Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Stone Cold Crazy ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
Stone cold crazy

Angel and Xero standing infront of each other breathing hard and sweating hard. The gravity chamber was humming with content. They have been training for the past few hours and none were ready to give up. Vegeta was watching them threw a moniter that he had put up just to watch this kind of thing when he noticed that Angel was getting ready to kick her partner in the head as hard as she could.

What surprised him and made him jump with joy is the she conected and knocked out Xero. Unknown to him the whole univers stoped in it tracs and helds it breath waiting to see him rise up and kick the living shit out of her. He did get up and came after her with a fist that conected to hir stomic and made her fly threw the air and hit the wall.

She slowly got back up and noticed a change in him like a whole new being was standing in front of her. She walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder to twist him around to look into those deep eyes that she has become to loving. BUt what she got was a cold and pent up argrestion in his eyes. She slowly backed out of the gravity room and for once in her whole time that she was with him she was truly scared of him.

************************************************************* **************

Two days past by with out him coming over to spar. That was ok with her but she had to face him at work. She walked pass the doors and went into the office of skinner. She waited for Xero to get in. He did and he was back to his usual self.

The door opened again and this time Vegeta walked threw it and sat down at the desk. He looked at his niece and with a shock on her face and she didn't say one word just listen to him bark out orders that they were to go to a space dock and wait for a space ship that was named Cowboy Bebop and meet Jet and Spike and Ed and Faye. They were to go and pick up a man who sold the plant form of Red eye.

Xero was not paying attention to the pointy haired freak as he spoke he was sturggling between the fury of the agresstion and him. He won out for this time and got up and waited for Angel to get up and they left. To the docking bay they waited not saying a word. Then a ship landed in the water and a solo figure walked out.

Angel met him half way and shock his hand.

" Hello are you Jet?" Angel asked the man that had a robatic arm.

" Yes, Are you and that man over there Angel and Xero?" He asked back.

" Yes we are." She said back at him.

" Ok I do have a question. Do we still get the bounty for this guy and you people get him?" Jet asked.

" Yes, as a matter of a fact you get half now no risk of losing it and the rest later when we get him." She said as she put half of the bounty in the account for him.
Jet was elated to this and he tore off to get food for the crew. But not before he took them on the ship and showed them the quarters that they were to sleep in. He left them in the so called livingroom and he left.

Angel walked around and found the cockpit and noticed that the fuel was low she called the department and ordered the feul and have some stocked up on the ship. With in a half anhour the ship was full of feul and ready to go. During this time they both got to meet Faye and Ed.

Xero spoke up this time and mad a pass at Faye who didn't turn him down or gave him a definted answer. He sat next to Angel as she watched this girl hack the computer. He put his hand on her shoulder and she jumped up and looked at him to say " What?????"

" Nothing, I thought you were slightly disterbed that the fact your uncle was the one to give our orders out?" He asked quitely.

" Yeah I am that was strange, But I didn't think that far. I am sorry for kicking you in the head two days ago." She said back to him and held out her hand to say peace.

He took it and shook it and that is when they felt a vibration on the ship and Ed poked her head up and said " Spike is back."

*********************************************************** *****************

On the deck Spike parked his ship and just intime to see Jet load the food up on the ship.

" What up Jet and where did we get the money to fill up the food?" Spike asked his freind.

" A cute red head and her partner gave us half to find this guy." Jet said.

Spike shook his head and offered his hand in helping load it up. Then they noticed the deul lined up and ready to go. They thought nothing of it and went into the ship when they were done.That is when spike noticed the redhead sitting on the floor with Ed. Angel saw Spike walk in but didn't move to greet him she was on the computer getting the statistics of this guy who they were trying to get. The pic poped up and she asked everyone to come in and sit down while she explained that this guy.

" This guy you see is highly dangerious and well armed. His name happens to be the Grave Acel and better known as the Master. He trans port the rearest form of Red Eye and the begining of the shoot slultion that we see here today. It is the red plant. That is where it starts and ends like this," She said as she held up the capolet of the Red eye they see now. " When you do see him pleas do not go after him get one of us or both. We can handle him. don't want you guys to be hurt or worse dead." She said and waited for them to ask questions. They didn't say anything so they left and took off into the air and in space.

