Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wiring ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I Do not own DBZ or these amazing characters for that we can thank the brilliant Akira Toriyama

Chapter 2

Bulma had been working for hours now.  She had been putting in crazy hours for the last couple of weeks.  It was a great distraction from her traitorous thoughts.  She sighed as she placed her latest bungled project in her lab desk draw, another broken capsule prototype.  For the last few months Bulma had been attempting to design a new capsule with multiple storage capacities and it had been a while since she had even left her lab.  She wasn’t getting anywhere so she just laid her head down on her desk as she contemplated the total disaster that had been the last few weeks.  All the progress she had been making, gone.  She thought that things were going well between them over the past few months. Of course he was never even remotely friendly or even polite, but since that night she had cooked for him he seemed to tolerate her presence, much more so than anyone else’s.  He was even willing to occasionally answer some of her many questions about him without a sneer.  The sight that arrested her when she ran to the lawn after hearing the explosion and saw the smoking wreckage that was once Capsule 3 had caused wave after wave of panic and dread.  Her fear that this was it; nearly causing her heart to stop in her chest.  Vegeta had gone over the edge; despite all the warnings from herself and even her father he continued his relentless punishment on himself and his body with his training.  He didn’t die, but he was extremely hurt.  The relief she felt was extreme and yet still it had killed her to see his beautiful body so damaged and bruised and he would have a new smattering of scars to accompany the old ones. ‘He can just go to Hell then!’ thought Bulma as the familiar feeling of anger and hurt washed through her yet again.  After the accident she had sat by him day and night till he awoke and he had spurned her kindness with a look and words so vicious she had taken to hiding in her lab to avoid him and everyone else.

“Bulma dear?” an unusually high voice squeaked through the intercom. Bulma winced as her mother’s voice interrupted her seething yet sad demeanor.
“Yes, Mother I’m here.” replied Bulma “I’m not hungry so you all have lunch without me. I have way too much to do.” She let out yet another exasperated sigh.  This was the third time today her mother had interrupted her.
“As much as I would love for us all to have a nice family meal together since it’s been so long, I know how busy you are my darling.” said her mother. “You have someone here who’s demanding to speak with you.”  A small giggle then fizzed through the speakers. “And it doesn’t look like he is going to take no for an answer.”  Bulma’s heart leapt with a mixture of fear, dread and anticipation.  He was asking for her?  After so many weeks of not speaking and barely even seeing her?  What the hell did he want after all this time?  In the end her curiosity outweighed her trepidation.
“Okay mum, I’ll speak to him.” said Bulma
“He’s waiting for you in the den dear and I hope you two can sort everything out.” Bulma’s face furrowed in confusion, her mother knew he had upset her?
‘Wow, maybe I don’t give mum enough credit if she’s picked up on the fact that he hurt Me.’ thought Bulma as she entered the main building of the house.

Bulma slowly made her way towards the den her thoughts a swirl of confusion, ‘He probably just wants me to fix something the idiot has broken and my father must be unavailable.’  She thought angrily, she entered the den determined that the arrogant Saiyan jerk was finally going to get the vicious telling off he deserved.  The contempt filled way he had told her to leave him alone when he had gone back to training still rankled.  ‘No one speaks to Bulma Briefs that way!’ Bulma couldn’t remember the last time she had been this pumped; he was going to pay for making her feel this way; why he had made her feel uncomfortable in her own house!  A less than cordial greeting was on the tip of her tongue, although when she caught sight of who was waiting for her caused it to shrivel on her tongue.  Someone she had been avoiding with even more determination then Vegeta…  Apparently Yamcha had come to visit.

