Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wiring ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball z or any of these characters.  (Although it is fun to have them dance to my bidding as I begin my transformation into crazed puppeteer. *evil face*)

Chapter 3

Vegeta stormed out of the room in determination.  The exchange that had just taken place between him and Bulma had disarmed him and he did not like it.  The remembrance of her soft body pressed against him and her wet and demanding lips on his caused a shiver to descend down his arms and legs, it was a chill he had ever really felt before the cold feeling left in its wake, not at all unpleasant. He still did not understand how it had occurred.  He had entered the recreation room in the firm belief that there would not be anyone there at that time of day.  The insufferable blonde would be attending her garden and strange creatures and the old cook spent all his days in his lab tinkering away on some other useless gadget these ridiculous earthlings believed they needed.  That only left the daughter.  He had noticed that for the last few weeks she had barely left her work and that suited him just fine.  The way she had interfered and imposed after the explosion still rankled.  How dare she dictate to the prince of all Saiyans!  Telling him to stop training and rest; Ha!  Rest was not going to help him achieve his goals.  Thoughts of surpassing Kakarot and ascending to his rightful place in Saiyan history were all that held his mind together.  The overwhelming disgrace and failure that had been the first thirty years of his life would have overwhelmed his sanity by now without it.

The thought of the incident was still fresh in his mind; the woman was becoming a distraction in the extreme.  When he heard her and that idiot Yamcha arguing in the exact room he had planned to recline in had halted him in the threshold.  The words that had spewed from the fool’s worthless mouth had angered him in the extreme when he first heard them and the thought of blasting him into oblivion for his presumption was an appealing one, however it was the voice of the blue haired woman that had stayed his hand.  Her vehement defense of him had been amusing and irritating.  Some of her words had grated, like the ones where she alluded to some sort of claim or responsibility for him; but those feelings were quickly overtaken by amusement when he had heard just how furious it seemed to make Yamcha.  ‘Well I think we know now whose company she prefers.’ He thought with a leer.  Not that he cared at all about her preferences, but knowing how that would affect the pathetic earth male was satisfying.  So he had watched and waited out the exchange.  After Yamcha had left he had observed the satisfied smile on Bulma’s face after her victory and had wanted to take that feeling away from her with his mocking derision.  With his carefully aimed verbal barbs he had expected her tears; however he had not expected her kiss.

The feeling that had arrested his body at the touch of her lips had spread throughout his limbs like paralysis temporarily stupefying him.  He had never kissed a woman before.  He had desired them yes, touched them and had them but never kissed one.  And certainly none would have dared to touch the Prince of Saiyans like that and yet she had.  Touching him in a way no one else had before.  The feeling of her body against his had caused all other thought to dissipate.  He realized now that she had caught him unprepared, his guard was down and he had not been with a woman for a very long time.  That was the only reason his lips had instinctively moved against hers, enjoying the taste of her lips and the feel of her body against his ungloved hands. He was under a spell of heat and desire that was only broken when against the sweetness of her lips he began to taste a bitter saltiness.  The realization that there were tears still spilling from her eyes brought him back to himself with steadying impact.  He was aroused from the contact with her and now he was also furious with her.   She had approached him and he had allowed the desire he felt take over and now here she was crying still, allowing weakness to govern her rather than calculated action.  He refused to take her under those circumstances.

After he had pushed her away his body had instantly felt the loss of the contact, he had stormed from the room so suddenly after their exchange because he could not bear for her to see the evidence of his desire for her.  The hard, pulsing irrefutable proof of his weakness, he knew now that he wanted her and would have her but under his terms and control.  In the meantime he needed a physical release, and it seemed highly unlikely he would get the sort of one he wanted most so he stalked into his bedroom and pulled on one of the training suits the earthlings had provided. It wasn’t of the same quality as he was used to but it would suit his needs for now.  Not wanting to encounter anyone by walking through the house Vegeta stepped out of the doors to his balcony and leapt from the edge allowing the familiar and comforting aura of energy surrounding him to propel him through the air like a bullet.  He reached the capsule too soon for his liking and began the vicious torment his body would have to endure to rid all thoughts of a blue haired, blue eyed goddess out of his mind. Vegeta had always found her beautiful, any man would; he knew that from their first encounter on Namek, his desperation for victory and obtaining their dragonball had pushed him to the brink of sanity, that along with the heady mix of her beauty and her fear of him had left him wanting her even back then.  Although since being brought back to life he had managed to ignore her and her beauty completely as his obsession with achieving Super Saiyan had arrested him once again, but now there was no grand destiny of defeating the tyrant that had taken everything from him awaiting him; only his need to surpass Kakarot.  All thoughts of enjoying a beautiful and fiery woman had been overtaken, however Vegeta knew now that with that kiss, the beast had been reawakened.