Jet sat in the cockpit and put the cordinated where he was last seen in and put it on auto pilot. Then he saw the fuel gauge was full he wonder who did that. But didn't ask. He got out and went to the kitchen and started to cook.

Spike to this opritunity and introdused himself to the duel that was talking to each other.

" Hi I am Spike and it is nice to meet you." He said and shook their hands. Xero got up and went insearch of Faye. Left Angel sitting there.

" You are such a asshole." She said to herself but he heard it and turned to her and with this.

" Yes I am and you are a silly fucking bitch, You have no reason to be on here and in the Z files, Go Home and cry on your uncle shoulders." He said and went on his way.

"Why are you talking to me like that?" Her voice could barely mas her hurt feelings.

"Becuase my dear," He didn't turn but his voice was like nothing she had ever heard before. "When it comes to being cruel, ass nine, moraly laking, and just plain evil," finally he looked at her, and his eyes were filled with emotins no human had ever experienced as he spoke the last words under his breath, "I am simply magnificent." A long accent went with the f and the c was elongated, making it sound more like magniffissent."

Angel was at lost for words and what he said shook her. She looked down on the ground and didn't look back up.

" You want to spar?" Came from Spike.

" The sparing I do is to rugh on you but I will go gentle." She said back to him and took off her caot to revile the same outfit the Faye had but this one was diffrent colors. " Where do you want to go?" She asked him with a sad smile.

" I practice in the gym." Spike said as he could not get his eyes off of her. They walked to there and she got into the fighting stance and waited for him to come at her. By the time they ended she learned a new way to fight and he learned not to underestamet her. All the while, unbeknownst to either person, Xero watched, one eye blazing with hate, the other burning jealousy.

They came back and sat down and ate beef and bellpeppers for dinner. Xero sat next to her and eat in silence. She got up and did the dishes and went to her quarters but not before she talked to Xero.

" What is wrong with you?" She asked him.

" Nothing that has concern about slut." He asnwered back at her. She reached up to slap his face but he caught her hand and put preassure on her rist and she cried out a little as the pain got worse. Suddinly it stopped. He quickly went to his room and slambed the door. She put her ear against the door and heard muffeled sound s coming from him like he was fighting something off. She was thrown backward, as his body slammed to the other side of the door.

She turned and went to the living romm to see that it was dead except for Jet who was watching the T.V. She sat down on the couch and held her rist losely and knew it was out of palce and swaer some of the bones were broke. With a slight tear run down her face and a small gasp of air she moved her rist and put it back into place and straited it up and Jet looked at her and noticed the pain etched into her face and looked down to see her move her rist and he heard the wet snap as it went back to place. He even grimanced a little.

" What happened to you?" He asked.

" Nothing I fell that is all." She said back but took the pain pills anyway.

" How much longer do we have before we get to Saturn?" She asked. As she moved her rist so it would not get stiff.

" About 5 hours." He said.

" Good, cause i need to make a call." She said and got up and went to her room and laid down to rest. She was awoken shortly after falling asleep, by the entire ship rocking sharply.

"Sorry about that.." Xero's voice changed in mid sentece, " Except for you slut, you shouldn't need any sleep. Spend most of yoru life on yoru back anyway."

********************************************************* *******************

5 hours later

Jet landed the ship and got the rest up and waited for them to eat and they all left Angel and Xero who seem to be his self for now. went to a bar and asked questions and got no answers. " I think we need to split up and cover more ground." Xero said to her.

" I agree we meet her in two hours?" She said to him and he nodded to agree.

"I will take Shaggy and Scooby, you take the others, Jynkies, can I barrow yoru outfit, I forgot to floss this morning."

They went their seperate ways and two hours later they meet and still had nothing. But as they meet Spike and Jet found them and told them.

" He left yesturday to go asteroid belt."

" Damn, Ok that is where we go." Angel said to them and they left. They took off to the one asteroid that held any life on it and it was the biggest and redest of them all. It would take another day and half to ge there.

This time Xero came to her and asked to spar with her. Angel was a little woried but agreed to it knowing he held his punches back some so they would not get hurt that much.

They stood in the fighting stances and came at each other with hits and kicks. Wich rocked the ship every one came to watch them spar. It was amizing that they could move that fast and still held the ship up.

