Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Who She's Been Waiting For ❯ Who-Who am I? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


"Blah, blah, blah..."<---Talking
*Blah, blah blah...*<---Thinking

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Bulma's eyes shot open, breathing rapidly, her heart racing. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was flying across a room and hitting the wall. And now she was lying in an oddly comfortable bed, in a foreign room. Being careful to sit up, for she knew not why she was in this strange yet familar room, she took in her surroundings. Everything was dull and ordinary, the room, one she knew well, just couldn't put her finger on where she'd seen it before, when she'd been in it. Then, being fed up with wondering and having no answers, called out, hoping for a response, and a familar face. "Hello!?"
No one answered. Was she all alone? Wherever she was. Whoever she was. Wait, whoever she was?
"Oh Kami..." she gasped, grabbing handfuls of sheets and pressing her fists to her chest. "I-I-I...I don't know m-my name..." Quickly she jumped out of bed, looking frantically for a mirror, or any reflective surface. Once she found something, metallic siding on a cabinet, she examined her face. She touched it lightly, wanting to cry when she found the person starring back at her was a stranger. She was a stranger. She had no idea who she was, where she was from, anything about herself or anyone. She had no memory of family or friends or a life prior to this moment. Her name, unknown.
"Woman, you're awake," Vegeta said in his usual monotone voice, expressing no audiable emotion. "I was beginning to think you were in a coma, or dead, the way you just lied there like that. When did you-"
"Who are you?" she suddenly asked, finding this man, the first person she'd ever seen, or ever remembered seeing, unbelievably attractive.
"What? Who am I? Woman, are you running a fever?"
"No, sir, I'm perfectly well. But very, VERY confused! Now who the hell are you!? Or more to the point, who the hell am I and what happened to me!?" she cried, tears threatening to escape her cerulean orbes.
"Oh dear Kami woman..." he sighed, taking a seat at the foot of her bed. "You have amnesia..."
"Well thank you for that mister. But I think I could have figured that out on my own. No wait, I already have. But thank you very much for the wonderful insight...Kami," she grunted, rolling her eyes at him.
"Bite your tongue baka! You have no right talking to me like that!"
"And you have no right with-holding the information I requested!"
"And you...you..." He took a deep breath, trying to come up with a logical come back. "My name is Vegeta, I'm the Prince of the Saiyans, a race you've come to know quite well over the years, though I doubt you have any recollection of that at all. Or Kakarot, whom you know as Goku, another Saiyan...What...What do you remember?"
"The last thing I remember was crashing into a wall and then everything went blank...I-I...I sort of remember little pieces of things, I think...My mother, her name I don't know, but I know she was blonde and very beautiful...And my father...He was a brilliant man, much older than my mother, but they were in love...I'm 26 years old...And the rest is just jumbles of things that make no sense...What's my name, Vegeta?"
He hesitated a moment, narrowing his brow some, as if speaking her name aloud would bruise his pride greatly. Like it was admitting to her that she was a person the same as he, not some low life that he always made her out to be. "B-" he began, but stopped short and took a breath, casting his eyes at the bed spread. "Your name is Bulma Briefs."
"Ah...Bulma Briefs, huh?" He nodded. "And everything I told you I remembered-"
"All true." Suddenly a wicked smile creeped across his face. She had no recollection of anything doing with him. He could start fresh with her. Play with her head, make himself out to be some great hero and-*No* he thought angrily. *That's dishonorable and I cannot do it!*
His ears perked at the mention of his name.
"Where are we?"
"On a spaceship."
"What!?" she screeched, the way he'd heard her so many times before, though not to him. Now he wondered why he'd wanted to fight with her so, for his ears now proved to be too weak for her verbal assaults. "What do you mean on a spaceship!? We're just in space!?"
"Yes woman, we're in space, headed towards the planet Merecamem [Mair-ek-a-mem]."
"The name of the damn planet doesn't concern me, sir! I want to know why the hell we're in space! Why aren't we on earth!? And further more, what is my relationship with you!? I hardly find you tolerable enough to spend time alone with!"
"Excuse me!! I'm intolerable!?" She simply crossed her arms and nodded, her eyes narrowed into a vicious glare. "And you're so easy to be around!?"
"I wouldn't know, now would I!? I don't know who I am, remember!?"
He opened his mouth to speak, but soon found no words came. He had nothing to respond with after something like that. He had no clue what to say to her.
"What's wrong, Ve-geta? Can't think of a good come back. Come on. I know you well enough to know that you're the type that doesn't back down from a fight. Am I right?...I'm right. I may not know anything about anyone, but I know types of people. And you're that type."
"Woman, you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't even know yourself, so how can you even think you can judge me!? I'd advise you to shut your mouth before you get hurt."
"Is that a threat pal!?"
"Its a promise, onna!"
"Uh! I can't take you anymore!"
"Finally something we agree on!"
With that they both stormed away. Bulma back to bed, and Vegeta to the upper deck, where he turned on the intercom and punched in the code to call the Capsule Corp. compund.
"Hello Vegeta," Dr. Briefs finally answered after a few moments. "I take it you've taken the ship to go train."
"Obviously old man," he grunted, rolling his eyes. "I have far more important matters to discuss with you though."
"Oh, yes, of course. Is the ship running well? Do you have everything you need?"
"If you shut your mouth, I could get to the point!"
Dr. Briefs said nothing, only starred at the screen where Vegeta's face had appeared.
