Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ End of Era ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With you I'm Born Again
End of Era
Vegeta followed Goku as he left the lookout. His mind wondered as to how the Saiyan really took the news. He often wondered if Kakarot was normal. Of course, he was not normal no one is that gullible, naive, and nice all the time. However, what bothered Vegeta was that his friend had not said anything. Vegeta knew if it had been him and he had found out that his wife had died that something would have been destroyed. To top it off his son was not even on earth anymore. Vegeta shrugged it off though; he knew that if the Saiyan wanted to he could visit his son any time. The privilege was there for him. So why was Kakarot not acting his normal self-when faced with the new development?
He watched as Kakarot landed at his old home. He stood and looked at the home he had once lived in; he then looked at the home next door where his son had once lived. Vegeta quietly landed and just stood by waiting to see what would happen. He was never a good one for the comforting moments but he knew that Kakarot would talk or at least ask some questions. It was never good for a Saiyan to be alone, not in this state of mind. But what was hard was to determine if Kakarot was in mind... the clown never seemed normal by earth or Saiyan standards.
Vegeta was use to destruction so when his rival and friend sent energy beam to his former home it surprised him. That was definitely UN Goku like to do, but even to further his surprise Kakarot destroyed Gohan's home too. Fearing the worse Vegeta stepped closer in order to stop if Kakarot had indeed gone over the edge.
Before Vegeta could react Goku began talking aloud to him, “I guess things never stay the same hey Vegeta?”
The smirk was hard to contain, “No Kakarot, things never stay he same” he responded
His back was still to the Prince as he continued, “How are Pan and Videl?”
Not surprised, Vegeta answered, “They are doing the best they can. Pan is good, she has had Trunks to ease the pain...” he trailed off.
“Does that bother you?” Kakarot questioned
“Not as much as Bra and Goten” he informed Son.
“Ha! They are all happy?” Kakarot's voice held a slight tremble for all the things he had missed.
“Hai, they are all happy, they will all be bonded in Saiyan tradition!” the Prince interjected proudly.
“You have done well training them all Vegeta, thank you”
Humbling sentiments was not one of Vegeta's strong points, he never did like receiving compliments form Kakarot, they were seemingly condescending, though Kakarot was never that way he was always very sincere.
Annoyed, “Yes well, I had to do something, with you off saving the world again; I couldn't let everyone down…” Vegeta had meant the tort in a funny way, but he noticed how biting his words were and was almost sorry he said them; Kakarot had done everything for his family and friends and for him, he had sacrificed so much over the years to give up himself to save them all, but he had never really let them down. Goku had never done that…
“I hope that you can forgive me Vegeta” was the plaintive voice that resounded
Vegeta cursed himself, how was he supposed to help if he was going to continue the verbal battle with his rival? In the years that surrounded them, Kakarot was his kinsmen and his best friend besides Bulma. Though he always attacked in words, it was play, but now was not the time to start in, he needed his friend capable of being whole, it would not do to have Kakarot not himself, his women, and all the people that he cared for would not be happy, that meant he would not be happy…
“Kakarot, you have nothing to forgive, I was only joking, everyone knows why you left no one thinks badly of you for it,” the words sounded hollow to his own ears.
Goku, not one to be critical, was thankful for Vegeta attempt. IT meant a lot to him for Vegeta to say that, “Thank you again”
Tired of being out of character Vegeta asked his own question, “so why did you destroy both houses?”
There were no unasked questions between the two men. Goku would ask without thinking and Vegeta would think first but never cared how anyone would respond. They were both uninhibited in that way...
“I don't want to live a lie anymore” he replied
This was definitely a deep thought for Kakarot, Vegeta had guessed something else so he pressed on, “what lie is that?”
He snorted, something Vegeta rarely did, “Love is not a lie”
Kakarot laughed, “I thought you would understand” he said accusingly, he turned to face the mighty Prince finally.
Vegeta looked mad, if anyone knew about love was Kakarot so he thought, hell if he had not seen the joy that the Siayan had for his family then Vegeta doubted he could accept that Saiyans do and could feel love. Having loved Bulma and his own family had made Vegeta realize just how much he missed growing up on Frieza's ship and now the one person that help show him that was calling love a lie?
