Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ The Last of his past ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The Last of His past

Angel woke up and got dressed in her suit and jumped into the car and took off. She didn't see Vegeta was all ready gone to the office. She rounded the corner and parked the car. She walked in and went strait to Krillin's office. That is where she meets Vegeta and Krillin and Kakarot. She looked at them with a quizzical look but sat down.

" Where is my partner Xero at?" She asked them.

" He will not be briefed to this case, He will be with you but so will Kakarot. You will need all the help you can get on this case." Krillin said to them.

" Ok what is it?" Angel asked as she looked into the case. What she read scared her a lot. She knew serinity and the crew. But what she saw just florid her.

" This could not be the same girl I knew in high school. And where did Darrin go?" Angel asked.

" That is part of the problem, It is all tied up with this evil girl like serinity, Must have took him before they got married." Krillin said.

" Well Angel, It is time to go and pick up Xero on your way out he is in his office. What ever you do. Do not tell him where you are going." Vegeta said to his niece.

Angel got up and walked to the door and waited for Kakarot to come too. They walked out the door and down the hall to the last door on the left. Angel opened it up and saw that Xero was at his desk doing paper work. She sighed slightly as she watched him.

" Xero come on we have to go." She said to him. He got up and put his duster on and walked to the door and saw that Kakarot was with her. They walked to the car and got in it and took off to the next case.

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Xero had to ask, " Where are we going?"

" To our next case why?" She said to him as she rounded the corner to the neibor hood she knew and loved.

" Just wondering." He4 said as he watched the buildings past by.

They parked in front of a house and Xero went white. Angel walked up to the door and knocked on it. She could hear muffled sounds coming from with in. The door opened and one of the girls opened the door and Angel showed her badge and they let the group in.

" When was the last time you saw Darrin?" Angel asked the girl known as sailor Saturn.

" The last time I saw him he was with that girl who was not Serinity." She said back and then looked at Xero and she piped in " You should not be here and you know it."

Angel gave Xero a look, but said nothing to him. " Something is wrong, He acts like he is scared or sad about something. It has to do something with his past." She thought to herself.

The other girls who were sitting and answering questions left one by one to go to collage or to work. The three were left to go into the room of their friend and search threw it. Xero remained out side to look around the house to see if he could find clues. Angel looked threw the books and found something very unusual and pulled it out to find a picture album. She flipped threw it and then it was there a big picture of Xero and Serinity holding hands and kissing.

Angel got a little mad at it but shrugged it off and went looking even farther. There in black and white was a pic of her friend in a wedding dress looking very unhappy and tears running down her cheeks. Angel closed it when she heard footsteps coming down the hall and coming close to the room.

Angel looked up and saw that it was Kakarot holding some evidence. She walked over and looked at it. It was a black rose with some blood on it.

" Take that to the lab would you?" She asked. He nodded his head and went down the hall and to the car.

Angel heard another footsteps coming from the other side of the hall. She pulled out he gun and waited and then she saw her friend but looked strange and almost evil. " Serinity, you are under arrest for kidnapping."

" I don't think so, my friend." She said to her.

Just as that was said Xero showed up and held his hand out with a ki ball. He let it lose and it missed its target and flew past Angel and hit the wall. Serinity still stood there and looked at him and then left.

" You missed her why?" Angel asked him.

" I would have like to see you make that shot. How could it not hit a target like that?" He yelled back and went out of the house and down the road.

Angel looked own the hall her heart ached when he yelled at her like that. She went back to the room and searched farther. Found two more things and logged it in the evidence. Then she walked down stairs to see one of the scoots sitting there and she turned to look at the woman and a surprise and happy face came on it.

" Angelica, How long has it been since we talked?" Said Sailor Venus.

" Oh gosh, since high school." She said back.

They talked until Kakarot came back and waited for them to get done. They did and Angel told him what happened. They went back to the AFBI office and Angel walked back to the room that was hers and Xero's office to see him there disheveled. It scared her to see him like this. She walked to him and put her hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off and then looked at her with a death glair and got up and walked out. The second time he left her confused.