“Hey Bulma, it’s been a while.” He said in greeting walking slowly over to her.  To Bulma it seemed there was something strange about him today, he seemed quite different.  He was probably mad at her for working so much.
“Yamcha!” she exclaimed the surprise evident in her voice. “Hey, it’s great to see you! How have you been?” Even to her the joyful tone she was using sounded forced.  She just hoped he hadn’t picked up on it.
“Oh you know around…” he said with a grin.  Apparently he had not.  “Puar and I have actually been training here every now and again, which you would know if you ever left that lab of yours.”
“Yeah well I’m in the process of developing something new so I’ve been really swamped.” was Bulma’s reply. “So what’s up? What was so important you had to get my mother into bullying me away from work?”
“There is something I need you to do for me. Now please keep the fact that I have never asked you to do anything like this before in mind” the expression that crossed his face at his works instantly arrested Bulma’s full attention.  Unlike the vast majority of the time Yamcha wasn’t kidding around.
“Okay, sure Yamcha I’m listening.” said Bulma.
Yamcha took one long steadying breath before he began. “You need to tell Vegeta that he is no longer welcome here and that he has to leave.”  Bulma could not have been more stunned, whatever she was expecting it certainly was not that.
“What are you talking about?! Why would I do that?” exclaimed Bulma, shaken.
“That stunt he pulled, blowing up the capsule was dangerous and irresponsible in the extreme.  If he stays here Bulma you and your family are going to be hurt and I can’t allow that!” his face stern and his intensions clear.  Vegeta needed to go.
“Yamcha you know I can’t do that. He has nowhere else to go and you want be to turn him onto the street.” Her shock was beginning to abate and was steadily being replaced by implacable indignation.
“Yes I do.  He is a grown man Bulma and I’m sure from what we have seen he is quite capable of looking after himself.  Let him take advantage of someone else.  Not you.  Not someone I care about so much.” His expression steeled.  He had never been more serious about anything in his life.  “Your mother and father both told me that you have been hiding yourself away for weeks, ever since it happened.  He has scared you Bulma and I cannot allow that to continue.  If he won’t leave willingly… I know there isn’t much I can do against him… but I will tell Goku and get him to make him leave; preferably permanently.  From the look on Yamcha’s face Bulma didn’t think he meant a change of address.

Bulma couldn’t take him like this anymore.  The mere thought of what he was suggesting!  She couldn’t even contemplate it.  Silently she raised her hand to silence him before he could continue his tirade. “Yamcha, I know you are worried and that is fine, you’re allowed to be and you’re allowed to discuss those fears with me.  What you aren’t allowed to do is turn up to my house and makes demands about what happens to my guests.”  He opened his mouth to interrupt her so she held her arm out again.  “What happened with Capsule 3 was an accident.  That is all!  He didn’t scare me away; I have just been busy on a new prototype.”  
“Maybe he doesn’t scare you, it’s irrelevant. The guy is still a danger to all of us and I can’t stomach the thought of him being here anymore!” said Yamcha his voice beginning to rise, right along with his anger with her every word in defense of Vegeta.
 “Whether you can stomach it or not Yamcha is whats irrelevant! He hasn’t done a single thing to hurt any of us since he has been here! He Stays!” Bulma’s anger was beginning to reach boiling point.  His presumption! Why he was every bit as arrogant as Vegeta if she believed she would take orders from him.  “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that we are no longer a couple.  You are my friend.  Therefore your right to have any say over what I do and who I associate with is null and void!”  Yamcha couldn’t deny the truth of her statement.  They were no longer a couple, hadn’t been for months.  Ever since his return to life they had both realized that they didn’t feel the way they should about each other.  Over the years the romantic side to their relationship had evaporated into and easy and loving friendship they both respected.
“I know that! It doesn’t mean I want to see you get hurt… in any way.”  His tone and whole demeanor had suddenly calmed, he knew he wouldn’t win this and it ate away at him.  Bulma’s expression changed at his last statement, she was confused and he didn’t blame her.  He would never admit to what was going through his mind.  Bulma’s reaction to Vegeta being hurt had started a gnawing suspicion in his gut that he just couldn’t shake, but he would be damned if he admitted it to himself let alone anyone else.
“I know Yamcha, and thank you for caring about me so much but I promise you I’m fine.  I barely even see him.  Worry less about me and more about what we are all going to face together.  Time is going faster than I can believe and that’s what I’m afraid of, not Vegeta.  We need him Yamcha.” Her tone softened considerably with her last sentence.
He groaned with her last words and he knew she was right.  “Okay Bulma.  I’ll shut up, I’m sorry I put you in that situation. I’m a total idiot.”
“Yes you are.” She replied with a smile, relieved beyond belief that this horrible conversation was coming to an amicable end.
“Ha! But so are you for putting up with me.” said Yamcha pulling Bulma into a brief hug.  “Your right though, we need to be prepared.  I’m gonna take off with Puar for a while and train for a while in the desert.  I’ll see ya ‘round Bulma.”
“Bye Yamcha, visit soon and be careful.” said Bulma.
“Always am!” replied Yamcha a smile gracing his scarred yet still handsome face for the first time during their whole exchange.  He turned abruptly and walked out of the room.  Bulma supposed she wouldn’t see him again for quite a while, she didn’t know why but she had this feeling that there had been certain finality to that conversation.  She realized that it wasn’t Yamcha’s need or wants that were the most important to her anymore but her own.  The feeling was empowering and satisfying.

