Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ The Last of Her Past ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The Last of her past

Xero and Vegeta stood there staring at the place where Angel did stand. Xero was the first to recover and went out the door. Vegeta was next but he didn't have to the door, but went to his ex-wife and stood right in front of her, but before she could do anything he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down and with an angry face.

He asked. " What did you do to my Niece?"

Xero came back in and heard the question. He wanted answers too. He stood by and listens to the answers.

" Vegeta! I did nothing to her. But experiments on her." Bulma gasped out.

" Oh and what kind where they?" He asked but made no move to release her from his grip.

" I could tell you more if you removed your hands from my neck." She gasped. He let go but stood in front of her and Xero stood behind her.

" I did a lot of things to her. Made her weak and oh beat her o a pulp on one occasion and I also had a couple of men in hear and of course I fucked them and then turned them lose on her. She had to be oh about the age of 10 at that time and kept it up for the last ten years behind your back. I scared her into not telling you. I had this thing built and threw her in there a couple of times and you never knew the truth. One of those men was Goku he really delighted in it. He was the first to break her at that age. She was eating out of his hands. Until you started to train her and then she was harder to control. Then she left. She was a threat to my work and me. She is so much smarter and could take this over if I didn't have Trunks at the time." Bulma finished her side of the story.

Vegeta was so mad he didn't know what to do to this woman that he did love at one point. He was fuming and then he grabbed her and threw into the rejuvie tank and then looked at Xero who was just a pissed as he was.

Vegeta a clicked on the intercom and said this to her. " Mark my words woman I let you live so I can see Angel rip you to peaces and then take over your company along with Trunks my SON!!"

He clicked off the intercom and then looked in and saw that she was crying. He didn't give a damn about it. He walked out and then saw Kakarot standing there.

Xero followed him but stopped and clicked on the inter com and said this.

" I hope you know that I will be here to see it too. All of this crying is doing no good. Cause personally I don't give a damn if you live or die. Bitch"

Xero went upstairs and saw that Kakarot was trying to calm down Vegeta. Kakarot got him to sit down and that is when more of the truth came out.

" Vegeta my friend have you ever wondered who was your brother's mate?" He asked.

" No, cause it was not my business to do so." He answered back.

" Well it is high time that you do cause your niece has a lot more power be hind her than you realize. Her mother was the sister of the Queen. He landed on the moon and fell in love with her. They married in her tradition, but bonded as two Saijin would. They left and came down here to live and by that time she was pregnant with Angel. She gave birth. But what was it 8 years later they were killed in a car accident. Which left her with you. The power of the moon goddess past onto Angel and with the Saijin blood mixed in she is one powerful woman. She is pushed to the breaking point and it wont be long before we cannot control her either. You saw and felt the power flowing out of her. Her red eyes, but a lot of power she can also blame on Bulma too. With all of the experiments she has mental capabilities that area total loss to us." Kakarot said to him.

" I did happen to notice it and for once I have to agree with you on this. But what cause her to loss control like that." Vegeta asked his friend.

The answer didn't come from Kakarot but from Xero " Love, The love for me and family and friends is what pushed her to the edge." he said low. " But that is not all that has been making her push her self. It has been me too. With my split personality. It is kind of hard to decipher what I feel for her."

******************************************************* *********************

Some where in the desert Goku landed in a small warehouse and shoved Angel into it. He was close behind her and pressed a button and they went down in to the earth. When they reached the end of the ride she was pushed out of elevator and down a hall and into doors and there stood the most TV set she had ever seen. Some were reflecting off satellites to other world and time dimensions. Other was there for security reasons. But somewhere down into the holding tanks below them. The people she saw she recognized who they were. She turned around and stared into the black pools that were Goku.

" Why have you brought me here?" She asked him.

" Cause my little urchin, we have something you want and we want you." He said to her.

" What do you have that I want?" She said as she shifted her weight to the other foot.

" Well look into this monitor and see for your self." He said and the monitor came to life. And there on the screen was her mother and father. She came up to the screen and then looked back at him.

" I want to see them. Now!!" She said to him. " Ill do anything you................ No I won't do what you want me top do." She took her defiance pose and stood their waiting to be taken to see her parents.

" I don't want you to do anything, you can see them that is no problem. But there is one thing Xero is whom I want. You have no Idea who he is and how long he has been living do you. No you wouldn't but that is another story for another time and place. I need you to kill him. I know you can, But are you willing to do so?" He said to her while they were walking down the hall and stood in front of the door. It opened and there sat her mother and father with pleased looks and their faces.

