Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Please don't bite my neck. ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DBZ The Z Files
Please don't bite my neck.

They landed on soft green grass that was about waist high and Angel started to sneeze imediatly.

" Houston we have landed." Xero said as he walked up to the scantily clad woman who was on her butt and sneezing her head off.

" Dorothy we are not in Kansas anymore." She said as she got up and walked over to her partner.

They looked around where they were and stood there staring into a window of a huge castle. Xero was the first one to look in the window and saw that is was deserted and the doors stood open. So he walked around and went into the house. He left her standing out side as a watch.

Angel stood out side like I said scantily clad in a white see threw out fit. all that was seen was her bra and her thong and that was it.

" Why are we here again?" She said to her partner.

" We are here to see a dunpeal named D, I think you would like him he likes blood as much as you do." Xero said to her as he absentminded rubbed the bit mark she left when he pissed her off and that was what was left of it.

" Fuck you Xero." She said back to him as she rubbed the right butt cheek which still held a hand print.

" Well I can clear off a spot on the table and do you right here." He said with a wicked smile that graced those lips.

She ignored him with his ramblings. Some thing caught her attention and she left the door to investigate it. She calmly walked to the horse that was tied to the tree limb. That is when she noticed that is was all most dark and she had a chill run up her spine when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She wield around to face the person who owned the hand.

Having powered up a small Ki blast ready to blast who ever it was. She stood there face to face with a pale face staring at her. His eye were a deep brown and his face features were chiseled with fine lines and a sharp nose. she looked at him in full dressed all in black. he was tall with dark brown hair that flowed with the rustling of the wind. his hand went back to him and they were looking at each other and he said to her.

" Who are you?"

" My. My name is Angel. And who you might be?" She said back to him.

" D" is all he said back to her as he moved off to the castle with his sword ready.

She followed him into the castle and was just about to yell for Xero when a hand cuffed her mouth. And he whispered to her ear.

" I would not do that if I were you. Don't want to tip off the Vampire that resides in this place. He should be waking up her shortly."

" I have to get my partner." She whispered back to him. Just as that was said Xero showed up beside her.

" I see you found him Angel." Xero whispered to her.

She gave him the finger and stood there. D moved off to kill the Vampire that was there in the shadows.

" Don't fly that if you do not take up on the offering." Xero said to her and he grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed it. She looked shocked and slapped his hand away.

Then they heard a scream that came from hell it self. Angel jumped next to Xero and looked out into the darkness and with in that darkness D walked out wiping his sword clean.

Xero walked up and held his hand out and said to the man " My name is Xero and you have been retained by the AFBI into our service and that you have to help us kill a Vampire that is about 100 miles from here."

D gave Xero a weird look and then looked at Angel. He then said to Xero " She can not be seen wearing that get up only whores and sluts were that kind."

" I knew she is one. But I can not get her to change." Xero said as he remembered the last fight they had about the way she dressed.

" If I remember right it should not mater what I wear in this age. There are skin tight suits that leave everything to imagination." She said to them as she pulled off a huge sword that was on the wall. Twirled it and then threw it in the air and caught it on the last turn she did and held it to Xero's throat.

" Watch where you put that thing." Xero said to her. As she slowly moved the tip down his chest and his stomach and to his crotch and slightly nudged it.

" Oh sorry was that the jewels. It wont happen again I promise." She said to him as she sheathed it back and clipped it on her back.

She walked out and was wearing a red tight spandex cat suit the held her curves well. Nothing underneath it. her red hair pulled back into a ponytail.

" Well we can go if you would like Angel." D said to her as he held his hand out to let her out first.

They left as soon they got to the horse. Angel or Xero didn't have one so they walked back into town and bought two for them selves and got ready for the long journey.

Angel followed D and Xero was last watching her ass sway as she rode the horse. The silence was broken as one of the horses got frighten and took off with gusto. Angel was trying hard to stop it. But it was heading for a cliff and it was taken her with it. She held on as it jumped she let go of it and floated in mid air as she watched it fall to its death. She flew back to them and just floated there.

D didn't register her there and flying right by him. Until his hand piped up and said.

" She is not normal human, Would you look to your right?"

" Why?" He looked over to see a red head woman in mid air to his right and nearly fell off of his horse. " Whoa, What the hell?"

" To answer your hand I am not a human. I can fly." She said to him with a smile.

" You really want to be killed where you stand or fly don't you?" D said calmly.

" No but where should I ride?" She asked back.