“Well wasn’t that a touching interlude.”
Bulma’s body froze the sound of that deep voice.  It pierced right through her pleasant thoughts like a shard of ice.  Vegeta.  How long had he been listening? How dare he! She turned from facing the door Yamcha had exited from and spun around to the room’s other entrance.  The Prince of Saiyans stood leaning heavily on the door frame arms typically crossed yet he seemed more relaxed then she had ever seen him.
“Vegeta! What do you think you are doing?  How dare you eavesdrop on me!” she screeched at him.  She was so furious at the thought that he had seen her defend him to Yamcha she couldn’t even think straight.
“What a ridiculous word! I was listening to you and the pathetic weakling because it amused me. The filth that passes for entertainment on this planet has nothing remotely as interesting.” said Vegeta, he casually unfolded his arms and walked slowly towards her.  He liked the fire and anger he saw in her eyes.
“Whatever Vegeta, I’m not in the mood to argue with you.” replied Bulma, she was already emotionally drained from her encounter with Yamcha and just couldn’t face an argument with Vegeta also.  She abruptly turned away from him and headed towards the same exit Yamcha had used.  She was stunned when he had suddenly materialized in front of her.  He was standing very close.  One step forward and she would have been inches away from him.  “What are you doing? Get out of my way!”  Vegeta’s familiar smirk then crossed his proud features as he promptly ignored her.
“I found the weaklings determination to be rid of me quite laughable.  The mere gall of him, to think he has a say in where I go or stay! Then he even goes as far as to threaten to enlist Kakarot to remove me, the most diverting of all.” he started to chuckle then, and it sent shivers racing down Bulma’s spine.  
“You won’t hurt him will you?” at the thought of Yamcha being hurt her courage managed to reassert itself.  “He was only acting that way because he was worried about me!” she graced him with her best glaring look.

“And why should I bother!” he barked, laughing.   The atmosphere abruptly changed and he looked straight into her eyes which had turned suddenly deadly serious.  He took one menacing step towards her, his gaze never once leaving hers.  “Why should the Prince of all Saiyans lower himself to even consider that weakling a worthy opponent? He disgusts me along with everyone else on this miserable planet!” his voice was even lower than usual.  His stare had her rooted to the ground.  Tears suddenly beginning to well in her eyes as his last words sunk in.  A feeling of despair attached itself to her very bones. They remained that way for a long time.  Then suddenly, without knowing really why; only being vaguely aware of the fact she wanted to prove him a liar.  She closed the gap on those last remaining few inches of separation; wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her own soft red lips against his, she kissed him hard, tears streaming from her eyes all the while.

The shock from the impact of her lips against his stunned Vegeta to his core.  Whatever he was expecting her reaction to be, it certainly wasn’t that.  Before he could regain control of himself he found that his arms had moved seemingly through their own volition to around Bulma’s slender waist pulling her soft pliant body against hard immovable one.  The feeling was addictive as his lips began to move against hers. Their lips were joined only briefly before Bulma felt Vegeta’s arms leave her waist and move his right hand along the side of her shoulder, brushing exquisitely against her neck, kissing all the while.  She shivered at the feeling as his hand then traveled to her face with his fingers coming to a rest on her face cupping her jaw.  She had been enjoying the feeling of their bodies touching so much that the force of his hand squeezing her jaw painfully and forcing her lips away from his was instantly jarring.  The look he had in his eyes at that moment was terrifying and for the first time since he had lived there with her she ceased fearing for him and began to fear for herself.

His breathing was heavy as he looked at her. “If you ever……. Do that to me again……” to Bulma he seemed to be struggling to find the word to express his anger and disgust with her.
“Come to me with lust and desire filling your eyes….. Not those pathetic tears.”  He abruptly released her face from his vice like grip and left the room without another word.  Bulma sunk to the ground as the meaning of his words descended upon her rubbing her pained face.  She didn’t know how long she sat there for; trying to make sense of what had happened.  She only knew that her actions today were going to have consequences, she just didn’t know whether she welcomed or not.

A/N Hope you all enjoy chapter 2.  I am overjoyed with all the views and some great feedback I have received.  Please keep the reviews coming. It’s what pushes me to keep going! Special shout out to Green integration and DB Freak for their amazing encouragement. Plus all my guest reviewers as well!