Angel stood there waiting for her partner to come back at her. " Damn it Xero stop playing stupid and hit me for once in your life." She yelled at him.

" Hit you, Fine you asked for it." He came at her full speed and with fist ready to connect. It did and took Angel by surprise and landed on her ass , "bitch looks natural down there, bowing before me."

He struck her hard in the lip, pushing her onto her back and he held her arms with his knees and punched her in the ribe as hard as he could.

He continued at this not stopping and not caring that he was hurting her, in fact wanting to. "You look so pretty in that out fit," another blow to the ribs, "would look even beter if it were covered in blood. I however am not much of a bleeder, so I guess that only leaves you to donate to your own beautiful carnage oh loose one." He wanted to hear her ribs crack under the blows he was giving to her. He wanted her to hurt.

Angel looked up and saw the cold eyes look down at her with glee and punched her again. She kicked and kicked but to no advill to him and another blow came down. She tried to say stop but it didn't work. Finally a kick hit his face, not the best action to take. Grabbing a leg in each hand, he crushed her knee caps with a simple twist, "don't need your legs for what you do anyway." Another blow came down on her chest, as he threw her currently useless legs asside and he body jumped slightly with the blow. She coughed up blood and ran down the side of her mouth.

She looked up to see him again and another bow the ribs, she felt them crack this time and she whimpered out in pain as it did. The blood flowing freely from her lips, suddenly he stopped and his eyes changed, but only partially. Leaning down he planted his lips on hers kising her deeper then she ever imagined, seeming to not lock lips, but their very souls. She felt feet running towards them and looked over to see Spike and Jet trying to get Xero off of her before he killed her.

He looked down and saw that she was bleeding and he felt the rib crack and he let one more blow go before he felt hands on him to pull him off. He bended down and whispered into her ear.

" Remeber this bitch, I am Majin Xero and I will bury you. So becareful what you say and see. The next time I will kill you. Mmm... by the way, your blood tasted absolutely magnificent." The word was said in the same fashoin as before, making it clear that even without seeing the eyes, there were many differences between these two personalities.

She nodded her head weakly, lifting a hand towards her lilp, when she realized the kiss had atleast healed her mouth. She stared for a moment in confusion and passed out from the pain. The next thing she knew as she woke up was she was in her room and there sat Xero holding her hand. She moved and he woke up from what dream he was having about her. Looked over to see fear in her eyes and sent.

" Angel why are you afaid of me?" He asked. He had the warm deep look in his eyes and she knew it was truly him.

A single tear ran down her cheek and she drew in a shalloe breath and talked to him. " You don't remember what you did to me?"

" NO, All I know is that we were sparing and then thenext thing was that you were on the floor bleeding from inside." He said to her and tried to hold her hand again. She movied it back some but she let him hold it.

"You broke my fucking knee caps. I can not walk no thanks to you. You have cracked at lest 4 of my ribs. I am sorry that I kicked you in the head hard that day I swear I think i knocked something lose." She whispered to him. Just as that was said Ed came in and announced the dinner was done.

Xero got up and pulled out two sensu beans and gave her one. She chewed it up and swallowed. After a little bit she felt better and her knees were back to normal. Healed and ready to take more punishment.

Angel moved the covers off and slowly raised to standing postion and walked out the door and down the hall. To everyone surprise to see her up and walking around. She sat down and eat silently. Jet got up and asked " I can not believe you are up and walking around."

" Jet Ill be all right, I heal fast." She said as she drew in some air and made a face as she did. She got up and walked back to her room and this time Spike helped her. That let Faye and Xero alone and they left.

Spike helped her into her bed and sat down next to her. 1 hour later she woke up and got up from the bed and opened her blouse and took off the badages and noticed the black and blue marks but thought nothing of it. she got dressed and went to the living room and sat next to Ed who was playing chess.

Spike walked in and saw her sitting there. He sat next to her and checked up on her. Some where in the ship they all heard Faye scream in pleasure and Xero howled in tune.

" Damn him, He is an ass." Angel said

" I heard that little whore." Came back into her head.

They landed on the rock and got out. She waited for them to get out and they splited up in pairs. Angel was scaird for her life and she went with Spike and left Xero behind her with Jet.

