Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Sick? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Why Me?

Chapter 4: Sick?

(Dreaming at this point)

"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?! I don't see you! Where are you?!" I yelled into the darkness.

I ran and yelled looking for them, but they were nowhere to be seen.

A voice rings out in the darkness.

"Silly…Silly Sill…come to me my little Silly Sill. Come to mommy. Daddy is here too. Come give us a hug."

The once 16-year-old girl was now a mere 6-year-old, but she kept on running.

"Mommy! Daddy! I still can't see you!" I scream.

My parents' faces appear in the sky. I run towards them, but every step I take makes them go further and further away.

"Mommy! Daddy! Don't go! I want to stay with you! Mommy! Daddy! Please!"

I'm now falling down a large hole. My parents' faces appear above me then fade away.

(End dream)

I was in my room sleeping on my bed. In a chair across the room sat Trunks also sleeping. I suddenly pop up in a cold sweat panting.

My sudden movement causes Trunks to wake as well. The sight of my frightened face made him go into a fighting position ready to strike at a moments notice.

"Trunks? What are you doing here?" I ask.

My words reassure him enough to return to his normal stance.

"My mom and the others told me to keep an eye on you while they call a doctor."

Outside the door you can hear yelling.

"I can't believe that not a single phone in this house works!" yelled Bulma.

"Mom she is awake." Yelled Trunks to his mother.

Bulma came in with the other two women by her sides. They came to my side and each did a different task and it made me a little nervous.

Chichi was checking me forehead with her hand. Bulma was getting the thermometer ready and Videl was checking my pulse. Bulma stuck the thermometer in my mouth and they all waited till it beeped. When it finally did they took it out and all looked at it.

"99.4. Well its better, but I still think you should stay in bed. We'll take care of everything. And did you know that your phones aren't working?" said Bulma.

"I don't think that they would be since the were recently installed and the phone line hasn't. It will be in a week or so. How long have I been asleep?" I replied.

"Almost a whole day. Its about 8:45 p.m. now. Are you hungry?" said Chichi.

"Not really. I'm just a little tired. Can I get some sleep?"

"Of course. You need your rest. We just need to make sure that you wont have another fainting attack."

"That wont be necessary. I only had that attack because I hadn't slept in two days is all. I'm ok now. Since I got some sleep it shouldn't happen again."

"Well that's good to know, but I want Trunks to keep an eye on you while you sleep. So he can inform us if your condition changes for the worse." Said Bulma.

"Well, I guess I can live with that. Just as long as he doesn't make too much noise."

"Don't worry about that. I'll be so quiet, you wont even know I'm hear." Said Trunks.

(about an hour latter)

"I can't take it any more!" I screamed towards Trunks.

"Sorry. Am I making too much noise?" he asked pleadingly.

"No! Your too quiet. Its driving me nuts knowing that your right there, but your just too quiet. It doesn't even sound like you breathing."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No. What I want you to do is to at the very least talk to me. Honestly. The mice make more noise than you. That's just annoying."

"Um. Okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Why don't you come and sit over here."

He slowly walked over to the side of the bed and pulled up a chair.

"So. What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Well tell me about yourself. How old are you? What are your hobbies? So on."

"Well for your first question, I'm 17 years old. My hobbies included sparring, training, and fighting."

"I should have known that it would be fighting. Men are all the same."

"I never said that I was finished. I also enjoy playing DDR at the arcade. I also like watching, according to my father, weak girly movies. My mom says that girls like sensitive men. And yet she ended up with my father. Sometimes I think that she is a walking contradiction. What about you? Any hobbies?"

"Well, as you can see I don't have a TV, but I like movies, especially sappy ones that can make me cry. I also love ridding my ATV, but the damn thing keeps breaking down. It might be because of all the mud that gets in the engine."

"That could be a factor. By the way. You said that you went to college, right? I know you said that you are a `super-genius' but you just don't seem the part. All the brains that I've met are all, well more geek looking, you look like a normal teenager. You also seem, no offence, lazy."

"None taken. After I graduated from college I decided to slow down and in doing so, I kind of got lazy. I admit that I am a lazy, and at times, slob, but that shouldn't stop me from having a good time and still being a `smart-ass'."

"Who calls you a `smart-ass'? You don't act like a smart-ass."

"Well thank you. Its actually my roommate who calls me a `smart-ass'. She is just messing with me. She is like my sister. I've known her all my life."

"Oh man. Its late. You should get some rest. I'm going to leave so you don't get so annoyed like last time. I'll see you in the morning. Okay?"

And with that he was out of my room and in his room.

`Oh my god. I think I like him…more than a friend. Silly get a grip. He is your guest. You can't fall for guest…can you? No. Of course not. He may be like the "Hot God" but he is still your guest. Why is this happening to me? Why me?'

End chapter 4

So what did you think. I wont be updating for a while because of Finals. Pray for me. I would rather be writing my fanfics than be in school doing Finals. Sorry bout that but I have no control over it. I will update when it is all over so don't get too mad.