Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ things that make you say hmmm ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With you I'm born again
Things that make you say “Hmmmm”
Trunks sat immobile. He pondered about all of the Son's. He asked himself, “How could they all be so naive?” Goten, His best friend acted as if it was a normal everyday occurrence—
Before he could even think of how to approach his fiancé, she informed him:
“Trunks, so what are you adding to the house for Grandpa Goku?”
Was he the only one thinking more to this situation? I mean Goku was moving in with Videl… There was no Chichi, and No Gohan… Hadn't anyone noticed how close the two were becoming?
His musings disrupted by a scratchy voice…

”So, How is the love nest coming?” asked Vegeta
“The Plans are fine father, it's the honeymoon that is driving me crazy” Trunks tried to put aside his other feelings and thoughts.
“Really” he asked candidly, continued, “I did not know they were getting married too, imagine that!” The Prince smiled.
“Huh?” asked Trunks
Vegeta only laughed back at him.
“Dad are you talking about… you know… the others?” Trunks dared ask.
“The others? Curious but well put. Yes, I am talking about the other house your are building” Vegeta now waited for Trunks reply
He was clearly relieved of something, “Good cause I thought I was the only one to think like that.' He smiled at his father.
The surprise was the guffaw from his dad.
Trunks was relieved but amused in addition, he replied, “Those Son's are clueless!” he breathed out.
“Tell me about it!” Vegeta wholly agreed.
“Dad, if they are so clueless how come… well do you think that Videl, does she have an ulterior motive?” He cringed at how crazy that sounded to him.
“OH Yeah, she plans on seducing Kakarot!” Vegeta could help himself.
“Really?” curiosity dripping from Trunks Question, not sure if he father was serious or not.
“Honestly? Well yes I think that there is more there then meets the eye—I think they both know it” Vegeta confirmed his own considerations.
“You think, that you know that … well (he was embarrassed to say this, "you know have they?” his face flamed red thinking about the two people he was talking.
Vegeta was not sure if Trunks was not so clueless himself, but relieved his son, “no not yet, but Like I told your mother- I would bet on it” he smirked.
Finally glad that he was not some demented man, let the humor if it wash over his face. Trunks normal attitude retuned slightly and confirmed his thoughts, `This is going to be classic!”
The next day, while contemplating how to handle the next set of problems that were bombarding him, a knock on his door and a quick Ki check, Trunks opened the door for his mother.
`Trunks Honey, Why don't you and Pan just go to Hawaii?”
She had a way of getting to the point most times. Trunks knew that his mother probably knew him better then his father, even with Vegeta's Saiyan instincts. His other issue of concern that had nothing to do with work was where he wanted to bring Pan on their honeymoon. He wanted nothing me then to give her something, so special, a time without her family and his… to show her how much she meant to him…
“We've been there before” he told his mom
“Hunting Dragon balls, is not the same” she pointed out to him.
“Mom, I really want to go some far off land away form everything”
“Hmm, take her to Betazed”
“Not fictional mother!” he pondered if there was a paradise like the planet from TNG he was exasperated.
“Well there might be such a place- there are other places other worlds...” She let the words linger…
“I know that, it would take a long time to get there, I don't have time, nor do I feel like another Grand tour… I can't be gone that long…”
`AH, AH, I know a certain someone who could get there- well almost instantly!” she smiled
(A few seconds slipped by)
“Mother you're a genius” he rushed and kissed her cheek totally revived, “Of course with Goku back he could take us anywhere!”
She huffed on her nails and buffed them on her pants… smiling though she asked, “Any ideas where?”
Trunks only had a blank face then…
“No I don't care for too many of the places we visited” He flinched, remembering the wedding that almost took place with him as the bride he shuddered.
Maybe your father could help you?” she posed.
“I doubt he could- he destroyed every place he ever landed on”
“Goku might help; he could ask the Kais- I am sure they know of a paradise waiting for two lovers.”
`Fine, perfect- I just hope he can keep it quite about it, I want to surprise Pan”
“He will,” she promised
“Very Good” he relaxed
“Yeah” she agreed but it sounded strange
“What?” he asked
`How is the house coming?” she asked, and then she smirked lasciviously.
Trunks knew that look; both his parents patented it, “Which one?”
“Oh I think you know - For the lovebirds?” she smiled genuinely now.
He retuned the smile, “You know” he began to say...
However, Bulma finished for him, in a whimsical voice, “Oh yeah, I think, well I hoped, I wondered, yes I wonder…” she trailed off and left Trunks alone…
Good he thought his parents were very perceptive… Only the Son's….
“So Goku, could you keep it a secret?” Trunks asked timidly
“Sure I can” Goku promised.
Videl was becoming increasingly busy with the preparations for Goten's and Pans Weddings. Her house was being built as fast as it could be, and Bulma and she were very busy… It was too bad it had to be to separate weddings… though no one could blame the girls for that…
In an agreement, Trunks took over the day-to-day checks on the homes along with Goten and Even Vegeta would lend a hand, but he only succeeded in scaring all the workers….
Videl and Pan were doing all kinds of mother and daughter things along with Bulma and Bra. Goku and Vegeta did their best to keep Trunks and Goten's spirits up by not reminding them of anything to do with being married. They all mostly sparred. However, soon Goku was preparing to leave and only Trunks, Vegeta, and Bulma knew why…
At first Goten was mad, but suspected that maybe his father needed to see Chichi, or even Gohan, perhaps talk to King Kai. His dad had not really been the same since his great return, and then he was thrown into wedding plans and forging a new life…Goku promised to be back in two weeks tops, and no one seemed worry over his departure.