Angel got to her seat and took out the evidence and studied it hard. Then it hit her. She ran to the lab and put the article in to the micro lens and saw the fibers come in. She gasped at what she saw. She went to Kakarot's to share the info to see that Vegeta was there. To see that the real Serinity was there and talking to them. She saw her friend and went to her.

" Well it is nice to see you and not your twin." Angel said to her friend.

" Well friend as it is to see you." Serinity said back.

" What happened to you and Darrin?" Angel asked.

" Nothing, we were to get married with in a month." Serinity said back.

" Oh ok cause I did see a picture of you and my partner Xero." Angel said back.

" That was not me it was my sister, She was to get married to him and he left her at the alter." Serinity said back.

" Oh then why was it in your picture book?" Angel asked.

" Cause I held it for reference sake." Serinity said back.

Angel knew she was lying. But said nothing to it. She got up to leave and go home. " Would you like a ride back home friend?"

" No thank you I did drive here." Serinity said back.

" Oh good lord your are driving did you happen to kill anything on the way here?" Angel said with a laugh.

" No." Serinity said back with a laugh herself.

Angel got in the car but didn't go home she sat at the house the girls were living in. She watched as her long time friend drove up and parked. Then she saw him standing in the dark and went to her. They held each other and then they kissed. He left and she went into the house. Angel was madder than a wet cat. She started her car and was ready to tear off into the night but was stopped when she saw her friend in front of her ready to strike. Angel got out and then went to her friend. Serinity took in her fighting stance.

" Damn I am not going to fight her." Angel thought to her self. But got into hers as well. " The only way I will find out where Darrin is for her to take me to him. He maybe hurt." She thought again. She spiked her ki higher to get the attention of Xero who was not that far off. He sensed it as well did Kakarot. Then it dropped almost to nothing very fast.

Xero was the first one to get there but Angel was gone and so was Serinity. " Angel where are you? Why were you spying on me too." He thought to himself.

Kakarot landed next to him and then said to his friend. " You will have to chose who you want. It is a ploy to get you off balance and it looks liked it worked too." H e said to his friend. Xero looked at his friend and knew he was right.

*********************************************************** *****************

In a warehouse Angel sat on the floor and she woke you to the feeling of a very hard slap across the face. Angel looked up to see two Serenity's looking at her one had a pleading look in her face and the other was a cold hard un caring and un feeling carbon copy of her friend.

The good Serinity mouthed " Sorry." to Angel who looked like she was about to murder some one. Then she heard a groan coming from the corner and Angel looked around to find Darrin half alive and looking very badly.

" Let me go to him he is hurt and dieing I can heal him I am a Dr." Angel pleaded with the evil self of her friend.

The other Serinity looked at Darrin and then nodded for Angel to go over there and try to do what she could do. What almost made her gag was the fact the smell coming off of him took the cover down and gasped in horror. Then she looked at the evil Serinity and said. " I can not heal him like this he needs to get to a hospital that can heal him."

With uncertain look the good serinity was at shook at her soon to be husband. Then she looked over to her twin and pleaded to her. " You have me, you don't need him. You also have angel to bargin with. Let him get well I love him to much to see him die in agony." The evil one shakes her head and then nodded for Angel to take him anywhere he needs to go. The only person angel could think of to take him was to Bulma. Even is she hated her she was still a scientist.

Angel grabbed Darrin and promised to be back. The one thing she learned from Kakarot when she was healing was the instant transmission. She locked on to Bulma's ki and I T, it strait to her lab that she was working in.

" Bulma I need help." Angel said to her. With a look of surprise Bulma turned around and saw the half dead person she was caring.

Bulma put everything to the side and went to help Angel. " Take him to the medical ward and ill be right with you." Bulma said.

Angel carried the man that she knew once and this was not he. He weakly opened his eyes and noticed who it was. He opened his mouth to say some thing. Angel looked down and popped a sensu bean into him. He ate it. He felt a little bit better didn't look as bad either. She got there and put him on a gurney and started to strip him of all of his clothing. She studied what was wrong just as Bulma walked into the room.