************************************************************* ************

Xero looked at Jet and went on their way for looking at a bar that was known to hold drug runners and other sort of low life. They walked in, Xero being pissed off that his partner left with another person he decided to make a name for him self he blew up the bar. Jet was out side looked inawe at the distuction.

" What has gotten into you?" He asked.

" None of your business, Come on lets go find Grave." Xero said to him with a hiss. He went in one direction that he felt Grave was at.

Jet walked behind him when his communicater went off and he stopped and answered it.

" Jet this is Spike we have found him and we are pinned down by gun fire from all sides. Angel , What in the hell are you doing?" Spike said before he was cut off.

" Shit!!!!" Jet said and he took off running behind Xero who knew where they were.

" Fuck this walking shit. Jet grab a hold of me we are flying." Xero said as he took flite. Jet did and he was in the air with out his ship. Kind of scared him. Before long the saw a red plum of smoke and fire as the explostion went off.

" That would be Angel letting a ki blast off." Xero said to Jet.

" Oh ok," Jet said in responce and they landed next to Spike who was in shock and dismay.

What he saw before him was a woman that was glowing golden around her and her hair turned blond and her eyes were teal. She advanced on the man before her and had a look that could scare a cat from it hiding place.

" You are not going to get me on this day, Let me go and Ill help you bring down one of the major player in this little game." Grave said as she held out a peace of paper that held directions to the plant the procducted the liquid form of red eye.

He droped the paper and was gone with out a trace. She walked up and grabbed it and read it and turned around to look into those eyes that she has became to hate and love. She gave him the paper and walked away.

Xero looked at it and then gave it to Jet and they them selves took off and got some suplies before they left.

" Where are we going Jet?" Spike said as they loaded up the ship and got ready to take off again.

" We are going to your home town and where the Red Dragons runs the place." Jet said softly.

" What???" Spike said as he went inside the cockpit. The set the cordinates and launched off in to space.

Some where in the ship Xero sat down and started to smoke the weed that he had and then he felt hands on his shoulder and he looked up to see Angel there looking down on him.

" What is it that you want?" He asked her.

" Nothing but i think you should not do that here." She said back at him.

" There is nothing that you can do to stop me." He said back and took a toke on it and held it in and then exhaild.

" I know but it is commont curtisy to do so." She said back and walked away.

Just as that was said Spike and Jet walked in on them. " What do you think you are doing?" Jet said. As he tried to take the joint away from him.

Angel turned around just in time to see what is happeneing. Xero got up and then looked at Jet and siad " Nobody and I mean nobody takes my weed away from me if they try then they die."

" I only alow cigs on her not that stuff." Jet said again and then reached up to take it away. Angel grabbed Spike and ran the other way.

" What are you doing?" Spike said as they left.

" We are not going to be around when Xero blows his top off. He won't hurt Jet much." Angel said to him.

" Fine go into my room then." Spike said as he pulled into his quarters. They hid in there. Angel and Spike was standing at the door when they heard a yelp and foot steps running down the hall.

************************************************************ ****************

" Where did Angel go?" Xero asked Jet who was smelling the fumes of the weed and started to get a contact buzz going.

" She took of with Spike down the hall." Jet said and went down the hall.

" Fine I would love to see that scrany man try to take my woman away from me. Let alone my weed." Xero said to Jet and fell off the chair and let out a yelp as he landed on his ass. He got up and went to look for Faye who was still in her room recovering from the last time. But there was one thing diffrent It was not Xero it was Majin Xero and he was not happy.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel bent down while holding her ribs while she was breathing. Then she saw to feet infront of her and he pulled her back up and pind her up against the wall with his body. He was gentle and made sure he was firm in what he was doing.

" Spike." Was all she said as he came down to kiss her lips. His hands were making there way to the coat and helped her shurg it off and the blose and the bra came off and fell to the floor. He broke the kiss and noticed the bruses that was more pronounced and slightly ran his fingers over them.

She rached over and undo his own jaket and shirt that fell to the floor. She reached down and undid the pants as he did hers they stood there in the last artical of clothing. Under ware. He picked her um and placed her on his bed and he slid down next to her and reclaimed his kiss. His hands reached up and untied her redhair and let it fall to the pillow.