"That's better...Ok, by now you must have noticed that your loud mouthed daughter hasn't been on the compound." Dr. Briefs gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "She's aboard the ship with me. Someone the stupid woman managed to get herself on the ship at the exact moment I pressed the button for the ship to carry out its orders." He nodded, understanding what Vegeta was telling him.
"I'm sorry Vegeta," he sighed. "For both of you...But there's no way we can get her. It would take at least eight months for me to design and build another ship, and by then you'd be back, right?"
"I know that old man. I wasn't calling to address that issue. I realize I'm stuck with her for the next year."
"A whole year!?"
"Quiet!...Ok, now what I need to discuss with you is the condition she is currently in, and how I might get her out of it." He paused to make sure the doctor was listening. "She hit her head while launching, and when she awoke had no recollection of anything. Herself, myself, or anyone or anything else. What she does know is useless information. How can I reverse the effects of her state?"
"My, my Vegeta. I would have never pegged you as the caring type. Especially for my dear Bulma."
"You think I care in the least for the disrespectful wench!?" he roared, slamming his fists down on the control panel. "Ever since she's come to she's done nothing but yell and demand. She's intolerable!"
"Well it sounds to me that she's her normal self," Dr. Briefs laughed nervously. "Can I speak with her?"
"Whatever. But it won't do you any good." His face disappeared from the monitor and a few minutes later it re-appeared, and quite more aggitated than before. "You better fix her," he hissed through clenched teeth, then was gone again, Bulma's face in his place.
"Honey?" Dr. Briefs whispered.
"Hello," she said calmly, though he could see the nervousness in her eyes. "You're my father?"
"Yes, sweety, I am. I understand that you have no memory."
"Correct." She knew not why she should speak to this strange man so respectfully. She knew nothing about him, yet something told her the relationship they'd shared was strong. She had no urges to yell or even raise her voice in the least towards this man. He'd done nothing to not earn her respect and kindness, though Vegeta had done nothing at first either, and yet she'd known he was an ill-tempered arrogant man with a wicked lust for fighting.
"Do you remember anything?"
"Yes, sir. But very little." She paused, trying to remember what she'd told Vegeta earlier. "I remember you and my mother, though not your faces or anything about you. My mother, she'd blonde, yes?" He nodded. "And you, you're a brilliant man, and scientist maybe."
"Very good lovely. Is that all you remember?"
"Well no, but everything else is very confusing. I don't know where things go together and what it all means."
"Well tell me some things and I'll be happy to sort them out for you."
"Alright." She smiled sweetly at him, knowing he would follow through with what he'd said. "There's this one memory...A man, with black hair and a nice smile...He's touching my shoulder, but I'm very nervous about it. I know there's some kind of romantic connection between us, but something's happened, and I'm getting the feeling that the uneasiness is coming from me."
"Ah, yes. That man is Yamcha. An old olver of your's."
"Why am I so nervous with him?"
"He was a very unfaithful man. A good man in all other ways, but ultimately, unfaithful. One woman never seemed to satisfy him."
"Oh..." she sighed heavily, casting her eyes at the ground a moment then looking back up at her father. "I was afraid of that..."
"Anything more?"
"Yes...I'm looking up at two people...Well, one of them is a person. A young boy, with black hair. The other, creature, is green and quite annoyed looking."
"The namek..." Vegeta whispered, though no one paid mind to him.
"Oh yes, that's from when you were on Namek my dear. Namek was a planet you visited not too long ago in search of dragonballs. The boy is your best friend's son, Gohan. The other man is from the planet Namek, though grew up on earth. His name is Piccolo...I'm sorry sweety. I know this doesn't make much sense to you, probably none at all. But I hope it helps clear a little bit up for you."
"Yes, it is very confusing, I really don't know what to make of it. What are dragonballs?"
"I was wondering when you'd ask me that...Dragonballs are very powerful objects, things very few people know about or if they do, only think of them as a myth. But they're very real. You've seen their power first head, many times, especially in your youth...What they are, are seven balls. Yellowish in color, each with an individual number of stars, one through seven. Once all seven balls are collected and gathered near each other, a dragon will appear and grant whomever possesses the balls, one wish. The Namek dragonballs are different though, granting the person three wishes...Do you understand?"
"Yes, I believe so. Though its extremely far-fetched. Wishes? Really?"
"Yes, of course. I wouldn't lie to you honey."
"There's this other memory that distrubes me..." She paused, thinking of how she would word this. "There's this man, very powerful, standing infront of me. I can't make out his face or tell you how close he is, but for whoever he is, he's too close for my liking. He had black hair and an odd uniform on. Blue with some sort of breast plate, and white boots. He's advancing towards me, and he's angry...I-I...I'm crindging at him...He's threatening me, and I know he'll carry out his threat if I don't do what he wants..." She stops there, unable to continue.
"Hmm..." Dr. Briefs thinks a moment, scratching his head.
"That's me," Vegeta suddenly says, and jumps slightly when both Bulma's and Dr. Briefs eyes fall on him. He didn't think anyone had heard him or would be paying attention.
"Oh! I should have known it was you!" she yelled, pointing a finger at him. "That's just like you to do something so cruel!! What the hell did you want from me anyways!? What the hell is your problem!? What did I ever do to you!?"
"You woman, were born," he said, returning the gesture.
"And why did you threaten my life!?"
"You had a dragonball," Dr. Briefs said, knowing the story all too well.

