll come around eventually. You'll see."

"Oh right. Is breakfast almost ready? I'm starved."

"Who knows. He may be the man you've been waiting for all your life." She paused a moment to check the contents on her frying pan. "About five more minutes."

"Man I've been waiting for!?" she screeched, slamming her hand on the hard oak table. "That man," she continued, pointing in the direction she'd last seen him go in. "is nothing but trouble! I can't believe I ever invited him to stay here! All he does is complain! We feed him, buy him clothes, offer the latest in training equiptment and still he's unsatisfied! Oh dear Kami! I guess we forgot to roll out the red carpet for his royal highness!"

"I was wondering when you'd realize where you went wrong," Vegeta sneered as he entered the kitchen, crossing his arms as he usually did.

"Vegeta dear," Mrs. Briefs chimmed in, shiftly bringing a plate stacked with eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast to him. "You look famished. Here, have some breakfast."

He only grunted in response and trudged in the opposite direction. If Bulma wasn't going to fight with him he wanted nothing to do with Briefs'. For months now he'd been trying to get her into one of the verbal battles he'd over-heard so many times between her and Yamcha. Once she'd yelled at him, once. She'd been in a bad mood all day, and when he demanded she fix the gravity machine, she screamed at him at the top of her lungs and slammed the lab door. Afterwards though she shyly apologized and offered to fix the machine without question for the next month. He just couldn't understand why she wouldn't show him the kind of anger he knew she wanted to. The kind he knew she was capable of. Now it was like a sport to him, every chance he got he'd verbally poke at her. He knew she'd crack sooner or later. Then he'd have a field day with her.

************************************************************* *********

"He's so unbelievable," Bulma groaned to herself, after repairing the gravity machine, which had taken her well over three hours to complete. "Vegeta!!" she called, whipping her brow and pulling herself to her feet. She was tired, sweaty, and covered in grease. All she wanted to do now was soak in a steamy bubble bath then sleep 'til noon the next day.

"What is it woman?" he grunted, entering the gravity machine from outside, where he'd been waiting.

"I'm done now," she stated simply, then picked up her tools and walked shiftly away.

He watched her walk away, following her every move. He just didn't understand her, along with all other earthlings. Even Kakarot confused him to no end. But he opted not to pondered on them all that long. His training, ascending to Super Saiyan, that's what should be on his mind, always. Not stupid weak earthlings with no respect for royalty.

So, having decided to put all other thoughts on hold, Vegeta walked over to the control panel of the gravity machine, which always happened to double as a spaceship. He'd been planning, secretly, for months now to travel in space to hopefully better his training. For a week now he'd been ready, the ship up on all repairs and upgrades, food and necessities stocked. All he needed to do was plot a course, follow it, train, then return in a year when the androids were due to arrive. It would all, of course, be entered into the system ahead of time and carried out without interruptions. The only thing that would be able to stop the course was damage to the ship.

He quickly, but carefully began to plot a course into the far reaches of the universe. One he would follow for an entire year, alone. Once the course was set, he began to check the ship for anything that seemed odd or out of place, anything eye-catching. Then, after making sure all his food rations were accurate, went back to the control panel.

He held his finger over the button that would start the ship, closing the door to outside in the process. "Ok..." he sighed, pushing the button quickly before he could change his mind. He knew it was for the best, leaving earth, everyone. But he just couldn't help but feel...sad? "No," he scolded himself, as he turned and his jaw dropped.

"Talking to yourself?" Bulma asked in an almost joking manner, though soon her expression changed when she noticed how utterly terrified he looked. And she had just come back to make sure all the repairs were to his liking. "Wha-What are you looking at?"

"You foolish woman!!" he screamed, running for the door that was closing. "Kuso!" he swore, as the door hissed shut and his fists collided with it. "What the hell are you doing here!?" He turned towards her, anger blazing in his eyes. "What's wrong with you!? Do you have any idea what you've done!? Kami!!"

Bulma's eye's immediately widened in horror and she ran for the door, slamming down as hard as she could on the button to open it.

"It's no use baka!" he roared, grabbing her arms and forcing her to look at him.

"D-D-D-D..." she stuttered, looking away from him, shaking uncontrolably.

"How can you be so unbelievably stupid!? My Kami!"

"Don't kill me!" she cried, curling herself into as much of a ball as she could manage while he held her arms tight.

"What!? Kill you!? What the hell are you babbling about woman!?"

