Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ A Ticket to the future ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
A ticket to the future

Angel stood in the office and waited to Krillin to get in. While in there she held a envelope that held her resignation. She had come to the conclusion that Xero was going to kill her one way or the other. She just didn't know which way it was going to be at. She sat down waiting even more. Krillin walked in and noticed his star pupil was there.

" Come in." He said to her. Noticed that she was back to wearing her regular cloths too. Much to his relief. But all so held a envelope too and the was not good on his part.

" I am here to resign from my place in the Z Files. I swear he will kill me on one of theses missions." She said to him as she held out the envelope to him. He took it but ripped it up and laid it on his desk and then looked at her. She was a mess. Dark circles under her eyes seems like she has not seen sleep with in two weeks or more.

" Why in Kame's name did you do that for?" She asked him getting up set to the fact of it.

" You are not going to leave like this. He is not going to kill you I swear it." Krillin said to her.

" Could have fooled me if he isn't, He almost killed me on the last mission, He is a Z file all to himself. What makes you think he won't?" She said back at him. Her tail came unwound and twitched as she got madder at him.

" Damn it Angel, I have known you all of your life, He won't cause you are to damn strong to get killed. Besides I know what happened, He told me himself and promised to keep it under control!!" Krillin yelled at her.

" Fine then, But he lays one hand on me again like that I swear I will either hurt him or kill him." She said back her boss.

" Fine, You to have another Z file waiting for you." Krillin said as he took out another folder and gave it to her as Xero walked in. Angel looked up to see him and wondered " Damn how long was he at the door listening to this conversation?"

" Long enough, I promise I will try to hold him back." He answered her back.

They read the file and prepared to leave when Krillin spoke up again. " You Have three days to get this one done."

" Ok fine, " Xero said to him.

************************************************************* ***************

Angel and Xero landed into a small town that looked deserted. There sitting on a window was a small black cat and was running as fast it could to get away. Angel walked up to the saloon that was open and went in and order something to drink while they waited to meet up the Meryl and Milly who was with Vash the Stampede.

Xero walked in behind her and sat down and had a veag feeling that he was her before. He dismissed it and went on to drink a glass of beer.

Just after that was done there were two Thomson's rode by with a flash of Red White and cream on them Angel got up and walked out. Sure enough there stood Meryl, Milly and Vash.

Vash saw the red head beauty and as fast as lightning he was up next to her staring at her. He saw that she was not all human either she had a tail on her. Curiosity got the best of him and he reached for it and touched it softly. Angel went wide eyed and turned to look at the blond who was touching her tail and nearly smacked him. She stopped her hand and looked at him some more she cleared her throat and said " Do You Mind, That is my tail you are groping!!!!"

Vash dropped his hands and looked at the redhead beauty with puppy dog eyes and puffed out his lower lip and whined. Meryl walked up and smacked the back of his head and he snapped out of it.

" I am sorry ma'am I didn't mean to offend you." He said in a shy voice that could have melted any other woman that he had met.

" Offend her that is a likely story, Besides she liked it." Xero said to the man in red. Nobody saw him come out. They all jumped at the sound of his voice.

" Oh." was all Vash said and waited for the next part.

" My name is Xero and this here is my partner Angel. Um we are here to pick you up and take you with us providing you can help us in our cause." Xero said to them.

" I am sorry mister, But he is not going anywhere with out us, We must keep and eye on him cause he has caused to much destruction and that is that." Meryl got the guts to say something to them.

Vash grabbed her arm and then looked into Angel's eyes and said

"Angel huh, You are a heavily armed angel that is for sure, You have 4 guns 2 strapped on the hips and one is at the of small your back and the other is in your boot and a shot gun hanging on the left side."

" You got all of that just by my tail?" Angel said to him.

" Yeap," Vash said.

Xero looked at Vash and had an evil thought go threw his head. " Lets get this dude drunk. Be sides Angel looks like she needs a good drink anyway."

Xero looked up and spoke to the man that was standing next to him. " Ok Vash, I have a challenge for you and it a drinking contest, If you drink me under the table then me and Angel will leave with out you, But if I drink you under the table then you come with us to go and get Legato and your brother."