" Mother, Father?" She asked quietly.

" Well Angel welcome to your life under my control. It was a decoy for you. You will do my bidding." He said threw the doors.

" No I will not and I will get out of here. Then you are mine. I will not kill the man I love." She screamed at him. She sat down and looked about the room and noticed the camera in the corner. She sat there and thought of a way to get out of there until she was woken up and dragged down the hall. Then thrown into a small room. She stood there not knowing what would come next.

" Ah Angel welcome to your reconditioning and say fare well to your life as you know it. It will keep up until you do what I ask." he said and the lights went dime and sound, site was bombarded with it all. When it was all done and said they grabbed her and dragged her down the hall.

She stood up and then threw the men in to the wall and the ran down the hall into the doors and then out and up she quietly went her way around the control room and up the stairs into the sun and warmth of the desert.

" Sir she has escaped. Do you want us to go and get her?" The officer asked the man eating his 100th helping of pudding.

" No let her go, She will learn sooner or later." He said back.

She found her Uncles ki and Xero's too. So she flew to CC. She landed on the walkway and then she went into the house and collapsed into the living room and stayed there until she felt hands upon her she slapped them all. She still struggled with them as they took her to the couch and laid her there.

She woke up about 3 hours later to see Xero was there and he let her head on his leg while she slept away. She looked up to see a lot of bruises on him. She reached up and touched his cheek. He stirred and looked down to her eyes and smiled generally smiled at her.

" I see sleepy head has woken up." He said to her.

She still is looking at him and thought in her mind " What has he done in his past? Why dose Goku want him dead and done by me? I can't kill him I love him no mater what he did in the past."

" Well it was nice to wake up to a person like you." Angel said as she slowly got up and sat there rubbing her eyes like she has always done.

Vegeta walked in and saw that she was up. He came from the medical ward to see the woman was still alive. Unfortunaly she was.

" Well little one, it is nice to see you up, you still have business to take care in the medical ward." He stated to her.

" Oh yeah, I still have her to deal with." She said but made no move to go there. Some where she was the little girl that was dragged down there and have unspeakable things done to her.

" I will I need a bath and something to eat I'm starving." She said as Vegeta went to the kitchen and started breakfast.

She went up to her old room opened it and then shut it. She went to Bulma's room and grabbed some clothing and took a shower. When she turned around Xero was standing there watching her. Stripping him self and got in. He reached for the soap and lathered it up his hand s and touched her skin with soft and gentle strokes he washed her back.

He noticed the scares that she carried, Every time she wore something to piss him off with, But he didn't know it was this bad. He watched her arms flex and the muscles in her shoulder contract with every move she made. She was build as a worrier but then she had the quality of a princess. She was a woman threw and threw.

She let him wash her back and then she felt him stop to look at the scares. She knew it right there in her head she knew he was disgusted with her and the way she looked. She let a silent tear fall onto the floor before she felt the finger of him work there way down.

He noticed the tear that fell. He reached dup and touched her shoulder and then turned her around he raised his hand up to her chin and pulled it up and saw the look in her eyes. " Angel, Don't I know now how I feel about you. I love you and it dose not mater what happened to you in the past and what scars you carry. I know what happened and I will not do the same I am sorry for what I have put you through for the past weeks it won't happen again." He closed the gap and captured her lips with his and they kissed. The water turned cold. They jumped out of it and dried off. She reached for the clothing but to find a training Gi there.

She put it on dried her hair and then put it a ponytail and walked down stairs to eat. She was done she gathered her nerve and went down to the medic ward and took Bulma out no to gently either hauled her up to the GR and threw her in it. Then she locked it up. Vegeta and Xero and Kakarot were in a room with three monitors in it.

" Well Bulma I hope you have some kind of religion, Cause you are going to meet your maker." Angel hissed.

Bulma was petrified to the core. That is when she knew she was going to die a slow and painful death. " Angel I am so sorry, I was jealous of you, I am sorry." Bulma pleated to Angel but the pleas fell on deaf ears.

" Sorry? You have no idea of the hell you put me threw and these scars you gave me. Well they are gone." She pulled the shirt up some to show Bulma. A few minutes left and all of the scars were gone. They were healed and fresh clean smooth skin was shown. Angel put that part of the shirt down and advanced on to Bulma.

