Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Z Files meet The X-men ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The Z Files meet the X-men

Xero and Angel landed in the front of a huge gate and on the side of it on a bricked wall was a plack the said.

Xavier's school of the Gifted.
EST in 1993

And so forth. Angel walked up to the monitor and looked up to see the camera. She punched a button and some one answered it.

" My I help you?" It asked.

" Yes I am Angelica-Vegeta-Scully and I am with the AFBI and me and my partner is here to Xavior if at all possible." Angel said back while she was holding up her badge.

Just then the gates opened and they walked threw to only be greeted by Wolverine and Cyclops and Gene Gray. Gene was the first to reach out and took Angel hand and gave it a pump or too before letting it goes.

" It is so nice to see you again Angel. What have you been up to?" Gene said as she talked to her star pupil. All the while Xero was eyeing Wolverine up and down and thinking, " I can take that guy."

" Is that what you think?" Is what came back at him.

" Think???? It's what I know I can do." Xero came back.

" I will have to take you up on that offer then." Wolverine came back.

" Can do. When ever you are ready." Xero thought back as he what Angel come up next to Cyclops.

" I see you have not changed in a long while. Still seeing the teacher I see and no ring Shame on you." Angel said as she laughed. Gave him a hug and then came up to Wolverine. She just stood there not saying a word.

Then she got the nerve to say, " Logon, How have you been?"

" I have been better and you?" He asked back.

" Been good." Angel said back to him

" How are your aunt and Uncle doing?" He asked again. Then noticed a very black cloud pass over her face.

" I killed my aunt and my Uncle he is doing good." She said back to him and left him in shock. Xero walked up behind her and whispered to her.

" What was that all about?"

" Ill tell you later, But if you want an answer me and Logon use to be a item, but we parted on bad paths." She whispered back to him as they reached the office where Xavior was.

" Professor how have you been?" She said to the man behind the desk.

" My you have grown up since I have seen you." Xavior said to her. " I know what happened to you and that man over behind you. I also know what happened between you and your Aunt. Remember I read minds and control them." He said in her mind.

" Well thanks, but we are here to talk and need some services other wise help with a certain something." She said. " It is a good thing that Logon could not read mine or he would be shocked at something's that has happened." She thought back.

" Well the kids told me we had visitors but I didn't know it was a returning student." Storm said as she walked in.

" Storm! How has it been going?" Angel asked as she hugged the older woman.

" It has been good, been teaching a lot." She said to her friend.

" Well since we are all here I guess it is time to talk." Xero said finally saying some thing.

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They sat down and Xero began.

" The reason we are here and need help with a certain thing. You all have seen it and fought it. The Juggernaut. He is the one thing that our government wants or a certain person wants. That person would be Goku or the eating man which ever he wants. If we can get the juggernaut then Goku can't go through his plan. We the AFBI need your help in finding and capturing him."

" We will be more than ready to help you guys out but we need to bring in about two more people in this. One is a young boy that I hope can stop him. The other is a girl and her name in Rouge." The Professor said out loud.

" That will be fine, it will be two days when he will show up and that gives all time to train or what ever you guys do." Xero said as he sat down and waited for every one else to start asking Questions.

It was over it had taken about 1 hour to answer every question. Angel got up and stretched her body out and then walked out to the main hall and looked around to the place that she had grown up at. Bitter memories came flooding back but she didn't show it.

************************************************************** **********

That night after dinner she went out side and sat under the tree that she uses to sit under. She ate her apple and got back up and started to walk but there was a hand that held her back. She turned around to find the owner was no other than Wolverine.

" What have you been doing all these years?" He said.

" Nothing going to school and then joined the AFBI. Why were there some unresolved things you wanted to clear up?" She said in a slight mad tone.

" Yes there is, when we left we were mad but know I want to start it different. What about you?" He said quietly.

" That will be fine, As for being friends that is cool with me." She said and yanked her arm away and walked off. He ran after her and then stopped her.

" Wait this man you are with is there something between you two? He asked.

" It is hard to define, that on one hand there is a yes and then on the other hand there is a no Take your pick." She said to him.

" That is not a definite answer and you know it." He hissed at her.

" One answer is that I had a miscarriage and the fact is that I love him, Logon. You will never be replaced you are my first love. On that note it is wise that we are friends." She said to him and walked off in search of the gym. She got there and changed into something that she could train in. Angel knew she was pushing herself to hard after what had happened. It was two weeks before when she fought that demon and it still hurt her feeling of it.

