Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ Reaction Faction ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With you I'm born again
Reaction Faction
Trunks tried as he could to inform Goten just what they were doing….” Let's just follow them and make sure that that guy Marc keeps himself in check/….”
Goten happily followed Trunks lead and they stayed close to the couple. Vegeta laggard behind…
His mind was on Kakarot and what the Saiyan was doing to his GR… the man was calming himself then powering up … he was fighting a mind battle …. Vegeta had to smirk somewhat, curious at how much he had missed the tiny fluctuations of natural Siayan emotions. It was a rarity indeed to feel it…. Coming Form Kakarot was quite amusing… Vegeta only hoped that Kakarot being un-Goku like now would only lead to the real man the real Siayan that he was destine to be… His reactions were more like the ones that Radditz gave into… Vegeta never let his fly the hard… That his own Onna would cause him to feel….
Back then no one knew any better, just thought it was Vegeta being Vegeta… little did they know that it was Bulma causing him such great pains….
Those pains were what helped him reach his level of Super Saiyan… Kakarot never was one to feel them… so what would or could happen now… considering how well adjusted the gentle Giant seemed…. Vegeta could only muse, and hope to take the first pot shot to entice Kakarot into a spar…
However, they would all need to make it through the night… if anger and realization came first, Kakarot might just beat them to the punch and make them all suffer.
Rages and Ruts were not a pretty sight….
And since Kakarot had the power to turn Oozaro without the moons light, who knew what terror would be released….
Vegeta cleared his mind of those thoughts and focused on how close the boys were paying attention to the two on the date…
The Date
Videl was having a great time. Marc was the perfect gentleman. Though she figured, it would have been a great time if he had not been there too. They dined at a little restaurant in West City. The hum of the room kept their conversation to a minimum, which was fine by her. He smiled and she returned the expression. He paid thoughtful attention, swaggered himself, reached out, and took Videl by the hand.
Her mind would prick a hot sensation, though Videl knew it had nothing to do with the man that was showing her a `goodtime'. She felt heat at times and knew it was one of the Saiyans. She smiled secretly, amused that after all this time she finally was able to notice her family. She knew Marc mistook that smile for a signal to him, but she did not care.
When Videl would smile, it made Goten angry. However, he was only angry that his dad was suffering. Not at Videl. He could never be mad at Videl, she had been though as much as his mother. If Gohan could not be here, and his dad was back and if what Trunks spoke of was true, then… he did not know what to think, but Videl deserved to be happy… If by her dating other men, caused this much of a reaction from his hero… then just maybe it was worth it…. Maybe it was a good sign. Looking to Trunks for another clue, he saw a satisfied smile. He must be missing something.
Trunks was the more observant then Goten. At first glance, Trunks observed Videl's coy smiles. Hereacted only with surprise. Videl was not reacting to Marc, her scent toward him was all wrong. However, it was when he felt Goku's rise in Ki Videl would smile. The little aberration made some connection in his head. Videl had no Ki sense, not as if they had. And true Humans could sense it as well, but Videl had no reason to hone her skills. Nevertheless, the timing was hard to mistake. His KI would flare and Videl would smile.
On one such moment in this date, Videl turned around. She fully expected to find someone close to her to be standing behind her. A hot flash that crossed her mind and it was not a good feeling.
Trunks and Goten stood silent as they felt it too, and Trunks noticed how his own father reacted….
Vegeta was not far from the two on the date, he was acting more as a protectorate, incase something was to happen.
When the latest explosion and fit of range reached him, he too saw Videl swung around expecting to find someone behind her. In amazement and wonder, he watched her face and realized that Videl could sense something was wrong.
Marc still oblivious to her reaction, carried on like nothing had occurred, but it was plain that Videl was slowly rises her own Ki, just high enough so that she was ready to fly. Her skin blazed with energy, and she was alert for something.
Vegeta remarked about her stance and knew she was preparing for something….which came in the package of Pan flying hard and fast toward Trunks and Goten. Vegeta looked toward the boys noticing hat they were preparing to leave their post to meet with Pan. A nod from him sent both of them off; while he Vegeta remained making, sure that nothing too bad would happen with Marc.
“Pan what's wrong?” Trunks asked
“Trunks, MY God, something is wrong with grandpa!” she replied
“Tell me what happened,” he begged
“He's tearing up the Gravity Room, Bulma is yelling at him, but he is gone, I mean out there, he looks almost, Kami Trunks he looks possessed” she blared.
“Pan, Clam down, Goku is, he's just, he's training... Tell my mom to stay inside the house; MY dad will be home soon”
“I don't know Trunks, I've never seen him so upset, and he won't even talk to us!” she explained
“Just go home Pan, and We'll be right there” he begged
“Why are you out anyway?” she asked
“Goten and I well we were going to eat?” he kinda told her
Pan only rolled her eyes and flew back home. Trunks looked over at Goten who seemed concentration of something…
Trunks then looked back toward his dad, wondering what they should do…
Goten was having a conversation with Bra, she was giving him the play by play of Bulma's raving about how pissed Vegeta would be once he got home and saw his Gravity room…
Vegeta was tuned into to all the happenings that were going on, and Videl seemed to be twittering on escaping her once pleasant date. Whatever had happened, Goku had definitely gone Saiyan all of a sudden.