Bulma had to use the coffee table to steady herself as she began to arise.  Her actions and his blunt words had left her reeling. “Come to me with lust and desire filling your eyes….. Not those pathetic tears.”  He certainly didn’t mince his words, they were clear; he wanted her.  The thought was intoxicating and terrifying.  She didn’t understand what had made her want to capture his lips at that moment. She assumed it had just been a knee jerk reaction to how upset he had managed to make her.  Not many people could say they had the ability to upset Bulma Briefs, many were able to anger or frustrate her but Vegeta’s harsh words had caused such a feeling of sadness that hot tears had begun to fall and she couldn’t help it.  The kiss itself had been divine, he had hesitated at first but she had felt him relax and bring her closer and she knew he had enjoyed the contact.  When he had pushed her away it was hurtful and she was terrified of his reaction and yet she still felt power with the knowledge that she had affected him in that moment the same way he had been affecting her for months now.  

She walked from the den briskly to the kitchen, she retrieved a tall drinking glass from the cabinet filled it with water from the filter and drained it in one hoping it would cool the heat still pulsing throughout her body.  It wasn’t enough, she needed a shower.  She wished she could go and wash this whole experience from her as easily as she washed her body.  Bulma glanced at her watch and saw that it was getting very close to five pm. ‘I may as well eat now so I don’t have to come back down again’ she thought to herself.  She quickly rummaged through the fridge and cupboard and began to cook the only thing she knew tasted any good.  She began to feel wistful as she remembered the night she cooked the exact same meal for Vegeta, that night she thought he had hurt himself.  She went to sleep so happy that night, thinking that they could become friends.  Bulma knew now that that particular wish had been naive, nothing that had happened since had led her to believe that it was possible.  In fact everything had pointed to the contrary.  Vegeta did not want friends; he didn’t want emotions or attachments of any kind.  He had made that all painfully clear he considered them just as pathetic and abhorrent as the tears she had shed during their kiss. “But he does want you”.  Bulma was powerless to stop the tempting thought from seeping into her mind.

It certainly seemed to be so; she was under no allusions in regards to the capacity in which he wanted her.  He wanted something physical and that was it.  There would never be anything more than that between them.  The fact that she finally knew where she stood with him was oddly comforting.  And large part of her wanted to give him exactly what he wanted.  ‘Why not?’ she thought “We are both adults, people engage themselves in these kinds of relationships all the time. Why shouldn’t I take up what he clearly offered?’  Bulma knew it would be an encounter to remember, there would be nothing loving or tender about it; just heat and desire and there would never be anything else between them.  He was not the man for her and she knew it.  Her future was out there waiting but in her present there was a man she would forever regret not bedding. Her mind was made up, she would lock the part of her that cared for him away and would indulge in something she had been imagining for months.

The determination she felt was steadying and invigorating.  She finished off the remnants of her meal and left the mess, she would let the bots or her mother deal with it, she didn’t really care who found it first.  The elevator ride was quick to bring her to her top floor bedroom.  Bulma stripped her clothes off as she approached her en’suite, she punched in the commands for a steaming hot bath rather than the shower she had originally wanted to rid her of her desire.  The bath would encourage it; she submerged herself in the hot soapy water thoroughly enjoying the warmth.  Tonight, it was going to happen tonight….

A/N Thanks for all the support and reviews guys.  I know this chapter is shorter than usual but it’s a ‘setting the scene’ one, you wouldn’t want me to get to the good stuff too quickly would you? Please review!! It really encourages me to keep going.  I’m trying to update as often as possible but unfortunately I don’t get as much time to write as I would like. I would especially love your views on my interpretations on B & V’s characters.  Have I hit it mark? If not, why? Discuss. But most of all ENJOY!!!