Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Domon and Rain. You are going threw what? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z files
Domon and Rain? You are going through what?

Angel got into the car and drove off to the nearest place she could shop. She walked inside and noticed this particular out fit and then she tried it on. ( If any of you have seen cowboy bebop and see Faye Valentine's out fit she that she wears, Well it's like that but the colors are different red and black. the shirt is just cover's her boobs etc.)

She came back out side and purchased it and went back to the hotel and went to the bathroom and tried it on and walked back out. She knew the looks she was getting and she liked it. Then she turned around and stared at Xero and smiled.

Krillin was astounded at what he saw and had a woody all at the same time. Xero got up and threw her cloths back at her and she threw them back him and said . " I told you. You put me up to this and know live with it." Then her face soften and then said " I can see it bothers you though." As she looked down to see he was happy to see that.

" Where we are going it don't matter what you wear." He said and set the time coordinates and they were gone.

They left there with Krillin a little bit more complex position. He had a problem and didn't know what to do with it. He didn't want to get up or even move. But he had to do something so he relived himself and left the hotel room and went home.

************************************************************ ******

They landed on earth and was almost getting hit by a car that was speeding down the road. To look up and to a see a Gundum standing about 5 miles away and then Xero had a huge a mile on his face.

" Looks like we made it again. I really wish you would change back into something less revealing." He said to his half naked partner.

" Why? Am I really getting to you? This time I didn't land on my ass like I usually do." Angel hissed at him and littlerly leaned up against him.

" What is wrong with you I like the other Angel at lest she didn't come on to me. Well any way that Gundum is the Burning Gundum and it is piloted by Domon Cassu.

" Sorry, But I can't change right now. I know who that is and I know that his crew is Rain. Who is deeply in love that man." Angel hissed and went into the air and took off to the Gundum that was standing into the fading sunset.

They landed and walked up to the people who were standing next to Domon. The shuffle alliance was there and was talking amongst them selves. When one of the men noticed the two strangers walking up to them.

" Well who might you two be?" said Jibbity who was eyeing Angel up and down. She saw this and gave him a faint smile and went on her way.

" We are the AFBI and we got some report that there was a strange disturbance in this continuum." Xero said to them as he shook there hands and was trying to keep prying eyes that were staring at Angel.

She steps out of his shadow and held her hand out and said." I am Agent Angelica nice to meet you all."

" Nice to meet you ma'am." they all said.

" Is there any way where she can change into something more proper?" Rain asked.

" Really you think I am going to change cause I am getting all of the attention even from Domon? Ha you are sourly wrong." Angel said.

" Do it for me?" Xero said as he watched Angel take a defensive stance and was about to pounce.

Angel looked at him and then shook her head and then said " God yes give me my cloths would you."

Xero threw her cloth's at her and she retreated behind the Gundum and got dressed. She walked back out and stood next to Xero and was back to being an Agent.

" So what brings you guys here?" Domon said as if he came out of a trance.

" There has been a disturbance in the time continuum and we are here to see what it is and maybe get ride of it." Angel said.

Just as that was said Angel's back went ridged and she turned to see the moon rising and she had a death grip on Xero who looked like he was about to scream cause she was squeezing so hard.

He saw what was rising in the sky and swore to himself. " Damn we would have to land on a fucking full moon. Is there any way we can lock up my partner and or spend the night at?"

" Why?" Rain asked as she watched the stranger take on a new look on her face. All most predatory. Or primal.

" Uah its kind of hard to explain. But it has got to be strong to sustain a full blooded saijin and that is going with the moon in lust." Xero said.

" What?" Domon said with some confusion.

" Ok. The hunt is on any one of you make a move that is to fast or in a bluer she will pounce and fuck your brains out. We have got to get her in a place where she can at lest blow something up like a island." Xero said as he was searching for something to put her in.

" I know a place where she can go and we all need to go and get some training done my self." George said.

" Aha yeah, That will work I can do training all night." She said in a half growl and half stain voice and she was in the air all ready to go.

They all got into their gundums and took off. About an hour later they landed on the island and she went off to herself and be away from the male's.

********************************************************** ********

The rest of the guys trained amongst them selves be side's Domon and Rain who were talking to Xero and trying to get some answers.

" What are you guys here again?" Rain asked as she fixed dinner for them three.

" We got a disturbance in the time continuum and we are here to see what it is about and maybe get the person who did it." Xero said as he thanked Rain for the food.

They ate in silence and when the earth started to shake and rumble like something had hit the land. They all jumped up and went to see a huge yellow flair fly about the tree's tops.

" Don't worry it's only Angel letting off steam." Xero said as he ate more.

" Really that is unusual." Rain said she went to go see this site.

" Rain don't go, It might be dangerous." Domon said to her.

" I am going this is to great to not see." She said as she left.

" You can't go. I'll go with her and make sure Angel dose not rip her from head to toe." Xero said as he fallowed her to where Angel was.

They walked to her and Angel stood there in a golden flame around her. Angel sensed them coming toward her and she stood their staring into the darkness and then she saw Rain and growled at her.

" Angel don't you dare do it." Xero said,

" Then you will have to stay here and her to leave here and go be with that human." She whispered.

Xero looked at Rain and motioned her to leave and up pawn the he looked at her and said " I told you not to come here."

" I'm sorry I didn't now." Rain said and left.

" Well Angel you can do your worst or your best either way I am yours." He said to her.

" I don't want to fuck you come on lets fight at our best and may be not kill each other." He hissed back at him and took her fighting stance.

********************************************************** ********

The next morning every one woke up in the early bright sun light.

Angel woke up to see Xero sleeping next to her and his arm around her and he had his shirt off and his pants almost gone and it looked like he had shorts on.

