Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Of a Close shave and Babysitting ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
Of a close shave and Babysitting?

Angel and Xero landed right in front of Yusuke and Kayko who were just talking. Scared the twosome away from each other.

" See told you this will be a babysitting job, Break it up you two don't need baby's as of yet with you too." Angel said to the two youngsters. Who were petrified? Yusuke gain his composer and asked

" Who are you and what the hell did you say lady?"

" What I said was you don't need any flipping kids so break it up." She said to him.

Xero walked up after trying not to laugh his ass off. " Yusuke this is my partner Angel and I am Xero we are here to help on the next mission." He said and extended his hand for a shack.

" More like babysitting the kids except for Hiei and Kurama. Who are older than you and Kuwabara here." Angel said under her breath. Just as that was said a talk looking boy with the bright red hair came walking out of the shadows. " Oh wonderful we have the oaf of a red head clown to laugh at." Angel was promptly smacked in the back of her head by Xero.

" Yusuke. Who are these people and what are they doing here?" Said a blue haired woman on a stick and floating about their heads.

" I have no idea who these people are Botan." Yusuke answered her.

Now Xero being his usual self came up next to her and tried to kiss her lips and she looked own and said " If I was in my true form I would have killed you cause I am known as the Grim Reaper."

" I will take that chance." He said to her and walked even closer and gave her a kiss on her lips and nothing happened. Botan looked and waited for him to die but he stood there and nothing came and nothing was said for a long while.

Just then they all were transported into a huge office and they're sat a little boy. Angel looked over to the walls and so did Xero who was paying more attention to everything than what was ahead.

" Well Botan have you found out who these people are?" Koenma asked.

" No I have not Koenma." Botan said.

" Well then what is your name lady?" He asked her.

" My name is Angelica- Vegeta. I am with the AFBI." She said to the little man.

" And yours young man." Koenma asked Xero.

" Well my little man my Name is Xero and I am also with the AFBI." He said to the young man.

" Xero huh that name sounds like I should know it." Koenma said to himself.

" Why don't you call your father King Yama?" Xero said to the small boy.

" Ok I will then." Koenma said as he dial his father phone # waited for three rings and then it was picked up.

" What is it that you want?" Yama said gruffly.

" Ah Sir I called cause I have a man who thinks he knows you." His son said.

" Well what is his name?" Koenma asked while holding the phone away from his mouth, " What is your name again?"

" Xero." He said the young prince.

" Oh father his name is Xero." Koenma said over the phone.

" What!!!!! Tell him I am on Vacation and let them do what ever they need to help your men on this case. Don't let him destroy this world." Yama said over the phone and hung up on his son.

Koenma looked up from the phone with a mad look but then it clicked into his brain of whom that was and immediately sighed and then looked up and then stood up and said.

" Well Xero I am sorry to detain you and your partner and you are free and willing to come and go as you please. My father is on Vacation."

" I am glade to hear that. What is the case that you have these four men doing this time?" Xero said.

" The next assignment is that they have to go to the demon world and save a woman that is more better alive then dead. See she angel and I have no Idea how she got there. And her name is Melissa, She is very special case she is guarded by one man who yusuke and Kuwabra and the rest will meet for the first time and his name happens to be Vorngurth other wise known as Darkdeath." He said to them and then he instructed Botan where to go and let them into the other world.

*********************************************************** *****************

They all landed in the in front of the door that would lead them to the demon world. They went through it one by one and when all were in the door shut behind them.

" I don't like this place." Angel said to herself as she got a chill going up her spine.

" It is ok, we are here with you." Yusuke said to her.

" I don't blame the woman I don't like it here either." Kuwabra said back.

" Really, You the strong man here and you are scared?" Hiei said to him.

" This place is not to take likely. So keep your guard up." Kurama said back to them all.

" Really you all are a bunch of pussy's." Came from Xero. They started to walk even closer to where the lady was. They walked in quiet anticipation for what is to come up on them.

