Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why of Life ❯ SPENDING TIME TOGETHER. ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Pan and Gohan finally got back to Capsule Corps. Bulma gave her company a room, and they all went to sleep. Gohan laid awake in his own bed thinking of that beautiful woman. Would he ever see her again? He didn't know, but he did know that he wanted to see her again. He felt good being around her. Sure they didn't talk much that day, but the next time he was going to open his mouth and talk to her. He felt okay about meeting her. Man she was pretty. He knew that he'll have good dreams tonight. With that he dozed off.

Trunks stood in the open field where he and his master trained. He powered up his energy and tried to think of anything that could set him off. He thought of children, animals, and his family being killed by those androids. He was out of it today nothing could set him to the tip of his power so he could level up. He dropped to the ground and sighed.

"You're pushing it too hard,"Gohan said walking towards him.

"It's just that I want to be great like you are. I've tried every motivation I could think of. Nothing's working, Gohan."

Gohan smiled at the eleven year old,"give it time, Bro. God knows you got it."

Trunks looked at him funny,"got what? Time? Or skills?"he asked.

His master closed his eyes,"time, Trunks. You have lots of time." He smiled at the boy but was interrupted by Pan.

"Da- I mean, Gohan! There's someone tearing down Silver City!"she called.

Gohan stood and powered up. He and Trunks flew as fast as they could. They finally got to the city and saw nothing wrong. The city was fine; however, there was a lot of cheering coming from the big tournament stadium. Trunks floated to look over the wall. It was a young woman with blackish-brown hair and many people admiring her.

"They're cheering for a woman in boots,"Trunks told him.

Just before Gohan could say anything the doors opened, and the woman, along with her fans, walked out. He looked at her carefully; it was Miss Videl! She saw him and quickly told the people that she needed rest; so they congratulated her one more time and cleared out. She walked up to Gohan.

"Well, well, so we meet again. Where is your little sister?"she asked.

He blushed on instant,"that was not my little sister,"he said senselessly.

"Then who was she?"she asked curiously. Trunks saw that his friend needed help; so he rushed over.

"She's my cousin,"Trunks said swiftly.

Videl looked confused,"then whom are you?"she asked pointing to him.

"He's my friend. I kinda' live with them."Gohan said.

"Oh,"she said now understanding it better. "So Gohan, what are you doing for the rest of the day?"

"N-nothing, why?"he stuttered.

She smiled,"oh I thought that we could get to know each other. Wanna'?"

Gohan was amazed that she actually wanted to spend the day together.

"Uh, sure. What do you want to do?"he asked her.

Trunks watched as they talked like he wasn't even there. He couldn't believe that his master was talking to a girl. Plus, he was about to get fed up with this. "Well, if you two are done I'd like to get back to training."

Videl looked at the young boy,"oh, you two are training today?"

"No he is, but I'm watching to make sure he's doing it right. You can come, that is if you want."Gohan said.

"Sure that would be great. Are you two training for fun or do plan to take on those androids?"she joked.

"Androids"the two boys said together.

Videl turned pink then laughed,"oh you two are something."

Trunks got angry at the young lady. He looked at his master, but Gohan just shrugged. He turned around and began to fly home. Gohan tapped Videl on the shoulder; she nodded and looked at Trunks in the sky. Her eyes grew big, and her mouth fell open.

"What the hell?"she asked.

"I told you that we were gonna' take on the androids, but did you take him seriously? "

"Can you do that?"she asked.

He nodded and held her waist as he floated up in mid-air. He held her tight and flew faster to catch up with his student. Videl was stunned; how was he flying? They finally caught up with Trunks who looked at Videl uneasy. What did Gohan see in her? They landed at the same spot at which they had left.

"Trunks! Gohan! Where have you been?"and irritated Bulma called from the house.

"I'll go"Trunks said to his master.

Pan passed the purple-haired boy and ran straight for Gohan and his guest. She happily thought,"oh finally they are together. I hope I'm part of the wedding." She was beginning to act like her grandmother. "Hey Miss Videl! I see you both are spending time together."