He felt her move and opened his eye and to see her looking at them. He got up and started to walk off.

" I hope we didn't do it." She whispered to herself. As she got up and went to the stream that was near by and got a drink of water.

" Unfortunately we didn't we had fought all night and finally fell asleep from exhaustion." He said and got the rest of his cloths and but n clean one on and left to go to talk to the gang. Left her alone to tend to herself and be there in a little bit.

All the sudden chicken huntin came to her head as she went to the gang.

She had a sense that she was being followed and turned to see who it was but nothing was there. She continued and was almost there when she was grabbed from behind and was dragged away from the camp. Xero released his hand and looked at her and said " Those are imposters and they are not the real people something happened here last night while we were gone."

Domon came threw the brush and looked at the two and then held his hand out and Xero refused to even look at the man and walked away with Angel in tow.

Then there was a loud scream that came from the group and the chase ensued and across the island the real group was just waking up to the screams and yell that was coming toward them.

" What is that?" George asked Domon who was just as puzzled. The bushes moved and out came Angel and Xero throwing Ki blasts at the unseen attackers who was just about to show them selves and when they did every one was astounded and didn't know what to say.

" BIG BANG ATTACK." Was yelled and a huge bright light left Angel's hand and decimated the tiny group that was there.

Xero held his hand up and had a Ki ball ready to go and when there was no one coming out after he let it back into him. He turned around to see the real group standing there with there mouth agape and shocked.

" Who were they?" Rain asked.

" They were your other selves namely from the dark Gundum, But you Domon and Rain got rid of the a while ago." Xero said as he held his hand out to Angel as he helped of the ground.

" Yeah Thanks," She commented and proceeded with caution to the rim of the vegetations and walked in and reached out to since the ki's that was building up around them. The there was a crash and bang and a bunch of screams and she came out running to see nearly half of the people hurt and Rain trying to help them.

Being a Dr that came first she went to help rain out. " You need help?"

" Yeah Jibbity is hurt so is Cicishi." Rain said to her and Angel went over to them and found that there injurious were not that bad just knocked out.

" They are find just knocked out for a while. How is George?" Angel asked as she came up to find out that Domon was on the ground and looked as if he was in a trance from the blow from his evil self.

" He is ok they are just knocked out and the fact that Domon is not himself, But yeah they are all right." Rain said to her coworker.

Just as that was said the Burning Gundum was standing there and so was another Gundum ready to fight.

" How can that be when Domon is here and not there?" Rain asked.

" His other self is in there and where is Xero at?" Angel said.

" I'm right here. And you are going to be my pilot." Xero said and grabbed Angel and she was put into the Gundum that was him. Forcibly she was a pilot of him.

So the Gundum fight is started.

********************************************************* ********

The two huge Gundums stood there and just staring at each other. The scene was quiet with anticipation of the fight.

" Well Xero it is so nice to see you after all these years." The other Domon said.

"Do I know you?" Xero said.

" You should, I am your brother after all." Orex said with a sneer.

" I thought you were a good guy." Angel said to him.

" Aha, You are so blond. Even thought you are a good lay." Orex said.

Now normally this would not piss off Angel but this really got under her skin and she was pissed. She reacted with a flair of energy that shook Xero to his core of being and for once he was worried that he did the right thing.

" Lets get this going I don't feel like toying with a little peace of shit like you." Angel hissed at him.

" GUNDUM READY FIGHT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" was heard from both.

They both flew a each other and both has fist ready to go and hit each other in the face. Flew back and this time Orex came at them and kicked Xero in the nuts. Xero held himself for a brief moment and came after his brother. With Angel piloting Xero she grabbed his brother and twisted the left arm and pulled it from the socked and threw it across the island.

Orex howled in pain. But he came up behind them and punched his brothers back and kneed his legs out from under him and Xero went down to his knees.

" God you are so lame. Get a life Orex I'm coming for you." Angel yelled and powered up to ssj2 and came at him with lightning speed and landed square on his chest and then punched and punched until she had a hole in the shinning Gundum and it exposed the right sercet to end this fight.

But Orex had other things on his mind and he gathered all of his power and blew her off of him and she landed on her feet and in a fighting stance. He came after her and she was ready. In a classic stance and hands held to her side and the words that echoed in the air.

" Ka..Ma..Ha..Ma..Ha." Was heard and she let lose the blue beam and it hit direct on his chest and a explosion was heard and the shining Gundum was in flames.

" Burning Fingers." Was heard and Angel saw it coming and braced Xero for the blow that was supposed to end the fight. Angel moved left and grabbed the arm and did the splits and brought a fist up between the legs and nailed him there and came back up and pulled on the arm and had it pinned on her side.

I have something for you Orex." She said as she brought up the other arm and held it to his face. " Earth Beam Cannon." Was said and hit his face dead on and that was the end of the fight. Orex fell out of the Gundum that was damaged really bad.

Xero let Angel out still wearing the tight clothing and she ran to Orex to see if he was all right and not dead. Orex saw her and then saw his brother turn back to his regular state and came up behind her.

He was going to be Ok. His pride was the only thing that was wounded. He told them that Goku sent him there to get them killed and he saw the movie " Invasion of the body snatchers and did that. But he went to sleep and that was that.

Xero assisted Rain in fixing the Gundum while Angel and the rest of the group gathered food to cook.

************************************************************ ******

The fight was over and done Angel and Xero stayed the night cause it really drained them.

The next morning they prepared to leave and take the person to jail and prosecuted. They stood in the clearing and said there goodbye and they were gone.

They landed at the office and to him to jail. when they got back there was a folder of there next assignment.

They were to go the future and get the Vampire Hunter and bring him back alive not dead or half dead.