Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ bump in the night ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With you I'm born again
Bump in the night
Fourteen days, to the time that he left, Goku returned to earth. He really missed it this time. However, his mission accomplished, he just hoped that Pan and Trunks had a great time… If only he could have brought…. He stopped thinking about it.
The planet was really a moon in the North quadrant. It orbited the planet Merck II, He could not pronounce the name, but it was a simple paradise. However, it was a little primitive, but yet not without its charm and amenities. Trunks, could take and early visit if he needed.
Goku landed at the lookout, for it was an easier jump from the lunar land. He would be glad of that decision later on.
Dende was overlooking the world below and Goku cautiously approached. The little Namek knew of his arrival and beckoned Gou with a small gesture. Goku ambled over and placed a hand on the Guardian shoulder. There coordinated with what the Namek was sensing, Goku was clued in as well.
The time had been 8 months since Gohan had left earth. He had made the stipulation that his journey might be dangerous to his attorney, and that if he failed to contact the man that he would be most likely not heard from again And that day, he (Goku) returned, Videl had to acknowledge the one thing that hurt the most; Gohan Son, was legally declared dead. She sat in the office of her attorneys, and local constable. Her eyes clouded over. The loss was difficult. She had not yet had to deal with anyone outside of the Briefs and Z- gang. Now however, the world would know…
Goku was glad that he had this time to absorb all of this. he wished to have been there for Videl, but knowing that he might have made this formality even more difficult, it was better to learn of it this way and not interfere with a stupid remark he might make, one that might raise speculation over the entire incident No let Videl have this closure and then she could really start her life over.
He left the lookout better prepared to be by her side. He waited until she left the offices and was heading off toward Capsule Corporation. He followed her, knowing that she could not really sense him as he could her. Once back at her temporary home, he waited. Somehow, he knew she would not be there long either.
True to his prediction, Videl came back out of Bulma's home, dressed in training clothes, and she took to the sky flying hard and fast. Goku went to follow, but a sharp hand remanded him, and he berated himself for not noticing the presence…
`So your back?” He asked
“Yes” was what he managed, his mind following Videl's flight
Vegeta looked toward where she flew too, and he let go of Kakrots shoulder, but said, `Trunks can wait to hear about what you have found, go.”
Goku looked questioningly at his Prince, and nodded, hoping that the glance they gave each other was what it seemed, total understanding, though of what in particular, it did not mattered…. Vegeta held understanding, period.
Goku sensed her Ki was erratic and low. It was easy to catch her. He could have transported instantly to her side, but chasing after her was much more satisfying for some reason. When he was almost near enough to grab hold of her, she finally responded to a feeling,
Videl looked behind her to see Goku right along side of her. She expected him back, but not in this fashion, but was glad that he was here this day… Mid-flight she stopped and he fluidly reacted to her and stooped too. Whereas Flying could be tiring for her, he moved like liquid and mimicked her moves, almost anticipating them.
He fought like this too, she recalled. Goku was beauty. Before any words could form over her joy, caused by his presence, or hurt over her day, Goku proved again his foresight
Moreover, just took Videl to his chest and held her to him.
She was grateful for the comfort, but it was also a jolt to her system. His strong arms melded against her smaller frame. His broad chest, much wider then Gohan's sheltered her from the whipping wind, his heart beat underneath his GI, and his scent was masculine, soothing, and fresh. She mused how she barely came up to under his chin, when he huddled her close, and though it was not a lovers embrace she felt loved, and cherished and just right…
HE was not sure what he should do, or what to say to her, but looking at her features tore at him, and he only thought of holding her and bringing back her smile… Her smile he had longed for, for the past two weeks.
Her smile had kept him warm at night while on his little journey… Years had passed since he had missed something as much as he had missed that lately…
He pulled her even closer to him to offer a place for her to feel secure and safe, but once in his arms, all thought of just comforting her began to mingle with other thoughts as well. His heart raced as he thought of the things that traipsed across his mind: a hard pounding, reminding him that he was a Saiyan Male, and she was defiantly perfect for him… It was different when wanting to be helpful to a friend and even to protect ones family. This was primal, an urgency, that went beyond anything he had experienced, minus the time when he First was married to Chichi and well, that was so long ago, and he had been still a kid, no this was much stronger, more demanding, and he controlled it well, feeling it eat at him. The Flames of desire for Videl licked at his heels, and he knew that something had to be done after this, there was no mild attraction, and no easy out… then he knew. Vegeta gave that knowing look him.