Angel wanted this and needed it so badly. Spike looked down at her and said.

" I have been wanting to do this since i saw you on the floor with Ed."

" I can tell." She raised her head and teased his earlop with her mouth and the tounge. He let out a small gron that viberated the room. He nossed into her neck and started to nibble his way down. He reached the mound and covered it quickly with his mouth and gently sucked on it as his other hand teased the other.

She was surprised and let out a small gasp. She rached down and slithred her hand under his breifs and felt what was him and was slightly surprised how big he was. As she touched it. It jumped and went harder. Her hands softly teasing it with light touches. A soft groun came from Spike with her touch.

All the while his hands slid down her frim stomic and reached under her silk thong and touched her gently. He found the right spot and teased it. She arched her back and with a soft growl that came from the chest. he let go and pulled the thong off and had full acsess to her. He left the tit and slid down and he came back up between her legs and pulled on the legs up and put the them on his shoulders. His head went down and played with the womanhood and she let out a sigh as he began to flick his toung on it. She clamped her legs aroound his head to make sure it stayed there.

He continued his adminastrations on her and he flet her stiffen as her wall clinched and she came he lapped it up and she shuddered with such force she had for gotten about her tail that came um wound. It curled it slef on his breifs and slid them down.

She relised him and he got flipped and she was on top and pulled it the rest of the way down and off. She looked at it and went in for the kill. She put her lips on his member and kissed it with wet kisses. Then she streched her mouth and went down on him. This lasted untill he had to pull her up before he came.

She judged her self and sat right on down as it went it she felt a small shudder from herself as she did and rode him slowly. With long strooks she was timeing herself .

Spike didn't want that to happen so he flipped her back on her back. He looked down and with a joy full gleem in her eyes he drilled it into her. She growled louder as he did and to urge him to go harder and faster. He did and with that he placed on of his fingers on her woman hood and played with it untill she could not stand it any more.

She felt the heat grow with each passing strok he did when he touched her that almost sent her into oblivion. She contued to match his stroks with no problem. She knew she could not hold out much more. She looked into his eyes and knew neither could he. The last strok and pass with the clit she came hard and her walls clinched around him and sent him over the edge.

" Spiiiiiiiiiiiikeeeeeeeee." She yelled out as she came.

" Angel." He said two minutes later and he slumped down on her but careful not to hurt her ribs even more. He got off and laid next to her and rapped a arm around her and fell asleep for the night as she did too.

************************************************************* ***************

( Bang Bang Bang) " Spike wake up we have landed and you and Angel need to get up." Jet said out loud and walked away.

" Ill be right there." Spike yelled back and then looked down at Angel who had her eyes open. She got up on her elbos and then she got up. Started to get her cloths and ran to her room and then put out the new cloths and went to the shower.

She noticed Faye walking out of it bowl legged so bad it almost looked like she rode a horse for three weeks or more. Angel got in and took the shower and got out and went to her room and changed into black jeans and a black shirt and took out the leather tranch coat and put it on. She put her hair up and took the sunglasses and went out of the room.

They were all waiting in the living room as she walked out she put on her glasses and waited for them to leave. Xero came down after she did. And stared at her with aw again. She looked awsome in the balck pants and shirt and she radiated power just by standing there. She looked back at him and smirked at him.

Jet walked up and handed her a gun. Then another one. She holdster it one on her back and the other at her side. She was offred a cig and she took one and Jet lit it for her. Now she looked like a true bounty hunter and ready to kill.

She walked down the stars and went to the door where she pullede out a shot gun and held it and waited for the rest to get ready to go.

Xero walked up to her and said " You really look dangerous in this get up and it turns me on."

She smirked even harder and turnd to look at him in the eyes and saw the eyes that she knew and she knew he was there not the other. She winked at him and went out the door.

The rest were in their small ships ready to take flight. Angel and xero floted up and took off as the rest of them did.

************************************************************* ***************

Xero and Angel landed about 10 feet from where Grave was supossed to be. He walked out from the shadows and looked at them both.

" I see you ahve came. Now lets play shall we?" He hissed at them.

" Shit it is a trap." She said to her partner.

She grabbed the communicater and barked into it and said " Spike, Jet, Faye get the hell out of here it is a trap." As she said the last word she held up her shot gun and pumped it twice and blew the hell out of two people in the shadows.