Xero watched her train and he knew she was pushing herself but did nothing to stop her. He loved her but this was something she had to get over by herself. Then he felt two gloved hands on his back and he turned around to see a teenager and had one remarkable face. She held out her hand and waited for him to shake it.

" Hello my name is Rouge and I will be on your team." She said

" Nice to meet you Rouge." Xero said as he got this feeling that she had a crush on him al most instantly.

" Well I have to go to bed you know school tomorrow." She said, as her face grew really hot and red. She walked off confused but she was not going to let any one else know, that was for sure.

Xero turned his attention back to the woman that was training alone. Her top was off to reveal the sports bra as she went to the computer and typed in something and then the music was loud out side of the room. The list was extensive as the music came threw.

Xero turned around to see where his room was going to be and then left he was going to take up Wolverine on that offer.

*********************************************************** *****************

" Wow they have not changed a lot of my things since I left all of my music is still here." Angel thought as she was training. Then the song she had picked out so many years ago can on and she stopped dead cold.

( Linkin Park, Crawling)

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/I can't seem

" That is me I would guess, Torn between my love and hate. Never seems to end." She thought again and then went back to her training that stepped up a notch again. A flurry of kicks was kicked and not seen by the naked eye. She sensed some one was behind her and she turned around and almost knocked out Rouge. Who was standing there?

" Shit! Don't do that again unless you want to be knocked out cold or sent to the med ward." Angel said as she controlled her heartbeat.

" I am so sorry, I am Rouge and I will be on your team. I have all ready met your partner. He is cute." Rouge said but didn't want that to slip out.

Angel looked at her and then smiled and laughed a little. " He is isn't he?"

Rouge smiled and then took her leave to go to bed for the next day. She waived good bye and then left.

The music droned on. She continued her training by punching in the air. She picked up the punches and then ran to the other side and then she did a summersault into the air.

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

She landed hard and the whole room shook, " Dam I need a opponent this is getting no where fast." She said as she sat down. As the rest of the song played.

discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
against my will I stand beside my own reflection
it's haunting how I can't seem...

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing confusing what is real

She sunk her head between her legs and everything that has happened in the last year and half she let it out. The Rage got to her at the end and she stood up and powered up the place shook in that rage. But she didn't stop there. The pain of losing a child hit her full force. With tears running down she buckled over as the pain got worse and then she flung her arms and legs apart and screamed even louder and her muscles got more defined and bulkier. Her hair was changing between red and gold to even a brighter gold and then back to red and then it popped into the brighter gold. " So much pain, all of the anger, all of the loss, all of this I give to myself and live." She thought and pushed it down and then brought it up and out. Her scream was defning to who all that would have been there.

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
consuming/confusing what is real
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/confusing what is real

She felt her body transform into something else that she has not felt ever. Her hair was longer and face held somewhat of an evil side to it. But the rest was the same.

************************************************************ ****************

Xero was on his way to see where Wolverine was when the professor stopped him and motioned him to come into his office.

Xero followed him and then he stood there waiting.

" Xero, Do you remember everything from your past? If you remember certain things?" Xavior asked.

" What dose this have to do with the mission?" Xero asked.

" A lot and it has a lot to do with the young lady training right now." Xavior said back.

" I remember everything. There are something's that are none of your business and the rest is not for her to know about." Xero said

" Other words you are not going to tell her, She will have to find out by herself." Xavier said low

" I don't want her to know anything that I have done, it would kill her to find out." Xero said. Just as the last word was said the whole house was shaking to it foundations.

" What the hell?" Xero mouthed. He ran to the doors. Bits of the ceiling were falling down and then he went back to the professor and got him out of the room. The rest of the team was right out side.

" What the hell is going on?" Scott said. The scream was all around them and then it hit Xero and Wolverine at the same time.

" Angel." They said as they took off down the hall. They went to what was left of the training room. Angel standing their just looking out into nothing. The rest of the group came up and saw the same thing.

Some of the students were there and same where murmuring amongst them selves. " Wow that is so cool!!" Storm came up on them and shooed them away from the scene.

Xero and Wolverine went into the room slowly they didn't know what to expect from her.

" Angel??" Wolverine said He got no response from her.

" Angelica-Vegeta-Scully, Look at me." Xero yelled at her. She didn't do it at first but slowly her head moved to look over her shoulder. What Xero got was totally unexpected.

Angel voice was deep and resonated threw out the hall and house. " He is here and not far from New York. Get the team ready."

" Who is?" Wolverine said.

" Juggernaut, That is who." She said walked out of the room. People parted like she had the plague. Some of the students was so fascinated at her they almost boulder over. When they didn't move all angel did was something totally unexpected from her.