Vegeta took over to reassure Goten. “Your father has changed… Goten don't worry anymore about it, He will be back very soon.”
He felt relived and happy. Vegeta knew his father well, Goku would not break a promise, and he was sure that Goku had made some oath to Vegeta and to them all… He was not going to leave, not like he use to.
However, another person was feeling the loss… During the second fittings for the girls dresses, it became very apparent that something was bothering Videl, for she had fallen very quiet.
Pan had her own idea about it, but Bulma had the best grasp, for she knew the truth… or suspected most of it…
The story was that Goku had left to visit King Kai, to locate a perfect honeymoon destination for Trunks and Pan. However, those who knew that were not talking about it. The others assumed what Goten had assumed. HE went to see Gohan, Chichi, and or to train.
He had been gone for seven days, which was when Videl began to feel down. Bulma tried talking to the woman, but Videl could not even tell her why she felt badly... It was if she did not know why she was sad…
Pan surmised that Videl was missing Gohan…
Bulma thought that that could be part of it, but a mother should be happy for her daughter, and the fog that enveloped Videl was not like it was when Gohan had first left, Videl had never acted this way…
Bulma, more concerned now, brought up the problem to Vegeta that night in bed…
`”Veggie, Videl has me worried,” She began.
“Humph” was his reply
“Seriously, I think it's about Gohan, I thought she was doing better, she was like, - she was when she was a kid!”
“Woman, you can't be worried about everyone,” he warned. “Anyway it's not Gohan she is down about” he smirked in the darkened room.
“What do you mean, what else could it be? Perplexed.
“Oi, I don't know, maybe you should talk to her, - I am sure you could figure it out”
“Damn Vegeta, I tried today!”
“Take her away- go off to those retreats you like, put some mud on and get her relaxed- you two are driving me mad with wedding plans…”
“Oh you're a genius!” she gushed
“I know”
`Baka Yaro!”
“Brats, just go-“
They were both quiet form a moment then Vegeta got the last word in...
“I told you so”
This time Bulma smirked in the dark. She had begun caring and nurturing them again, and Vegeta continuously called them Brats… The whole lot!
Videl went with Bulma two days later- She had conceded, Bulma wanted to check out the spa for the girls…
Relaxing in the mineral bath, a steward brought them white wine…
Videl began to relax and talk. Bulma was an expert at getting others to open up…”Just look at Vegeta” she thought to herself. I got him to open up to me…
That night Bulma related the tale to Vegeta.
Videl explained a lot...” she paused… “Goku's absence… she feels might hurt him… Goku is afraid that Chichi might not have kept her body in other world… or that she just might be indifferent to him... Goku and Videl have really gotten close… I don't know Vegeta obviously the two have had numerous conversations about the subject I wonder if Goku should just not have told Videl the truth…Then there is the other problem…”
Vegeta only encouraged the broken conversation with a grunt…
Bulma did not need any more words then that from him, he was listening to her ramblings… “She's afraid that Goku will visit Gohan. Videl seemed a bit pensive. She could not get over Goku Trying to talk to his son… especially about the family and home. She is afraid of what Goku might say or come back and reveal… But what I have figured to be the problem is that she is not concerned about what Goku is doing… it is that he is just gone- I think she misses Goku for the sake that she misses him, and all these other ideas are hiding her feelings from herself…”
“It could be,” he said not really wanting to discuss Goku and Videl-
Vegeta had heard enough, he missed Goku too, well he missed sparring with Kakarot, therefore wanted his fill of Bulma instead/ not a trade off… Even better, when he could have both his sparring partner and her…
“Hmm” he answered in his usual way- he decided to make a move to get her off her worries over the others and concentrate on him...
He slowly traced circles down her back hoping to get her relaxed...
`You know Goku- how do you think he really feels for Videl”
Not stopping his fingers, he gave to the conversation- deciding to end it to its conclusion- then moving on to what he wanted…
“What do I care? He likes her they are friends. He will eventually give into his Saiyan instincts…,” he pressed harder at her lower back.
Bulma moaned her pleasure. It felt so good when Vegeta touched her.
“Umm, yes that's good, Vegeta… but if Goku gives in- why … how come it never mattered before?”
“For a genius you can be dumb”
“Hey” turning to look at him.
He only grabbed her waist and prevented her form turning over—
She settled back to her side, knowing she would lose a battle but “Huffed her protest.
“I am not dumb!” she threw back.
“No you act it. Kakarot had a wife- his basic needs met… in the other dimension , I don't know what he did , but here- confronted by an available, worthy woman… he is really not that innocent you know” He spiraled his fingers dipping to her backside cheeks- feathering his knuckles over her skin…
`Ahh! Nice… you are right- he's not innocent- but still he is loyal… Vegeta?”
“Woman” he spoke huskily in her ear. Sending tendrils of excitement through her-
“This Siayan nature, it's like the first time…” she did not finish.
Vegeta had talked enough - he slipped his tongue inside her ear- causing all thoughts to leave her pretty head. She kissed him- he relished her decisions, loving her, was much more satisfying then talking about Kakarot…