Pan flew back in hopes that all was going to better, then realized as an afterthought that her mother and Marc had been close to where Trunks and Goten were. She stored that thought later to ask him what he and Goten were really doing there… and Flew back to CC.
Videl tried to calm down and enjoy herself, but there were too many disturbing bits of Ki's she felt. They were becoming clearer to her, but one that was the strongest it was Goku. She had felt it that day when he was meditating, and usually it was a serene feeling. She knew it had been there, but never focused before. Now that serenity was blazing hot in her mind, and she could almost feel his heat, burning her. She knew Pan's energy, and could sometime feel Goten's, Trunks was not an easy one to pinpoint for he hid it most times. However, she also felt something new, an energy that kept at her all night like she was being watched. Amazingly, she had never really picked up on this one, not quite like it. IT had her checking over her shoulder all night. No matter what it was, Goku's energy was bothering her, and she knew something must be up, and only hoped that nothing was attacking the World…
Marc and Videl left the restaurant, and headed to the Park where a quartet was playing….
She would have enjoyed it more if he had not been so insistent to guide her through thee crowds with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She did not respond to him verbally, and keep her conscious sharp toward any more rush of Ki…
Vegeta sent a thought to Trunks that he could leave; it felt as though Goku had settled down some, and Trunks was needed at home… Happily, Trunks left his detail of trailing the pair and him and Goten left to placate the girls at the house…. The last word from Vegeta was to stay clear of Goku; Trunks could not agree more and passed that on to Goten.
Vegeta was sure that Videl would be fine, and that soon she would end the date on a good note, but she looked vaguely uncomfortable wrapped in the bracing arm of Marc Brighton. Unconsciously he growled at the possessive arm and then checked himself for the reaction. It was his natural reaction, his friendship whit Goku, his pack…. the animal tendencies of the Saiyans sometimes bothered him, but it was what it was…. He cared for Goku and this woman in his mind was Goku's. A part of his clan…He only imagined what might happen at the close of this night.
Amazingly, as the night wore on, the hateful music continued to billow form the park. Vegeta wormed his way closer to the pair to knock out Marc if need be. Vegeta grew tired of this game and hoped that Goku might show up just to enlighten the event. HE could do with a spar… Considering he had no Gravity room to train at tomorrow, Goku owed him….
However, things did not turn out quite that way… The music was causing her to nod. She hoped that it would end soon. Then a prickling unlike the other sensations she had felt the whole night came through….
She looked around hoping to find someone she knew to take her away form this date…
Marc was fine but her nerves were shot. Videl wanted to get use to the ability she seemed to gain overnight. She wanted to explore this sense of feeling the people in her life… Than was what kept her from sleeping during this boring date. Trying to remember if she had spoken anything to this man since leaving the restaurant, Marc kept hold of her …
The prickling turned to something more and she could hear someone speak her name…
Once again, this time she turned and found no one beckoning to her…. She looked back at Marc who squeezed her shoulder, but he said not a word…. Once again, the words touched her, and she knew it was Goku...
Closing her eyes, she concentrated on his voice and then spoke them in her mind… `Goku?”
Vegeta picked up. The younger Saiyan was concentrating very hard in order for his thoughts to get to her… Goku was channeling a lot of energy to send his word to her…. He wondered at how hard this must be, considering that, they had not even consummated their life tighter…. Goku was speaking to her, and by the looks of her face, she heard him and was trying to communicate back…
Try as she might, the ability to say his name had left her exhausted and she wondered why…. Telepathically speaking it should bee an easy feat… She knew that Pan, Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku had communicated this way… She never thought about doing so, and why would Goku even try…? The prickling left her and she was feeling empty… however, the knowledge that someone was near her stayed with her….
“Marc, I am going to find a restroom.” She explained, hoping that he would leave her to do so….
Reluctantly, he slipped his arm form her shoulders and watched as Videl practically ran from his sight…
She knew someone was there, and Goku calling to her was too much of a coincidence… Too many feelings felt ….
He slipped into the shadows, and he left a void where he had been. She picked on his phantom movements and knew he wanted her to follow him… She raised her energy in preparation for a fight, she was not sure who it was, but someone had almost driven her there… it was the feeling that she followed not a person, and here is where she felt it the strongest. His face was only half lit by the floodlights at the park, and it cast a sinister look across him. His flamed hair stood high and she smirked back his own gesture for realizing who had been her shadow all night.
“So, what is wrong?” she asked.
“Just working.” He replied
“Very unusual feelings tonight, don't you agree?” She asked
“I am surprised at how well you picked up on them, though that means nothing to me…,” his words laced with what he was not saying... Ii meant nothing to him but was so important to her...