" Ok Fine." Vash agreed and thy went back into the saloon and put a table in the middle of the room and Xero hailed the bartender.

The bartender walked up and asked " Can I help you?"

" Yeah, We are going to have a small drinking contest and we need all of the drinks that we need to get drunk with. Oh and by the way I also need some drinks for the ladies here too."

" But sir you had twenty before you walked out the door . I am not going to serve you any more drinks." The bartender said back to Xero.

" Ok how about this, I throw this penny up into the air and use this tooth pick and pierce a hole in the middle of it? Let me drink all I want?" Xero said to the bartender.

" If you could do that then I would let you and your friends drink for free." The bartender said to Xero.

Faster than anyone could blink, Xero flipped the penny into the air and then took out the pick that was in his mouth and shot it into the penny as it came down and landed into his palm. He gave it to the bartender and he inspected it. He put it up against the light and right in the middle was a tiny hole. The bartender looked at Xero and then said.

" Ok you get all the drinks you want for free and what would you like to have?"

" I would like The Basterd smile double shot for me and a single shot for my friend here." Xero said and then smiled at the woman. " Is there anything else that you ladies would like?"

" I would like to have 8 shots of the best whiskey that you have." Angel asked

" I would like to have some salon tea if you have it?" Milly asked.

The bartender looked at her with a quizzical and said that they didn't have any.

" Well ok give me some wine then." Milly said.

" Ill take the same thank you." Meryl said.

The bartender went back to fetch the drinks and before too long He had 20 glasses on one trey and the rest was on an other he distributed them amongst the men and woman.

Vash and 10 glasses line up and Xero had 10 in front of him.

Angel sat there stair ing at the whole thing as she went threw her 8 shots. She noted that Vash almost had almost won it when Xero closed his eyes and then flipped them open and stared at the blond man with pure simple glee. It had been three hours since it had started and the fact was Xero was on his 10'th wolf man cocktail and 100 or more shots of strait whiskey.

" I have got to go and use the bathroom." She stood up and took off the trench and walked towards the bathroom when one of the other men had watched her as she took off her coat. He stepped in front of her and stopped her.

" Well pretty lady would you like to see what I have for you?" He said in a drunk stupor.

" I would like it if you have moved so I can use the bathroom, But as I see it I don't want anything from you." She had said to the man. Who had mistakenly moved his hand to grab her ass. Then she reached down and grabbed his package and squeezed her hardest and he was more than sober when she looked at him and said.

" I did say move or you will lose all that you value."

The man moved and she let go. Walked ahead and then she felt another hand grab her around the neck and pulled her back into him.

Xero watched the whole thing as he sat there drinking his drink and got up so fast and was in front of the pair and reached out grabbed Angel and punched the man out and then he looked down and said to the man.

" No one and I mean no one touches her, but me." just loud enough for the man to hear it.

Angel got back to the table and then she said. " I think it would be wise to finish this in a privet room?"

" Yeah that sounds good to me." Meryl said in some what of a slurred speech.

" I happen to agree on that myself." Milly said as she almost looked like she was about to pass out.

" Ok fine and dandy. We will." Xero got up and walked up to the bartender and said some words to him and the bartender agreed to do so. He gave Xero two keys and they all went upstairs.

Vash and Xero sat down on the floor. Well Vash fell on the floor and then sat up. Xero sat down almost like that but he still had gentleness not to fall down. He was buzzing but not yet drunk.

There was a nock on the door and Angel got up to get it and there on the floor was 20 more drinks and another 20 for the girls. She picked them up and set the first 20 in front of the guys and she set the next to her and Meryl. Milly had all ready passed out and sleeping in the next room.

Angel grabbed on and slammed it down. As Xero did the same thing. It continued like this for the next four hours.

Angel got up and was walking like a drunk person would and went to the bath room. She came in and sat down again but next to Xero. She watched as he drank and the same for Vash. She turned her attention back on Xero. He turned to her and then back to his drink and he said.

" Why are you bothering me?"