“I understand that you have loved and people love you unconditionally!” spat the Prince almost sick of the conversation now.
`My lie Vegeta, not others”
“When have you lied about love?” he was confused now, typical of Kakarot to do that to him,
“With Chichi”
“How could you not love her and put up with her?” totally perplexed now.
“I never joined with her, and I have really messed up with Gohan or he would have not done the same thing; I did all of that for the lie. I did everything for the love of my family, but it changed nothing, if I had loved them I would have been here for them,” he intoned
Ah, the epiphany, thought Vegeta. Vegeta understood better. Kakarot had never bonded to Chichi, and neither had Gohan with Videl. And he regretted it now?
“Gohan chose his fate,” Vegeta reminded him
“As I did mine, but now there is nothing left, I feel empty”
“Are you sad about not being here for Chichi?”
“That's just it, I am sad but it don't bother me, shouldn't it hurt more?”
“It would if she had been bonded to you” Vegeta had to agree, “but then why do you feel empty then?”
“I feel like I have mislead everyone”
“By not being here? Or by not bonding with Chi?”
“Could you have left Bulma to save the earth?”
“Idiot, I did leave, I sacrificed my life too, and even before I knew why I did it don't you remember”
“Why did you?”
“Come on Kakarot, you know why, you knew then why are you questioning my motives now? You did nothing but show all of us how to love and sacrifice for that love I can't believe that you of all people would even think these stupid thoughts”
"So why did Gohan leave if not taking a note from his father?” asked Goku.
“I don't know, but he was called, it's not like he left because he wanted to. I guess having you for a role model made him more capable of doing so, But look you never planned to leave it just happened that way, Gohan was prepared before all of this; this was not something he did spur of the moment you can't compare you and him”
“I should have been here”
“Well you weren't, but for some reason you are here now, and I don't think that you lived a lie, but I can understand why you don't want to live in that house any longer, But I hope Videl did not want to come back home…” Vegeta remarked
“Did you ask for me to came back/'
“Why would I do that?” cockily
“Thought you might have missed me”
“No, but now that you are back you should do me a favor”
“Really what's that kick you ass?”
“As if you could, no not that, but I think you need to collect your son's wife and care for her,” Vegeta smugly hoped Kakarot would agree
“Oh no! I destroyed her home too”
“That was obvious”
“She's going to be mad”
“Probably, so what are you going to do?”
“Ask Bulma for another Capsule home?”
“Fine then when you are ready come over you can stay at CC with us until you figure out what and where you want to stay; you are going to stay aren't you?”
“Yes, I missed everyone and I don't want to miss anymore”
“Good, I am glad to see that “GOKU” is coming back to us” Vegeta sneered
“Hey you never called me that to my face before”
“HNN, like you said, things never stay the same, but on that don't expect it again you will always be Kakarot to me”
“I'll take that as a compliment”
“You should”
With that, Vegeta flew away. His duty done he hoped he would not have to repeat anymore-deep conversations with Kakarot anytime soon…
He needed to fly. He could have popped over to CC but then he would have no time to think of how to approach Videl. Vegeta rarely asked him for favors so it must be important for the Prince to ask him. However, was it not his duty to care for her? She, Pan, and Goten were the only family he had left. However, it happens that Trunks and Pan were together and so was Goten and Bra; so that left Videl, and he surmised that she was probably feeling as low as he did. So how could he tell her that he destroyed her home?
As he landed, he saw Vegeta on the front lawn meditating. Curiosity got the best of him and he asked, “What'cha doing out here `Geta?”
Opening one eye, he snuck a peek at his friend and noticed that his demeanor had gone back to normal well for him at least. `So are you here to collect Videl?”
“Umm, I came to talk to her and maybe could I stay here for a while?”
“I said you could, The Onna wouldn't let you leave now!”
“I told you that you destroyed your house”
“Oh no, did you tell Videl too?”
Vegeta only smirked. He loved tormenting Kakarot
Then Goku noticed the other Ki's. He twisted himself to the direction of the GR and noticed that Pan and Videl were in there.