He stopped his horse and moved back farther and let her ride in front of him. She caught the look Xero was giving to her.

The sun going down and they stopped for the night. Angel gathered fire wood and went hunting and brought back two stag deer. The cooked them both and eat.

She backed what was left for the next couple days worth of dinner. She laid out her cover and sat down watching the star pop out into the dark sky. She then studied the man that was watching the ground and everything around him. She got up and sat next to him and was staring at him.

D watched her get up and as she walked up and sat next to him and her staring at him was unnerving he was about to say something but she beat him to it.

" So you are a halfling? Human and Vampire?"

" Yes I am. Why do you ask?" D asked her.

" I am a Dr. and a scientist." he said back to him watching every little move that was making him twitch or move. His face showed no emotion. But his hand was something totally different and that is what she wanted to know about.

" A Doctor, and a scientist. Well that is a lot of good for this day and age. But I can tell you this the man you are with likes you very much. I saw the look he gave you." D whispered to her.

" Oh that well he will get over it hell he is right know smoking weed as we speak. What I want to know is what is that thing on your hand. Is it a parasite or is it something totally different?" She asked him as she slowly took his hand and looked at it very closely. As soon as she looked into his hand his friend popped up and said.

" I am parasite and I don't like being looked at." It had said and left his mark. She dropped it as D let a small laugh escape him.

" All most like a child lost in time." He thought to himself. Just as that was said she put her hand on his head and flash backs hit him like a flood. Her life and sadness. The same with her she entered his mind and saw everything that he had done and he wanted to get out and lead a normal life be he knew that will never happen. She let go and just sat there in aw at him.

" Sorry I didn't mean too." She whispered to him. She tried to get up but his hand stayed her there.

" I am sorry too, I saw everything and not one of it was nice. Sorry to see your parents die and your Uncle raised you. He seems nice to a point." He whispered back to her.

" Nice if you only knew what he has done in his life, But he in turn had saved the earth a couple of times. Yeah you can say he has changed." She said back to him.

Just as that was said Xero walked up and stoned off his ass. " Well did I miss the action of you too or you all just talking?" He asked. He went to his bed roll and went to sleep or what looked like he did.

This time she did get up an went to her bed and rolled herself into the warm blanket and went to sleep. But sometime in the night she was woken up by nightmares that she thought that she had gotten rid of. " Shit! I hate that." She said to herself and sat up.

D heard the whole nightmare and watched her sit up. whipping the sleep from her eyes. He had noticed that there was some wet trails down her cheek as if she was crying. He didn't get up to see if she was all right.

Xero sensed the disturbance with Angel and he watched the same thing. He sat up and looked over to her and asked " Are you all right?"

" No! But I will be here soon." She said as she scooted closer to him. She laid next to him and fell asleep again in his warm body next to hers and arm around her.

D watched it and thought to himself " To be young and in love. Even when they don't know it yet." And he went back to his watching the shadows until the morning came up over the horizon.

********************************************************* *******************

It didn't help she still had the bad dreams being by Xero only intensify it more.

Angel shifted in her sleep or what was the lack of it. When morning came she was the first one up and went to a stream that was near by and bathed. Some time in the night D had fallen asleep and no one was up beside her.

he got up from the stream and felt someone watching her as she got dressed. She tensed up and was about to strike it but nothing was there and she slowly went into a fight stance. She felt it once again and she was attack from behind but she was ready for it and turned in time to clap the sword in her hands and twitched it and broke it in half.

She stared at the thing in front of her and stood her ground. The thing pushed off with its feet and flew to her and gave her a punch in the face and she went flying into a tree. She got out of the tree just intimae to dodge an other fist that was aimed at her chest. She did a round house kick and caught it on it back side. It went into the same tree she had been in. It was stuck and could not get out.

Angel walked around and stood in front of it and pulled off its mask and looked into the eyes of a man that was not human himself.

" Who are you? And why did you attach me?" She asked.

" My name is Michael and the reason I attacked you is because you are a witch and you are not welcome." He said as he tried to get out of the tree.

" No use trying to get out. You are in there good." She turned her back on him. " You are not human either. Any ordinary human would have died on impact. What are you?" She asked him.

" I am a angel sent from God and to kill you the next time we meet." With that he was out of the tree and gone. Angel stood there staring at the man who left with awe. She walked back to Xero and D who were both up and getting ready to leave. She got up on Xero's horse and followed D for the rest of the day and that was that.