They reached the castle rather fast. Once at the gate they split into 3 pairs and took off into different parts of the yard and into the castle. Xero and Angel walked a long hall when they heard voices coming from the other end they ducked into a room and waited for who ever it was to pass by. When they did it was the rest of the gang.

" Hey guys it would seem that no one wants us to find this young lady." Angel said as she walked up to them.

" It would seem like that, but we have to find her and fast." Hiei said to them.

They all agreed to stay in one group and go door to door to find a way out when a huge demon walked right into them and stared in shock who could be out at this hour. Then he looked at Xero and knew who he was and left them alone.

" What the hell was all of the for?" Kuwabra said as he looked over to Xero and had a very bad vibe run threw his body.

" Kuwabra I would not probe my mind again or I will close the door shut and you with in my mind." Xero said to him. Just as that was said there was a scream coming from another hall that had opened up in front of them. They slowly went down the hall. Then there was one of 5 demons that they had to fight.

" Hmmmmmmmmm I knew I smelled fresh meat coming down this hall." The demon said as he turned around to look at them fully.

" Really, Well then you would not mind if we kicked this off with me know would you?" Yusuke said as he stood there in his stance.

" Why no you will make a great snack for me before dinner." The demon said.

Yusuke and the demon stood their facing each other when the demon came at him full force and got a right hand uppercut on Yusuke with no problem. Yusuke went flying into a wall but got back up and ran up to the demon and then kicked him in the knees and then left bunched him in the gut as the demon went down.

But the demon was not yet done and came back up on Yusuke and then hit him in the face to off kilter Yusuke it worked and he went down on the floor. The demon came up on the prone from of Yusuke and the put his foot on his face and stomped on it but was stopped of the second one and Yusuke grabbed his foot and twisted until the demon was screaming loudly. Then he threw the thing half way across the room. The demon didn't come ask up. But before any one could see Xero had all ready killed the demon and was on his way down the hall.

Angel and the rest of the team came running after him. They were at a t-junction and they had no clue which way to go. Then Xero turned and went left came up to another junction and he went right again as if he knew where he was going. Xero stopped and then look around to see that they were in a huge room and there sat a demon that was waiting for them. Kuwabra Stepped in front of Xero who was going to be next but didn't stop the boy from taking the challenge either.

" Aw I have been waiting for you and your gang, Hmmmmm sense the small one killed my brother dose this big oaf want to take me on?" He said to Kuwabra.

" I will and take you out." Kuwabra said and took no time to take the first punch up to him.

Xero yawned and then he left. No one noticed but Angel.

*********************************************************** *****************

Speed Racer world.

Xero landed next to the Mark5 and waited for the one man that really got on his nerves and there he was walking out to his car, Xero pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man that was walking and a shot rang out and hit the man right in the head.

" I always hated they way you talked, come here gramps I have something for you and your little monkey too." Xero said loud enough and chased after them.

He caught up with them and beat the crap out of the older man and took the monkey and then transported it to CC and let it lose to cause havoc on Vegeta.

********************************************************** ******************

He was back in time to Kuwabra to use the spirit sword to finish off the demon. Xero walked up and clapped his hands on Kuwabra on the shoulder and helped him up to his feet.

" Good job man, Angel is a doctor and she can help you out with these wounds." Xero said as he searched the room somewhere in one of these rooms there was his sword.

He didn't find it and saw that Angel fixed Kuwabra up and they left to find another hall and then two more after that then they were at another chamber and there was a female demon there. She had her back to them and turned around to see who had come in.

This time Angel stepped up to the plate. She took off her leather duster and gave it to Xero. " Hold on to this." she said to him.

" Wait a minute, She has never fought a demon as far as I know." Yusuke said to them.

" Oh but I have, so back off would you." Angel said as she turned to see what she was fighting.

The woman demon stared back at her and gave her a smile that would have killed Angel under normal circumstances. But this was not normal and neither was Angel.