" Hell no we are not, We will be there is 2 seconds." Jet barked back and jumped out of his ship ready to go. He was soon followed by Faye and Spike.

Angel stood there and shot three more people and went to the right and shot two more. In the same time she twilled and pulled the gun out of the holdster from the back. Xero did the same thing and just about had every body when he noticed that they had the whole Red Dragon there. That is when he let out Ki blast and enilated a wholes slew of them.

Angel ran out of bullits and fired up a ki blast and threw it at the feet of Grave who gave a look of surprise but none the less he advanced on her and atached her full blown and got her on the ribs that have been cracked and hurting all ready. She showed no emotion just anger and her Ki went higher and she transformed in front of him and what stood there was a ssj2 Angel.

Grave had given her another hit in the ribs and heard them crack again. She didn't move but swang her hand and smacked him and he went flying to where Jet and Spike and Faye. Angel turned around and said " Go help Xero out with the Red Dragon plaese I have this little piece of shit."

She looked at the little man and smiled in a whicked way that would have made grown men cringe in fear. Grave looked at her and held his hand out and gave her a uppercut. She stagered back and he took this opritunaty went around and kicked her in the her head and knocked her out of ssj2 and she went back to normal.

He took this and put his boot on her head and proceded to stomp on it. He took great pleasure in it and then kicked her in the ribs again and she rolled over and fired a ki blast at him point blank. He dodged it and kicked her again.

Angel had enough of this pitaly bullshit and she got up and walked over to him. reared her hand up and punched him in the face and then kneed him. The surprise in his face was something to have a camera for. She took out one of her dart guns shot it and landed in the small of his back. He was knocked out and chained to Spikes ship and made her way to the rest of them.

Before that she was stopped with a man with white hair and a insain smile on his face. He grabbed her and dragged her by her hair untill he was in then middle.

" Look what the cat dragged in? Speacal Agent Angel, Of the AFBI. What shall i do with her?" Viociuos said out loud and held a gun to her head.

" Don't do it Viciuos, It's not worth it." Spike said.

" Shut up Spike. Do it, If you mean to kill me then do it right hear and now." Angel screamed into his face.

They all heard the gun hammer get cocked and ready to fire. " DO IT!!" Was heard too and the sound of a gun going off. Little to be known Angel was gone before the gun went off. She stood behind him and held his own sward to his neck and looked down at him and the rest of the Red Dragons who were surprised.

" Kill me if you have the balls to do so." He whispered to her.

" I have the balls, But I don't kill for sport, Out of need. Leave us and go on your merry way and what ever you do. Don't look back. I just might be behind you at any moments notice I will kill you." She said loud enough for the whole to hear.

She took the sword away and pushed him in to the crowd and held her hand like a gun and aimed it to them all. Nobody moved to get into her way. She backed out and motioned Then gang to move and get away.

" Remeber my warning, Next time Visiuos, I will not hesitate to kill the next time." She said and took flite. The rest did too and with the bounty still hanging on the small ship they landed on the Bebop.

" Wow, That was so awsome." Faye said.

" Yeah thanks," Angel said back

Xero walked up behind her and squeezed her chest in a hug. She let out a yelp of pain and passed out from it.

The next thing she remebers was that she was at the hospital in her room. She looked up to see Spike was there and looked at her and had a huge smile on his face and said " Nice of you to wake up in time for me to go."

Angel grabed his hand and whispered into his ear. " See you around space cowboy. Don't for get to write friend."

He left and Xero walked in along with Vegeta and Krillin. Angel watched Xero with close eye contacted. But said nothing to him.

" Looks like you will be here for one more night and then be relised." Krillin said to her.

" Yeah whopee for me." She said back to him.

They left and that left Xero with his partner. He bent down and sat on the seat. Looked up to her and said " I didn't mean to squeeze you that hard."

****************************************************** **********************

Whooo, That was a long chapter. Man what else can I do to this guy I mean I have to be on my toes know his split personality cames and goes when it wants to.

Next time on the Z Files they are called to met Vash the stamped. This is going to be fun. A donut eating man and the ego of Xero. Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaa and the penut gallerie too.

See you around in the next Anime.