" What happened?" Bulma said to Angel with a nun to friendly tone.

" I did nothing, He was kidnapped and I found him he is one of Serenity's friend / soon to be husband." Angel said back to her as she got hand cloths and with warm saline water started to clean him off. She noticed that his legs were broke it two different spots. She new he was going to be in the regeneration tank for a long time.

" Oh Ok so He is a Z file?" Bulma asked.

" Like I would tell you but yes he is." Angel shot back.

" Ok well pick him up and put him in the rejovie tank and it will take about three weeks before he can get out." Bulma said as the walked down the hall. Angel put him in the tank and put the oxygen mask on him and feed a tube down his throat to feed him to keep him alive that whole time. It was a lot more complicated that it looked. Once everything was hooked up and stuck in she closed the door and Bulma operated the controls to the human DNA and filled it up and he floated there. Angel left once she knew he was going to be ok.

Then she I T ed it back to where she was. To find out that Serinity merged back to her original self and once back into one person she was format able. She stood in the middle waiting for her friend to arrive back with news.

" He will be fine he will be out with in three weeks." Angel said out loud. Then she felt a cold hand on her shoulder and it turned her around to see that it was not Serinity that was doing it was one of their foes from the negative universe that was controlling Serinity.

The original Serinity got up ad walked next to her friend. " When you saw me kissing Xero it was a kiss goodbye. He felt bad for leaving me at the alter and he wished me and Darrin good luck in life."

Angel looked at her friend in shock of what was said. Just as that was done Serinity held out her locket and said, " Moon power!" and transformed into Sailor Moon.

Angel took the Queue and pushed her self to the limit and transformed to ssj2 and waited for her friend to make a move.

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Across town Xero and Kakarot looked back to the place where they felt Angel power up. Just as that was done Xero got a phone call and it was Bulma who informed him that Angel dropped off Darrin and then left.

" Well Darrin is well he is with Bulma getting treated I guess, Angel dropped him off." Xero said to Kakarot.

" Good I knew she could pull this off with out you. But she still needs you though so come and rival in her true fighting.

Xero was perplexed but followed Him any way and landed out side of the shipyard by a warehouse. They entered but made no move to help. Xero looked up to see her in a new out fit just like Serinity and held a staff that was pure white and held a jewel in it that was twice as big as the largest diamond.

Kakarot leaned in and said to Xero. " The reason you two knew each other for so long was because you guys grew up together and it was erased from your and Angel's minds. She has many friends and has learned a lot of fighting styles. See her mom was part of the moon community She was the Queens niece. This is something that even Vegeta didn't know about or ever will. When her mother met Angel's father she went got married to him in her custom but was bonded by Saijin rights. That is how Angel came along. They landed here and started to raise their child until they died in a car accident."

******************************************************* *********************

Angel waited for the Mega force bitch to move so she could attack. She did and went for serinity but she moved and dodged the punch as Angel grabbed the things arm and tossed her to the floor. But didn't noticed that she shot a ki blast that was flying toward her friend.

Serinity saw it and coward as she stood there in shock and dismay. Angel Let go of the thing and it'd it and took the blast full force. She looked over to the thing and then smiled. The Saijin blood was taking over and with her staff she powered it up and shot it at the end of the jewel and it was ten times more powerful. The thing dodged it and went head first into Angels mid section and tried to knock out the wind. It didn't work. Angel batted her way and then took charge her self and landed a foot on her opponent midsection and stomped on it.

With a sick joyful glee Angel was stomping away. The thing screamed out in pain and then stopped. Looked up at angel and shot point blank at her arm with a poison that had al most killed Darrin. Angel held her arm and then looked over to see her friend was getting ready to fight.

" Damn Serinity take your time with things. Just jump into the fight when you are ready." Angel hissed at her friend.

" Oh sorry Angelica." She said back but took no move to help.

" Damn it, fine." Angel said and turned around to see the thing take no heed to the conversation that was taken to much time to finish. She smacked Angel hard and she went flying and hit the wall next to Kakarot and Xero. Angel got back up. Walked back to the fight to see the Sailor Moon was being strangled but this thing.