************************************************************ ****************

2 days came and gone and every night she woke up either crying or whimpering. Until the last night when she refused to sleep at all.

Know they stood at the front gates of this huge castle and was waiting for Xero to come back. He didn't come back at all and she went in to find Xero knocked out and laying on his back. She ran up to him and checked for his pulse and found a faint one. She pulled out a sensu been and made him chew it up and swallow. Xero jumped up and looked around to see her there and looking like she almost lost a good friend.

" Why are you here? I thought I told you to stay at the gates with the horses? This is not a good place to be." He whispered to her.

" One, you didn't come back fast enough, Two I am your partner and we have to stay together." She said back to him.

Just as that was said D came out of the shadows and walked up to them and said " We are in great danger here and this is no vampire we came for."

" Really , I didn't think we were." Angel said back at them.

" Hey know, sounds like you need to get laid or some sleep? Which would you want?" Xero asked her.

" What would you know about sleep and I don't need the other." She said back to him with a wink and a smile.

He held his breath with that and said nothing more. They all walked slowly and D piped up and asked. " Who are we looking for any ways?"

" We are looking for a man that will destroy this world if we don't get him. And his name is Michael." Xero said.

Angel stopped in her tracks. " I have seen him and this fight is not your but mine." She said to them.

" Well, Well, Well, Look what the dunpeal dragged in?" Michael said to them.

" Michael, You were a respected scientist and you came here to this world to make it yours and the people your slaves, You are underasresst." Angel said as she pulled out her sword. D did the same and Xero stood there in his fighting stance. He knew this guy was not going to be easy.

The two guys split and went for the people in the shadows left Angel there to fight the boss. She powered up to ssj2 and waited for him to make the first move. He did and came at her with a left hook and caught her in the face she didn't even flinch. But started to laugh and back handed him and he went flying to the wall. He got back up and with a smile on his face came back for more. This time she waited no more for him and she cam to him with a punch to the gut and a Ki ball headed to his face.

He didn't feeling coming and the next thing he knew was that a long sword was cut into him with searing pain and a lot of blood came out as she pulled it out of him. He looked at her in disbelief that she could do such a thing to on of her fellow scientist. He feel to the floor with a thud and that is when she saw him.

Goku stood in the back ground watching it all unfold and he was not happy that one of his best officers was killed.

" Next time Angel I will kill you and your family. Namely Vegeta and Trunks." He said and disappeared with the last word echoed the hall.

" Damn you Goku, Not if I get to you first. Bulma you are next." She said to herself. D came up behind her and then twisted her around and with one swift move he had her in a embrace that was nothing short of strong.

" D what are you doing?" She asked.

" Sorry, But I have to feed." He said in a low husky voice that sent chills up her spine.

" Please don't bite my neck." She said to him as his face got closer to her neck. Then it stopped he pulled away and slowly walked out.

Xero followed him out and Angel dragging the body of Michael. Then she went to D and asked. " What stopped you?"

" You did, You knew my blood lust came shortly after you killed him. When I thought about it, It was not right, So I stopped." D he said to her.

" Thank you for doing so, But there is always a small place for you in my heart and that it is not cause of what just happened but what we shared about three night ago." She whispered back to him.

" Aye, You as well." He whispered back to her. Got on his horse and rode off in to the darkness that he came from.

Xero walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them briefly. " Time to go." He said and they were gone.

************************************************************ ****************

They landed in there time and took the body to the morgue and went to the office. There was another file on the desk and Xero picked it up and looked at it.

" You will not believe this but we go back to feudal Japan. It seems some of colleges went there and know they are causing havoc on that time." Xero said with a laugh. Angel rolled her eyes up and went home for the night.

" We will be leaving in the morning I guess?" She said as she reached the door.

" Yeah we will, You call me if you have another nightmare." He said back to her.

" I have to, Vegeta dose not know about these except when I was little." She said and walked out the door.

She got home to see her Uncle and nephew sitting on the floor playing a video game. She paid them no heed and went to her room and flopped on the bed. Some time in the night the dreams came back and she woke up to see that she was reaching for the phone to call. But the door flew open and Vegeta was inside and looked at her and knew what had happened. No words were said but he laid next to her and she nuzzled in to his arms and fell a sleep like she did when she was a child. The tears slowly died off. Vegeta looked down at his niece and silently wished that the nightmare had died but he knew that they would never leave.

" Angel I know you had these night mare before and going into that time period didn't help. I wish I could know what is going threw you. What did Bulma do to you?" He thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.