She grabbed Bulma by the trout Angel knew she could just kill her there but she wanted to play with her. She grabbed Bulma by the hair and dragged her to the part where it held a whole slew of things. First thing was that she strapped Bulma to the gurney and gagged her mouth. Took out some needles and injected the same thing she injected her when she was young. But it in Bulma's skin and ejected it in to her. The she took a small scalpel and cut into Bulma's flesh.

Bulma was screaming into the gag. Then Angel took it out and whispered into her ear " Scream all you want nobody will hear you. Sound proof. Remember that?"

Bulma nodded her head yes. Angel got board doing this. She pulled Bulma up and made her stand there. Angel walked around and then noticed something that was play full she reached and grabbed a bat and swing it and hit Bulma's mid section. Angel swings again and hit the back. Bulma's body was racking it self with the force of tears that she was shedding.

" Crying Bulma? Those doses not work for me." Angel hissed and smacked her across the face. That was it and Angel lost it she had her fun and wanted to end this. Angel walked across the room and grabbed a long pole and put force into the swing of it and impaled Bulma,

Kakarot saw this and was scared shitless when she did that. He looked on though as a whiteness'. He looked around the room and saw various degrees of shock run threw the room.

Bulma was still alive but barely. She mustered the strength and said. " Kill me please."

" Death is too good for you, but I will here soon." Angel said and then enchanted a spell and damned Bulma to a world that she was to stay in for infinity. When it was done she looked over to Bulma and then twisted her head and snapped the neck. Angel walked away and then incinerated the body. She walked out of the room and down the hall and then out the door.

Xero was on his way to be with her but Kakarot and Vegeta both stopped him.

" She needs to be alone to sort things out in her mind and then clear it." Vegeta said to him.

************************************************************* ***************

She landed in a remote part of the earth and finally sat down to think. All thoughts and emotions were what were left for her to sort out. She sat their think and wading threw the tides of the emotions that ran through her.

One minute she was sad and then happy etc. She watched the sun go down the after glow of it was breathtaking. The pinks, oranges, and then the deep purple, The half moon came up into the sky with the tiny stars pin pricking there way threw the dark fabric of the on coming night.

Then she saw it, They were coming closer until they stopped in front of her, Mother and Father.

" Angelica we feel your pain. I know we were not there for you when growing up. But you have to believe in your self and truth the people who surround you. Namely you're Uncle and Kakarot and the man you love Xero. They will guide you." Her father said to her.

" My daughter, you have out done yourself in this world and that you have grown up so right and just. I miss you and love you. Please heed what your father has said. The next time we meet will not be to soon I hope." Her mother said and then they were gone again.

Angel sat their cried to herself and found out what was said was true so she dried up her tears and went back to CC. She sensed every one was asleep and she went in and then went to her old room. Took out something that no one would guess.

In the back of the closet sat her tap shoes and a few other things. She walked down the hall to the GR and went in and locked it up. Put a tape in and warmed up a little before hand.

Angel thought to herself. " I only done this to work out the legs and strengthen the stamina." She watched the tape rolling to her favorite movie. She did the motions and danced around the room like she never missed a beat.

Xero sat in the booth and watched it all unfold in front of him. She even knew the steps to the bad guys. Vegeta's room was right next to the GR she was using. He woke up the music blaring and light tapping sound coming from it. He got up and looked around and then he knew what kind of music that was and went to watch he had always loved it when she did this. She was beautiful and graceful when she did. Kakarot woke up and walked after Vegeta too. The three men in her life was watching unknown to her.

************************************************************* ***************

The only way she ever got ride of the frustration she had as she grew up was dancing all kinds it didn't matter. The dance she liked came on and started to do it. She was felling better and was enjoying her self. She got hot and stripped off the shirt she was wearing to revel a sport bra and she continued to dance. Fully engrossed to it.

In the booth Xero sat up to the dance she was doing and kind of got a little hot to it. He noticed the shirt coming off and almost fell out of the chair.

It went on till it was done, But she was not. Popped in the other tape and did the same thing over with different steps.

(Sorry people I love lord of the Dance and feet of flames just had to put it in there.)

********************************************************** ******************

The next morning the guys found her asleep on the floor of the GR and it was just pure exhaustion.

She woke up later that day and went down stairs. To see the bots cleaning everything that was Bulma's out. Then it hit her she killed out of hate and cold blood. She went to look for Vegeta and to find out her was training. So she went to see if Kakarot was around and he was with Vegeta. So the last hope was Xero and she found him in the garden alone and seams to be asleep.