" I wonder what he would say to fighting in your condition little girl. Dose he know that you are..." The demon never got to say the last word cause she was bitched slapped across the room. She got up and was shaken that this mere human had hit her that hard and she came a running and was intended for the mid section but Angel got out of the way and the demon went head first into the wall.

The demon pulled out a knife and came running to Angel who had sensed that she was going to do this moved over but not in time to save her hair that was chopped off. Thank goodness it was in a ponytail and it only made the ponytail shorter.

" Ok, This game is over and you are dead." Angel said as the staff that she had, appeared from now ware. Angel stood there chanting a spell and then she was glowing with pure spirit energy that almost made Yusuke envious of her. The rest just stood there in aw. Except for Xero who was wondering what that demon said was true.

This time Angel was the first one to attach the demon and raised her staff and let the spirit energy go into the staff and into the crystal at the end of it and fired it at the demon. A huge explosion was seen and felt in the room. They were knocked down and the only four standing was Angel and Xero and Hiei and Kurama. The other two got up just in time to see Angel walking back holding the staff and something else.

" Here is your sword you have been looking for since we got her." Angel said as she held it out to him. The rest saw the marking on it from the tip was an O-R-E-X to the hit of it.

" Thank but how did you know?" He asked.

" I read your mind." She said back.

" In that case, what was she talking about?" He asked.

" Nothing and she took care of it. She got me when no one was looking and she was that fast." Angel said as she looked down to see a red pool of blood under neither of her.

" Are you going to be all right?" He asked as he went to her. She held her hand out to stop him and then collapsed on to the floor. Xero picked her up and that is when he felt a dyeing small ki with in her. He looked down and then kissed her lips then he put her down and he knew what he had to do. He reached into her and pulled out the dieing child that was his and watched it die. He put it down and not wanting it here to buried at he let a small ki blast and incinerated it on the spot. He looked into her and cauterized the blood vessel before she bled to death. Closed her up and heat stitched it up and then picked her up and walked down the hall with his sword in it sheath and hung on his back.

The rest just didn't know what to say but none of them said anything to the fact that he had tears streaming down his face or the fact that he had murder in his eyes. They walked in silence when there was another chamber and there were two demons standing there and were ready to fight when they heard their sister scream as she died. Kurama and Hiei took their turns and Kurama looked over to Xero and said

" You and the rest go on, we will take care of these two and be with you when we are done."

"Besides it looks like you need to murder something or someone soon. So why not the ring leader then." Hiei said back to them. Xero nodded his head and walked on still holding her close. Yusuke and Kuwabra trailing behind him.

They walked own the hall and there at the end stood double hung doors. Xero looked at the two and went in. They followed in and then he laid her down crossed her arms and walked on. Then stopped and looked at the two friends he just acquired and said.

" You two stay with her. Don't let anything happen to her."

" Yes sir." they said and stood next to Angel.

Yusuke knelt down and touches her forehead and found it to be very hot. " Reach into my pocket and grab the bag that is there." She whispered to him. He did and found the bag and opened it up and to find out they were beans.

" What are these?" He asked very low.

" They are sensu beans let me have one." She whispered.

He reached down and grabbed one and put into her mouth she chewed it up and swallowed it. She felt to energy pulse threw her and she was healed of her wounds but not her heart.

She struggled to sit up Kuwabra and Yusuke helped her up. She slowly stood up and then looked forward to Xero and the demon known as Vorngurth. Then she felt the other two come into the room and looked at the same thing she did. Then she noticed Melissa sitting on the steps with tears running down her face. She motioned Yusuke and Kuwabra to where she was looking at and then said

" It is time that you guys save the damsel in distress don't you think?"

They looked at the girl and went to her and they grabbed her and dragged her with them and stood in the middle of all of them.

************************************************************ ****************

Xero stood their waiting for Vorngurth to show up and he didn't have to wait long. For this massive demon stood in his way and looked at the man before him and almost laughed.

" Pewny man what are you here for?" Vorngurth said with his big booming voice.

" Pewny???? I think I am not pewny. But anyway you are under arrest for kid napping and a vulgar display of power." Xero said to him.