He gave Vegeta a questioning stare before the Prince responded, “You will be doing me a favor.”
Laughing he patted Vegeta on the shoulder and strolled off to the house, in search of his longtime friend.
Taking a fake nap in his favorite lounge chair Goku contemplated his next move. His reunion with Bulma had been eventful. She screamed, yelled, and hit him a few times, then his stomach growled and sympathetically she ordered food. Pan and Videl had come inside and greeted him like the long lost relative that he was. Pan was overly excited and happy that her grandfather was back. However, sadly, Goku noted how muted Videl had seemed. He tried to get her to smile and laugh but it had been useless. Then his next tactic was to ask her how her training went in the GR. She openly brightened at this topic. It seems that it had been too long since she had done any training, and she felt like her body was craving it. Pan was more then willing to do anything to get her mom out of her sad mood over losing Gohan to the cosmos, as Pan put it.
Quietly she approached the larger then life Saiyan, most of the time she was in awe of him. But like the others, she held great respect for him but also carried a slight crush on her father in law. Who wouldn't she reasoned.
She sat down and asked, “Vegeta said you had something to tell me?” Videl asked
Sitting up he looked at Videl. Inwardly cringing he thought about hurting Vegeta, but it was inevitable he had to tell her that he destroyed her house too
“Yeah well, don't get mad or anything, but Today I kind of did something that maybe I should not have”
Confused for a moment then she smiled, “Bulma told me you destroyed your house”
“”Yeah, I did but I destroyed yours too”
“You did?”
He wanted to tell her that he had missed or that he sent a blast that was too big, but he doubted she would believe him. Silently he watched as many emotions flickered over her face.
Memories and her livelihood had been in that house, all of her pictures and mementos and clothes and all of her things were destroyed. She could not fathom it.
“Why, Why did you destroy our house?” she cried
“I don't know I am sorry Videl I know how hard this must be” he suddenly felt the weight of his actions and was terrified about how he was now making her cry.
She did not leave she just sat there crying for all the things she had lost. However, she was tired of being angry and hurt but she was still sad. She knew that Goku had not meant to hurt her but something had made him do it, and that something had her mind reeling. Then in a determined pose she looked up at him and laughed, “Well I didn't really want to live in that house anymore”
He smiled, and happily, a small one graced her lips.
Her things could be replaced, and hadn't she just worked with Bulma about transferring all of her pictures to a digital album for Pan? Pan still had her things, here at CC. She really only needed to replace her own personal items. Having lived with Siayan she knew that houses could get destroyed like that, it was not like she could not afford to buy herself new things, but now she did not have a home, and she just could not imagine living here with Bulma.
“So Goku how are you going to make it up to me?”
His smile faltered. He knew he had to live somewhere and so did she. He wondered if she would accept his idea though he could not blame her if she did not.
“I don't know do you want to live back there?”
“I don't know it has a lot of memories but it would be hard and now the house is gone?
“How about we go over there tomorrow and fly around, and find a new place to live and I'll get Bulma to build a new Cap house for you, and I could have one near by and then we would have new homes!”
She though for a moment, she had to get on with her life. As Gohan had said to treat this like, he had died. Now Goku was back and he too had lost his spouse and his home. Whatever the reason that drove him to destroy the homes were not important now, it was done, and she could not imaging living here too much longer imposing on her friends. She looked at Goku and smiled. She had always loved his nature and maybe she and him could find some way to become friends, and soon according to Vegeta, Pan and Bra would have families themselves and it would be grand if they could have a family life, yes life does go on.
“Ok Goku tomorrow lets go find a new place to build a home and then get our lives back”
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The way she said it was innocent, but somehow the words rang inside of Goku's head. She had not said anything he had not said but she had said `our lives' implying them separately but together. He understood what she meant, but his imagination made the words sound intimate. `Lets find a new place to build a home' that was singular just one home, and `then get our lives back' she said our lives plural like him and her together in that one home…Surprisingly to Goku that idea sounded better to him each time he replayed her words..
(A/N bare with me folks, this is an odd pairing, and yes Gohan is out of the picture. Goku is OOC and so is Vegeta, but then again people do change over the years…)