“What happened?”
“Nothing yet, nothing of too much consequence, but I think that later well, its not for me to say you're a grown women and capable of handling herself, but I think ending the date now would be best, I need to return home”
“Is he, I she gone?”
“No, that won't happen, end this now and go home”
“Vegeta? Why?” she asked him
He looked into her Blue eyes, so much like a fighter but yet still human, he wondered if she was not meant to be a Saiyan in another life… so she had no clue, no keen sense of what this all could mean… Goku must do something soon….
“Just be a good girl and go home…you'll understand soon enough”
Just as quickly Vegeta left, taking to the sky leaving Videl o end the date….
End of Date
She really was impressed that she managed to get away from Marc…. She thanked Kami for being a woman and able to leave him without a backward glance…. Marc responded with an 'I'll call you'; and she jumped into a taxi…. she jumped out of at the next block…. Videl looked around her and made sure that no one saw, and she jumped to the air, flying faster then she could remember…
Vegeta had told her to go home….
Flying out toward MT Pau, usually left her feeling good, and as she approached the nearly completed home, she could see the red illumination coming from the inside. She wondered who or what was lighting the house with such an eerie glow… she felt safe and knew it could not be someone to harm her… right?
She closed the door behind her and crept into the lighted room. There in the corner was a single chair… in it was a disheveled looking Goku. His head was in his hands and the red glow surrounded him… he had been the light that seeped from the windows of the house. She slowly approached him feeling the energy he had been sending out all night.
Her foot mad a creak in the wood of the newly laid floors and he looked up almost startled… She realized that he must not have sensed her at all…
His dark eyes glowed amber and he looked worn but not beaten. Videl only wondered what could have caused this man, this Saiyan to look like this… even defeated he had a smile on his face, even at his worst he looked great, now it was something she could not even recognize…
“Goku? Goku are?...”
He stood up at her voice and walked toward her, he loomed over her, and she felt power, a source of energy flow with him….
He reached out and touched her shoulder, and she felt the weight bearing down on her, as it had on her mind all night. The other hand took hold of her arm and she felt sizzling heat engulf her…
He cocked his head smelling the air, the scent he disapproved. More energy seeped from his fingers and slowly he burned her clothes, she could feel the hair singing from her arms and around her neck and only prayed he not set her on fire…
His face was impasse and he wore its mask as Vegeta would, there was no emotion only a look of aloofness,
She cried out feeling consumed by the fire… though not hurt but still under the hot burn was unpleasant, like being spanked …
Amazingly, she stood in her half singed clothes and looked desperately into the back eyes, they had cooled their color, and he cooled his hands....
Goku coked his head again and sniffed the air….
She struggled to look at him, still had not said a word since uttering his name. All this was too surreal for her to adjust to…
He almost looked satisfied, and pulled her up to his height… she let off a yelp as he did however, his descending lips silenced it….
A full 15 seconds into his kiss did Videl realize that Goku was kissing her, and the nanosecond of shock and then joy left her hungry for more of what he was giving her…
The red glow surged around, but she felt no heat from it, it surrounded them and enveloped them, all she could sense was his spicy aroma his hot lips and bruising teeth that nibbled on her lips alternately sucking them and her tongue. He consumed her with it and it raved her soul, and she pulled back to breath in and he allowed the one consideration that she needed air.
Goku held her aloft, but not that close, and he kissed her then let her breathed the precious air. Finally, she began to sprinkle kisses about his face and then nudged her nose into the space between his collarbone and neck and licked him and sucked at his neck… He moaned a soft sound and then reclaimed her lips into his mouth….
From the outside looking in, the flames of his red energy whirled around and looked like they were in the middle of a furnace.
His own confusion over the incident had caused torrents in this Ki energy. Not sure, of anything anymore and why, he tried to power up into Super Siayan form. Kissing Videl, he borrowed from her energy to push himself out of the redness that fleeced his true power away….
Through her lips and mouth, he found a source and held tightly to her as she lost consciousness. He knew it would happen, that she alone did not have the energy to restore him back, but he couldn't deal with her in the state he had been in….IN the end, she would pass out and he could keep her with him, and in the morning they could talk about it…
Her slight form was like a feather, and he carried her to the only other piece of furniture in the house. He sat back on the little couch cuddled her form to his broad chest, and she fit up against him like a doll. His head laid head back and a deep sigh escaped in a deep breath… Her scent was that of a damp fire, he had burned off the scent that man had left on her, he could not stand it… she was not even carrying her own sweet scent that he was use to… Her skin would probably be sore tomorrow like sunburn. However, for the first time in his life he could say, `I don't care'. It was an unusual feeling for him, but fit fine with his mood. Then he vowed to himself and to her, that she would never be with another male in that way, for any reason, as long as he lived, and that he knew for sure would be longer then her…
Videl would have to understand that, he could not let her go now, not ever….