Vorngurth laughed so hard he was crying. " That was the best joke I have heard in over a thousand years. You are a funny man. Any more jokes?" said.

" Um yes, you ready to die?" Xero said and his whole demeanor changed from the Xero to M Xero who was in no mood to be laughed at. He took off his sword and then his leather duster off and threw it at they guys who fell down at the shear weight of it. He put his sword back on and waited.

He didn't have long to wait either Vorngurth threw the first punch and Xero moved out of the way by sidestepping. Then he jumped up and gave Vorngurth a roundhouse kick to the chest. Needles to say he went flying. Xero landed on his feet and then flew at the demon and landed on Vorn's chest so hard it cracked 4 ribs.

Vorn howled in pain and Xero laughed. Another hard kick to the face Xero gave him broke Vorn's jaw and some teeth. " Think I am a funny man still?" he hissed into the demons ear.

Vorn shook his head to say no, but that was not what M Xero had in mind. His eyes turned cold and ruthless and mean. He pulled out his sword and swung it just above Vorn's jugular and saw his own blood pulsating out with each heartbeat. Vorn then reached up and grabbed Xero and held him up high and with one swift swing Vorn's fist met with Xero's rib cage and that he had 2 broken ribs himself. Xero laughed it off and then said.

" Is that all you got? Your groupies did more damage to me then you could. You and them killed my unborn child. That hurt me more than my ribs!!" Xero screamed at the top of his lungs. Everything shook in fear of the man who screamed. Even Yemma shook in fear. Koenma looked around to see the place cracked in several spots and even him shuddered at the scream and thought " Oh good lord what had Vorn done for him to go off like that." Xero stood there breathing hard and fast as he summoned his power and formed a ki ball that would have killed them all in his rage and pain.

Angel stood up and swayed a little when she walked up and up to Xero and put her hand on his shoulder. Then she looked down and saw the fear in the demons eyes but said nothing to the fact and she added a force field around them and then She added more power to the ki blast and stood there hand in hand together. They them selves let the ball go and every thing with in the force field was distorted and vanished.

Yusuke and The rest stood there in shook and dismay as the dust and smoke left. What surprised them the most was that Angel was floating in mid air holding Xero in her arms. She floated over to where she could lay him on the ground. He was not moving but she could feel that he was alive.

" Yusuke, Give me that bag of beans, please." Angel asked.

Yusuke complied and gave her the bag of bean and she shoved them down his throat. " Know chew damn it." She yelled at him.

Now Xero would have walked away any other time and he would have said a word or too, But this time he was not going to argue with her. He chewed and swallowed. Two seconds after that he was up on his feet and felt like new. He looked over to her and saw that she still had tears on her face. He reached and wiped them off then took her in his arms and kissed her.

Then there was a shot of sprit energy that came from the middle of the group and went strait to Angel and Xero but then by passed them and hit what was remaining of Vorn. Everyone turned around to see Melissa standing there with her hand held out. With that Melissa walked out of the room as the rest followed.

******************************************************** ********************

They were back at Koenma's place and they all said their good bye's Angel walked up to the two men and shook their hands and bowed rightly before she left.

" Don't be a stranger you two come back and see us some time." Yusuke said.

" I think we will sooner or later." Angel yelled back.

They left and got back to CC, Then Angel noticed the place was a mess and turned to look for Vegeta who was standing out in front of the GR looking in.

" Vegeta what are you looking at?" Angel asked as they walked closer, then she heard Xero giggle like a girl. " Ok what did you do this time?" She asked him.

He held his hand up as to say nothing. Then Vegeta laughed. " It would seem that your partner pulled a little trick on me and the house. He brought a monkey from Speed racer here and let him go. Very funny Xero bit I have it arranged to where it will be sent to Goku for a present." He said between laughing.

This time the whole party landed on the floor laughing hysterically.

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On the next Z files they land in the world of the X men. AHHHHHHH I love wolverine. Lol. So stay tuned.