" I just wanted to watch that is all." She slumped up next to him. Taking her own drink and then slammed it down. It was her turn to ask something.

" Why are you trying to kill me?"

" Cause I love you." Was the answer she got. But dismissed it because she knew it was the alcohol that was talking. Just as that was done Xero snapped his fingers and a whole line of donuts was on her tail.

Vashe's nose twitched and he looked over and saw them. and he said this. " I give up Xero my friend, I will go with you to find them." He reached over to grab on of the donuts as he did Angel gasped in a slight air take in. All the while Xero got up and was going to the bathroom when he was stopped by Meryl who dropped down on her knees and looked up at him with pure lust.

" Meryl get up off your knees." Xero said to her but she was not listening.

" No, I must have it." She said as she reached up and unzipped his fly.

" Why Meryl do drinking get you horny?" Xero asked in amusement.

" Yes it dose." She said as she watched it come out and wrapped her hand s around it.

All the while Angel was shaking with pleasure as Vash was nibbling around the donuts that was on her tail. She got up and helped him up and said " Want to compare big guns?"

Vash being drunk as he was nodded his head to say yes. They went to the other room.

( That is where I am going to leave it.)

************************************************************* ***************

The next morning Xero was up and walking around with out the slight hint he had a hang over. Angel woke up in the arms of Vash who was sleeping soundly. She got up very slowly and got dressed and went to the other room. Xero stood there and looked at her and thought to himself " Damn she looks like shit. Not going to get her that drunk again if I can help it."

" Have a good time?" He asked his partner.

" Yeah as much as you did." She said back to him and sat next to him.

They both heard moaning coming from the bed and looked over to see the Meryl was getting up and she did have a hangover. Angel got up and looked over to find a small spot of red coming out of the bed She didn't give it a once over and she went out the door to find food.

Xero held his breath as he watched the red wig was revealing it self under the cover as Meryl got up and went to the bathroom. He got up and grabbed it and put it in his jacket. Angel came back up and looked in on Vash who was getting up him self and he looked over to see Angel staring at him. Immediately he covered himself and gave one of those faces he dose as she closed the door behind her.

" I wanted you to know that I know what has happened with you. Those scars that you have I can heal them and make sure that there will be no more hurting. I am a Dr.," She said to him.

" How can you do that?" He asked.

"Here take one of these and chew it up and swallow." She said back to him and gave him the bean. He ate it and instantly he felt better and a lot more energy surge threw him. He got up and inspected himself in the mirror just about all of the wounds were gone and healed nicely.

" Your arm will not be restored but we can't have to much of change on you now can we? Do you remember everything that happened last night?" She asked him.

" Yes, Everything I remember. I felt your sorrow and afraid of the man in the next room. But I will tell you this you are a remarkable woman with love and compassion that can over take that man and heal him if he wants it." Vash said as he got dressed and was ready to walk out the door with her behind him.

" I thank you for the kind word Vash, but I can't do it, to much has happened in my life and that he is apart of it." She whispered low.

" What your aunt did to you was wrong." He said low and watched her surprise cause he knew this.

" Hoe do you know this?" She asked.

" You had a nightmare last night. You talked threw your sleep and then latched your self on to me for the rest of the night. That is how I know." He said

" I am sorry Vash, It seems the harder I try to forget they get to the point of actually of being there again. I try not to have them but they have gotten worse every night. Thank you though." She said as she walked out the door. She was half way down the hall when she heard Meryl go on a triad.

" Where is Vash and has he left with out us?" Meryl said really loud and Angel covered her ears. Milly was standing out side of the room that she was in. Yawned and said "hello" she was all ready dressed and was getting ready to go and get food for her friends.

Angel walked into the room and saw Xero almost in pain as Meryl yelled out for Vash. Vash was right behind Angel and when Meryl saw that she shut up. They gathered their stuff and went down stars to pay for the night and leave.

On the third day of searching they landed in a small town and went to see about a place to stay the night. Things got heated up between Angel and Xero. The next morning they were ready to go and they walked out the door.