When comforting her became too painful, he took her by the hand and flew off, nearly dragging her with him, and together they went to check on the house that Trunks was having built for them, their new home…. This was the distraction they both needed.
He settled them down and both just let the progress overtake them… Soon it would be finished, except for the decorating parts, and Goku was not looking forward to that…. HE rushed in to view all the new additions that Bulma had promised him…
He faked his child enthusiasm, until it really became apparent that the house really did excite him… Videl's eyes sparkled from the amusement he gave her…
Overjoyed and happy for real, she watched him. He was so cute, but it was more. He was damn sexy! When he held her not an hour before, she went from feeling safe to hunger, sexual hunger. Her mind played it off to frustration… IT had been a long time since she had been made love to, and she was missing it. Goku was so much like Gohan, No scratch that, they had many similarities, but Goku was definably something different, more almost, in areas that Her late husband was not…Goku was not afraid of who he was, he did not hold back with himself, what you saw was pretty much what you got, and what she saw…. Damn she really wanted…
Shaking her head trying to rid her mind of such ideas, his beaming face popped in front of her.
His excitement was contagious, and it even affected his mood. He tried to rid himself of the desire building, and the home provided it, but in reality, it must have only channeled it to another realm. He was thrilled, and when He returned to where Videl was, the emotions that were not there yet nearly choked him. He could not stop himself. He popped in front t of Videl, beaming a smile, everything pulling him to be close to her and he grabbed her and spun her around!
“Goku stop too fast” she shouted as she laughed at his sudden move.
Slowly he stopped his spinning and pulled her body flush against him. His imagination might be active, but her body, he felt reacted to the closeness, and her breath caught up and she nearly panted out her mirth over the situation.
“This is great isn't it?” he asked. He felt the heat of those words, and was sure she could feel his pounding heart.
“Yes Goku, it is great” she replied a bit breathless and getting more so. What was it with the smell, it was like fresh laundry, clean and crisp and inviting?
Goku kept her close but pulled back to look at her face, and then quickly, without his minds permission, stooped down and kissed her lips.
OH, it was sweet and innocent, but fire ignited inside and she could only look back up at him. His eyes held mischievousness, and daring, but no apologies for that. He did nothing else. Where had Videl seen this new look before? It was innocent kiss… she placed two palms up along his chest, settled them underneath his shoulders, and smiled. Then she stepped up on her toes, and kissed him lightly on the cheek, then hugged him.
It was now Goku's turn to wonder even more. Did she really feel the same he felt right then? He did not care, now she was hugging him and he would not take this away by trying anything else. Videl was happy again, the early part of the day gone for now, hopefully the next day would be even better…
“Goku your back?” Trunks yelled loudly causing the two to jump apart.
Videl first to recover from having been seen hugging her father in law. Yelled back at Trunks…”He just got back, and he loves what you have done with the house Trunks!”
Trunks smiled inwardly, congratulating himself on his assumptions but only gave a happy look to them.
He proceeds to shake Goku's hand and added softly, “How was it?”
Goku normally very talkative, only replied, “It was perfect,” a little louder he added, “And so is the house! Wow Trunks, you have done amazing job!”
“Well I didn't do the actually work; I just pushed it along, and came up with a few ideas…”
“Don't be so modest Trunks” Videl added to the conversation…
Trunks could feel some current flowing in the foyer of the almost competed home. His senses were working fine and he tasted something in the air. He noticed how Goku was only stealing glances at Videl, and she would not look him in the eye. However, both seemed relaxed and happy. Oh yes he thought, something was happening here, it was like Déjà vu…. It was reminding himself of when Videl had first recognized his feeling for Pan~! Caught very much the same way, giving Pan a hug, which made him dizzy with wanting, and he faced her parents finding them…. It seemed so innocent at the time, but the world changed after that….
Hurriedly, he made his goodbyes and rushed out of the house. Trunks had no issue to be involved in what might happen there. He only cared to try to get Panny to see something more… maybe help relieve her over worry that her mother was too depressed. Videl had not looked happier, not in a long time…
Trunks presence had lessened the affect of the situation, and Goku was able to settle down some. He went outside the home, and found a little area that the contactors had not destroyed. The soft grass was still there and inviting and he plopped down to ease his mind… and body.