" Yes my red head one?" He said with out looking up at her.

" I just wondered if you would like to help me clean out my old room?" She asked in a polite voice.

" Hmmmmmmmmmm, What is in it for me?" He said with a smile that could make any woman melt.

" You get to know everything about me again. Maybe something else if you be a good boy." She started back at him and left. He was amused to what she had in mind. He really wanted to find out too. So he got up and went after her. When he reached her old room. She had all ready threw out a whole slew of things and only kept some things that was very dear to her.

He stood in the doorway watching every move she made. The way she bent down to pick something up and then the way she lend over the bed to grab something. The thought came to his head. " She didn't want help, She wants me to watch what she is doing and she knows it is driving me nuts." A smile crept up and he had to say something. " You dance like a goddess. What was that dance you did? Slinking around like that. Do you know what that dose to a man?"

Angel looked up and crimson crepted up into her cheeks and then she was mad. " What were you doing spying on me like that? For your info mation it was a dance for the gypsy. Why did it get to you?"

" I will not answer the first Question on grounds it would incriminate me and others of last night. Really then you have to show me that dance alone then. And three, the truth is yes it did." He answered all of her questions in one breath.

" Um that was really strait forward. Ok you want to see it then meet me in the Gr in half and hour." She said and had an evil smirk run across her face. Oh and I hope you know how to dance."

He left her to her own devices and cleaned out the rest of the room and then instructed the bots the way she wanted it back and what is to go where.

Angel stood there warming up her legs by stretching them as far as she could. She remembers what she said, " I hope you can dance." then this came to her mind. " What was I thinking when I said that. I sounded like a teenaged schoolgirl. That was bad really bad."

She heard the door open and shut and then locked. Angel looked over to see Xero standing there nothing changed with they way he dressed but his coat was off and the shirt he had been wearing was gone just showed his bear chest that was ripped with muscles and scares from him past life. She gasped at the sight of him and nearly fell down.

She stood up when he said, " I am here for that special dance and my first lesson." with a huge smile.

" First lesson?" She said back with a strait face. " OK well, then this is going to be fun."

Xero looked back at her and had her in his grasp. He knew how to dance and he was going to blow her of her feet.

He walked up to her as he did the clicking sound was heard by her. She flipped the tape on and it was set to the spot she needed to be. " Well if he wants a special dance than he will get one." The music started up and she went into that mode. She leaped into the air and landed lightly and went to the other corner and then back she stopped in front of him grabbed him and then swung herself around him and then left. She then stopped again and held out a hand then lifted a finger and beckons him to come near. He did and he didn't let her go they kissed.

The next song came on she let go and did that dance she did and when it got close to take the shirt off she did. Too much of his satisfaction. She lends on him again and this time she caught his lips in the warm embrace of another kiss. It stopped and the music went faster and she was right in tune with it.

When it had stopped for the next song he shut off the tape and put in his own and grabbed her and held her tight close to him. It was the same music on the tape. It was slower and had more of the violin in it. They moved with the music. She got closer to him and felt him breath with each heartbeat she heard. She smiled and let him lead in the dance.

They stayed that way for the longest time. Until Stolen kiss was played. That was when he let her go. She did what was expected alone until he came in. He was getting ready to jump in. He did and walked behind her. Grabbed her hips and dipped twice and then back again. He stomped his foot and she went back to him and did the same thing. She walked away from him and he did the stomping and she came back to him and they stayed that way until the song end they kissed.

He held out his hand and as if for her to stay away from it. He was light on his feet and did the exact same thing and then he grabbed her and laid her down on the ground and kissed her with all of his might. She was breathless.

****************************************************** *************

He lifted him self up to be pulled back into her embrace. She then touched his face with light touches and she heard him groan somewhat. His hands that were roaming found their spots and lifted the sport bra away from the breast. He looked down to see where they were and one hand went to one and the stayed free he left the kiss and his warm breath he trailed down to her right breast and planet soft kisses on it and then he sucked at it lightly. He nipped at her nipple and then sucked on it

She nearly screamed in pleasure when he nipped at her. She let her hands wonder over his body and was happy to do so. She had to control herself of just not ripping everything he had on. She felt his kisses go down farther and then at the rim of her tights. She let him tug them down to leave her completely open and very much naked.