They were out in the road when Vash stopped and looked over to see two figures coming out from the desert. He knew who they were and he looked over to Xero and he looked to where the figures were and in deed there was Legato and Knives. They got closer and closer and Angel felt her hair start to get statically and when she saw Legato. She knew he was a very bad man.

************************************************************* ***************

Angel sensed that Xero had changed to M Xero and she looked over to him and saw it on his face. She turned back and saw that Vash was ready.

" What are you looking at Bitch?" M Xero hissed to her.

" Nothing just leaving." Angel said.

Xero changed back to himself and then said, " Well it was not entirely directed to you."

" I know." She said back and took her leave with the rest of the girls.

Knives and Legato looked over to the men that were waiting for them to arrive and they looked at each other and then back to Vash and Xero with some scary smiles.

" Well my brother it seems that we cross again." Vash said to knives, as he got closer.

" Yeah it is are you ready to die?" He said to Vash as he drew out his gun.

Now legato was not that stupid he went to a different house and saw the three girls there. He went over to them knocked out Meryl and Milly and grabbed the red head. He walked back out into the street and looked at Xero.

" Well it seems that we met again Xero and this time you have a partner. Hmmmmmmmmmmm she would make a good playmate for me in my chamber. Would she not?" Legato said to him.

" Get away from her, She is not yours to have fun with." Xero said to him. But watched as legato take a knife and put it on her. Xero counted to three and watched as Angel turned around and grabbed his hand and twisted it around and made him drop it to the ground. She pulled back her fist and brought it down on him. The kicked him in the nuts. But he looked at her and smiled.

" Legato get a life you can't take me that easy." Angel said to him.

" Run my pretty, while I take care of this man. I will catch up with you and have fun." he said to her and let go of her and she went to the girls and checked up on them.

Just as she left Legato in the middle of threesome between him and Xero it turned in to a three-way conversation them all. Vash looked up to see a young child walk in Legato's grasp. Vash pulled his gun out and pointed it at the child and then moved it so it would hit the ground and not the child. He fired it and the child just stood there in shock. Angel then turned around to see the child and took off as fast as she could to get the child away from that man.

The Child started to cry as legato reached out to grab her. Just as that was done Angel launched herself into Legato's side and elbowed him and tried to knock him down. In that same instant she grabbed the child and flung her into the arms of her mother. At that same instant Angel looked down to see where legato was and turned to him and looked him dead in the eyes and said.

" If I see that again, you do not touch a child or even harm them, if you are going to harm a child then harm me. Cause I ill tell you this you can't handle me. I have looked into the eyes of death before. Believe me I am not afraid of dieing for others." She said the last word and then thundered a right hook to his jaw and then saw that she was staring into death once again. She looked back at him and then shook her head and then projected a thought in to him and he was smiling.

She got up. Then turned to take her leave when she felt his hand grab her leg. But she paid no attention. But pulled a gun out and shot his hand. He let go but he was not in pain he enjoyed it. She left with out looking back.

Angel watched as Xero circled his way around Legato. He had a mental link with the man and this is what he said. " You know I have lived longer than any one here, you know what I am capable of doing. You don't want this."

Legato just sailed and then took one of his favorite toys and went into a fighting stance. Xero just stood there and laughed at Legato. But he took his stance as well. They went at it Xero was the first to take a hit in his stomach. Then he was hit be a right and a left. Legato was getting the best of him. He didn't want that to happen so he took out on of his favorite toy and it was a gun that was not even heard of even in booth worlds. The shotgun was a 44 caliber with silencer. He aimed it and fired even with the silencer it still was loud enough to sound like a canon going off and the town shook with the after kick. Xero him self had not moved. The dust cleared to see that Legato was still standing but in a different spot.

As she picked the girls up she noticed a tall man standing not to far away from them all. " Goku what are you doing here?" She thought to her self. She put the girls up and lowered he Ki and went behind Goku who was not paying any attention to his surrounding.

She reached out and touched his shoulder and said to him " Why are you here?"

He jumped out of his skin and dropped his food to the floor. He turned around to see her eyes that were on fire with hatred in them. He smiled at her and punched her in the gut and he went out to the street and waited for her to come out. She did and she was all ready at ssj. She came at him with blinding speed and landed a punch in his chest he went flying into the air.