"Don't kill me!" she repeated, lip quivering in rythme with her body.

He looked at her in confusion and slowly released her from his powerful, and most likely painful, grasp. Immediately she scurried to the furthest point in the room away from him, curling herself into a ball, as if that would protect her from him. Though he knew it was in his ear's best interest to stay away from her, he couldn't help his curiosity, and ventured over to her.

"P-P-Please don't hurt me..." she whispered when she felt his presence hovering over her.

"Woman," he huffed in annoyance at her cowardice display. "Stop you're blubbering. I'm not going to touch you."


"Yeah, sure..." he whispered, plopping down on the floor infront of her.

"A-A...Alright..." She slowly removed her arms from her knees, that were pressed against her body, and looked up at him, face stained with tears. "Wh-What...Why...Why won't the door open?"

"Woman...You're so stupid," he groaned, grabbing his head and looking at the ground. "You have no idea what you've done by coming on this ship at the exact moment that you did. What the hell were you thinking!?"

"Well...I...uh...I came to check and see...if you were...were satisfied with the...repairs..." She paused a moment to whipe her tears. "I guess not..."

"Well now the repairs are the least of my worries, thanks to you...The ship is now sealed off, in less than five minutes its going to take off to a destination I plotted and stay on a set course for an entire year!! Nothing can change that course! Nothing!! We" He motioned from himself to her then back to himself. "are stuck together, alone, for a year!!"

"What!?" she screamed, slamming her hands on the cold tile floor, completely forgetting who she was yelling at. "You can't be serious!!? What!? No! You're wrong! You're wrong! I can't be stuck with you!!" Immediately after the words left her mouth, she clapped her hand over it, pleading with her eyes for him to stay where he was. The last thing she wanted to do was upset a known murderer when she was on a spaceship with him, alone, for the next year. She'd have to watch herself more closely. This wasn't Yamcha or Master Roshi or even Goku that she could just pick a fight with without worries. This was Vegeta. The arrogant Prince. Merciless, hateful, and just down right evil in every way she thought a being could be. And he seemed more of all those things to her. He proved that everyday, every time he opened his mouth. She didn't know how she was going to survive a whole year with just the two of them without snapping at him at least once. Though her character called for far more verbal conflicts than that in a week! No wonder her father urged her to be on the debate team at school. She loved it, fighting. Not physically of course, though she'd never really tried it, but verbally? Hell yes. Every chance she got she lashed her tongue at people. She jsut loved arguing her way into and out of anything. Mostly because of how skillful she was at it. But then being around Vegeta, who was equally aroused by the sport. It was maddening not being able to argue with him. He was far too dangerous to even risk it.

"Well you're going to have to get used to it pretty damn quick woman. Cause take off is in less than a minute."

She sighed deeply, picking herself up off the ground and heading towards the only available chair on the ship. She knew very well that Vegeta could handle the take off, he didn't need to be seated and strapped in. So, with that thought in mind, she took her seat and began buckling her restraints.

"And where do you expect me to sit?" he asked menacingly, only wanting to get a rise out of her and she if she'd cower at his feet, the way she'd done so many times before.

"Oh, uh...Well, I just thought that since you're so strong and all that...that you wouldn't need to be strapped in like me...But...I guess that's why you have the chair then, huh? You weren't expecting me to come along..." The whole while she spoke she was unbuckling herself, eyes cast at the floor so not to look into his. She quickly shot out of the chair, searching frantically around the room for a safe place for take off.

"Woman, don't be foolish. Get-" Before he could finish his sentence though, the ship began to rumble, tossing her roughly into the nearest wall. With a loud thud and a not so feminine grunt, she hit the floor, smacking her head in the process. "Damn it!" he yelled, running over and checking her pulse. She was alive, thank Kami, but unconscious. "Woman," he said, shaking her arms to try and wake her. Nothing. "Great, just what I need. Damn woman, messing everything up." Though he complained, he found himself helping her from the floor and to the chair she previously exited. Then, setting her on his lap, processed to strap them both in, just seconds before the ship departed from the ground.

---Well there's the first chapter, short, but it got the stage set. Oh, I don't like writing Bulma as a weak character that doesn't stand up to Vegeta, but that's the kind of story I'm choosing to do, so I won't complain. She'll come around soon enough :D I promise. I hope you liked it!!

REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! Please :P

Next time: Bulma wakes up, but there's something different about her...