He let himself be undressed by this red head and he also was completely open and very much naked. But he had no heed to it and then went on to his business at hand. Speaking of hands his was roaming all over her body and down the legs and back up. " Hmmmmm she really is red all over." He thought to himself and then slowly he started to kiss her inner thigh going up. With each kiss he planted he could feel her shiver with agonizing pleasure. He enjoyed the endless musings that he was giving her. H e could hear her moan softly as he reached her inner core. His lips slightly touched the out side of her and then slowly he moved in for the inner part of her. His tongue opened her lips and moved in cause the smell of her was the strongest and he was attacked to it. His tongue made a lap over the clit and sent shivers up her spine.

Angel gasped as his tongue touch her. She felt herself constrict on it self and quiver with anticipation. His tongue went in deeper and she grabbed his hair and bucked under neith him. Her groan was loud as he sent her over the edge she came with a scream that would have woke up the dead.

He moved from her and to his surprise she got up and laid him down on the ground. She kissed him and the moved to his neck and nipped at the hollow of his neck and collarbone. He himself gasped as she did this. All the while her hands moved down and touch his member. It quivered as she touched it very lightly and gently. The moved herself down and then planet a very wet kiss on his head. She straddled to lick it like a lollipop. She reach the tip of his head and then opened her mouth and enveloped him whole and moved up and down with ease. She pulled her self up and went down again and she felt him shudder with each stroke she did.

He reached down and pulled her up and then laid her back on the ground and straddled himself between her legs and moved ever so closely. He reached at her opening and then he looked down to see her eyes pleading to take her. He was ready for it and moved into her very slow he wanted to relish the feeling he was enjoying. With one thought and he buried him self into her.

She gasped out loud with the sudden move. Angel recovered and started to move her self up and down. He caught on and moved on his own will. Trying hard not to fuck her so hard that she would die right there. But his instincts were taking over.

" Xero, You are not going to break me, please take me now I want to feel you come in me. The harder you go and the more pleasure will have." Angel said as she picked up his thoughts.

His instincts took over and he drove it in to her with no mercy. He grunted as he did and he was in human speed as it was.

Angel just clutched on him and was for the ride of her life. As she did she thought. " This must what heaven must fee?" She felt herself shudder, as she was getting ready to come once again. She reached his ear and started to nipple on it as a long groan came out. She felt her self clinch around him and made it tighter for him. She heard him grunt as this happen. She felt him shudder as she new he was coming close as well as she was. He stopped and got off and flipped her on all fours and entered her that way and she did scream in pleasure as he did. He reached for her tail and stroked it with soft gentle touches as he hammered her.

She could not contain herself as he touched her tail. She came with a huge scream that connected his name. That was it and he came a moment later.

" ANGEL!" As his voice over powered hers. He came with such force it triggered another orgasm with in Angel shuddered with much delight. He slumped on her and then got off and picked her up and opened the door and walked up the stairs to her room. It straddled all over again.

The next morning she woke up to him holding her naked. She smiled at him while he still slept. " I love you Xero with all of my heart and Soul." She whispered and fell back to sleep.

Xero popped open an eye to see her sleeping in his arms like it was meant to be. " I love you to Angel with my very being." His eyes drifted in to slumber again.

All were sitting in the living room and that is when the doorbell was rung and one of the bots got it and let Krillin in and he walked to the living room and saw them there. He walked up to Xero who was sitting there and watching Vegeta beat the crap out of Kakarot in a video game.

" Here is your guys next mission." He said and sat down next to Angel who in turn was beating the crap out of Vegeta in the same game.

When she was done, (She lost but she let him win and Vegeta knew it.) it was Trunks turn to play and she took the folder and read it entailed.

She put it down and said " Great we get to help a bunch of fucking kids to fight of kami damned demons. Sounds like a babysitting job to me than a damn case."

Every one turned to look at her and how many time she had cussed in that little sentence. Krillin mouth hang down and was in aw at the language.

" Krillin, Shut the mouth or a fly might land and you will swallow it or worse it will just stay that was and besides it is not flattering to your face. So please shut your mouth." Angel said.

Vegeta almost lost the laugh that was trying to escape from him. He did and thought, " Well she took on some of the less enduring traits of Xero, but she is happy." He watched her get up and the get ready to leave.

Angel got up and got dressed but not in her suit that she usually wore. But something simple and neat, the same black shirt and jeans and the same Black trench and boots, Hair up in a ponytail with the same sunglasses. Xero standing at the end of the steps waited for her to come down. He saw what she was wearing and he smiled. They set the coordinates and left in a whirlwind of electric and wind.