Videl walked the house, and noticed a few things that caught her attention. She had not been that clear minded of late, and had not caught the areas that were not quite what she wanted. She felt that Goku was right outside. She could almost see him in her minds eye, and that was pleasantly reassuring. She could not explain how he did it, but her mood from the past weeks had dissolved into nothing, and she felt alive and good again. Thought her conscious kept replaying that kiss and embrace, she forced herself not to contemplate it too much and just enjoy him for now. The one thing she would not do is put conditions over what this man was to her, she would not label him into some category that could drive a wedge in what he was right now. In addition, Right now they were friends, good friends…She would not let the fact that they shared the same surname affect her. HE was Goku. He was Goku….
Trunks really wanted to tell Pan how much her mother's mood had changed. THEREFORE, over dinner he explained what he felt this time after seeing Videl. Pan jumped to the wrong conclusions. At first, she was mad that she had yet to see Goku, but was happy that Goku had made her mother happy again.
“She needs someone to care for” Pan replied in kind.
Trunks eyes sparked a slight mischievously.
Pan ignored that look.
“I think she is ready!”
“Ready? Ready for what?” Trunks asked
“Silly, she needs to meet other people, you know go out on a date!” she told him.
His eyes no longer held the light, as they tuned to a dangerous darker shade of blue. He lowered his voice and said, “I don't think that is such a good idea.”
Pan did not look up and did not see the new look, but kept talking, `why not, you said she seemed happy today, and today was a hard day. Goku is back and she can get back to training with him, and readying the house and helping us with the weddings, but my mom needs to move on… what's a little date, if nothing to make her feel good about herself?” Pan looked up and stopped her thoughts as Trunks gave her a scowl...
“What?” she asked
“Nothing, I just think you should leave it alone, I would not want to push anyone on your mother,” he told her.
Pan laughed, “I see, Trunks my mother is not that bad! She can't really do much but yell at you!”
“Panny, your mom, like your grandmother and my mom, have more power then you know!” he smiled hoping that she would still change her mind… Pan and Bra carried the same power; expect they packed one hell of a stronger punch then their mothers.
“Don't worry, I wont include you in anything, you'll be free from any blame!” she promised
He did not let go yet, “I still think you should not interfere right now, give her (and Goku) he added silently, more time. That's all I ask”
“What ever” she replied not really hearing him. Pan had made up her mind
Trunks sighed, he knew he had no advantage with Pan here, she was going to do what she felt was right. Videl could handle the rest; Pan had no maneuvering against her mother Gohan she could manipulate…and him.
“Well Panny, I just don't feel like going out with anyone,” Videl told Pan out right.
“Mother, I think it is time, I am not saying you have to marry the guy, just go out and have some fun, enjoy yourself, meet new people… You can't spend the rest of your life doing for us all, when are you going to do for yourself?” pan was not giving up.
“I do plenty for myself, I and if I recall, I have been doing a lot for you, because you are getting married… It's that; you don't want me to plan your wedding?” Videl formulated the idea
“Momma! No way, that s not it at all, but I want you to live too, please go out with him, just for me then, I already told him you would”
“Pan, you should no have done that, now I am obligated” she was pissed
“See make it right and apologize for my rudeness, geez its not like you have to ever see him again….”
“I hope not” Videl mumbled to herself… but then thought that it might just be fun to get out and see life …. Guilt nagged her though; Goku did not get to go out… BUT then again, he did do what he wanted in life… HE would not mind, he could fend for himself too…. Bulma could cater to his appetite for one night…She was a single woman…what harm, who would care?
Ii just so happened that Marc, arrived at Capsule Corporation, to pick up The Videl Satan Son, right when all four Saiyan men were sparring outside. With the exception of Trunks, no one else knew of the possible `date'.
Curiosity over the visitor peeked interest in Goku and he ambled around to the front to meet the `new' person. Three others followed behind… Not as enthusiastic.
When Trunks saw who was visiting, a sinking feeling rolled his stomach up and then down… Marc Brighton was the father of Pan's friends… He quirked an eyebrow at Goten who also recognized the man…
Trunks hurriedly walked inside the den to where the man; seated and was talking with the overly friendly Goku. Vegeta led the rear of the group wondering who had caused his son and best friend to peek in their curiosity, Goku, well Goku was the normal self.
Pan and Bra were the first to come down and say `hello' to Marc, all three began to talk about his kids, and then the weddings that were fast approaching.