" You have not been training Goku you have gotten soft." She yelled at him.

" You have been training? But you are still to weak to fight me little girl." He hissed at her and then came at her with a roundhouse kick but she dodged it and landed a hit in the groin and he landed on his ass and then looked at her and had a grin and said, " Is that all you can do? Please you have no way of beating me."

He got up and then landed a kick to her side and then kicked her high and across the street. She landed and skidded as he legs went wide and her hands were grabbing dirt as she stopped. She stood up and stared strait at him with pure unadulterated hate flowed there her veins when it sank down that he had killed her parents and it was him that had raped her when she was a little girl.

" Fuck you Goku, You are a disgrace to the Saijin race I denounce you as a being of that race leave now so I don't have to kill you dishonorable." She said to him.

When she spoke those words in their native tongue he was somewhat scared but he got up and said this " You have no authority to do so, you are no princess and you never will be. I know who you are and your past. You will not live long enough to have any say so either I will make sure of that. But for know you are right and I will take my leave, I will get you when you lest expect it." With that he left with out a trace.

*********************************************************** ****************

During that time Xero and Vash was back-to-back fighting off the others. Meryl and Milly stood there with there guns. They looked at Legato and then Knives. Knives held out one his guns and fired it at the girls who had no clue what was coming. Vash had seen it and the yelled out " GET DOWN NOW!" to the girl who really didn't hear him. Angel saw this and took off in time to move the girls out of the way when the gun went off and she was hit in the shoulder. She sat up and pulled out one of the guns and aimed it at Knives who expected to see the girl lying on the ground either dead or alive. She aimed and hit him on his side and he had a look of surprise on his face. That is when legato had his other gunfighter in the window aimed to shoot and he did but missed.

It was suppose to be a direct hit at Vash about it had grazed his left side and then hit the man that was standing next to him. Legato thought "well this guy will be dead from me if that redhead didn't do it first for him."

Angel for got about her wound and ran to their aid. She shot legato and Knives in the leg and in the arm. The she did a flip and shot the person and he fell out of the window dead. She leaned down and took care of Vash first. She opens him up and took survey of the wound and noticed that is was only a flesh wound it would heal fast. Then she went to Xero and inspected his hand It went right threw. " You at my house when we get back," She barked at him.

" Thank you Angel as Vash got up and retrieved his brother and took him to the hotel to try to heal him. They followed him to the hotel and Angel looked at the leg and took out the bullet so it would not get infected and heavily sedated the young man before he knew what happened. She looked at Vash and gave him some antibiotics so his wound would not get infected as well. Meryl and Milly and Vash walked out with Xero and Angel before they leave they said the goodbyes. Angel got up and then grabbed legato and they were gone.

Angel still bleeding from her wound threw Legato into the klink and too off to see if Xero was all right. But she got a surprise when Xero threw her on her bed and ripped her shirt off and then looked into her shoulder and to see if it was all right. He sensed the bullet still in her,

" Sorry hun but I have too." He said to her and punched her out and went fishing to get the bullet out and then wrapped it up and the gentle as he could kiss her lips and her head and then sat down on the chair that was in her room. He feel asleep and she woke up with a start sat up with the protest of her shoulder and looked over to see him sitting there and asleep she got up and walked over there softly as she could and checked out his hand to her surprise it was all ready healed.

She mad sure he was asleep when she said to him. " Xero I hope you can't hear this. I love you and care very deeply for you." She got what she needed and went to the shower room and took a shower.

As soon as she left the room he opened his eyes and looked at the door. And said to himself " As I do for you." He got up and went into the living room and talked to Vegeta and his son. Vegeta informed him a little bit of the next mission. Xero's face turned white and the fact of some one in his past has showed up in the Z files.

" Tell Angel I'll talk to her when she comes in for the briefing." Xero said and then left.

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The next ep is a two parter, they go to sailor moon to find the evil form of serenity. Xero will not be in this one much it will be all angel have to do to peace his past to understand him.