She watched them and then smiled with her toothy grin and scared most of them to leave. The one person who had stopped her was Xavior he had a suite and gave it to her.

" Sorry I don't wear that anymore." She said as she picked up her leather trench duster and went out the door and then took to the air and waited for them to get there.

Slowly the ship rose from its hiding place. Angel looked on and then said to Xero.

" I am going on a head and sense me when you get there."

Xero just nodded his head and got into the ship. They all watched her put two finger to her head and in a twinkle she was gone.

************************************************************ ****************

Angel was above the town square when she landed. No one was out to see it. Then she picked up the sent of Juggernaut. Went off into that direction.

Not far from her the rest of the team was on their way. 2 minute later they landed where she was at.

" Where did she go now?" Scott asked. The rest of the team surged their shoulders.

" She is off in that direction." Xero said as he pointed out the direction. They followed him until he stopped.

" I think we better split up and come this place." Xero asked.

" I think you are right, I'm with you." Wolverine said.

" Ok fine, but keep your mouth shut is that ok?" Xero said with a smirk on his face.

" Fine." Logon said and took off with Xero and the rest dispersed.

******************************************************* *********************

Angel was standing next to a drug store and watched the huge mammoth of a man walk down the street. Then she noticed the small man talk to him.

" Damn it Goku, Its bad enough you fuck up my life but why the world?" She said under her breath.

She stood there until she felt Xero and Wolverine walk up next to her.

" It is about time you guys got here. What kept you?" She hiss threw her teeth.

" It is slow ship and I can go back then." Xero said as she gave a look that could kill him.

" Fine Logon calls the rest we will need them." They didn't have to wait long cause they all came to the spot with in a few minutes.

Angel looked around and then said. " Ok here it goes Storm and Gene I need you two to make a diversion with the guards, While you 4 do this for me, Get Juggernaut's attention and keep him at bay, While me and Rouge go after Goku."

" Sounds like a plan to me." Scott said. They separated and went to different places.

The 4 got in front of Juggernaut and caught his attention. That is when the unstoppable force meets the unmovable object and this young boy did just that kept him at bay.

" Rouge do me a favor take off your gloves and touch his back, I know what happens but this is the only to get that man out of the picture." Angel said to her.

" Sure no problem." Rouge said as she went silently and touched the man's back and instantly He was on the floor. Angel walked out holding a gun and shot it at Goku. It was a Saijin tranquilizer. Then took out another gun and shot it at Jugger naut and it was darts too. Slowly the monster went down for the count.

" Wolverine Take Rouge out of here she will have some of his power and some of his habits but it will pass." Angel said as she helps him pick her up and take her to the ship.

" Xero we have to hold him and find a way to get him out of here and gone for good." Angel said as she reached down to see if Goku was still alive. He was.

" I know that but how?" He asked. He looked around to find something. Then a while light was there and gone two people came walking out and then said.

" Sorry to interrupted but that man has got to come back with us." said the being.

" Ok who are you and what do you want with juggy here?" Xero asked.

" He was in prison and some one broke him out and brought him here. I see who did it and you will have to deal with him. We will take Juggy as you have given him a nickname. He will be placed in a secure place and will never bother you guys again." The other being said and grabbed the hulk of a man and disappeared into nothing.

" Well that takes care of Juggy. What do we do about Goku here?" Xero said as the team wondered the same thing.

" We can leave him here but he would be to much trouble so we take him back." Angel said.

Goku woke up and pulled out his gun and shot it at Xero. But Xero caught it with ease. Then he was gone.

They all went back to the house and ate and it was time for Angel to leave again. She didn't want to but then again she did have work to do. All that greeted her was there and it was a bittersweet goodbye.

" Logon, Take care of your self, ill keep in touch with you and other things." She said and gave him a hug and went on down the line.

Xero walked up and faced Wolverine. " Next time we meet we really have to spar and see what we can do." Xero said to the man.

" When ever you are ready old man." Logon said and smiled.

Xero stopped in front of Rouge and bent down to give her a kiss. But she back away some.

" I all way want to kiss you but then I will be taking some of your power." She said back to him.

" Go a head and try but you will not kill him." Xavior said to her.

She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek and she siphoned some power but Xero was still standing with a smile and turned to leave.

*********************************************************** *****************

Xero and Angel landed back. He turned around as if he was going to say something but he was shut up with the kiss from Angel and said nothing more.

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On the next ep, the last of his past is a scratch to Xero he is older than anything and this will involve his old partner and explains a lot.