Trunks nodded his head and then gave Goten a pained look. The two moved silently to a corner where Goten asked the provocative question, “What' up Bro?”
`Oh man Goten, that's the guy that Panny set up with Videl,” he told his best friend.
Goten only “Oh' his comment but said no more…
Vegeta had heard the conversation, and a worried line crossed his features. This man was here for Videl. Why is that? He would ask Trunks later.
The Prince sniffed the air and memorized the scent that was Marc Brighton, he did not like it much, he dripped of cologne, but he had a distinct musky scent… The man was excited about the date…. He lowly growled but waited…for the right time.
Panny chummed that her mom would be right down, and Trunks looked over at his father to see his eye give a slight twitch. `Hmm' he wondered Vegeta was not happy… but when was he ever.
Goku seemed oblivious as to why the man was here, even though he knew Videl's presence was invited, HE did not like the smell the man was giving off, but Pan was comfortable… Vegeta, well he never liked anyone… Trunks and Goten were very indifferent the situation was feeling quite normal…
Vile steeped, down the stairs, and Bulma followed her ascent... Pan rushed up, hooked her arm through Videl's, and mocked introduced Marc to her…
“Mom you remember Marc Brighton?”
Videl gave her smile, replying, “Yes, I DO, Hi Marc it's been a while, how are you doing?” politely and raised her hand to shake Marcs.
The man swept her hand and kissed it. “I have been well, but we can talk later, are you ready to go out and have some fun?' his eyes danced.
Vile and Marc had known each other for 12 years. They had chaired many of the school events that their kids attended. Ti was recently he and his wife divorced, and now she was single too. The man had always been pleasant.
“Fine let's go” Videl agreed, wanting to be out of the burning eyes of Vegeta. She could feel him slowly burning in the corner he always fancied.
The couple went to leave, and Videl felt the group move with them. She rushed a little not wanting to have a confrontation, but luckily, Vegeta never moved from his spot.
Pan and bra waved the two out, and chimed, “have fun you guys!” And watched them leave in the car.
When they departed, Bra and Pan rushed back upstairs to talk about the way Marc and Videl looked together.
Goku froze in his seat on the couch, and Vegeta still stood in his corner. Trunks felt the slight peek in Goku's Ki, and waited on bated breath for something to occur, Goten staid by his side, as always.
Bulma noticing the confusion of her long time friend, and approached Goku, “what's wrong Goku?”
He looked down as if he had never seen her before and his confusion was evident. When Bulma focused in his eyes, he asked, `Who is he?”
“Didn't you hear, he is the father of one of Pans friends, you know recently divorced, he's a nice guy from what I see, and I hope they have a good night…?” Bulma tuned around and talked as she left for the kitchen, “they looked cute together, man Videl needed to get out….”
Vegeta watched as realization fell over Goku. Trunks too saw the change, and Goten felt the anger building… all three watched carefully, as the happy to clueless features left his face, and his body stance went from relaxed to clinch. Goku was fast approaching his battle stance…
Vegeta broke the situation by saying, “Kougai Kon” (outside the premises now).
Goku stormed out his front door, barley able to stop the flaring anger. His head burned with the image of Videl taking Marcs hand and him kissing it. Why would Videl need to go out and have fun??? She belonged at home with him… Him? When had Videl belong home with Him? He realized his feelings were stemming from jealousy, but he was not jealous, he was angered. His heart raced and his mind throbbed, and he couldn't seem to grab a coherent thought since realizing that Videl had left on a date, with that man, who smelled…
That smell….
He turned to Vegeta and asked the question, “What did he reek of?”
“Do you really need me to explain?” Vegeta asked back
“Not on his life” Goku rumbled lowly.
“Take hold, the boys and I will follow him, stay here” Vegeta warned the Younger Saiyan.
Vegeta was not prepared to deal with a Grown Siayan in rage…. Kakarot was too powerful to let these kinds of emotions fly He relied on his emotions too many times Marc Brighton was not an enemy per se, just an unlikely fool,
Goku stormed into the GR and turned it on…
Vegeta took the opportunity to educate the Brats…. He called the duo over to enlist heir help to follow Videl on her date…
Goten went to whine over acting the part of protector when he felt his fathers Ki rise…
“Uh Vegeta what wrong with my dad?”
“A burning desire to rip off that guys head if we don't follow them,” Vegeta told him
“OK” he replied confused
`Come on Bro I'll explain things as we fly” Trunks promised his best friend.