" Ok I had enough play time, now lets get this fight going." Angel yelled at the top of her lungs. She moved to her stance and stood there as the thing came at her. I hit her bust missed and kept going but missing all the time. Angel standing in the middle of it all eyes closed and concentrating on what was going on. She moved her hand fast enough where Serinity didn't see it happening but saw the thing land on the ground face first eating assfault.

When Angel opened her eyes they were blood red, She looked at the pitiful demon and said. " You were a worthy opponent, but you endangered my friends and my life and know it must end here. I show no mercy to any one who do this." Angel pointed the staff and the thing and enchanted a spell and it lit up and the power went to the huge crystal and lit up the things face.

The thing was just in aw at the amount of power the flowed threw her enemy. She wished that this never happened. And was gone when the power left the staff.

Angel saw that it was gone and calmed down and looked over to see her friend getting up and run to her. Serinity caught as she fell.

" Oh gosh don't do this to me Angel. You have to come threw." Serinity silently cried as Angel grabbed her arm that was poison and a white light came from her hands and engulfed her and Serinity. Xero and Kakarot walked up to them and Xero went to reach for them. But there was a barrier and he was electrocuted. When it died down he reached out and grabbed Angel and Kakarot grabbed Serinity.

" Angel, wake up please." He whispered into her ear. Nor knowing what he should be doing but lend down and kissed her lips gentle. Still no response came from her and he picked her up and was getting ready to walk out. But was stopped by the Sailor scouts.

" Don't leave just yet." They said and then they put their hands on Angel and concentrated hard and one by one they let some of their energy. Angel's eyes fluttered open and she looked right into Xero's eyes. She noticed that there was a tear down his cheek. She reached up and wiped it off. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

" I think I can walk." She said to him. He put her down and still held her as she walked back to her friends.

" Friend and cousin, if you need help from me all you have to do is call. You know Ill be there." Angel whispered to Serinity.

" I know Cousin, Go home and rest, but I never knew you had that much power in you. We will have to talk about blood lines." Serinity said back and then watched them leave.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel and Xero walked out in time to see her Uncle Vegeta and Assistant Krillin walking to meet them.

" I see you made it." Krillin said to her she looked at him and gave him a death glare and then smirked the traditional Vegeta smirk.

" There is one more thing I have to do before I go home." She said to them. Vegeta grabbed her and Xero still holding on to her she I T Ed it to Bulma's medical word and Turned down all of the medical power that was hooked up to Darrin. She watched the water drain to leave a wet Darrin in the tank. She opened it up and but him on the gurney.

Darrin opened his eyes to see her. She closed her eyes and a white light came forth and enveloped him and healed al of his wounds and the poison was cleansed and left the body. The light left and Darrin sat up and looked at Angel who was stair ing at him with a smile. Just then Bulma and Serinity came threw the door.

Serinity ran to Darrin and gave him a hug and kissed him. She helped him get dressed and they left to only leave Bulma in the medical room. Angel looking Very tired and was about to pass out from the lack of sleep then turned on Bulma. With the very same red glow that came from her eyes.

" It is your turn to suffer exactly like I did when I was a child and living here. Vegeta never knew what went on here cause you made me promise to that. So this is the first he will hear it and so with Xero." Angel said to Bulma. Angel raised her hand s and a gurney came flying to Bulma and she was made to sit on it.

" It is to bad that Goku is not here either. So I can shove a broomstick up his ass with out oil. To bad, I t will be worse when I get a hold of him." She whispered into Bulma's ear. Bulma shivered as that was said.

" What about me?" Goku said as she walked threw the door holding a whole chicken and eating it. He saw Angel standing there and noticed the change has occurred. He looked into her eyes and dropped the chicken he didn't feel like eating at that moment. Just then the room was surrounded. Goku grabbed Angel and left.

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Well peeps that is the season ending lol, No there is a part two to this.

What truths will be said and what is it about Angel that has Kakarot shaking in his boots? It's not going to be pretty folks. Weak stomach's is not intended for this chapter. Well on with

The Z Files.