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Bulma and Dr. Briefs, along with Mrs. Briefs who showed up somewhere in there conversation, talked for nearly six hours. They answered all her questions and tried to help her sort out her broken memories, something she knew she could trust them in doing. Even if she didn't remember them, the feelings felt right and oddly familar. They were her parents, she would have known that without being told. She just had a feeling about them. The same with Vegeta, though his was totally different. She knew she'd known him, just because she couldn't recall every last detail, didn't mean she didn't know the type of person he was. How she should act around him, what to say and what not to say. And seeing as he was the arrogant pessimist he'd always been, she didn't even attempt to bite her tongue when speaking to him. Not a word she was thinking was missed in an argument with him. And she'd only "known" him for less than a day and they'd already gotten into more arguments than Vegeta could remember, with anyone.
"Why would I let someone like you stay in my house?" Bulma asked suddenly, at the dinner table with Vegeta, who she had not been addressing. The question was more for herself.
"Shut up woman and let me enjoy my meal," Vegeta growled, taking out his anger on a helpless potatoe on his plate.
"Oh I'm sorry. Am I upsetting you?..Feh...You have no idea..."
"About?" he inquired, having nothing better to do than poke and prod at her.
"About how it feels to know nothing about anything or anyone in your life, but have all these weird memories! Memories that make no sense no matter how much someone tries to explain them to you! You still feel empty and lost and completely alone!!" She took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm herself down. "you have no idea how it feels to be utterly alone..."
"You'd be surprised woman," he sighed under his breath, not intending for her to hear.
"Oh would I? Enlighten me, please."
"Oh yes, right away. Because we've had so many meaningful conversations...Are you insane woman?"
"No, Vegeta. Just confused...Why the hell do you like to irritate me so?"
"Me irritate you!? You're the definition of irritation! You're the main reason I left that miserable excuse for a planet! But no! You just had to get on the ship with me, didn't you!? Uh! You're so unbelievable!!"
"Me!? Excuse me! I don't know me, but I know enough that I would NOT come onto a ship that I knew was taking off for a year with you aboard! So there must have been some kind of miscommunication or something! Because I damn well would not put myself through this shit knowingly!"
"Fuck you woman," was the last thing said between them that night before Vegeta trapsed away for bed, leaving her to her now cold meal, angrier than she could imagine ever having been.

---Ok, there's chapter 2!! Weee!! I hope Bulma can somehow get her memory back...:P

REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Next time: Bulma speaks with Dr. Briefs again, and he's figured out away to get her memory back...But will it work? Will Vegeta need to assist her?...Wait and find out :D
